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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Notas sobre atualizao 10.7! J pensou em vender aquele pergaminho repetido que voc tem ? Agora vai dar, sim!!! Venda de Pergaminhos acrescentada no leilo. Notes on update 10.7! Have you ever thought about selling that repeated scroll you have? Now it's going to happen, yes!!! Sale of Scrolls added to auction.
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Boa Noite, Jogadores! O que acharam das misses do Evento do dia dos Pais? Qual a misso preferida de vocs ?Goodnight Players! What did you think of the Father's Day Event missions? What's your favorite mission??
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Notas sobre atualizao 10.7 Novo guia para iniciantes, mais diverso, mais alegria e muitas aventuras. Update notes 10.7 New guide for beginners, more fun, more joy and many adventures.
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Notas sobre atualizao 10.7 com imenso prazer que iremos divulgar hoje as mudanas que aconteceram na nova atualizao que j est disponvel no servidor s7! Fiquem atentos iremos postar mais novidades. :D Update notes 10.7 It is with great pleasure that we will disclose today the changes that have happened in the new update that is already available on the s7! server! Stay tuned we will post more news. :D
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Atividade de Retorno - Dia dos Pais. Incio 29/07/2020 Termino 11/08/2020Return Activity - Father's Day Start 29/07/2020 Finish 11/08/2020
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Atividade de troca D - Evento Dia dos Pais. Incio 29/07/2020 Termino 11/08/2020Exchange Activity D - Father's Day Event Start 29/07/2020 Finish 11/08/2020
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Atividade de troca C - Evento Dia dos Pais. Incio 29/07/2020 Termino 11/08/2020Exchange Activity C - Father's Day Event Start 29/07/2020 Finish 11/08/2020
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Atividade de troca B - Evento Dia dos Pais. Incio 29/07/2020 Termino 11/08/2020Swap Activity B - Father's Day Event Start 29/07/2020 Finish 11/08/2020
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Atividade de troca A - Evento Dia dos Pais. Inicio 29/07/2020 Termino 11/08/2020Exchange Activity A - Father's Day Event Start 29/07/2020 Finish 11/08/2020
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Entrada Diria - Dia dos Pais. Fiquem atentos s datas. Incio 29/07/2020 Termino 11/08/2020 Daily Entry - Father's Day Stay tuned for dates. Start 29/07/2020 Finish 11/08/2020
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Boa tarde, Jogadores!! Foi lanado o novo servidor 374 - Tempos Gelados. Esto preparados para essa nova aventura congelante?... Desejamos boa sorte a todos vocs que forem iniciar essa nova jornada. Good Afternoon Players!! The new server 374-Ice Cream Times has been launched. Are you ready for this new freezing adventure? ... We wish all of you good luck starting this new journey.
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Boa Noite, Jogadores. O que acharam da juno que tivemos essa semana ?Goodnight Players What did you think of the joint we had this week?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa tarde, jogadores No se esqueam de realizar suas trocas do evento de dias dos namorados. Estamos chegando ao fim de mais um evento maravilhoso.... Good afternoon players Don't forget to make your Valentine's Day event swaps. We are coming to the end of another wonderful event....
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Ms do orgulho LGBTQ+, a equipe 337 acredita em toda diversidade existente dentro e fora do game. LGBTQ pride month +, team 337 believes in all diversity in and outside the game.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
O amor est no ar. O que vocs acharam dos prmios das misses?Love is in the air. What did you guys think of the missions awards?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
O clima de romance ainda est, no ar. O que vocs acharam dos prmios das misses?The romance weather is still in the air. What did you guys think of the missions awards?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa tarde, jogadores. Listinha das misses pra ningum esquecer de fazer nenhuma. Good afternoon players List of missions so no one forgets to do any.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Bom dia Jogadores, tudo bem ? O retorno para antigos jogadores j est disponvel. Sabe o crush ou a crush ou os dois? Chama ele(a) pra jogar com voc, quem sabe rola at um casamento virtual, vamos semear o amor. Good morning Players, all right? Return for old players is now available. Do you know crush or crush or both? Call him to play with you, who knows how to a virtual wedding, let's sow love.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Bom dia, Jogadores. Uma tima aventura a todos e um maravilhoso incio de semana. O servidor 373 - Profissionais de Sade, j est disponvel. ;)Good morning Players A great adventure to all and a wonderful start to the week. Server 373-Health Professionals is now available. ;)
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
ENTRADA DIRIA DO DIA DOS NAMORADOS Login dirio por 14 dias x10 Poder de Amor. 3 dias seguidos x50 Poo nica LV2, x1999 Pontos de atualizao do totem e x20 Soul Crystal Box (Lg)... 7 dias seguidos x50 plulas de refino, x30 Pedra Desselar e x50 Pedra do Selo. 14 dia seguidos x30 Areia de poeira estelar,x1 Anel de XP +4 e x1 Carto do Panda Bo. DAILY Valentine's day entry Daily Login for 14 days x10 Power of Love. 3 days in a row x50 Single Potion LV2, x1999 Totem update points and x20 Soul Crystal Box (LG)... 7 days in a row x50 refining pills, x30 Dessellar stone and x50 Stone of the seal. 14 day in a row x30 Stardust sand, x1 XP Ring + 4 and x1 Panda Bo Card.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
EVENTO DIA DOS NAMORADOS. TROCA D x1 Ataque de Esfera Abenoada = 10 Poder de Amor.... x1 Atributo de Esfera de Beno=10 Poder de Amor. x1 Defesa Beno de Esfera =10 Poder de Amor. x1 Esprito de Montaria= 2 Poder de Amor Valentine's day event. Land of land Swap D x1 Blessed Sphere Attack = 10 Power of Love.... x1 Blessing Sphere Attribute = 10 Power of Love. x1 Defense Sphere Blessing = 10 Power of Love. x1 Spirit of Montaria= 2 Power of Love
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
EVENTO DIA DOS NAMORADOS. TROCA C x1 Pedra Desselar = 3 Poder de Amor.... x1 Plula de Refino = 4 Poder de Amor. x1 Poo nica Lv2 = 3 Poder de Amor. x1 Pedra do Selo = 3 Poder de Amor Valentine's day event. Land of land Swap C x1 Desselar Stone = 3 Power of Love.... x1 Refining Pill = 4 Power of Love. x1 Unique Potion Lv2 = 3 Power of Love. x1 Seal Stone = 3 Power of Love
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
EVENTO DIA DOS NAMORADOS. TROCA B x1 Chama de Deus Drago = 400 Poder de Amor... x1 Fragmento Avanado Pet Raposa =30 Poder de Amor x1 Montaria Azul Drago Branco = 350 Poder de Amor. x1 Plula de Sublimar Montaria Lv 2= 6 Poder de Amor Valentine's day event. Land of land Swap B x1 Call God Dragon = 400 Power of Love... x1 Advanced Fragment Pet Fox =30 Power of Love x1 White Dragon Blue Mount = 350 Power of Love. x1 Sublimar Pill Mount LV 2 = 6 Power of Love
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa Noite, Jogadores! Desejamos a todos vocs um maravilhoso inicio de semana. Nessa semana vamos dar inicio as atividades de Dia dos Namorado, bom evento a todos e um semana bem apaixonadas aos nossos casais favoritos, vocs! ... TROCAS A x1 Arma Mstico Iti Malia = 999 Poder de Amor. x1 Montaria Lambretinha = 600 Poder de Amor. x1 Perola Mgica Dano lv 19 =350 Poder do Amor. x1 Manual de Bronze Explorador = 200 Poder do Amor. Good night, Players! Wishing all of you a wonderful start to the week. This week we will start Valentine's day activities, good event to all and a week in love with favorite couples, you! ... EXCHANGE TO x1 Mystic Weapon Iti Malia = 999 Power of Love. x1 Mount Lambretinha = 600 Power of Love. x1 Magic Pearl Dano lv 19 = 350 Power of Love. x1 Bronze Explorer Manual = 200 Power of Love.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa noite Em homenagem aos profissionais da sade que esto arriscando suas vidas para salva vidas. Vamos lanar um novo servidor como forma de homenagear esses profissionais. ... Nome Profissionais da Sade. Nossa equipe deseja uma maravilhosa aventura a todos vocs. Good night In honor of health professionals who are risking their lives to save lives. We will launch a new server as a way to honor these professionals. ... Name Health Professionals. team wishes a wonderful adventure to all of you.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa noite, DDtankeiros. Segue abaixo um tutorial de como retirar sua compensao dentro do jogo. Good night DDtankeiros I love you Here's a tutorial on how to withdraw your compensation within the game.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa noite, jogadores. Devido a atualizao, tivemos alguns imprevistos no jogo, portanto estamos disponibilizando uma compensao para amenizar a situao, pedimos desculpas pelas dificuldades enfrentadas, estamos trabalhando sempre para propocionar a melhor experincia a todos vocs. Good night players Due to the update, we had some unforeseen in the game, so we are providing compensation to soften the situation, we apologize for the difficulties faced, we are always working to provide the best experience to all of you.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa Noite, Jogadores! Elaboramos um vdeo com os principais pontos da atualizao 10.6. Esperamos que gostem! Good Night Players! We've made a video with the main points of update 10.6. We hope you enjoy it!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Boa noite. Queridos jogadores estamos cientes dos problemas existente em relao a manuteno. Estamos preparando uma compensao para todos, pedimos que aguardem, em breve disponibilizaremos para coleta.Good night. Dear players we are aware of the existing problems regarding maintenance. We are preparing compensation for everyone, we ask you to wait, soon we will provide for collection.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
- ATUALIZAO 10.6 - Boa noite a todos vocs e um timo inicio de semana. O to sonhado dia est chegando, preparados para essa nova aventura?- UPDATE 10.6 - Good night to all of you and a great start to the week. The dreamed day is coming, ready for this new adventure? I love you
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
- ATUALIZAO 10.6 - Sabe o morzo que reclama que voc no joga com ele? Agora vai ter que jogar!!! vamos ter evento de casal, j chama o marido/esposa pra jogar com voc.... Evento PAR PERFEITO logo estar disponvel. - UPDATE 10.6 - You know the morzo who complains you don't play with him? Now you're going to have to play!!! We're going to have a couple event, call the husband / wife to play with you. ... Event PERFECT PAR soon will be available.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
- Atualizao 10.6 - J escolheu seu lado? FOGO/TERRA AR/GELO- Update 10.6- Have you chosen your side yet? FIRE / EARTH AIR / ICE
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
- ATUALIZAO 10.6 SISTEMA DE EMBLEMAS - Com a nova atualizao teremos uma nova aba para novos up's. Esto preparados para conquistarem um novo FC? ... Emblemas:Fogo, Tempestade, Terra e Gelo 6 Nveis de Emblemas Diferentes Efeitos Visuais diferentes nos tiros de combates e instancias. Atributos Elementares. Diversas combinaes diferentes para escolher. Logo traremos mais novidades sobre o novo sistema. - UPDATE 10.6 EMBLEMS SYSTEM - With the new update we will have a new tab for new up's. Are you ready to conquer a new FC?... Emblemas:Fogo, Storm, Earth & Ice 6 Different Emblematic Levels Different visual effects on fighting and instances shots. Elementary Attributes. Several different combinations to choose from. Soon we will bring more news about the new system.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
- ATUALIZAO 10.6 - Novidade na nossa amada fazenda. Teremos um novo atalho disponvel para acessar a fazenda com mais rapidez. - UPDATE 10.6 - New on beloved farm. We will have a new shortcut available to access the farm faster.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
- Atualizao 10.6 - Quase tudo pronto para liberar a atualizao para todos os servidores, estamos todos ansiosos para essa nova etapa. Esto preparados paras os novos desafios?... Vai ter instancia nova, sim!! Novos Monstros. Novas Aventuras. Novas estratgias. Novos Itens. Grandes Up's esto por vim, fiquem atento logo teremos mais novidades. - Update 10.6- Almost all ready to release the update to all servers, we are all looking forward to this new stage. Are you ready for the new challenges? ... There will be new instance, yes!! New Monsters. New Adventures. New strategies. New Items. Big Up's are coming, stay tuned soon we will have more news.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Queridos jogadores, Iniciamos uma manuteno geral em todos servidores no momento. Pedimos sua compreenso e que aguarde o retorno, em breve nossos servidores estaro online novamente.Dear players, We start general maintenance on all servers at the moment. We ask for your understanding and await the return, soon servers will be online again.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Boa noite, jogadores Aaaaa chegou a to sonhada atualizao 10.6, j est disponvel no servidor 7 e logo estar disponvel para todos os servidores. Fiquem atentos, logo teremos novidades. Good night players Aaaaa has come to the dream update 10.6, it is now available on the 7 server and will soon be available to all servers. Stay tuned, we'll have news soon.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Boa noite, jogadores A nossa equipe quer desejar a todos vocs com muito amor um feliz dia das mes e um domingo maravilhoso para todos, e voc que no pode est com sua me, queremos te dizer que estamos muito feliz de ter voc conosco nesse dia. Teremos novidades em breve. Good night players team wants to wish all of you with lots of love a happy mother's day and a wonderful Sunday to all, and you who can't be with your mother, we want to tell you that we are very happy to have you with us on that day. We will have news soon
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Boa noite, jogadores Agradecemos todos aqueles que tiverem pacincia e compreenso. A Recuperao atravs do e-mail j se encontra ativa e funcionando como deveria. Tenham todos um timo final de semana. Good night players We appreciate all those who have patience and understanding. Recovery via email is already active and working as it should. Y ' all have a great weekend.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Boa noite, Jogadores Manuteno dos servidores s4,s5,s6,s7,s8 e s11 finalizados. Agradecemos a compreenso de todos.Good night Players Maintenance of servers s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 and s11 finished. We appreciate everyone's understanding.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Boa noite, jogadores. Estamos fazendo uma manuteno de emergncia no servidor s4- 8, lembrando que manutenes so importantes para propocionar uma melhor experincia para todos os jogadores.Good night, players. We are doing an emergency maintenance on the s4- 8, server, remembering that maintenance is important to provide a better experience for all players.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
A nossa equipe deseja a todos vocs um feliz dia do trabalhador. No podamos esquecer de uma data to importante, ento preparamos uma entrada diria para comemora esse dia. team wishes all of you a happy Labor Day. We couldn't forget such an important date, so we prepared a daily entry to celebrate that day.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Boa noite, jogadores Teremos uma manuteno as 01:00 da manh de hoje, pedimos que desloguem suas contas 10 minutos antes. Logo teremos novidades, fiquem atentos. Good night players We will have a maintenance at 01:00 am today, we ask you to disclose your accounts 10 minutes before. Soon we will have news, stay tuned.
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Posted - 4 years 1 Day ago
Queridos jogadores, Aps uma longa discusso sobre o caso da arma Super-bumerangue do amor, foi decidido que no ser removida. Utilizamos as crticas e feedback de vocs para chegar nessa concluso. Agradecemos aqueles que tiveram pacincia e compreenso com a staff do Brasil, tenham todos um timo final de semana. Dear players, After a long discussion about the case of the love-boomerang, it was decided that it won't be removed. We use your reviews and feedback to come to that conclusion. We appreciate those who had patience and understanding with the staff of Brazil, have a great weekend.
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Posted - 4 years 2 Days ago
Queridos jogadores, Levando em considerao a opinio de todos, entramos recentemente em um debate, fim de entrar em um consenso sobre o rumo que deveremos tomar levando em considerao a arma concedida erroneamente no evento, favor, no deletar a arma, apenas transferir os atributos para outra. No decorrer dessa semana traremos notcias se a arma ainda ser deletada ou continuar como est, deixando ela para quem pegou. Ressaltamos desde j que, a arma no foi proposta po...r ns, equipe Brasileira. Para isso, contamos com a opinio de todos os jogadores! Queremos deixar claro tambm que, levamos em considerao tudo o que abordado por vocs, e gostaramos da vossa compreenso. Obs Utilizem este post para exporem a opinio de vocs, iremos analisar todas e discutir sobre isso. Por fim, postaremos o resultado da deciso. Att Staff! Dear players, Taking into account the opinion of all, we have recently entered into a debate, in order to enter a consensus on the direction we should take into consideration the weapon granted in the event, please do not delete the weapon, just transfer the attributes to another The best of the world. In the course of this week we will bring news if the weapon will still be deleted or continue as it is, leaving it for those who took it. We would like to point out that, the g...un was not proposed by us, Brazilian team. For that, we count on the opinion of all the players! We also want to make it clear that, we take everything that is addressed by you, and we would like your understanding. Note use this post to expose your opinion, we will analyze all and discuss it. Finally, we will post the result of the decision. Att Staff!
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Posted - 4 years 3 Days ago
Boa tarde jogadores Passo a passo como retirar a recompensa do evento de curtida do Instagram. Aproveitem a premiao, logo teremos novidades. Good afternoon players Step by step how to take the reward from the Instagram like event. Enjoy the awards, soon we will have news.
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Posted - 4 years 3 Days ago
Boa noite, jogadores. ATENO Devido ao acontecido em relao arma que foi ganha durante o evento de retorno, foi estudado e elaborado uma conversa para ser tomada uma deciso justa com toda a comunidade.... A arma em questo "Super-Bumerang do amor" foi distribuda erroneamente por parte da equipe externa do jogo, logo em seguida foi removida e alterada pelo super ovo de pscoa que no caso era a arma correta a entrar no jogo. Pensando na igualdade e responsabilidade com todos vocs foi decidido a retirada da arma de todas as contas que obtiveram nos primeiros dias de evento. Diante disso, todos os jogadores que pegaram a arma atravs do retorno, transfiram os atributos para uma outra arma at o dia 26/04 (Segunda-Feira) pois elas sero removidas. Vale ressaltar que nosso objetivo no prejudicar ningum, pelo contrrio, no seria justo esses jogadores ficarem com a arma e outros no. Good night, players. ATTENTION Due to the case in relation to the gun that was won during the return event, a conversation was studied and prepared to be made a fair decision with the whole community.... The weapon in question "Super-Bumerang of love" was erroneously distributed by the game's external team, then removed and changed by the super Easter egg that in the case was the correct weapon to enter the game. Thinking about equality and responsibility with all of you, it was decided to withdraw the weapon from all the accounts that you obtained in the first days of the event. In the face of this, all the players who took the gun through the return, transfer the attributes to another weapon until the 26/04th (Monday) because they will be removed. It is worth pointing out that goal is not to harm anyone, on the contrary, it would not be fair for these players to keep the gun and others.
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Parabns a todos os envolvidos. =) Logo os prmios vo est disponvel para a coleta.Congratulations to all involved. =) Soon the prizes will be available for collection.
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Evento especial rolando no Instagram Para saber como faremos para liberar essa premiao para todos, basta correr no insta e ler o post oficial Link Ou nos siga atravs o user @ddtankbrasil Special event going on Instagram To know how we will release this award to all, just run on insta and read the official post Link Or follow us through the user @ddtankbrasil
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Nossa equipe deseja uma feliz pscoa a todos vocs. team wishes a happy Easter to all of you.
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