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Poniżej znajdują się linki prezentowe Country Life Meadows. Kliknij, aby otworzyć, wypróbuj wszystkie łącza, często aktualizuj.

  1. Jeśli podoba Ci się tłumaczenie i chcesz przetłumaczyć więcej stron Lub jeśli znajdziesz jakiś błąd w tłumaczeniu, napisz w komentarzu.
  2. Odwiedzaj codziennie, aby odebrać dzienną dawkę bezpłatnych rzeczy.
  3. Aby uzyskać pomoc, użyj komentarza Facebook na dole.
  4. Nie musisz być przyjaciółmi, aby odbierać lub wysyłać prezenty. Dlatego są to linki bonusowe nieprzyjazne.
  5. Jeśli nie możesz ubiegać się o linki prezentów, odświeżyć stronę i zawsze wypróbować najnowsze, mniej kliknięte posty.
  6. Uwaga: Nazwy przedmiotów są nieco chaotyczne, najedź kursorem, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje o każdym łączu.
Gift Links, , Dawn just reached Level 142 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Dawn earned the Chickpea Champion Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Curly LeLe earned the Doin
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Futte earned the Out of the Frying Pan Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Mary earned the Chickpea Champion Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Hope earned the In High Cotton Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3500 XP and 5000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Final Contract: I have just completed all contracts!, They were rewarded 750 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Susie earned the Cut the Mustard Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Susie earned the Cut the Mustard Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 900 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Georgia earned the Inside Scoop Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2250 XP and 2750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Play everyday!, They were rewarded 3500 XP and 5000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Véronique earned the Chickpea Champion White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Véronique earned the Chickpea Champion White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Véronique earned the Chickpea Champion White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lynn earned the Rocketeer of the Salad Bowl Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lynn earned the Rocketeer of the Salad Bowl Red ribbon!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Watercress Express Brown ribbon!, They were rewarded 35 XP and 50 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Linda Marie earned the Vineyard Virtuoso Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 350 XP and 500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Marleen earned the Sea of Colors Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 575 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 1 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Barb earned the A Dilly of a Pickle Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 650 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Barb earned the A Dilly of a Pickle Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa just reached Level 96 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa just reached Level 96 in Country Life Meadows!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa just reached Level 96 in Country Life Meadows!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa just reached Level 96 in Country Life Meadows!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Rocketeer of the Salad Bowl Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Terry just reached Level 155 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Terry just reached Level 155 in Country Life Meadows!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1350 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Michaël earned the Eins, Zwei, Dry White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1350 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Ann earned the Egg or Plant? Eggplant! White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 2 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Futte earned the Rocketeer of the Salad Bowl Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Futte earned the Rocketeer of the Salad Bowl Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2250 XP and 2750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 250 XP and 400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 3250 XP and 4500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Bonita earned the Oiliver Twist Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 3500 XP and 5000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Energizer Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 350 XP and 500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Sasha earned the Turnip the Heat Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Christina earned the Sweet Pie of Mine Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 4000 XP and 4200 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Je suis en route!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 900 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Sasha earned the Turnip the Heat White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa just reached Level 95 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Mina wants to share Orange Juice with you!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Marleen earned the Crate Commander Purple ribbon!, They were rewarded 90 XP and 170 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Carolyn just reached Level 178 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Carolyn just reached Level 178 in Country Life Meadows!, They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Wendy earned the Cut the Mustard Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Curly LeLe earned the Spirits Lifter Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 900 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Elisabeth earned the Crate Commander White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Julie earned the Hello, Sunshine! Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Julie earned the Hello, Sunshine! Blue ribbon!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Marleen earned the Crust and Crumbs Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 400 XP and 500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Marleen earned the Crust and Crumbs Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 650 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Haywire Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 650 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Haywire Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 40 XP and 65 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu
Gift Links, , Yaris %trans_var2%: I have finally completed another contract in TrainStation, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
10 miesiąc 3 Tydzień temu

Ważne wskazówki, które pomogą Ci, domagać się i udostępniać Country Life Meadows Prezenty

  1. Możesz zgłosić roszczenie Country Life Meadows linki do przedmiotów, klikając na nie lub zaznaczając pole wyboru i zbierając przycisk.
  2. Zwykle dostępne są przedmioty z mniejszą liczbą kliknięć lub z najnowszymi przedmiotami.
  3. Możesz także użyć przycisku zbieraj wszystkie, aby automatycznie zebrać wszystkie linki na jednej stronie. Upewnij się, że dostosujesz czas interwału do prędkości twojego systemu.
  4. Wszystkie przedmioty pokazują rzeczywisty czas, kiedy faktycznie zostały wygenerowane, najnowsze przedmioty mają większe szanse na uzyskanie bonusu.
  5. Nie możesz ubiegać się o bonus z tego samego linku więcej niż raz. Niektóre linki mogą nie działać. Nie oznacza to, że wszystkie linki nie działają.
  6. Korzyści z logowania za pomocą Facebooka zapobiegną dwukrotnemu kliknięciu tego samego postu. Zaoszczędzi to czas. Po odebraniu przedmiotów możesz odświeżyć stronę, aby zobaczyć nowe linki.
  7. Aby przefiltrować wszystko Country Life Meadows prezenty prezenty przez kliknięcia i nazwy wizyty Country Life Meadows Strona Filtr towaru.
  8. Każdy udostępniony przez Ciebie materiał zostanie zgłoszony przez wszystkich, aw zamian otrzymasz ten sam numer tego przedmiotu od każdego użytkownika. Na przykład: (twój 1 wysłany przedmiot) + (ma 5 kliknięć przez innych) = (Dostaniesz 5 takich samych materiałów do swojego Country Life Meadows Game ) Pamiętaj, że udostępnianie zwiększy Twoje szanse na uzyskanie tego samego Country Life Meadows pozycja.
  9. Uwaga: powyższa teoria działa na kilka przedmiotów lub kilka gier.
  10. Użyj dowolnego dodatku do przeglądarki lub opcji ręcznej, aby przesłać element. Będziesz także zdobywać klucze za każde zgłoszenie. Aby przesłać swoje posty, odwiedź tutaj.

Ta strona nie jest powiązana z Country Life Meadows. Znaki towarowe są własnością ich właścicieli. Treść i materiały do gry Prawa autorskie Country Life Meadows. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone..
