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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[Sobre a manuteno emergencial] Queridos Jogadores, Recentemente realizamos uma manuteno de carter emergencial, cujo a finalidade foi:... Ampliar o desempenho do jogo. Aplicar otimizaes em todos os servidores. A otimizao se fez necessria em prol da segurana e desempenho do DDTank e para que sejamos capazes de abraar todas as melhorias que esto por vir. Diante disso, informamos que prolongamos o Evento Especial do Dia das Crianas, tendo agora, durao at o dia 03/11. Iremos trabalhar intensamente para assegurar que vocs no saiam prejudicados com perdas. Lembrando tambm que h uma compensao ativa em todos os servidores devido a manuteno, e a mesma estar disponvel para a coleta at o dia 31/10. Estamos reavaliando toda a situao e iremos retribuir a pacincia e carinho que tiveram com a equipe e com esse jogo que amamos! Boa diverso ) [about emergency maintenance] Dear Players, We recently performed an emergency maintenance, whose purpose was:... expand the performance of the game. apply optimizations on all servers. Optimization has made itself necessary for the safety and performance of ddtank and to be able to embrace all the improvements that are to come. In front of this, we inform you that we will host the special event of children's day, having now, duration until the 03/11. th we will work hard to ensure that you do not suffer with losses Also remembering that there is active compensation on all servers due to maintenance, and the same will be available for pickup until the 31/10. th. We are re the whole situation and we will return the patience and affection they had with the team and with this game we love! Good fun:)
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Queridos jogadores, O nosso site se encontra em manuteno no momento. Para aqueles que no esto conseguindo logar, pedimos que aguardem, em breve notificaremos o trmino da manuteno.Dear Players, website is currently under maintenance. For those who are not able to log in, we ask you to wait, soon we will notify the end of maintenance
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Queridos jogadores! Devido a unio dos seguintes servidores 246-340, 357-358, o login deve ser realizado atravs do servidor 275. Desejamos a Todos um timo jogo!Dear Players! Due to the union of the following servers 246-340, 357-358, login must be made through server 275. We wish you all a great game!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[JUNO DE SERVIDORES 246-275] Hey! Nessa segunda-feira faremos uma juno nos servidores 246 com 275. E ateno aos antigos jogadores, aps a juno teremos um evento especial para antigos jogadores no servidor.[SERVER MERGE 246-275] Hey! This Monday we will make a junction on servers 246 with 275. and attention to the old players, after the junction we will have a special event for old players on the server.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Queridos jogadores, O nosso mais novo servidor 367 Lar dos guardies j se encontra disponvel. Para voc que estava aguardando um novo servidor, essa a hora!Dear Players, Newest Server 367 Home of guardians is now available. For you who were waiting for a new server, this is the time!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
MEC STREAM DDTANK ESTAMOS AO VIVO EM VARIAS PLATAFORMAS COLA COM NOIS !!! Link Link ... Link Link Mec stream We are live on several platforms glue with us!!! Link Link ... Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Para aqueles que estavam ansiosos para a premiao do nosso evento no Instagram, ela estar ativa amanh, dia 18. A recompensa ficar disponvel para ser coletada at o dia 31 desse ms na aba de Eventos Limitados.For those who were looking forward to the awards of event on Instagram, it will be active tomorrow, the 18. th the reward will be available to be collected until the 31th of this month in the limited event tab.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Queridos jogadores, As premiaes pendentes foram entregues. Lamentamos a demora, estamos trabalhando para que tudo ocorra o mais breve possvel. Pedimos que ativem as notificaes de novas publicaes e fiquem atentos as redes sociais, publicaremos uma novidade quentinha em breve. :DDear Players, The outstanding awards have been delivered. Sorry for the delay, we are working to make everything happen as soon as possible. We ask you to activate notifications of new posts and stay tuned for social networks, we will publish a warm news soon. :D
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
O que est por vir? Em breve na verso 10.5!What's coming? Coming soon in version 10.5!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
BORA DE DDTANKZADA RAPEIZE ESTAMOS AO VIVO EM VARIAS PLATAFORMAS COLA COM NOIS !!! Link Link ... Link Link Bora from ddtankzada rapeize We are live on several platforms glue with us!!! Link Link ... Link Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[EVENTOS ESPECIAIS DE DIA DAS CRIANAS] Dvidas sobre o evento de VIP? No se preocupe, ele vai at o dia 25 tambm. Aproveite! :D[Children's day special events] Doubts about the VIP event? Don't worry he goes until the 25th too Enjoy! :D
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[RETORNO ANTIGO JOGADOR, ESPECIAL DIA DAS CRIANAS] Incentivo para o retorno dos antigos jogadores? Tambm teremos. Para aqueles que desejam retornar ao jogo, temos uma recompensa especial para vocs. Inicio 12/10... Trmino 25/10 [return old player, special children's day] Incentive for the return of the old players? We will also. For those who wish to return to the game, we have a special reward for you. Start 12/10... End 25/10
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[EVENTO ESPECIAL DIA DAS CRIANAS] Para aqueles que estavam ansiosos para saber as misses ativas, aqui esto elas! Preparem-se, a diverso comeou Incio 12/10... Trmino 25/10 [Children's day special event] For those who were eager to know the active missions, here they are! Get ready, the fun has begun Start 12/10... End 25/10
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[EVENTO ESPECIAL DIA DAS CRIANAS] Para aqueles que estavam ansiosos para saber as misses ativas, aqui esto elas! Preparem-se, as 00h diverso se inicia. Incio 12/10... Trmino 25/10 [Children's day special event] For those who were eager to know the active missions, here they are! Get ready, 00 pm to fun begins. Start 12/10... End 25/10
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[EVENTO DE DIA DAS CRIANAS] Itens de ups? claro que teremos. Esse dia das crianas ser um dia recheado de novidades. Esto ansiosos? [Children's day event] Ups items? Of course we will. This children's day will be a day full of news. Are you anxious?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[TROCA A & B] Teremos trocas por itens incrveis! Preparem-se para essa aventura. Nossos eventos iro se iniciar no dia 12. Inicio 12/10 Trmino 25/10[A & B] We will have trade for amazing items! Get ready for this adventure. events will begin on the 12. th. Start 12/10 Term 25/10
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[EVENTOS ESPECIAIS - DIA DAS CRIANAS] Preparados para uma nova jornada de eventos? Se ainda no esto, preparem-se! O dia especial das crianas est chegando e preparamos eventos maravilhosos para todos. Para iniciar essa jornada, no dia 12/10 se inicia a entrada diria temtica, que se encerra no dia 25/10.[special events - children's day] Ready for a new event journey? If you're not yet, get ready! Children's special day is coming and we have prepared wonderful events for everyone. To start this journey, on the 12/10th begins the thematic daily entry, which closes on the 25/10. th.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
[DESTAQUES DA VERSO 10.5] A verso 10.5 se aproxima, esto preparados para grandes novidades? Esses so alguns dos destaques![highlights of version 10.5] Version 10.5 is coming, are you ready for big news? These are some of the highlights!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
SEJAM TODOS MUITO MAIS QUE BEM VINDOS 3All are much more than welcome 3
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Queridos jogadores, Hoje se encerra o nosso evento do Instagram. A meta no foi batida, mas chegamos a 8.000 seguidores! Levaremos em considerao todo esforo que tiveram e dessa vez liberaremos a premiao mesmo sem a meta batida. Agradecemos todos que participaram e se esforaram para tudo isso acontecer. Pedimos sua compreenso e em breve a recompensa estar ativa em todos os servidores para coletar.Dear Players, Today closes instagram event. The goal was not beat, but we reached 8.000 followers! We will take into consideration all the effort they had and this time we will win the awards even without the goal beat We thank everyone who participated and worked hard to all this happen. We ask for your understanding and soon the reward will be active on all servers to collect.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
SEJAM TODOS MUITO MAIS QUE BEM VINDOS..All are much more than welcome..
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
E a, pessoas, qual a melhor opo? Haha! Hey, people, what's the best option? Haha!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Ei, galera! O evento do Instagram ainda no acabou. Prolongamos at o dia 06, domingo. Quem ainda no tem Instagram, corre, crie um e participe. :DHey guys Instagram event is not over yet Prolonged until the 06th, Sunday. Who still doesn't have instagram, run, create one and participate. :D
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Queridos jogadores, Recentemente anunciamos o nosso Evento de Trocas com Pedras de Avano, entretanto, o design teve um erro com a quantidade das mesmas referente a Troca 4. Desde j, pedimos desculpas pelo transtorno causado e tentaremos fazer o mximo para que esse tipo de erro no ocorra novamente! ... Desejamos timas trocas e um excelente jogo todos! Em breve teremos novidades especiais que iro amar Dear Players, We recently announced advance stones exchange event, however, the design had an error with the amount of them for exchange 4. In advance, we apologize for the inconvenience caused and we will try to do the most so that this kind of mistake does... We wish great trade and a great game to all! Soon we will have special news that you will love
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Queridos jogadores, Hoje o ltimo dia das atividades 9 anos e tambm o ltimo dia para fazer suas trocas! Corra e no deixe para ltima hora. Iremos prorrogar o evento que est rolando no Instagram, em breve faremos um anncio.Dear Players, Today is the last day of activities 9 years and also the last day to trade! Run and don't leave for last hour. We will extend the event that is happening on Instagram, soon we will make an announcement
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hey, galera! Segunda est chegando e junto com ela teremos uma troca de pedra de avano por itens de ups! E a o que acha?Hey guys Monday is coming and along with it we will have a advance stone exchange for ups items! So what do you think?
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[EVENTO ESPECIAL NO INSTAGRAM] Galera, o nosso evento especial no Instagram ainda est rolando! O que est esperando para participar? Deixaremos o Instagram aberto a partir de hoje, marquem os amigos na publicao oficial, repostem, divulguem. 3 Lembrando que at dia 29.[special event on Instagram] Guys, special event on Instagram is still going on! What are you waiting for to participate? We will leave instagram open from today, tag friends in the official post, repostem, disclose. 3 Remembering it's until day 29.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[MANUTENO SERVIDOR 364] Queridos jogadores, O servidor 364 est passando por uma manuteno de otimizao. Pedimos sua compreenso e que aguardem, a manuteno ser finalizada o mais breve possvel.[Server Maintenance 364] Dear Players, Server 364 is going through an optimization maintenance. We ask for your understanding and wait, maintenance will be finished as soon as possible.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[Venda dos Relgios na venda de munio] Queridos jogadores, Foi dito que tentaramos prolongar a venda dos Relgios de areia na venda de munio e conseguimos! A venda ir at o dia 29/09. Agradecemos aqueles que confiam em nosso trabalho. Lembrando que essa semana tambm teremos o evento Deus da fortuna durante a semana e recarga em dobro tambm, aproveitem.[sale of watches on sale of ammunition] Dear Players, It was said that we wanted to extend the sale of sand watches in the sale of ammunition and The sale will go until the 29/09. th we thank those who trust in work Remembering that this week we will also have the God of fortune event during the week and double recharge too, enjoy.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[Venda dos Relgios na venda de munio] Queridos jogadores, A venda dos Relgios de areia na venda de munio foi prolongada at o dia 29/09. Agradecemos aqueles que confiam em nosso trabalho. Lembrando que essa semana tambm teremos o evento buda durante a semana e recarga em dobro tambm, aproveitem.[sale of watches on sale of ammunition] Dear Players, The sale of sand watches in the sale of ammunition was extended until the 29/09. th we thank those who trust in work. Remembering that this week we will also have the Buddha event during the week and double recharge too, enjoy.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[EVENTO ESPECIAL 9 ANOS DDTANK NO INSTAGRAM] Preparados para um grande evento com uma premiao incrvel? Se no esto, preparem-se! Inicio 2 Trmino 29/ Quer ganhar metade das novas fuguras Raposa Inari e Onmyoji de maneira fcil e ainda nos ajudar com a divulgao desse evento? simples! Como participar? Para participar fcil, basta seguir o nosso Instagram oficial Link Ou pesquisar por @ddtankbrasil no Instagram para seguir. Aps seguir o Instagram, deve-se curtir a foto oficial. Meta para bater Vocs tero que bater a meta de 1 seguidores no Instagram, acreditamos que ser fcil e que conseguiro isso rpido. Aps a meta ser batida, ativaremos um aba para coletarem as fuguras, gratuitamente para todos do game. Regras proibido spamar fakes para bular e conseguir essa meta de forma mais rpida. Sendo assim, privamos o Instagram e todos os novos seguidores tero que solicitar permisso para seguir, assim podemos ter o controle de que fakes no ocupem maiores espaos. [SPECIAL EVENT 9 years ddtank on Instagram] Ready for a great event with an amazing awards? If you're not, get ready! Start 2 End 29/ Do you want to win half of the new fuguras fox inari and onmyoji in an easy way and still help us with the It's simple! how to participate? To participate is easy, just follow official Instagram Link Or search for @ddtankbrasil on Instagram to follow. After following instagram, you should like the official photo. goal to beat You will have to beat the goal of 1 followers on Instagram, we believe it will be easy and that you will After the goal is beat, we will create a tab to collect the fuguras, for free for all of rules It is forbidden to spamar and achieve this goal faster. So, we have deprive instagram and all new followers will have to request permission to follow, so we can have control that pouty do not occupy bigger spaces.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[JUNO DOS SERVIDORES 362 COM 363] Queridos jogadores, Nessa segunda-feira iremos fazer a juno do servidor 362 com o 363 com intuito de melhorias para o servidor. Pedimos que fiquem atentos as redes sociais para mais novidades e notcias.[SERVER MERGE 362 with 363] Dear Players, This Monday we will make the junction of server 362 with the 363 in order to improve the server. We ask you to stay tuned for more news and news.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Dvidas de como achar a recompensa? Aqui est uma dica! Doubts how to find the reward? Here's a tip!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[RECOMPENSA ATIVA PELO DIA OFFLINE] Queridos jogadores, A compensao pelo dia inativo j est ativa em todos servidores. No servidor 275 h uma compensao extra com Relgios de areia e itens que perderiam na entrada diria. A compensao do servidor 100 ser aplicada em breve. Agradecemos a compreenso de todos.[Active reward for offline day] Dear Players, The compensation for the inactive day is already active on all servers. On Server 275 there is an extra compensation with sand watches and items that you would lose in the daily Server 100 compensation will be applied soon. We appreciate everyone's understanding.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[NONO ANIVERSRIO DO DDTANK 337] Querem saber as datas de todas as atividades? Deixamos aqui pra vocs. Trocas 16/09 - 29/09... Misses ativas 16/06 - 29/09 Entrada diria 16/09 - 29/09 Evento de transformao 16/09 - 29/09 Pacotes especiais de aniversrio 16/09 - 29/09 [ninth anniversary of ddtank 337] Do you want to know the dates of all activities We leave it here for you Trade 16/09-29/09... Active Missions 16/06-29/09 Daily Entry 16/09-29/09 Transformation Event 16/09-29/09 Special Birthday Packages 16/09-29/09
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Curtiram as nossas misses especiais? Foram feitas especialmente para celebrar este momento mgico que adentramos! Did you like special missions? They were made especially to celebrate this magical moment that we celebrated!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Em celebrao aos 9 anos de DDTank, tambm ativamos o nosso evento de Transformao. Embarquem nessa aventura! In Celebration of the 9 years of ddtank, we also celebrated transformation event. Embark on this adventure!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
E a, j coletou esse pacote incrvel? Ainda no?! T esperando o que ento? Corre l! So, have you collected this amazing package? Not yet?! What are you waiting for? Run it!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
As nossas Atividades de Trocas ''C'' e ''D'' j esto ativas! Curtiram? Ento no percam tempo e aproveitem para trocar por incrveis prmios! 3Our trade activities ' ' C ' ' and ''D ' ' are already active! Like? So don't waste time and enjoy to trade for amazing prizes! 3
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
As nossas Atividades de Trocas ''A'' e ''B'' j esto ativas! Curtiram? Ento no percam tempo e aproveitem para trocar por incrveis prmios! trade activities ' ' a ' and ' ' b ' ' are already active! Like? So don't waste time and enjoy to trade for amazing prizes!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Caros jogadores, lamentamos o transtorno que acarretou a queda dos servidores abaixo. Ressaltamos desde j que o motivo de tal acontecimento foi devido a juno que est sendo feita! Preparados? No?! Ento preparem-se, logo mais os servidores 275 - 321 estaro unidos! Dear Players, we regret the inconvenience that led to the collapse of the servers Let us know that the reason for such an event was due to the junction that is being made Ready? No?! So get ready, soon the servers 275-321 will be United!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[MANUTENO FINALIZADA] Agradecemos a compreenso de todos, a manuteno foi finalizada. No se preocupem quanto aos lags e algumas instabilidades, normal ps manuteno, estamos estabilizando tudo aos poucos. Preparamos uma compensao especial pelo dia perdido que ser aplicada em breve.[maintenance finished] We appreciate everyone's understanding, maintenance has been completed. Don't worry about the lags and some instabilities, it's normal post maintenance, we are stabilizing everything gradually. We have prepared a special compensation for the lost day that will be applied
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
J estamos cientes de que alguns servidores ainda esto com instabilidade. Tendo em vista isso, informamos que os servidores comearo a voltar de pouco em pouco! No se preocupem, logo mais todos estaro ativos novamente! Desde j, lamentamos o transtorno e agradecemos a pacincia! Obs no se preocupem, iremos liberar uma recompensa para compensar a inatividades dos servidores! We are already aware that some servers are still unstable. In view of this, we inform you that the servers will start to return soon! Don't worry, soon everyone will be active again! We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience Note don't worry, we will release a reward to compensate for the inatividades of the
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
A manuteno que esta sendo realizada em prol de melhorias. Desde j pedimos pacincia e compreenso. Todos juntos por um jogo melhor! Assim que for finalizada, iremos anunciar.The maintenance that is being carried out is for improvements. We already ask for patience and understanding. All together for a better game! As soon as it's finished, we will
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[JUNO DE SERVIDORES] Queridos jogadores, Ainda no final desse ms, faremos unio de 4 grupos de servidores. Pedimos que fiquem atentos em nossas redes, conforme as junes forem feitas, iremos notificando qual servidor ser unido com qual. Lamentamos a demora, sabemos da necessidade da juno e trabalharemos para que isso seja feito com extrema urgncia. Agradecemos a pacincia. :D[SERVER MERGE] Dear Players, At the end of this month, we will join 4 groups of servers. We ask you to stay tuned on networks, as the joints are made, we will notify which server will be united We are sorry for the delay, we know the need for the junction and we will work to make it We appreciate the patience. :D
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
[PROMOES DE RECARGAS] Queridos jogadores, Sexta-feira iniciaremos uma promoo de recarga. Na sexta-feira se voc descer os seus cupons, receber o dobro do valor e ficar com o triplo do que recarregou. Durante sbado e domingo as recargas sero em dobro.[Refills Promotions] Dear Players, Friday we will start a recharge promotion. On Friday if you go down your coupons, you will receive twice the value and you will get triple of what you have refilled. During Saturday and Sunday the refills will be double.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
No ms de setembro temos a comemorao especial dos 9 anos de DDTank 337! Novidades a caminho. ;) E tambm no poderamos deixar de dar apoio ao ms da preveno do suicdio. Todas as vidas importam.In September we have the special celebration of the 9 years of ddtank 337! News on the way. ;) Nor could we stop supporting the month of suicide prevention. All lives matter.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
No ignore um pedido de ajuda. Fique atento aos sinais. Todas as vidas importam! Estamos todos juntos nessa. Don't ignore a call for help. Stay tuned for the signs. All lives matter! We are all together in this
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Boa tarde, galera! Informamos que as inscries esto oficialmente encerradas! Agradecemos a participao de todos vocs e desejamos uma boa sorte! Obs em at 24 horas partir de agora, todos os e-mails sero respondidos. ... - Staff 2019 Good afternoon, guys! We inform you that registrations are officially closed! We appreciate the participation of all of you and wish a good luck! Note in up to 24 hours from now, all emails will be answered. ... - Staff 2019
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Boa tarde! E a, preparados para o novo desafio que iremos lanar? No?! Ento se preparem porque a vm novidade! A direo da rea de Projetos convida voc, jogador, a fazer parte da Staff 2019. Quer tentar fazer parte dessa equipe? Ento fique atento, abaixo citaremos algumas instrues e critrios que sero necessrios para a sua participao. Ter 18 anos + ... Ser ativo e estar por dentro das novidades do jogo Curtir/Seguir a nossa pgina oficial no Facebook e no Instagram. O que voc deve fazer? Para participar da primeira etapa de seleo envie-nos uma mensagem para o email seletivequip.projetos337@gmail.com respondendo s seguintes perguntas Por que devemos contrat-lo para atuar na equipe de Projetos? Qual o seu nvel de conhecimento referente ao Pacote Office? Domina algum outro idioma? Qual o seu tempo livre durante o dia? Fale um pouco sobre voc! A primeira fase da seleo ser respondida em at 48 horas, por isso importante que voc fique atento ao e-mail. Lembrando que s inscries para a primeira fase s sero vlidas at amanh s 12:30 (com tolerncia de at 5 minutos depois de finalizada). Boa sorte! -Staff 2019! Good afternoon! So, ready for the new challenge we will launch? No?! So get ready because news is coming! The project area direction invites you, player, to be part of staff 2019. Want to try to be part of this team? So stay tuned, below we will provide some instructions and criteria that will be necessary for your participation. Be 18 +... be active and be inside the news of the game Like / follow official Facebook and Instagram page. what should you do? To participate in the first selection step send us a message to email Seletivequip.Projetos337@Gmail.Com Answering the following questions why should we hire him to perform in the project team? what is your level of knowledge regarding the office package? do you dominate any other language What's your free time during the day? talk a little about yourself! The first phase of the selection will be answered in up to 48 hours, so it is important that you stay tuned to the email Remembering that registrations for the first phase will only be valid until tomorrow at 12:30 (with up to 5 minutes after finished). Good luck! -Staff 2019!
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  • You can not claim bonus from same link more than once. You may find some links not working. This does not mean that all links are not working.
  • You can filter posts by working and not working and sort it by time. In some cases working is not updated correctly so we suggest to check everyposts.
  • After Claiming any Free Bonus Please restart your game to see that claimed item in your inventory.
  • You can also follow official DD Tank Portugues page for updates and news here: https://www.facebook.com/ddtank.337.br

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