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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators, Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command. You may like the new gameplay there. Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination! Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
Dear Dominators,Recently we are working on a new world-war-theme game, War Command.You may like the new gameplay there.Conquer the world by land, air and sea. It's time for world domination!Play Now Link
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Posted - 9 years 9 months ago
It's ok now. Enjoy your time
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Posted - 9 years 11 months ago
The disconnection issue is fixed.Enjoy the game
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Posted - 1 decade 1 Week ago
How to increase defense? 1. Recruit new heroes at the Tavern, and spend any lesser heroes to cultivate those theyd like to keep. 2. Upgrade your buildings to increase their HP. 3. Assign heroes and soldiers in Ambushes.... 4. Well-adjust your buildings. These points are used in combination to increase the citys defenses from oncoming attacks. Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 1 Week ago
Tips Before you log off, make sure to have a full army ready to defend attacks when you're offline! Make sure to assign heroes and soldiers in Ambush. Set all heroes in formation. Never send troops in alone! Units deployed in well chosen groups can do much more damage and distract enemy defenses.... Try to unlock more soldiers and upgrade them. Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 1 Week ago
Tips Before you log off, make sure to have a full army ready to defend attacks when you're offline! Make sure to assign heroes and soldiers in Ambush. Set all heroes in formation.Never send troops in alone! Units deployed in well chosen groups can do much more damage and distract enemy defenses.
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Posted - 1 decade 1 Week ago
Last weekends, many players share their opinions about league. As a leader 1. Chat with allies in League Channel or via email. Collect answers and help them solve problems. Share with them your experience and tips. Cheer up members to donate and level up league. Lead members for victory battles. 2. Frequently visit members' base to check their activity, pay tribute and help speedup their building upgrade. As a member:... 1. Donate every day to help level up league. Thanks for the participants. And rewards were issued as promised. We may design some new features for league. Thanks for your support all the time. :) Dominator Battle Team Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 1 Week ago
Event for This Weekend If you are a league member, what do you want to get from your League? List your needs, they may be something we could implement. If you are a league leader, you can manage your league, send recruit link to chat box and show league in recommendation list, which help your league be shown to other players. And what will you do to cheer up your members?... Comment to tell your answers. All participants will gain 3 3 Gold 3 as rewards. Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 2 Weeks ago
The first thing I do when I login is to visit my friends and allies, then pay tribute one by one. Cause I have over 5 I can obtain about 25 by doing this. Enough energy enables me to do more Blitz. What's the first thing you do once you login Dominator Battle every day? And do you get a plan? Comment to share your strategy. Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 2 Weeks ago
Q How to upgrade Battle Rating? A You can upgrade Battle Rating by leveling up hero, cultivating material, crafting material, enchanting material, upgrading material, and upgrading skills. Now you can check the status of your heroes, we tell you clearly what you need to do to upgrade Battle Rating. Just follow the steps list there.... Click the "+" icon to check your hero status and then upgrade BR. Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 2 Weeks ago
Dear All, How is your weekend? We collect some valuable suggestions through the weekend event. Thanks for all the participants. We'll take all your advice into consideration in the following design. ... Also if you find any problems in game, pls feel free to contact us. 5 Gold has been sent to your account, please check. Thanks for your support all the time :) Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 2 Weeks ago
What do you think would make an excellent new feature for Dominator Battle? Make it a new one, and it may be something we could implement. This weekend, you get this interesting off-game quest. Think about it and comment to share your opinions in details. 5 Gold will be rewarded for new and creative ideas.... Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 3 Weeks ago
~~~~~~English~~~~~~ Q Why can't I level up my heroes, even if I assign him in campaigns very often? A Only chief hero can gain EXP and level up by campaigns. If you wanna level up another hero, set him as chief in Hero Center. Then assign him in campaigns. You can deploy the new chief hero to blitz, which enable him to level up very fast. ... Q How can I level up quickly? A Enough EXP enables you level up. Make sure to complete all daily quests, EXP is offered there. Also break through stages and upgrade buildings help you level up by offering EXP. ~~~~~~Espaol~~~~~~ Q Por qu no puedo subir de nivel mis hroes, aunque yo le asigno en campaas muy a menudo? A Slo hroe jefe puede ganar EXP y subir de nivel por las campaas. Si quieres subir de nivel a otro hroe, lo puso como jefe de hroe Center. Entonces le asigne en las campaas. Puede implementar el nuevo hroe jefe de bombardeo, que permiten a l para subir de nivel muy rpido. Q Cmo puedo nivelar yo rpidamente? A Lo suficiente EXP permite subir de nivel. Asegrese de completar todas las misiones diarias, EXP se ofrece all. Tambin romper a travs de etapas y mejorar edificios ayudan a subir de nivel al ofrecer EXP. ~~~~~~Portugus~~~~~~ Q Por que no posso subir de nvel meus heris, mesmo que eu atribu-lo em campanhas muitas vezes? A S chefe heri pode ganhar EXP e subir de nvel atravs de campanhas. Se voc quer subir de nvel outro heri, defina-o como chefe em heri Center. Em seguida, atribua-lo em campanhas. Voc pode implantar o novo heri chefe de raio, que lhe permitem subir de nvel muito rpido. Q Como posso subir de nvel rapidamente? A EXP suficiente permite que voc subir de nvel. Certifique-se de completar todas as quests dirias, EXP oferecido l. Tambm quebrar atravs de estgios e atualizar edifcios ajud-lo a subir de nvel, oferecendo EXP. ~~~~~~Indonesia~~~~~~ Q Mengapa saya tidak bisa naik level pahlawan saya, bahkan jika saya menugaskannya dalam kampanye sangat sering? A Hanya kepala pahlawan bisa mendapatkan EXP dan tingkat atas dengan kampanye. Jika Anda ingin naik level pahlawan lain, menempatkannya sebagai kepala di Pahlawan Pusat. Kemudian menetapkan dia di kampanye. Anda dapat menyebarkan kepala pahlawan baru untuk blitz, yang memungkinkan dia untuk naik level sangat cepat. Q Bagaimana saya bisa naik level dengan cepat? A Cukup EXP memungkinkan Anda naik level. Pastikan untuk menyelesaikan semua quest harian, EXP yang ditawarkan di sana. Juga menerobos tahapan dan upgrade bangunan membantu Anda naik level dengan menawarkan EXP. Any problems, please feel free to contact us. Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 3 Weeks ago
How to Cultivate Heroes in S5? In S5, you can set five heroes in formation at most. When you get more than five heroes, you may focus on leveling up and cultivating five. Then you can use the rest to cultivate the five heroes.... There are three requisites 1. Required hero level 2. Required Tavern level 3. Pieces for the hero 4. One hero If you get all the requirements, you can cultivate the hero to higher quality. Higher quality hero gets extra Attack and HP Growth. Tips 1. Level up hero by campaign. 2. Gain hero pieces in Tavern and Legend. 3. Gain hero in Tavern, or exchange 1 for one hero. Once the hero is used to cultivate, you'll lose it. Choose low quality and useless hero, and remove all the gears before cultivating. Any questions on gameplay, just feel free to contact us :) Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 3 Weeks ago
Dominator Battle Updates in S5! Now you can get Free Diamonds every day, in Daily Quest. Once your activity reaches 5 you gain 3 Diamonds. Enjoy the game :)... Play Link
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Posted - 1 decade 3 Weeks ago
Like and Share this post. If this post reaches 6 all participants get 3 Gold for free! Invite friends and allies to join the event :)... Play Link
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