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Nedan finns presentlänkar för Country Life Meadows. Klicka för att öppna, prova alla länkar, uppdateringar ofta.

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  2. Besök dagligen för att kräva en daglig dos gratis saker.
  3. För hjälp använd Facebook kommentar längst ner.
  4. Du behöver inte vara vänner för att kräva eller skicka gåvor. Därför är de icke-vänliga bonuslänkar.
  5. Om du inte kan göra anspråk på presentlänkar, uppdatera sidan och prova alltid senaste, mindre klickade inlägg.
  6. Obs: Objektnamn är lite röra, Håll muspekar för att få information om varje länk.
Gift Links, , Chelle earned the Crate Commander Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Dawn just reached Level 113 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Kathy earned the More Carrot Than Stick Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3500 XP and 4000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Dawn earned the This Oat to Be Good Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 900 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Marleen earned the Cut the Mustard Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Irene earned the Cut the Mustard Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Heleen earned the Jamming Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 750 XP and 1000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Debby earned the Cool as a Cucumber Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Kathy earned the Bean Counter Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Jan earned the Cut the Mustard Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Kathy earned the Crate Commander Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Heleen earned the Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , John earned the Cut the Mustard Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Jade earned the Inside Scoop White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Norma earned the Sewing Mends the Soul Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
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1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Chris earned the Merry Berries Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 4000 XP and 5500 OP and would like to share some with you!
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1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Tom Rose earned the Cut the Mustard Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , ?????? earned the Tomayto, Tomahto Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Jane earned the Paint the Lily Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 1450 XP and 1850 OP and would like to share some with you!
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1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Maree earned the Corn Sweet Corn Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Mopar earned the Crust and Crumbs Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2250 XP and 2750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Kira earned the Cut the Mustard Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
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1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Jana just reached Level 190 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Tom Rose earned the Cut the Mustard Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Debby earned the A Boon Apart White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Curly LeLe just reached Level 101 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Darlene earned the Cut the Mustard White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Dorothy earned the Cut the Mustard Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Petra just reached Level 206 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Maria just reached Level 204 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Cool as a Cucumber Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2500 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Corn Sweet Corn Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Sasha earned the Cut the Mustard Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Sandy earned the Cut the Mustard White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Fiona earned the Cut the Mustard Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Michael just reached Level 157 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Joycelyn just reached Level 208 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Paulette earned the When Life Gives You Lemons Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2000 XP and 2400 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Paulette earned the Brewmaster Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Ann earned the Crate Commander Yellow ribbon!, They were rewarded 700 XP and 1125 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Lisa earned the Brocstar Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2250 XP and 2750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Dawn earned the Juice-tah Minute Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 3800 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Lisa just reached Level 84 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Tori just reached Level 98 in Country Life Meadows!, In Country Life Meadows you take care of cute animals, grow delicious fruits and vegetables and proc
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Mariella earned the Tomayto, Tomahto Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Mary earned the Turnip the Heat Blue ribbon!, They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Dawn earned the Inside Scoop Red ribbon!, They were rewarded 2250 XP and 2750 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
Gift Links, , Jeannette earned the This Oat to Be Good White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1350 OP and would like to share some with you!
Gift Links
1 år 4 månad sedan
, , Karen earned the Cut the Mustard White ribbon!, They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!

1 år 4 månad sedan
, , Karen earned the Cut the Mustard Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!

1 år 4 månad sedan
, , Mandy earned the Cut the Mustard Green ribbon!, They were rewarded 325 XP and 570 OP and would like to share some with you!

1 år 4 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 80 XP and 150 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 6 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 1250 XP and 1575 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 6 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 40 XP and 65 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 6 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 2000 XP and 3000 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 6 månad sedan
M: countrylife_meadows, , M: ,
M: countrylife_meadows
1 år 7 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 3000 XP and 3750 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 7 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 2500 XP and 2900 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 8 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 1200 XP and 1700 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 9 månad sedan
, , They were rewarded 3200 XP and 4750 OP and would like to share some with you!,

1 år 9 månad sedan

Viktiga tips för att hjälpa dig, göra anspråk och dela Country Life Meadows Gåvor

  1. Du kan göra anspråk Country Life Meadows objektlänkar genom att bara klicka på det eller genom att använda kryssrutan och samla-knappen.
  2. Normalt är det möjligt att göra anspråk på objekt med färre klick eller senaste objekt.
  3. Du kan också använda samla alla -knappen för att automatiskt samla in alla länkar på en enda sida. Se till att justera intervalltiden beroende på systemets hastighet.
  4. Alla artiklar visar den faktiska tiden då de faktiskt genererades, de senaste artiklarna har fler chanser att kräva bonus.
  5. Du kan inte kräva bonus från samma länk mer än en gång. Du kanske hittar några länkar som inte fungerar. Detta betyder inte att alla länkar inte fungerar.
  6. Fördelen med att logga in med Facebook förhindrar dubbelklick på samma inlägg. Det sparar tid. När du har gjort anspråk på objekt kan du uppdatera sidan för att se nya länkar.
  7. För att filtrera alla Country Life Meadows gåvor inlägg av klick och namn besök Country Life Meadows Objektfilter sida.
  8. Varje material som delas av dig kommer att krävas av alla och i gengäld ger det dig samma nummer på det objektet av varje användare. Till exempel: (din 1 inlämnade artikel) + (har fått 5 klick av andra) = (Du kommer att få 5 samma material i din Country Life Meadows Game ) Kom ihåg att din delning kommer att öka dina chanser att få mer av samma Country Life Meadows Artikel.
  9. Obs: Ovanför teori fungerar för få saker eller få spel.
  10. Använd vilken som helst webbläsare Addon eller manuellt alternativ för att skicka objekt. Du tjänar också nycklar per skickar. För att skicka in dina inlägg besök här.

Denna webbplats är inte ansluten till Country Life Meadows. Varumärken tillhör deras respektive ägare. Spelinnehåll och material Copyright Country Life Meadows. Alla rättigheter reserverade..
