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Posted - 4 years 2 Days ago
Molti di voi hanno cercato di indovinare l'indovinello di ieri! Are sei pronto a conoscere la risposta...? Topolino dei denti l'animale con pi denti! ... It ha un senso ora, non vero? Diteci se avete indovinato o no... No vale la pena di dire s, se non l'avessi indovinato. Ci vediamo al Loco Bingo per una partita nel fine settimana! Link Many of you tried to guess yesterday's riddle! Are you ready to know the answer...? Teeth Mickey is the most teeth animal! ... It makes sense now doesn't it? Tell us if you guessed it or not... No worth saying yes if you hadn't guessed. See you at Loco Bingo for a weekend game! Link
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Posted - 4 years 3 Days ago
Today Bingui is very thoughtful and wants to share a riddle with you... Will you help him solve it? WARNING, the answer is not what it seems... You have to be very creative...... Which animal has the most teeth? In tomorrow's post we will reveal the answer. Leave your comment and guess the riddle! And now... Pick up your Friday present! Link
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Posted - 4 years 4 Days ago
Loco Heroes is over and the RED team is the WINNER It's been such a special and fun event for us... Too bad it's over.... But there's a lot of fun coming up at Loco Bingo! Until then, you can enjoy these personalized frames with the colors of the teams What color do you like best? Comment on which team you were with and download your gift frames!
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Posted - 4 years 5 Days ago
Congratulations, RED Team! What a great time we had yesterday at the LOCO FINAL Thank you all very much for attending... Have you ENJOYED the great event of LOCO HEROES? And. as promised... YOU CAN PICK UP YOUR 1 COINS HERE Link Enjoy yourselves! See you at Loco Bingo!
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Posted - 4 years 6 Days ago
Link al regalo de 1 Link 1 gift link Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 Days ago
TODAY IS THE LOCO FINAL WERE SO EXCITED The more you share today's post, the bigger the present you will receive tomorrow!!... COMMENT WITH HEARTS, who do you think will win? Blue team with Captain Fede Green team with Captain Jess Yellow team with Captain Marc Red team with Captain Marquitos Dont miss the Loco Final at 3 pm! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
What's the BEST thing about SUMMER? For Bingui, Lucky and Tombolina,the best thing is... That the days are longer and there is more time to have fun!... What's the best thing about this season? COMMENT what you like about SUMMER! DON'T FORGET that tomorrow at 15:00 (GMT +2 Madrid) is the LOCO FINAL
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
2 DAYS LEFT FOR THE LOCO FINAL On Tuesday 21st at 3pm There will be many surprises during the final ... DO YOU WANT A SUPER SPECIAL GIFT FOR THAT DAY? Then, you just have to Tag two friends so they can know about the Loco Final Share this post The more, THE MERRIER! See you at the Loco Final!
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Bingui is being funny today He cant stop laughing! Who doesnt like jokes?... Do you have a fun joke to tell? COMMENT your joke in comment section! And after having a good laugh... PICK UP todays PRESENT!! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Who asked for another challenge? We hope youre feeling inspired today Bingui hasnt put an easy one, hes feeling cheeky today.... COMMENT Binguis value and the correct answer SHARE with your friends so they can help you! When you finish Enjoy your present in Loco Bingo!! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
If you have a friend, you have a treasure Don't you agree? How many treasures do you have?... TAG YOUR FRIENDS in the comments And then ... Invite them to play LOCO BINGO with you!
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
DRAW RESOLUTION! You have achieved ... 6 Nice job! Now, PICK UP your SUPER GIFT Link Only one week left until the final of Loco Heroes!
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Os esperamos a las 15:00! (GMT +1 Madrid)We are waiting for you at 15:00! (GMT GMT 1 Madrid)
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Posted - 4 years 2 Weeks ago
MANCA MENO ALLA LOCO FINALE Il 21 luglio celebreremo la LOCO FINAL dell'evento LOCO HEROES Non dimenticare che questo mercoled ci sar il SORTEGGIO della pubblicazione dello scorso mercoled Ottieni un sacco di MI PIACE e CONDIVIDI pi che puoi per ottenere un regalo PI GRANDE! E per iniziare bene la settimana ... RACCOGLI QUI IL TUO REGALO DI MONETE Link LESS TO THE FINAL LOCO On July 21th we will celebrate LOCO FINAL of the LOCO HEROES event Don't forget that this Wednesday there will be the SORTAGE of last Wednesday Get lots of LIKES and SHARE as much as you can to get a BIGGER gift! And to start the week off right... PICK UP YOUR COIN GIFT HERE Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 Weeks ago
Bingui e Tombolina hanno deciso di andare in SPIAGGIA Bingui ama nuotare nell'acqua e giocare a palla Tombolina pi che rilassante leggendo un buon libro ... E tu, quando vai in SPIAGGIA o PISCINA, chi sei? COMMENT se stai pi giocando o rilassandoti e taggando i tuoi amici da spiaggia e pescatori! E poich vogliamo che la tua domenica sia perfetta... QUI HAI UN REGALO! Link Bingui and Tombolina decided to go to the BEACH Bingui loves swimming in the water and playing ball Tombolina is beyond relaxing reading a good book ... And you, when you go to the BEACH or POOL, who are you? COMMENT if you're more playing or relaxing and tagging your beach and fishermen friends! And because we want your Sunday to be perfect... HERE YOU HAVE A GIFT! Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 Weeks ago
Che cattivi! Bingui e Tombolina si sono nascosti senza che i Capitani se ne rendano conto Vogliono vedere cosa hanno preparato per la LOCO FINAL del prossimo 21 luglio... Puoi aiutarci a trovarli? RICORDA che a quanti pi Mi piace e condivisioni arriverete mercoled 7/ maggiore sar il dono da riscuotere mercoled prossimo COMMENTO dove sono arrivati Bingui e Tombolina! Ci vediamo al Loco Bingo Link Such bad guys! Bingui and Tombolina hid without the Captains realizing it They want to see what they have prepared for the LOCO FINAL next July 21th... Can you help us find them? REMEMBER that as many likes and shares you will arrive on Wednesday 7/ the greater the gift to be collected next Wednesday COMMENT where Bingui and Tombolina came to! See you at Loco Bingo Link
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
Bingui, Tombolina y Lucky han decidido montar una fiesta! Cualquier excusa es buena para divertirse Qu es lo que ms te gusta de las fiestas?... A) La comida, obviamente! B) La msica y bailar con mis amigos C) No me gustan mucho las fiestas Comparte con nosotros en COMENTARIOS qu es lo que ms te gusta (o no) de las fiestas! Y ahora, sigue la fiesta en LOCO BINGO! Link Bingui, Tombolina and Lucky have decided to throw a party! I love you Any excuse is good to have fun What do you love most about the holidays? I love you... A) Food, obviously! B) Music and dancing with my friends C) I don't like parties much Share with us in COMMENTS what's your favorite thing (or not)) about the holidays! And now, the party continues at LOCO BINGO! I love you Link
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
RESULTADO SORTEO LOCO HROES REDES SOCIALES Gracias a todos por compartir vuestras historias El comentario con ms ha sido de....... Mara Jos Dsc!! Enhorabuena! Tu comentario ha sido el que ms me gusta ha recibido, por lo tanto, eres la ganadora Y para los dems, como no queremos que os quedis sin regalo DISFRUTA DE TU REGALO DE MONEDAS! Link CRAZY GIVEAWAY SOCIAL NETWORKS SOCIALES Thank you all for sharing your stories The most comment has been from....... Maria Jose Dsc!! Congratulations! I love you so much Your comment has been the most liked, therefore you are the winner And for others, as we don't want you to run out of gift... ENJOY YOUR COINS GIFT! I love you so much Link
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
SORTEO LOCO HROES REDES SOCIALES Ya sabes que este mes es LA GRAN LOCO FINAL Quieres entrar en un sorteo de 100.000 monedas? ... Tan solo tienes que COMENTAR quin es tu hroe y por qu? Etiqueta a alguien que sea tu hroe y cuntanos el motivo VOSOTROS seris los jueces! Leed los comentarios y dadle like a aquellas historias que os gusten ms! Aquella persona que reciba ms likes, recibir el regalo de 100.000 monedas el da Jueves 02/07. SUERTE! CRAZY HEROES SOCIAL SOCIALES You know this month is THE BIG CRAZY FINAL Want to enter a 100.000 coin draw? ... You just have to COMMENT who your hero is and why? Tag someone who is your hero and tell us the reason YOU will be the judges! Read the comments and like those stories you like the most! I love you so much That person who receives the most likes will receive the gift of 100.000 coins on Thursday 02/07. LUCKY!
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Posted - 4 years 4 Weeks ago
Nuestros Loco Capitanes te estn buscando Ya falta menos de un mes para la Loco Final de LOCO HROES Ya sabes que tenemos cuatro equipos la pregunta es, en qu equipo estaras t?... Equipo Azul porque es el equipo del color de la paz Equipo Verde porque es el equipo del color esperanza Equipo Amarillo porque es el equipo del color de la alegra Equipo Rojo porque es el equipo del color de la aventura COMENTA en qu equipo estaras y COMPARTE con tus amigos Y como sabemos que te gustan los regalos RECOGE AQU TU REGALO DE CRDITOS!! Link Crazy Captains are looking for you It's less than a month until the Crazy Final of CRAZY HEROES You know we have four teams... the question is, which team would you be on?... Team Blue because it's the color team of peace Equipo Team Green because it's the team of hope color Equipo Team because it's the color team of joy Team Red because it's the color adventure team COMMENT which team you would be on and SHARE with your friends And how we know you like gifts... PICK UP YOUR CREDIT GIFT HERE!! Link
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Posted - 4 years 4 Weeks ago
Pobre Bingui tiene miedo a la oscuridad. Pero Tombolina quiere ayudarle a superar sus miedos Qu consejo le daras a Bingui para superar su miedo? ... Deja tu consejo en COMENTARIOS Y para agradecer tu ayuda RECOGE AQU TU REGALO! Link Poor Bingui... afraid of the dark. I love you so much But Tombolina wants to help him overcome his fears What advice would you give Bingui to overcome his fear?... Leave your advice in COMMENTS And to thank you for your help... PICK UP YOUR GIFT HERE! I love you so much Link
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Posted - 4 years 4 Weeks ago
SBADO DE RETO! Vamos a comprobar esa vista Puedes encontrar la bola diferente?... Escribir qu bola no encaja en la imagen y comenta tu respuesta Cuando hayas acabado, sigue disfrutando del fin de semana y RECOGE TU REGALO Link SATURDAY OF... CHALLENGE! I love you so much Let's check that view... Can you find the ball different? I love you so much... Write which ball doesn't fit the picture and comment your answer When you're done, keep enjoying the weekend and PICK UP YOUR GIFT Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Feliz viernes! Qu mejor manera que empezar el fin de semana con un REGALO? Cul es el mejor regalo que te han hecho alguna vez?... COMENTA tu respuesta en los comentarios y COMPARTE con tus amigos Entra a LOCO BINGO y no te olvides de RECOGER tu REGALO!! Link Happy Friday! I love you so much What better way than to start the weekend with a GIFT? I love you so much What's the best gift you've ever been given? I love you so much... COMMENT your answer in the comments and SHARE with your friends Enter CRAZY BINGO and don't forget to PICK UP your GIFT!! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Sabemos lo mucho que os gustan los acertijos Por eso hoy traemos otro!! Podis resolver el valor de Tombolina y de Bingui? ... Deja tu respuesta en COMENTARIOS y etiqueta a tus amigos para que te ayuden a resolver el clculo de LOCO BINGO MAANA dejaremos un REGALO si la mayora contesta la respuesta correcta. ENTRA AHORA A JUGAR A LOCO BINGO!! Link We know how much you love riddles That's why today we bring another one!! Can you solve the value of Tombolina and Bingui? ... Leave your answer in COMMENTS and tag your friends to help you solve the CRAZY BINGO calculation TOMORROW we'll leave a GIFT if most answer the correct answer. I love you so much ENTER NOW PLAY CRAZY BINGO!! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Lleg el VERANO a Loco Bingo Bingui y Tombolina han decidido pasar el da en la playa hoy Bingui quiere tomar el sol todo el da y ponerse moreno ... Tombolina prefiere relajarse y disfrutar de la brisa bajo la sombrilla Y t en verano quin eres, Bingui o Tombolina? COMENTA tu respuesta y COMPARTE con tus amigos ms veraniegos Y ahora juega a LOCO BINGO! Link SUMMER is here at Crazy Bingo Bingui and Tombolina decided to spend the day at the beach today Bingui wants to sunbathe all day and get brown... Tombolina prefers to relax and enjoy the breeze under the umbrella... And you in summer who are you, Bingui or Tombolina? COMMENT your answer and SHARE with your most summer friends And now... play CRAZY BINGO! I love you so much Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
TRAEMOS UN ACERTIJO! Sabrs resolverlo? COMENTA tu respuesta y comparte con tus amigos.... Si la MAYORA adivina la respuesta CORRECTA, Regalaremos un obsequio maana! Comparte tu solucin y entra a LOCO BINGO Link WE BRING A TRUE! Will you solve it? COMMENT your answer and share with your friends.... If MAJORY guesses the RIGHT answer, we'll give away a gift tomorrow! Share your solution and go CRAZY BINGO Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
FELIZ DOMINGO... DE REGALO! Con qu BINGUI te identificas hoy? Bingui intelectual Bingui despistado... Bingui muy feliz COMENTA tu respuesta y dinos qu Bingui eres hoy ENTRA a LOCO BINGO y recoge tu REGALO de 1 Link HAPPY SUNDAY... GIFT! I love you so much Which BINGUI do you identify with today? Intellectual Bingui Clueless Bingui ... Bingui very happy COMENTA COMMENT your answer and tell us what Bingui you are today ENTER CRAZY BINGO and pick up your 1 GIFT! I love you so much Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Feliz Sbado! Nos encantan estos das de relax en familia y tomar un caf laaaargo y sin prisas... Tenemos muchas ganas de reunirnos con nuestros amigos a compartir un caf. Mientras tanto, podemos quedar en PAUSA CAFFE Todava no conoces las bolas de la SUERTE?... COMENTA tu nmero de la suerte y recoge tu REGALO DOBLE de un cartn y una bola de la suerte para la sala PAUSA CAFFE! Entra a LOCO BINGO y renete con tus amigos para jugar! Link Happy Saturday! I love you so much We love these family relaxing days and have a long, no rush coffee... We are looking forward to meeting with friends to share a coffee. Mientras Meanwhile, we can meet at PAUSEA CAFFE Still don't know the lucky balls? I love you so much... COMMENT your lucky number and collect your DOUBLE cardboard gift and lucky ball for the CAFFE PAUSA Room! I love you so much Enter CRAZY BINGO and meet up with your friends to play! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
VIAJANDO EN LOCO BINGO! Bingui y sus amigos estn pensando en su prximo destino... Si pudieras viajar a un destino imaginario ahora mismo, cul sera? COMENTA ... Si te iras a la ISLA de las GOLOSINAS COMPARTE Si te iras al PAS de la PIZZA COMENTA o COMPARTE segn sea tu respuesta JUEGA AHORA A LOCO BINGO CON REGALO DE MONEDAS Link TRAVELING IN CRAZY BINGO! I love you so much Bingui and his friends are thinking about their next destination... If you could travel to an imaginary destination right now, what would it be? COMMENT ... If you would go to GOALS ISLAND SHARE If you were going to the PIZZA COUNTRY COMMENT or SHARE according to your answer PLAY NOW CRAZY BINGO WITH COIN GIFT Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
TE GUSTAN LOS ACERTIJOS? Aunque tengo el bolsillo vaco, hay algo en su interior Qu es? Si conseguimos 1 comentarios con la respuesta CORRECTA... MAANA regalaremos un nuevo obsequio de monedas!... COMENTA tu respuesta y COMPARTE con tus amigos Comparte tu respuesta y juega a LOCO BINGO Link DO YOU LIKE THE TRACKS? Although my pocket is empty, there's something inside. What is it? I love you so much If we get 1 comments with the right answer... TOMORROW we're giving away a new coin gift! I love you so much... COMMENT your answer and SHARE with your friends Share your answer and play CRAZY BINGO Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Viaja hasta nuestra nueva SALA MALDIVAS Sabes en qu ocano se encuentran las islas Maldivas? Atlntico Pacfico ndico ... Comenta tu respuesta y disfruta del da jugando a Loco Bingo! Despus de comentar recoge tu regalo doble de BOLAS DE LA SUERTE Bola de la suerte MALDIVAS Link Bola de la suerte FRIENDS Link Travel to new EVIL ROOM Do you know what ocean the Maldives are in? Good morning Atlantic Peaceful Indian ... Comment your answer and enjoy the day playing Loco Bingo! After comment pick up your double gift of LUCKY BALLS Lucky BALL Link lucky ball FRIENDS Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Encuentra a los personajes escondidos! Nuestros amigos han viajado a Maldivas a conocer la sala del verano. Participa slo siguiendo las siguientes acciones correspondientes a los personajes que encuentres 1. Si encuentras a Bingui ME GUSTA 2. Si encuentras a Tombolina COMENTA ... 3. Si encuentras a Lucky COMPARTE Si encuentras a los 3 personajes...Participa siguiendo las 3 acciones... y maana habr un nuevo regalo Sabemos que podrs encontrarlos a todos! Luego... sigue jugando y encuentra a tus amigos en Loco Bingo Link Find the hidden characters! Good morning friends have traveled to Maldives to meet the summer room. Participate only following the following actions corresponding to the characters you find 1. If you find Bingui LIKE 2. If you find Tombolina COMMENT ... 3. If you find Lucky SHARE If you find all 3 characters... Participate following all 3 shares... and tomorrow there will be a new gift We know you can find them all! Good morning Then... keep playing and find your friends at Loco Bingo Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Regalo de monedas para ti! COMENTA y dale Me Gusta Cul es tu sala preferida dentro del juego? Tienes muchas para elegir y slo puedes elegir una! Luego de escribir el nombre de la sala, agrega los emojis que para ti la representan. Ejemplo Pausa Cafe ... Luego, recoge tu regalo de 2.5 monedas! Link Coin gift for you! COMMENT and like What's your favorite room inside the game? You have many to choose from and you can only choose one! After writing the name of the room, add the emojis that represent it for you. Example Cafe Pause ... Then pick up your 2.5 coin gift! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
En queremos pasar de los , y otros "malrolleros" para repartir mucho amor Por eso hoy adems de buen rollo abrimos votacin de regalo... T QU PREFIERES? 1 25 MONEDAS? El regalo ms votado, ser el que entregaremos el LUNES!... Comenta cmo haces t para generar buen rollo en Loco Bingo. Gracias a todos los que, con mensajes de cario, nos alegris el da a todo el equipo! Link At we want to go from the , and other "malrollers" to distribute lots of love That's why today besides good vibes we open gift vote... WHAT DO YOU prefer? 1 25 COINS? The most voted gift, will be the we will deliver on MONDAY!... Comment how you do to generate good vibes at Loco Bingo. Thank you to everyone who, with messages of love, make day to the whole team! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Qu tipo de Tombolina eres por la maana? A) Activa Gym a primera hora B) Dormida Caf en toda la cocina C) Aplicada Desde el amanecer ests trabajando ... LUEGO de comentar entra al juego y a disfrutar de un sbado con amig@s! Link What kind of Tombolina are you in the morning? A) Active Gym first thing B) Sleeping Coffee in all the kitchen C) Applied From dawn you are working ... After commenting enter the game and enjoy a Saturday with amig@s! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
REGALO DEL REGALMETRO PARA TI Habis alcanzado el 2 reto 4 compartidos y 4 likes 2 REGALOS SORPRESAS (Precisamente 1. compartidos y 555 likes) De todas formas, como habis superado por mucho la cantidad de compartidos y casi llegis al reto nmero 3 con los likes, hoy el regalmetro tendr 3 regalazos sorpresa!!... 8.0 monedas + 1 + Cartn para sala Playland. Disfruta tus sorpresas y atento a las prximas novedades! Link GIFT OF THE GIFT FOR YOU Have you reached the 2 challenge 4 shared and 4 likes 2 SURPRISE GIFTS (Precisely 1. shares and 555 likes) Anyway, as you have far exceeded the amount of shares and almost reached the number 3 challenge with the likes, today the gift will have 3 surprise gifts!!... 8.0 coins + 1 + Cardboard for Playland room. Enjoy your surprises and attentive to the upcoming news! Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Te gusta el verano, el solecito, la playa, la FIESTA?Entonces, te gusta nuestra SALA IBIZA! Empieza el verano con buen pie en Loco Bingo! Qu es lo que ms te gusta del verano? A) La paella ... B) La playa C) Las verbenas Cuntanoslo en los comentarios y etiqueta a tu compi de aventuras en verano!! No olvides participar en el REGALMETRO del lunes y de invitar a tus amigos! JUEGA AHORA Link Do you like summer, sunshine, beach, PARTY? So, you like IBIZA ROOM! Start summer off on a good foot at Crazy Bingo! I love you so much What do you love most about summer? A) The paella ... B) The beach C) The verbenas Tell us in the comments and tag your summer adventure buddy!! Don't forget to participate in Monday's GIFT and invite your friends! PLAY NOW Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Da Mundial de la Bicicleta Las bicicletas son una gran forma de cuidar el medio ambiente mientras nos trasladamos por nuestra ciudad y adems hacemos un poco de ejercicio! Comenta Eres una persona que... A) Adora andar en bicicleta... ... B) Prefiere andar en moco... C) Eres amante de andar en coche... No olvides participar del reto del Regalmetro del Lunes y a seguir jugando! Link *Esta publicacin no contiene regalo. Entra ahora a recoger tus Bonus de HOY y juega con tus amigos! World Bike Day Bikes are a great way to take care of the environment while moving through city and also do a little exercise! Comment Are you a person who... A) He loves riding a bike...... B) Prefers to walk in booger... C) Are you a car lover... Don't forget to participate in Monday's Regalometer challenge and keep playing! Link * This post contains no gift. Come in now to pick up your TODAY Bonus and play with your friends!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
La temporada de VERANO sigue activa en la sala IBIZA! Deja que el calor entre por la ventana o sal a jugar a la playa y estate atento que prximamente nuevas novedades se acercan. COMENTA Qu destino te gustara visitar en una nueva sala especial?... No dejes que baje la temperatura y recoge todos tus BONUS de REGALO de HOY! Adems, disfruta de estos 5 crditos para seguir jugando con tus amigos en tu sala favorita Link Atencin Si todava no has participado del reto del regalmetro de ayer, no esperes ms y consguelo con tus amigos! Comparte felicidad! SUMER season is still active in IBIZA room! Let the heat enter through the window or go out to play at the beach and stay tuned that new news is coming soon. COMMENT Which destination would you like to visit in a new special room?... Don't let the temperature drop and pick up all your GIFT BONUS TODAY! Also, enjoy these 5 credits to keep playing with your friends in your favorite room Link Attention If you haven't participated in yesterday's regalometer challenge yet, don't wait any longer and get it with your friends! Share happiness! I love you so much
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Porque es da de Regalmetro Consigue un objetivo nuevo con tus amigos de Loco Bingo y obtn un mega regalo sorpresa el da Viernes de Junio! Comparte esta publicacin en tu muro y a seguir sumando regalos! 2 compartidos y 2 likes 1 REGALO SORPRESA ... 4 compartidos y 4 likes 2 REGALOS SORPRESAS 6 compartidos y 6 likes 3 REGALOS SORPRESAS 8 compartidos y 8 likes 4 REGALOS SORPRESAS 1.0 compartidos y 1.0 likes 5 REGALOS SORPRESAS Link El premio ser entregado el da Viernes de Junio!! Por eso, tenis muchos das para compartir con amigos y familiares, que cuantos ms comparts, ms regalos consegus!! Ole! Y si quieres, dile a tus conocidos de facebook que le den Like a la publicacin! Todo suma para conseguir los regalos! A por ello Loco Amigos! Because it's Regalometer Day Get a new goal with your friends at Crazy Bingo and get a surprise mega gift on Friday June th! Share this post on your wall and keep adding gifts! 2 shares and 2 likes 1 SURPRISE GIFT... 4 shares and 4 likes 2 SURPRISE GIFTS 6 shares and 6 likes 3 SURPRISE GIFTS 8 shares and 8 likes 4 SURPRISE GIFTS 1.0 shares and 1.0 likes 5 SURPRISE GIFTS Link The prize will be delivered on Friday June th!! That's why you have many days to share with friends and family, that the more you share, the more gifts you get!! Ole! And if you want, tell your facebook acquaintances to like the post! It all adds up to get the gifts! Go for it Crazy Friends!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Por fin Domingooo! ...En Loco Bingo tenemos muchas ganas de encontrar tesoros este verano... COMENTA Qu haras si te encontraras un tesoro pirata en una isla?... Piensa... piensa y comenta tu respuesta... Y luego descubre tu regalo dentro del juego para sala IBIZA! No tenis el juego en el mvil? Consigue aqu el regalo Link Importante Este regalo NO podrs recogerlo dos veces y si lo intentas, te aparecer un mensaje que dice "La avaricia rompe el saco" Tambin te gustan las monedas? Recoge este regalo de 2.5 monedas aqu y a seguir jugando Link Comparte felicidad! Finally Sunday! I love you so much ... At Crazy Bingo we really want to find treasures this summer... COMMENT What would you do if you found a pirate treasure on an island? ... Think... think and comment your answer... And then discover your gift inside the game for IBIZA Room! Don't you have the game on mobile? Get the gift here Link Important This gift you will NOT be able to pick it up twice and if you try, you will appear a message that says "Greed breaks the sack " Do you like coins too? Pick up this 2.5 coin gift here and keep playing Link Share Happiness! I love you so much
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
IBIZA COMENTA Cules son las 3 cosas que nunca pueden faltar para ir a la playa? RECOGE EL REGALO que hemos preparado para HOY, haciendo clic en el botn Bingui! Si no tienes el juego en tu mvil, recoge esa sorpresa aqu... Link (y recuerda que no podrs recogerlo dos veces) Y si lo que te molan son los crditos entonces encuentra en este enlace tu REGALO de 5 crditos Link Comparte felicidad! IBIZA COMMENT What are the 3 things you can never miss to go to the beach? PICK UP THE GIFT we prepared for TODAY, by clicking the Bingui button! If you don't have the game on your phone, pick up that surprise here... Link (and remember you won't be able to pick it up twice) And if what you love is the credits then find in this link your GIFT of 5 credits Link Share Happiness! Happy birthday to you
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Comunicado de Bingui Queridos amigos, Ha comenzado el buen tiempo! Espero que podis disfrutarlo en la nueva sala IBIZA con un regalo diario dentro del juego!! Por cierto me gustara saber a qu otros destinos os molara que viajemos dentro de Loco Bingo! Os estar leyendo amigos!... No tenis el juego en el mvil? Os dejo aqu el regalo para quienes no lo tengan en el mvil Link Importante Este regalo NO podrs recogerlo dos veces y si lo intentas, te aparecer un mensaje que dice "La avaricia rompe el saco" Tambin te gustan las monedas? Recoge este regalo de 2.5 monedas aqu y a seguir jugando Link Comparte felicidad! Bingui Communiqu Dear friends, The good weather has begun! Hope you can enjoy it in the new IBIZA room with a daily gift inside the game!! By the way I would like to know what other destinations you would like us to travel inside Crazy Bingo! I'll be reading you friends! ... Don't you have the game on mobile? I leave you here the gift for those who don't have it on mobile Link Important This gift you will NOT be able to pick it up twice and if you try, you will appear a message that says "Greed breaks the sack " Do you like coins too? Pick up this 2.5 coin gift here and keep playing Link Share Happiness! I love you so much
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
NUEVA SALA IBIZA! Has estado alguna vez en un sitio paradisaco? COMENTA cul ha sido y si no has estado nunca en uno, cul te gustara visitar! COMENTA y recoge un regalo de 5 CRDITOS aqu!... Link TAMBIN TIENES REGALO IBIZA HOY... ENTRA AL JUEGO AHORA Y RECOGE TU CARTN DE IBIZA! Si eres de las personas que juegan desde un ordenador, no pasa nada! De todos modos puedes recoger este regalo haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace Link Importante Este regalo NO podrs recogerlo dos veces y si lo intentas, te aparecer un mensaje que dice "La avaricia rompe el saco" Comparte felicidad! NEW IBIZA ROOM! I love you so much Have you ever been to a paradisiac place? COMMENT which one has been and if you have never been to one, which one would you like to visit! I love you so much COMMENT and pick up a gift of 5 CREDITS here!... Link YOU ALSO HAVE GIFT IBIZA TODAY... ENTER THE GAME NOW AND PICK UP YOUR IBIZA CARTON! If you're one of the people who play from a computer, it's okay! Anyway you can pick up this gift by clicking on the following link Link Important This gift you will NOT be able to pick it up twice and if you try, you will appear a message that says "Greed breaks the sack " Share Happiness! I love you so much
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Encuentra el distinto en menos de 1 COMENTA la diferencia y dale a ME GUSTA si lo has conseguido Despus del reto, un buen caf y a por el ENTRA AL JUEGO AHORA Y RECOGE TU REGALO IBIZA DE HOY! Slo podrs recogerlo en el botn de Bingui que encontrars al entrar al juego, abajo a la derecha (En tu dispositivo mvil) y aprovecha para recoger todos tus regalos de bonus disponibles Link ... Todava no tienes el juego descargado en un dispositivo mvil? No pasa nada! Si eres de las personas que juegan desde un ordenador, puedes recoger este regalo para la nueva sala haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace Link Importante Este regalo NO podrs recogerlo dos veces y si lo intentas, te aparecer un mensaje que dice "La avaricia rompe el saco" Find the different one in less than 1 COMMENT the difference and LIKE if you made it After the challenge, a good coffee and for ENTER THE GAME NOW AND PICK UP YOUR GIFT IBIZA TODAY! You can only pick it up on the Bingui button you will find when you enter the game, bottom right (On your mobile device) and take advantage to collect all your available bonus gifts Link ... Still don't have the game downloaded on a mobile device? It's okay! If you are one of the people who play from a computer, you can pick up this gift for the new room by clicking on the following link Link Important This gift you will NOT be able to pick it up twice and if you try, you will appear a message that says "Greed breaks the sack "
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
REGALO PARA NUEVA SALA IBIZA! Si an no has conseguido tu regalo de hoy... ENTRA AL JUEGO AHORA Y RECOGE EL TUYO! Slo podrs recogerlo en el botn de Bingui que encontrars al entrar al juego, abajo a la derecha (En tu dispositivo mvil) Todava no tienes el juego descargado en un dispositivo mvil?... No pasa nada! Si eres de las personas que juegan desde un ordenador, puedes recoger este regalo para la nueva sala haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace Link Importante Este regalo NO podrs recogerlo dos veces y si lo intentas, te aparecer un mensaje que dice "La avaricia rompe el saco" COMENTA si quieres un regalo cada da! Comparte felicidad y preprate para una semana llena de regalos! GIFT FOR NEW IBIZA ROOM! I love you so much If you haven't gotten your gift yet today... GET IN THE GAME NOW AND PICK YOURS UP! You can only pick it up on the Bingui button you will find when you enter the game, bottom right (On your mobile device) Still don't have the game downloaded on a mobile device? ... It's okay! If you are one of the people who play from a computer, you can pick up this gift for the new room by clicking on the following link Link Important This gift you will NOT be able to pick it up twice and if you try, you will appear a message that says "Greed breaks the sack " COMMENT if you want a gift every day! Share happiness and prepare for a week full of gifts!
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Regalo de Monedas para ti! ME GUSTA y COMPARTE Si amas conseguir regalos! Link Coin gift for you! LIKE & SHARE If you love getting gifts! Link
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Fin de semana con amigos Para nosotros es muy importante estar cerca de los que amamos, y el chat nos ayuda en la comunicacin con nuestros amigos de Loco Bingo. COMENTA!! Hablas con tus amigos dentro del chat? Link ... Invita a tus amigos a jugar a Loco Bingo para chatear con ellos y disfruta tu regalo doble! Weekend with friends For us it is very important to be close to those we love, and chat helps us in communication with friends at Loco Bingo. COMMENT!! Do you talk to your friends inside the chat? Link ... Invite your friends to play Crazy Bingo to chat with them and enjoy your double gift!
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Regalos de Bonus dentro del juego Os hemos escuchado y por eso ahora hay regalos cada 3 horas dentro de tu tienda de monedas y crditos! Tus regalos dentro del juego son Bonus Diario cada 2 Bonus Extra cada 4 horas Bonus cada 3 horas DALE LIKE SI AMAS TUS BONUS Link *Si todava no encuentras estos regalos dentro de tu juego, actualzalo o descarga tu juego en un dispositivo mvil para poder recoger todos los regalos. **Desde Loco Bingo seguimos trabajando en nuevos regalos y funcionalidades especiales para ti. Bonus gifts inside the game We listened to you and that's why there are now gifts every 3 hours inside your coin and credit store! Your gifts in the game are Daily Bonus every 2 ... Extra Bonus every 4 hours Bonus every 3 hours LIKE IF YOU LOVE YOUR BONUS Link * If you still can't find these gifts inside your game, update or download your game on a mobile device so you can pick up all gifts. ** From Loco Bingo we continue to work on new gifts and special features for you.
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Posted - 4 years 2 months ago
Regalo de Semana de los museos Porque en una semana as, pensamos en todos los descubrimientos mundiales, obras de arte Internacionales... pero por qu no...pensar en nuestros propios descubrimientos?? COMENTA COMENTA COMENTA En qu cosas os habis descubierto mejor de lo que creais durante los ltimos meses? - En el arte de limpiar ... - En el arte de cocinar - En el arte de meditar - En el arte de... completa la frase Luego sigue jugando con tu regalo de crditos! Link Museums Week Gift Because in a week like this, we think of all world discoveries, international artwork... but why not... think about own discoveries?? COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT What things have you found out better than you thought in the last few months? - In the art of cleaning ... - In the art of cooking - In the art of meditating - In the art of... complete the phrase Then keep playing with your credit gift! Link
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