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Gift Links, , Sylvia earned the Cut the Mustard White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Véronique earned the Eins, Zwei, Dry Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Susan earned the Deliver the Goods Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2250 XP and 2750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Sylvia earned the The Mother Lode White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1350 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Chris earned the Dairy King Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2250 XP and 2800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Heleen earned the Stock, Pot and Two Smoking Barrels Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 575 XP and 900 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Heleen earned the Not Paying Peanuts Purple ribbon!, They were rewarded 85 XP and 150 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Heleen earned the Crate Commander Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Bring Home the Bacon Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 750 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Mustafa just reached Level 177 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Curly LeLe just reached Level 102 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Nalani just reached Level 215 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Aimi earned the Cut the Mustard Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Mary earned the Cut the Mustard Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Cindy earned the Pomegranate Prodigy Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Chris earned the Cool as a Cucumber Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Mette earned the Spring in Bloom Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Mary earned the Tears of Joy Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3250 XP and 4500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Judy just reached Level 143 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Terry earned the Truffle Hunter Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Mopar earned the Rocketeer of the Salad Bowl Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , David earned the Cut the Mustard Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Lorena earned the Turnip the Heat Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , David earned the Cut the Mustard Brown ribbon!, They were rewarded 40 XP and 65 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Hilary earned the Haywire White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Dawn earned the Hold Your Horses White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Heleen earned the Juice-tah Minute Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Yvonne earned the Large Cauldron Collider Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Debby earned the Hello, Sunshine! Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 450 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Philip earned the Crate Commander Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Véronique earned the Spirits Lifter White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1350 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Charlene earned the A Boon Apart Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 650 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Patricia earned the Cut the Mustard Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Debby earned the Corn Sweet Corn Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Véronique earned the Truffle Hunter White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1000 XP and 1500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Sarah earned the Cut the Mustard Purple ribbon!, They were rewarded 90 XP and 170 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Charlene just reached Level 122 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Malcolm earned the Flour Power Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Malcolm earned the Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Malcolm earned the Give Peas a Chance Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Tori just reached Level 99 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Malcolm earned the Spring in Bloom Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Malcolm earned the Winter is Coming Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3750 XP and 5000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Michael earned the Crate Commander White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Malcolm earned the Rhubarb Wire Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Cyndi earned the The Mother Lode Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 450 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Debby earned the Quinoa’s Ark Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 450 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Sue earned the Cut the Mustard Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Jamie earned the Perks of Being a Cauliflower Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Heleen earned the Bean Counter Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Mike earned the Spirits Lifter Purple ribbon!, They were rewarded 90 XP and 135 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Richard earned the Cut the Mustard White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Daisy earned the Crate Commander Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Sailor’s Delight Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 650 XP and 800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the A Boon Apart Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 650 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Milena just reached Level 128 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Marleen earned the Cut the Mustard Purple ribbon!, They were rewarded 90 XP and 170 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Carolyn earned the Stock, Pot and Two Smoking Barrels Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Lucy Mary earned the Hold Your Horses Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 275 XP and 500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor
Gift Links, , Chelle earned the Perks of Being a Cauliflower Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 Jahr 4 Monat vor

Wichtige Tipps zum Erheben von Ansprüchen und zum Teilen Country Life Meadows Geschenke

  1. Sie können behaupten Country Life Meadows Elementverknüpfungen, indem Sie einfach darauf klicken oder das Kontrollkästchen und die Schaltfläche zum Sammeln verwenden.
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  4. Bei allen Artikeln wird die tatsächliche Zeit angezeigt, zu der sie tatsächlich generiert wurden. Bei den neuesten Artikeln besteht eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, einen Bonus in Anspruch zu nehmen.
  5. Sie können nicht mehr als einmal einen Bonus von demselben Link anfordern. Möglicherweise funktionieren einige Links nicht. Dies bedeutet nicht, dass alle Links nicht funktionieren.
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  8. Jedes von Ihnen freigegebene Material wird von allen beansprucht, und im Gegenzug erhalten Sie von jedem Benutzer die gleiche Nummer dieses Artikels. Zum Beispiel: (Ihr 1 eingereichter Artikel) + (hat 5 Klicks von anderen erhalten) = (Sie erhalten 5 gleiche Materialien in Ihren Country Life Meadows Game ) Denken Sie daran, dass Ihr Teilen Ihre Chancen erhöht, dass Sie mehr davon erhalten Country Life Meadows Artikel.
  9. Hinweis: Die obige Theorie funktioniert für wenige Gegenstände oder wenige Spiele.
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Diese Website ist nicht verbunden mit Country Life Meadows. Marken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. Spielinhalte und Materialien Copyright Country Life Meadows. Alle Rechte vorbehalten..
