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Posted - 2 years 8 months ago
Link Check out artist Abbey creating a Valentine Deer!
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Posted - 2 years 8 months ago
Hey Farmers! We're working on an improved way for trick or treating and helping. This should make it even easier to trick or treat your friend's goodies while getting feedback of what you received.
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
MANTENIMIENTO DEL SERVIDOR DE BBW COMPLETO 28 DE SEPTIEMBRE A LAS 11 AM (Horario del Pacifico)Si quieres platicar directamente con el staff de La Granja.Dale click o toca la imagen de abajo.
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Posted - 3 years 2 Days ago
Please click on the link below to join us in Discord
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Posted - 3 years 1 Week ago
FULL BBWs SERVER MAINTENANCE SEP 28 AT 11 AM (PST).Chat with BBW's staff directly. Click/tap at the Discord link below.
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Posted - 3 years 3 Weeks ago
We know you miss us so much that you want to keep in touch directly with us.Well, I have good news for you; we have prepared and released a new tool that allows you to keep interacting with us when an upgrade or technical problem happens on BBW's game.Ben *airG-BBW* will be there, you can ask him all the questions you want, he will be happy to reply to them.Please click on the link below
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Ready for some Halloween Pranks?
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Can you name all of the mythical creatures of Big Barn World? Coming soon!
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
Happy International Women's Day!
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Ready for Valentine's???
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Our Epic Day of the Dead set! Those who gift a lot for Halloween baskets will get a sneak peek at this set first!
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
What's happening in this Spooky basement?
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Posted - 4 years 4 months ago
Hi Farmers If you contact us by email in the next 2 hours and we do not reply to you, please contact us through chat support at Link We are doing maintenance in server. Thank you for your understanding!... Hola Granjeros Si quieres contactarnos por correo electrnico en las prximas 2 horas y no le respondemos, contctenos a travs Chat soporte en Link Le estamos haciendo mantenimiento en nuestro servidor. Gracias por su comprensin! Hi Farmers If you contact us by email in the next 2 hours and we do not reply to you, please contact us through chat support at Link We are doing maintenance in server. Thank you for your understanding!... Hello Farmers If you want to contact us by email in the next 2 hours and we do not respond, contact us via chat support at Link We are doing maintenance on server. Thank you for your understanding!
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Posted - 4 years 4 months ago
Hi Farmers If you contact us by email in the next 2 hours and we do not reply to you, please contact us through chat support at Link We are doing maintenance in server. Thank you for your understanding!... Hola Granjeros Si quieres contactarnos por correo electrnico en las prximas 2 horas y no le respondemos, contctenos a travs Chat soporte en Link Le estamos haciendo mantenimiento en nuestro servidor. Gracias por su comprensin!
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Posted - 4 years 4 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 4 months ago
Hi Farmers If you contact us through email in the next hour and we do not reply to you, please contact us through chat support at Link We are doing a little maintenance in server. Thank you for your understanding!... Hola granjeros Si se comunica con nosotros por correo electrnico en la prxima hora y no le respondemos, contctenos a travs del soporte de chat en Link Estamos haciendo un poco de mantenimiento en nuestro servidor. Gracias por su comprensin!
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Posted - 4 years 4 months ago
Hi Farmers If you contact us through email in the next hour and we do not reply to you, please contact us through chat support at Link We are doing a little maintenance in server. Thank you for your understanding!... Hola granjeros Si se comunica con nosotros por correo electrnico en la prxima hora y no le respondemos, contctenos a travs del soporte de chat en Link Estamos haciendo un poco de mantenimiento en nuestro servidor. Gracias por su comprensin! Hi Farmers If you contact us through email in the next hour and we do not reply to you, please contact us through chat support at Link We are doing a little maintenance in server. Thank you for your understanding!... Hello farmers If you contact us by email in the next hour and we don't respond, contact us via chat support at Link We're doing some maintenance on server. Thank you for your understanding!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hey Farmers, tomorrow is Essential Worker's Appreciation day. It will be a one day triple credits event starting at May 1st 12:01AM PST to May 2nd 12:00AM P See More
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hey Farmers, tomorrow is Essential Worker's Appreciation day. It will be a one day triple credits event starting at May 1st 12:01AM PST to May 2nd 12:00AM P
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hola granjeros, maana es nuestro da de agradecimiento para los trabajadores del sector salud. Ser un evento de un da de crditos triples a partir del 1 de mayo a las 12:01 PST hasta el 2 de mayo a las 12:00 PST. Recuerda que si conoces amigos y familiares que son uno de estos hroes, agradzcale y hgale saber lo importantes e increbles que son!Hello farmers, tomorrow is day of appreciation for health sector workers. It will be a one-day triple credits event starting May 1th at 12:01 PST until May 2th at 12:00 PST. Remember that if you know friends and family who are one of these heroes, thank them and let them know how important and amazing they are!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hola granjeros, maana es nuestro da de agradecimiento para los trabajadores del sector salud. Ser un evento de un da de crditos triples a partir del 1 de mayo a las 12:01 PST hasta el 2 de mayo a las 12:00 PST. Recuerda que si conoces amigos y familiares que son uno de estos hroes, agradzcale y hgale saber lo importantes e increbles que son!Hello farmers, tomorrow is day of appreciation for healthcare workers. It will be a triple credit day event starting May 1th at 12:01 PST until May 2th at 12:00 PST. Remember that if you know friends and family who are one of these heroes, thank them and let them know how important and amazing they are!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hola granjeros, maana es nuestro da de agradecimiento para los trabajadores del sector salud. Ser un evento de un da de crditos triples a partir del 1 de mayo a las 12:01 PST hasta el 2 de mayo a las 12:00 PST. Recuerda que si conoces amigos y familiares que son uno de estos hroes, agradzcale y hgale saber lo importantes e increbles que son!Hello farmers, tomorrow is day of thanks for health sector workers. It will be a one-day triple credit event starting May 1th at 12:01 PST until May 2th at 12:00 PST. Remember that if you know friends and family who are one of these heroes, thank them and let them know how important and amazing they are!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hey Farmers, tomorrow is Essential Worker's Appreciation day. It will be a one day triple credits event starting at May 1st 12:01AM PST to May 2nd 12:00AM PST. Please remember that if you know any friends and family who are one of these essential worker heroes, thank them and let them know how important and awesome they are!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hi Farmers! Due to the Covid19 concerns, customer support team will not be taking any phone calls at this time. You are welcome to email us at support@airg.com for assistance. customer support team is online to answer your questions 24/7. You can also contact us through chat support by going to Link and clicking on Chat With Us to reach an agent. Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hola Granjeros Debido a las preocupaciones por el Covid19, nuestro equipo de atencin al cliente no atender ninguna llamada telefnica en este momento. Le invitamos a enviarnos un correo electrnico a support@airgames.com para obtener ayuda. Nuestro equipo de atencin al cliente est en lnea para responder sus preguntas 24/7.... Tambin puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros a travs de nuestro chat visitando Link y haciendo clic en "Chatea con nosotros" para comunicarse con un agente. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensin en este momento. Hello Farmers Due to concerns about Covid19, customer service team will not be answering any phone calls at this time. We invite you to email us at support@airgames.com for help. customer service team is online to answer your questions 24/7.... You can also contact us through chat by visiting Link and clicking "Chat with Us" to communicate with an agent. Thank you for your patience and understanding right now.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hey Farmers! Heres a preview of how account switching will work! Were still testing it out but itll work something like the video below. More news coming soon!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
I'm udderly excited about Mardi Gras!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
We're saved!!!! Link
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
A Short Video of how to validate your email on BBW. We go from one validated email address to another.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Michael the dog or Michael Scott from Link ?
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
5. Luego, el sistema lo redireccionar a la pgina de inicio de sesin; Toque en la opcin BBW-HD, y ver su granja con la direccin de correo electrnico validada. Y LISTO! ahora si podras adquirir los articulos del calendario.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
PASO5. Despus de ingresar la direccin de correo electrnico, el sistema le enviar un enlace y deber seguir las instrucciones para validar la direccin de correo electrnico en su cuenta. Recibirs un mensaje como este en tu cuenta de correo electrnico que adjuntaste anteriormente. Si no recibes el enlace en tu bandeja de entrada, verifica la carpeta / pestaa de spam Luego haga clic en el botn AZUL que dice "Validar mi direccin de correo electrnico:Paso5. after entering the email address, the system will send you a link and you must follow the instructions to validate the email address on your account. You will receive a message like this in your email account that you previously posted. If you don't receive the link in your inbox, check the spam folder / Tab Then click on the blue button that says " validate my email address
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
PASO 4 Una vez que enve su direccin de correo electrnico, recibir este mensaje de BBW:Step 4 once you send your email address, you will receive this message from BBW
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
3. Luego aparecer una ventana emergente y deber ingresar una direccin de correo electrnico personal y vlida, * Asegrese de que esta direccin de correo electrnico sea completamente nueva en nuestro sistema porque si el correo electrnico ya se usa en BBW, el sistema no le permitir validarlo nuevamente; * Tambin asegrese de recordar cmo iniciar sesin en el correo electrnico que va a enviar
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
2do paso Una vez que est en la pestaa de configuracin, debe buscar la opcin que dice "CORREO ELECTRNICO" y luego presionar el botn "Editar",
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Hola Granjeros Esto es lo que debe hacer para validar una direccin de correo electrnico en su cuenta 1er paso vaya a la aplicacin BBW, busque la opcin de configuracin y tquela.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
STEP6. Then, the system will redirect you to to this page *Tap at the BBW-HD option, and you will see your farm with the email address validated. Then you will be all set up to be able to claim the items at the calendar.... Good Luck!
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
Hello Farmers If you try to contact us via phone and you have a tech problem reaching us Please contact us via email at support@airgames.com... Or via LiveChat reaching this site Link then at the bottom of the screen is going to show Need help? Chat with us! press/tap it, Then follow the instructions, send your inquiry and wait until one of customer representatives take your case and help you out with your problem. Thank you!
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
Hola Granjer@s Si intenta contactarnos por telfono y tiene un problema tcnico para comunicarse con nosotros Por favor contctenos por correo electrnico a support@airgames.com... O a travs de LiveChat llegando a este sitio Link luego en la parte inferior de la pantalla mostrar "Necesita ayuda? Chatea con nosotros!" Presinalo / tcalo. Luego siga las instrucciones, enve su consulta y espere hasta que uno de nuestros representantes tome su caso y lo ayude con su problema. Gracias! Hello Granjer@S If you try to contact us by phone and have a technical problem to communicate with us Please contact us by email to support@airgames.com... Or through livechat coming to this site Link then at the bottom of the screen will show " need help? Chat with us!" press / touch it. Then follow the instructions, send your consultation and wait until one of representatives take your case and help you with your problem. Thank you!
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
Follow Mini-Me, kid-friendly platform where kids can enjoy educational games and videos anywhere, anytime!
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
Preprense granjeros! nuestra SUPERVENTA de BLACK FRIDAY de BBW, esta de regreso. Cuando? Este 29 de noviembre de 2019. Qu hora? De 12 p.m. a 5 p.m. (Horario del Pacfico)... Tendremos toneladas de artculos a la venta, lo cual te servir para completar trofeos viejos y nuevos ms rpido.
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
Get ready farmers! annual BBW's BLACK FRIDAY SUPER SALE is back. When? This November 29th, 2019. What time? From 12PM to 5PM (PTS)... We will have tons of items on sale, time to complete old and new trophies faster!!!
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
Hey Farmers, here's a small preview of the Recent Emotes section. It will put 10 of the latest used emotes into the Recent section.
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Posted - 4 years 11 months ago
CROP COINS CHANGES (CC's) Hi Farmers It has been a few weeks since we launched the calendar system and we have received many positive comments about it. So, although we are happy that it was a success, we also want the community to know that there have been some abuses in the function.... The coins of the harvest was something that worried us where it could be abused, but we threw it anyway knowing the risks. We know the fun that brought players who don't spend, so it was something really important that we wanted to boost. However, in the last two weeks, we saw an increase in abuse and decided to make a change in the way the coins work in the game. In cases where players abused the system to the extreme, bot automatically marked and banned those accounts. The average forbidden player had more than 37 accounts. The highest amount was more than 1500. Those who did it minimally, ignore them and forbid. The easiest "solution" for us was to completely eliminate the harvest coins from the calendar, but it is something I am really against. I have always believed in generosity, especially when the community is full of generous and kind players. Another option was to take the route of the auction house and make the Calendar system accessible only if it reached a certain level. We explored this idea but saw similar problems to the previous option. The third option for us was to change the operation of the crop coins to minimize abuse, which is the option we decided to take. In the future, anything purchased with crop coins will no longer be auctionable. The non-auctionable state continues throughout the life cycle of the article and its descendants. We will add an option to the store where you can buy items to harvest coins or credits. Again, when you buy crop coins, these items and their crops will no longer be auctionable. Due to this change, the laundering of items and eventually credits is much more difficult. This means that we can be a little more generous in the way we distribute crop currencies. We will present more details in another publication. Thank you
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Posted - 4 years 11 months ago
CAMBIOS EN LAS CROP COINS (CC's) Hola Granjer@s Han pasado algunas semanas desde que lanzamos el sistema de calendario y hemos recibido muchos comentarios positivos al respecto. Entonces, aunque estamos contentos de que haya sido un xito, tambin queremos que la comunidad sepa que ha habido algunos abusos en la funcin.... Las monedas de la cosecha era una cosa que nos preocupaba dnde podra abusarse, pero de todos modos la lanzamos sabiendo los riesgos. Sabemos la diversin que trajo a los jugadores que no gastan, por lo que era algo realmente importante que queramos impulsar. Sin embargo, en las ltimas dos semanas, vimos un aumento en los abusos y decidimos hacer un cambio en el funcionamiento de las monedas en el juego. En los casos en que los jugadores abusaron del sistema hasta el extremo, nuestro bot automticamente marc y prohibi esas cuentas. El jugador prohibido promedio tena ms de 37 cuentas. La cantidad ms alta fue de ms de 1500. Aquellos que lo hicieron mnimamente, los ignoramos y no prohibimos. La "solucin" ms fcil para nosotros fue eliminar completamente las monedas de cosecha del calendario, pero es algo en lo que realmente estoy en contra. Siempre he credo en la generosidad, especialmente cuando la comunidad est llena de jugadores generosos y amables. Otra opcin era tomar la ruta de la casa de subastas y hacer que el sistema Calendario fuera accesible solo si alcanzaba un cierto nivel. Exploramos esta idea pero vimos inconvenientes similares a la opcin anterior. La tercera opcin para nosotros fue cambiar el funcionamiento de las monedas de cultivo para minimizar el abuso, que es la opcin que decidimos tomar. En el futuro, cualquier cosa comprada con monedas de cultivo ya no ser subastable. El estado no subastable contina durante todo el ciclo de vida del artculo y sus descendientes. Agregaremos una opcin a la tienda donde puede comprar artculos para cosechar monedas o crditos. Nuevamente, al comprar monedas de cultivo, estos artculos y sus cosechas ya no sern subastables. Debido a este cambio, el lavado de artculos y eventualmente crditos es mucho ms difcil. Esto significa que podemos ser un poco ms generosos en la forma en que distribuimos las monedas de los cultivos. Presentaremos ms detalles en otra publicacin. Gracias
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Posted - 4 years 11 months ago
Estos son los 2 ganadores del concurso de Halloween 2019 1er lugar Granjero de VIP GiirL_zOmbiie 1er lugar Granjero VIP BossLadySwagga... FELICITACIONES A LOS GANADORES
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