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Posted - 4 years 4 Weeks ago
#"Quando me sento pra jogar, jogo pra ganhar. Jamais me senti satisfeito com o segundo lugar" - Phil Ivey Link #" When I sit down to play, I play to win. Never felt satisfied with second place - Phil Ivey Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
jogador, para manter a segurana da sua conta, comeamos a atualizar o jogo. Recentemente, os usurios que fazem login por ID da Apple encontraram esse problema de que a conta de login alterada de maneira inconsistente com a conta original. Nossos tcnicos faro o conserto em dois dias. Essas contas estaro normais, assim que o bug for corrigido. Se voc tiver alguma dvida, entre em contato conosco pelo centro de servio. Lamentamos profundamente o inconveniente e agradecemos muito a sua compreenso. player, to keep your account secure, we start updating the game. Recently, Apple ID login users found this problem that the login account is changed inconsistently with the original account. techs will fix it in two days. These bills will be normal once the bug is fixed. If you have any questions please contact us at the service center. We deeply regret the inconvenience and greatly appreciate your understanding.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
#"O heads-up a forma mais pura de se jogar poker" - Jason Koon Link #" Heads-up is the purest way to play poker - Jason Koon Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
#"O heads-up a forma mais pura de se jogar poker" - Jason Koon Link #" Heads-up is the purest way to play poker - Jason Koon Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Com dois pares de mo, a chance de Full House to remota quanto fechar uma sequncia precisando de uma carta no meio, j no river. Link With two pair of hand, the chance of Full House is as remote as closing a sequence needing a card in the middle, already in the river. Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Bad Beat Ter uma mo que a grande favorita, que derrotada por resultado de um golpe de sorte, especialmente quando a pessoa que acertou a carta estava jogando incorretamente por entrar no pote primeiro. Link Link Bad Beat Having a hand that's a big favorite, which is defeated by a stroke of luck, especially when the person who hit the card was playing incorrectly for entering the pot first. Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Todos tm sua vez de cometer erros no poker. O truque simplesmente deixar sua vez passar" - Mike Caro Link Link Everyone has their turn to make mistakes in poker. The trick is simply to let your turn pass - Mike Caro Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Todos tm sua vez de cometer erros no poker. O truque simplesmente deixar sua vez passar" - Mike Caro Link Link Everyone has their turn to make mistakes in poker. The trick is simply to let your turn pass - Mike Caro Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Nunca legal reclamar da fora dos adversrios. obrigao de um profissional ir a campo e fazer as eliminaes necessrias" - Eric Baldwin Link It's never legal to complain about the strength of opponents. It's a professional's obligation to go to the field and do the necessary eliminations - Eric Baldwin Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Nunca legal reclamar da fora dos adversrios. obrigao de um profissional ir a campo e fazer as eliminaes necessrias" - Eric Baldwin Link It's never legal to complain about the strength of opponents. It's a professional's obligation to go to the field and do the necessary eliminations - Eric Baldwin Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Eu veno no poker porque acredito em mim" - Daniel Negreanu Link I win at poker because I believe in myself - Daniel Negreanu Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Eu veno no poker porque acredito em mim" - Daniel Negreanu Link I win at poker because I believe in myself - Daniel Negreanu Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Na realidade o nico argumento que a comunidade tem que se apegar o de que o poker um jogo de habilidade. a que est a esperana" - Chris Moneymaker Link Link In reality, the only argument that the community has to get attached to is that poker is a game of skill. That's where the hope is - Chris Moneymaker Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Na realidade o nico argumento que a comunidade tem que se apegar o de que o poker um jogo de habilidade. a que est a esperana" - Chris Moneymaker Link Link In reality, the only argument that the community has to get attached to is that poker is a game of skill. That's where the hope is - Chris Moneymaker Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigado pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado! Link player, Boyaa Poker's birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will host many special events this September, stay tuned! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Caro jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigado pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado! Link Dear player, Boyaa Poker's birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will host many special events this September, stay tuned! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Caro jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigado pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado! Link Dear player, Boyaa Poker's birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will host many special events this September, stay tuned! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Caro jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigado pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado! Link Dear player, Boyaa Poker's birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will host many special events this September, stay tuned! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Poker no sobre ganhar os maiores potes, poker sobre ganhar mais fichas" Link Poker is not about winning the biggest pots, poker is about getting more chips Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Poker no sobre ganhar os maiores potes, poker sobre ganhar mais fichas" Link Poker is not about winning the biggest pots, poker is about getting more chips Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Quando me sento pra jogar, jogo pra ganhar. Jamais me senti satisfeito com o segundo lugar" - Phil Ivey Link When I sit down to play, I play to win. Never felt satisfied with second place - Phil Ivey Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Quando me sento pra jogar, jogo pra ganhar. Jamais me senti satisfeito com o segundo lugar" - Phil Ivey Link When I sit down to play, I play to win. Never felt satisfied with second place - Phil Ivey Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Se algum lhe disser que mais inteligente que voc, ele no . Se ele fosse, no daria a voc essa informao" - John Vorhaus Link If someone tells him he's smarter than you, he's not. If he was, he wouldn't give you that information - John Vorhaus Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Se algum lhe disser que mais inteligente que voc, ele no . Se ele fosse, no daria a voc essa informao" - John Vorhaus Link If someone tells him he's smarter than you, he's not. If he was, he wouldn't give you that information - John Vorhaus Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigado pelo apoio e companhia, estaremos apresentando muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado! player, Boyaa Poker's birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will be hosting many special events this September, stay tuned!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Caro jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigado pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado! CURTIR !!!!! COMPARTILHAR !!!!!!Dear player Boyaa Poker birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will present many special events this September, stay tuned! LIKE!!!!! SHARE!!!!!!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Caro jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigado pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado! CURTIR !!!!! COMPARTILHAR !!!!!!Dear player, Boyaa Poker's birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will host many special events this September, stay tuned! LIKE!!!!! SHARE!!!!!!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"O Jogador moderado pode no perder muito, mas tambm nunca ir ganhar de quem arrisca mais. Jogar para no perder um tiro na cabea" - Jonathan Harries Link The Moderate Player may not lose much, but he will also never win the most risk. Playing so you don't lose is a headshot -Jonathan Harries Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"O Jogador moderado pode no perder muito, mas tambm nunca ir ganhar de quem arrisca mais. Jogar para no perder um tiro na cabea" - Jonathan Harries Link The Moderate Player may not lose much, but he'll also never win the most risky. Playing so you don't lose is a head shot - Jonathan Harries Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Caro jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigada pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado!Dear player, Boyaa Poker's birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will present many special events this September, stay tuned!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Caro jogador, o aniversrio do Boyaa Poker est chegando! Obrigada pelo apoio e companhia, apresentaremos muitos eventos especiais neste ms de setembro, fique ligado!Dear player, Boyaa Poker birthday is coming up! Thank you for the support and company, we will present many special events this September, stay tuned!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Se voc est na dvida sobre qual modalidade se dedicar ao poker, escolha a que voc mais se diverte" - Randy 'nanonoko' Link If you are in doubt about which modality to dedicate to poker, choose the one you have the most fun of - Randy 'nanonoko' Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Se voc est na dvida sobre qual modalidade se dedicar ao poker, escolha a que voc mais se diverte" - Randy 'nanonoko' Link If you're wondering which modality to dedicate to poker, choose the one you have the most fun with - Randy ' nanonoko ' Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Na realidade o nico argumento que a comunidade tem que se apegar o de que o poker um jogo de habilidade. a que est a esperana" - Chris Moneymaker Link In reality, the only argument that the community has to get attached is that poker is a game of skill. That's where the hope is - Chris Moneymaker Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Maltratar o iniciante como o pescador que joga veneno no prprio rio do qual sobrevive" - Igor Trafane Link Mistreating the beginner is like the fisherman who throws poison in the very river he survives - Igor Trafane Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"O heads-up a forma mais pura de se jogar poker" - Jason Koon Link Heads-up is the purest way to play poker - Jason Koon Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Algum dia, eu suponho que aparea algum melhor que eu em No-Limit Hold'em. Duvido, mas possvel" - Stu Ungar Link Someday, I suppose someone better appears than me at No-Limit Hold 'em. I doubt it, but it's possible - Stu Ungar Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Nunca legal reclamar da fora dos adversrios. obrigao de um profissional ir a campo e fazer as eliminaes necessrias" - Eric Baldwin Link It's never legal to complain about the strength of opponents. It's a professional's obligation to go on the field and do the necessary eliminations - Eric Baldwin Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"Se voc for iniciante, no adianta contratar os superprofissionais para lhe dar aulas. Seria como colocar um professor com ps-doutorado para dar aula na pr-escola" - Digenes Malaquias Link If you're a beginner, there's no use hiring super professionals to teach you. It would be like putting a post doctorate teacher to teach in preschool - Diogenes Malachi Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Para ser um vencedor no poker online importante que voc tenha uma estratgia slida, mas igualmente importante que voc cometa o mnimo de erros possveis. Mesmo os jogadores mais experientes cometem erros frequentemente tanto nas mesas como fora delas. Link To be an online poker winner it's important that you have a solid strategy, but it's equally important that you make as little mistakes as possible. Even the most experienced players often make mistakes - both at the tables and outside of them. Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Um dia idiota, no dia seguinte um campeo. Que diferena um dia faz em um torneio de poker. Link Link One day idiot, the next day a champion. What a difference a day makes in a poker tournament." Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Para a maioria dos jogadores, a emoo do Poker se encontra na mistura de sorte, habilidade, psicologia e estratgia exclusiva desse jogo. Voc no tem controle sobre as cartas que recebe, mas sempre h muitas coisas que pode fazer com elas. Blefar para que seus colegas de mesa no faam ideia do que est em sua mo uma parte consagrada do Poker, e ler as reaes ou comportamentos de outros jogadores para entender se eles esto blefando uma habilidade importante. Lembre-se sempre de evitar o tilt, o que significa evitar emoes ou confuses, e voc colher os frutos de um jogo inteligente e estratgico. Link For most players, Poker's emotion is in the mix of luck, skill, psychology and exclusive strategy of that game. You have no control over the cards you receive, but there are always many things you can do with them. Blowing so that your coworkers have no idea what's in your hand is a consecrated part of Poker, and reading other player s' reactions or behaviors to understand if they are bluffing is an important skill. Always remember to avoid tilt, which means avoiding emotions or confusion, and you will reap the fruits of a smart and strategic game. Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Outs so cartas restantes no baralho que melhoram sua mo, contribuindo para que ela ganhe o pote na abertura de cartas (showdown). Link Outs are remaining cards in the deck that improve her hand, contributing to her winning the pot in the card opening (showdown). Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Comece a empurrar mais mos naipadas de blefe contra as pessoas que largam demais para um all-in. Link Link Start pushing more bluffed hands against people who drop too much for an all-in. Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Tenha conhecimento das cartas que iro ajudar a melhorar a sua mo e tambm a probabilidade de voc conseguir essas cartas, sempre considerando a mo do seu oponente. O poker um jogo extremamente matemtico, o que no quer dizer que voc precisa ser phD em matemtica para jogar, basta conhecer os fundamentos e ter uma boa relao com as suas cartas. Link Be aware of the cards that will help improve your hand and also the probability of you getting those cards, always considering your opponent's hand. Poker is an extremely mathematical game, which doesn't mean you need to be phD in math to play, just know the fundamentals and have a good relationship with your cards. Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Uma das percepes mais desatualizadas do pquer que ele jogado por personagens sombrios com estranhos poderes psquicos, que lem a mente dos oponentes olhando profundamente em seus olhos. Hoje em dia, o pquer - especialmente online - depende mais de um conhecimento slido da mecnica do jogo, geralmente combinado com um conhecimento de matemtica completo. um negcio muito menos misterioso. No h dvida de que os melhores jogadores de pquer realmente levaram as coi...sas ainda mais longe no reino da matemtica. Alguns jogadores analisam as mos de forma incrivelmente prxima e fazem numerosos clculos matemticos detalhados para determinar como iro jogar. Mas nem todos precisam abordar o jogo dessa forma, especialmente os iniciantes. Um dos clculos muito fceis que voc deve aprender, mesmo nesta fase de sua carreira no pquer, contar os seus outs. Link One of the most outdated perceptions of poker is that it is played by dark characters with strange psychic powers, who read the minds of opponents looking deeply into their eyes. Nowadays, poker - especially online - depends more on a solid knowledge of game mechanics, usually combined with a complete math knowledge. It's a much less mysterious business. There's no doubt that the best poker players really took things even further in the realm of math. Some players analyze the...ir hands incredibly close and make numerous detailed math calculations to determine how they will play. But not everyone needs to approach the game that way, especially beginners. One of the very easy calculations you should learn, even at this stage of your poker career, is counting your outs ". Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Para ser um campeo de poker, voc deve ter uma bexiga forte. Link To be a poker champion, you must have a strong bladder." Link
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