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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
El combate entre Deidara y Gaara se sald con la derrota de Gaara, pero dadas las circunstacias, ninguno de ellos us todo su poder, Deidara us lo ms fuerte la bomba C3, Deidara calculaba que Gaara protegera a la aldea. Si se enfrentaran en circunstancias normales, quin crees que ganara?The fight between Deidara and Gaara broke out with Gaara's defeat, but given the circumstances, none of them used all their power, Deidara used the bomb as hard as Deidara calculated that Gaara would protect the village. If faced under normal circumstances, who do you think would win?
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Konohamaru, al igual de Naruto, quiere ser Hokage desde nio. Adora a Naruto desde que lo conoce y aprendi de l varias tcnicas ninja. Aunque Naruto no tiene aprendices, le ha enseado mucho, tanto como la tcnica de seduccin o el Rasengan. Lo ms sorprendente fue cuando al luchar contra Pain Konohamaru us rasengan para derrotar a la Senda infernal, fue increble.Konohamaru, just like Naruto, wants to be Hokage since childhood. He loves Naruto since he met him and learned from him several ninja techniques. Although Naruto has no trainees, he has taught him a lot, as much as the seduction technique or the Rasengan. The most surprising thing was when fighting Pain Konohamaru used Rasengan to defeat the Infernal Senda, it was incredible.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kushina Uzumaki! Es madre de Naruto y esposa del Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze que tambin es aprendiz de Jiraiya. Experta en tcnicas de sellado, tiene un chakra especial capaz de suprimir a la bestia de colas. Debido a su constitucin especial se convirti en la segunda jinchuriki del 9 Colas. Cuando el 9 Colas atac Konoha, se sacrific por la proteccin de la aldea. Birthday, Kushina Uzumaki! She is the mother of Naruto and wife of the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze who is also Jiraiya's apprentice. Expert in sealing techniques, she has a special chakra capable of suppressing the beast from tails. Due to its special constitution it became the second jinchuriki of 9 Colas. When 9 Tails attacked Konoha, he sacrificed himself for the protection of the village.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kiba Inuzuka! Siempre junto a Akamaru, son como hermanos. Es experto en cooperacin con Akamaru, su tcnica ms famosa es Colmillo sobre Colmillo. Fuerte personalidad, impulsivo y confiado, le gusta ser el lder. Tiene grandes habilidades de supervivenci, debido al tiempo que pasa con Akamaru. Birthday, Kiba Inuzuka! Always next to Akamaru, they are like brothers. He is an expert in cooperation with Akamaru, his most famous technique is Fang on Fang. Strong personality, impulsive and confident, likes to be the leader. He has great survival skills, due to time spent with Akamaru.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Te acuerdas del primer enfrentamiento entre Naruto y Sasuke con Orochimaru? En la primera invasion de Konoha, Orochimaru estaba disfrazado y se acerc a Sasuke con la apariencia de Naruto. Sasuke se qued paralizado de horror la primera vez que vio a Orochimaru. Naruto lleg a tiempo, pero aunque no pudo hacer nada contra Orochimaru, al menos lo entorpeci por un tiempo.Do you remember the first showdown between Naruto and Sasuke with Orochimaru? In Konoha's first invasion, Orochimaru was in disguise and approached Sasuke looking like Naruto. Sasuke was paralyzed in horror the first time he saw Orochimaru. Naruto arrived on time, but although he couldn't do anything against Orochimaru, at least he hindered him for a while.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Baki! Es un Jonin lite de la Aldea de la Arena del Pas del Viento, y es maestro de Gaara, Temari y Kankuro. Contribuy a la reconstruccin de la Aldea de la Arena con su mente clara y liderazgo. Desde que Gaara se convirti en Kazekage, trat de ayudar impulsando todo. Birthday, Baki! He is an elite Jonin from Windland Sand Village, and is master of Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. He contributed to the reconstruction of the Arena Village with his clear mind and leadership. Since Gaara became Kazekage, she tried to help boost everything.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Neji Hyuga! Es el genio del clan Hyuga, ya desde pequeo ha sido un nio prodigio. Quiere librarse de la maldicin de la casa secundaria y volar libre como un pjaro. Perdi con Naruto en el examen de Chunin y desde entonces ya no opina que el destino no se puede cambiar. Se sacrific por proteger a Naruto e Hinata durante la cuarta guerra ninja. Birthday, Neji Hyuga! He's the genius of the Hyuga clan, he's been a child prodigy since childhood. Wants to get rid of the curse of the high house and fly free like a bird. He lost to Naruto in Chunin's exam and since then no longer believes that fate cannot be changed. He sacrificed himself to protect Naruto and Hinata during the fourth ninja war.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
El combate entre Lee y Gaara en el examen de chunin es todo un clsico. El poder crece a cada momento, es sorprendente, la sangre est al rojo vivo. La trgica derrota y la voluntad de lucha hace saltar las lgrimas a Gai y otros espectadores. Pero an as, Lee sigui su propio camino ninja durante toda la batalla, lo que es admirable. Cul es tu opinin sobre este combate?The fight between Lee and Gaara on the chunin exam is quite a classic. Power grows every moment, it's surprising, blood is red alive. Tragic defeat and willingness to fight causes Gai and other viewers to shed tears. But still, Lee followed his own ninja path throughout the battle, which is admirable. What's your opinion on this fight?
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Asuma y Shikamaru son un maestro y aprendiz entraables. El llanto de Shikamaru tras la muerte de Asuma conmovi a la audiencia. Antes de morir, Asuma encomend a su propio hijo al cargo de Shikamaru, lo que muestra su confianza en l.Asuma and Shikamaru are a loving teacher and apprentice. Shikamaru's crying after Asuma's death moved the audience. Before he died, Asuma entrusted his own son to Shikamaru, showing her trust in him.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Deidara usa a Gaara para provocar la persecucin de Naruto, pero no pensaba que Kakashi tambin lo seguira. Durante el combate Kakashi us el Mangekyo Sharingan y aplast uno de los brazos de Deidara con Kamui. Deidara us su movimiento definitiv y se inmol sin dejar ni rastro.Deidara uses Gaara to spark naruto's pursuit, but didn't think Kakashi would follow him too. During the match Kakashi used the Mangekyo Sharingan and crushed one of Deidara's arms with Kamui. Deidara used her ultimate move and immolated herself without leaving a trace.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Itachi y Shisui son dos poderosos miembros del Clan Uchiha. Mucha gente cree que no solo cooperan pero se vigilan entre ellos. Quin es para ti el ms fuerte de los dos? Expn tus razones.Itachi and Shisui are two powerful members of the Uchiha Clan. A lot of people think they don't just cooperate but they keep an eye on each other. Who is the strongest of the two to you? Expose your reasons.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Karin! Es una nia del clan Uchiha con gran corazn, simple, enamoradiza y que ama y odia en extremo. Si encuentras a una chica as, csate con ella. Birthday, Karin! She's a Uchiha clan girl with big heart, simple, in love and extreme love and hate. If you find a girl like that, marry her.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Shiho! Es una decodificadora experta de Konoha, aunque es joven tiene una visin y conocimientos fuera de lo comn. Fue capaz de descrifrar el cdigo que dej Jiraiya de un solo vistazo. Birthday Shiho! She's an expert decoder of Konoha, although she's young she has an out-of-the-ordinary vision and knowledge. He was able to figure out the code left by Jiraiya in one look.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kimimaro Kaguya! Tiene el Kekkei Genkai Shikotsumyaku del Clan Kaguya, y puede manipular a voluntad las clulas de sus osteoblastos y su estructura sea. Sus duros huesos le confieren una defensa ante los ataques normales y tambin fuerza de ataque. Orochimaru lo valora y est a sus rdenes. Es uno de los ninjas ms fuertes de los cinco del sonido. Birthday Kimimaro Kaguya! It has the Kekkei Genkai Shikotsumyaku of the Kaguya Clan, and can will manipulate the cells of its osteoblasts and its bone structure. His harsh bones give him a defense against normal attacks and also attack force. Orochimaru values it and is at your service. He's one of the strongest ninjas of the five of the sound.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Yuhi Kurenai! Al cargo del Equipo 8 de Konoha con Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka e Hinata Hyuga. Se caracteriza por su pelo rizado y negro y sus ojos rojos. Es experta en todo tipo de genjutsus y es amiga de la infancia de Asuma. Ms tarde, ella pas la voluntad del fuego a la prxima generacin. Birthday Yuhi Kurenai! Konoha Team 8 with Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuga. He is characterized by his curly hair and black and his red eyes. She is an expert in all kinds of genjutsus and is friends with Asuma's childhood. Later, she passed the will of fire to the next generation.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Itachi Uchiha! Itachi Uchiha es un genio ninja muy poderoso y experto en el genjutsu. Por la proteccin de la aldea, fue encomendado con la misin de exterminio de su propio clan, al que sobrevivi tan solo su hermano pequeo. Ha rescatado a la aldea en mltiples ocasiones, pero debido a la carga que lleva sobre sus hombros, no ser capaz de descansar ni en su tumba. Lo hara una vez ms para proteger a Konoha. Birthday Itachi Uchiha! Itachi Uchiha is a very powerful ninja genius and expert in genjutsu. For the protection of the village, he was entrusted with the extermination mission of his own clan, which only his little brother survived. He has rescued the village on multiple occasions, but due to the burden he carries on his shoulders, he will not be able to rest even in his grave. "I would do it one more time to protect Konoha".
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Mu! Segundo Tsuchikage del Pas de la Tierra, es un hombre sabio conocido por su poltica y conspiraciones. Posee Kekkei Tota de Elemento Polvo, que sobrepasa al Kekkei Genkai, y es uno de los pocos ninjas capaces de volar, l mismo le ense a Onogi. Birthday, Mu! Second Tsuchikage of Earth Country, he is a wise man known for his politics and conspiracies. He owns Kekkei Tota from Powder Element, which surpasses Kekkei Genkai, and is one of the few ninjas able to fly, he taught Onogi himself.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Roshi! Durante la cuarta guerra ninja, fue apodado abuelo barbudo por Naruto. La lava ardiente que envuelve su cuerpo es capa de derretirlo todo. Birthday, Roshi! During the fourth ninja war, he was nicknamed bearded grandfather by Naruto. The burning lava that wraps your body is layer of melting everything.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Mikoto Uchiha! La mam de Itachi y Sasuke tiene es amable y gentl y ama sin mesura a sus dos nios. Itachi extermin al Clan Uchiha cuando estos intentaron dar un golpe. Antes de morir, su esposo y ella le pidieron que cuide de su hermano Sasuke. Su esposo representa al clan, y ella como de pesada es su carga y cmo de profundos son sus pensamientos. Birthday Mikoto Uchiha! Itachi and Sasuke's mom has is kind and gentle and loves both of her kids without measuke. Itachi exterminated Uchiha Clan when these tried to hit. Before she died, she and her husband asked her to take care of her brother Sasuke. Her husband represents the clan, and she is how heavy his burden and how deep his thoughts are.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Recuerdas la lucha de Gaara y Kimimaro? Alguien de la fortaleza defensiva de Gaara no puede ser descuidado con un enfermo Kimimaro. Su Corriente de Arena y Cascada de Arena son mortales para ninjas ordinarios, pero la dureza de los huesos de Kimimaro y su cacacidad de extraerlos para usarlos como arma es nica. Experimenta esta batalla en el juego!Remember Gaara and Kimaro's fight? Someone from Gaara's defensive fortress can't be neglected with a sick Kimimaro. Its Sand Stream and Waterfall are deadly to ordinary ninjas, but the hardness of Kimaro's bones and their cacacacacacacity of extracting them for use as a weapon is unique. Experience this battle in the game!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
La batalla de Chiyo y Sakura contra Sasori es todo un clsico. Sakura esquiv el dispositivo oculto de Sasori y prepar un antdoto con antelacin y usa su Fuerza para destruir la marioneta de Sasori. Ella siempre sigue las enseanzas de Tsunade, y gracias a la colaboracin con Chiyo, derrotaron a Sasori.The battle of Chiyo and Sakura against Sasori is quite a classic. Sakura dodged Sasori's hidden device and prepared an antidote in advance and uses his Force to destroy Sasori's puppet. She always follows Tsunade's teachings, and thanks to collaboration with Chiyo, they defeated Sasori.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Iruka! Es un ordinario pero magnfico maestro en la Escuela Ninja. Aunque no sea muy poderoso, es capaz de estimular espiritualmente a Naruto. Es como un padre para Naruto, actu como tal en su boda. Este es el segundo cumpleaos de Iruka con Naruto OL Feliz cumpleaos, maestro Iruka! Birthday, Iruka! He's an ordinary but magnificent teacher at Ninja School. Although he is not very powerful, he is able to spiritually stimulate Naruto. He's like a father to Naruto, he acted like one at his wedding. This is Iruka's second birthday with Naruto OL Happy Birthday Master Iruka!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Asuma, Kakashi y Gai son todos Jonins de Konoha. Cul es para t su ranking de poder, y por qu? Deja tu mensaje.Assume, Kakashi and Gai are all Jonins from Konoha. What is his power ranking for you, and why? Leave a message.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Mei Terumi! La Quinta Mizukage termin el perido de la Aldea de la Niebla Sangrienta. Es muy poderosa, pero como ya ha pasado la edad de casarse, odia escuchar hablar sobre bodas o palabras homnimas. A menudo entiende mal la pronunciacin de Ao, y por eso se re y amenaza a Ao para que cierre la boca, o lo matar. Birthday, Mei Terumi! Fifth Mizukage finished the periodic of the Bloody Fog Village. She's very powerful, but since the age of getting married has already passed, she hates to hear about weddings or words. He often misunderstands Ao's pronunciation, and that's why he laughs and threatens Ao to shut his mouth, or he will kill him.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Gai es un Jonin de Konoha, es un hombre con una energa joven de por vida. Al enfrentarse contra Madara activ el Gai Nocturno, y su cuerpo se rode de llamas rojas y su poder se multiplic exponencialmente, casi costndole la vida a Madara. Rpido, ve al juego a verlo.Gai is a Jonin of Konoha, he's a man with a young energy for life. When confronting Madara activated the Night Gai, and her body surrounded itself with red flames and her power multiplied exponentially, almost cost Madara her life. Quick go to the game and watch it.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Killer B! El hermano y compaero del Cuarto Raikage es adems el jinchuriki del Ocho Colas. Controla completamente al Ocho Colas y su fuerza es descomunal. Ense a Naruto la manera de controlar al Nueve Colas, y luch codo con codo junto a Naruto en la Cuarta Guerra Ninja. Birthday Killer B! Fourth Raikage brother and partner is also the Eight Colas jinchuriki. Completely control Eight Colas and its strength is huge. He taught Naruto how to control the Nine Colas, and fought side by side alongside Naruto in the Fourth Ninja War.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kankuro! Genio marionetista de la Arena y hermano mayor de Gaara. Al principio tema a Gaara, pero al final acepta a su hermano y cuida mucho de l, ayudndolo a ser el Kazekage. Birthday, Kankuro! Arena puppet genius and Gaara's big brother. At first he feared Gaara, but in the end he accepts his brother and takes great care of him, helping him become the Kazekage.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Han! Lleva sellada en su interior al Cinco Colas, Kokuo, y es un Jonin de la Aldea de la Roca. Usa el control del vapor en su cuerpo para la lucha, y usa el vapor para aumentar su velocidad y rigidez, y es llamado el Ninja de Vapor. Es muy poderoso gracias a la velocidad de su Taijutsu, un ninja sin par. Birthday, Han! It's sealed inside the Five Colas, Kokuo, and is a Jonin from the Rock Village. He uses steam control in his body for fighting, and uses steam to increase its speed and stiffness, and is called the Steam Ninja. He's very powerful thanks to the speed of his Taijutsu, a ninja without a pair.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Babosa! Es el espritu animal de la Quinta Hokage Tsunade y su discpulo Sakura. Tiene la capacidad de dividirsey es un espritu animal de curacin. Gracias a su habilidad, es capaz de curar a toda la aldea de una vez. Birthday, Slug! It's the spirit animal of the Fifth Hokage Tsunade and his disciple Sakura. It has the ability to dividirsey is a healing spirit animal. Thanks to his ability, he is able to heal the whole village at once.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Deidara! Deidara dice a menudo que la Explosin es un Arte. Durante su juventud, y para probar su arte, acept muchos encargos de asaltos terroristas, y entr a Akatsuki al ser derrotado por Itachi. Al principio era reacio a ser un miembro de Akatsuki, pero acab estando orgulloso de ello. Birthday, Deidara! Deidara often says Explosion is an Art. During his youth, and to prove his art, he accepted many commissions of terrorist assaults, and entered Akatsuki as he was defeated by Itachi. At first he was reluctant to be a member of Akatsuki, but ended up proud of it.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Mucha gente se pregunta cmo es que hay un Cuarto Hokage cuando el Tercero an sigue vivo. El Hokage de Konoha se elige por eleccin, el Cuarto Hokage condujo a la victoria de Konoha en la Tercera Guerra Ninja, y gracias a ello fue elegido Cuarto Hokage. En Konoha no existe la regla de pasar la Voluntad del Fuego al morir el Hokage.A lot of people wonder how it is there's a Hokage Fourth when the Third is still alive. Konoha's Hokage is chosen by choice, the Fourth Hokage led to Konoha's victory in the Third Ninja War, and as a result he was elected Fourth Hokage. In Konoha there is no rule to pass the Will of Fire when the Hokage dies.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Choji Akimichi! Junto con Shikamaru e Ino forma el Equipo 10 de Asuma, es leal y entusiasta, y es uno de los mejores amigos de Shikamaru. Suele usar las tcnicas Bola de Tanque Humano, Bola de Tanque Humano Pinchante, Multi Tamao y otras tcnicas secretas del clan. No le gusta demasiado luchar, si quieres que pelee, debes prometerle comida como recompensa. Birthday Choji Akimichi! Along with Shikamaru and Ino forms Team 10 of Asuma, he is loyal and enthusiastic, and is one of Shikamaru's best friends. Usually he uses Human Tank Ball techniques, Human Tank Ball, Multi Size and other secret clan techniques. He doesn't like to fight too much, if you want him to fight, you must promise him food as a reward.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Shikamaru y Temari se enfrentan en la tercera ronda del Examen de Chunin, el combate es formidable, Shikamaru tiene ventaja, pero se da cuenta que su chakra no es suficiente, y se rinde en el ltimo momento.Shikamaru and Temari face round three of the Chunin Exam, the match is formidable, Shikamaru has advantage, but realizes his chakra is not enough, and gives up at the last minute.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Itachi y Kisame son miembros de Akatsuki, y forman pareja en sus misiones. Comparados con otros equipos de Akatsuki, Kisame e Itachi tienen un buen entendimiento mutuo. Kisame venera a Itachi, se puede decir que sigue sus rdenes. No es difcil de darse cuenta que Itachi y Kisame comparten experiencias parecidas, han matado a sus compaeros, desertado de su aldea, la experiencia de Itachi si cabe es an ms cruel. Esta debe ser la razn de su buen entendimiento.Itachi and Kisame are members of Akatsuki, and are a couple on their missions. Compared to other teams from Akatsuki, Kisame and Itachi have a good understanding of each other. Kisame venerates Itachi, you can say he follows his orders. It's hard to realize that Itachi and Kisame share similar experiences, have killed their companions, deserted from their village, Itachi's experience is even more cruel. This must be the reason for your good understanding.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Choza Akimichi! Jonin excelente de Konoha, pap de Choji. Luch junto a Shikaku Nara e Inoichi Yamanaka. Birthday, Shack Akimichi! Jonin excellent from Konoha Choji's dad. He fought alongside Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Kakashi puede realizar muchas tcnicas por eso le llaman el ninja que copia. Su mejor tcnica usa chakra elctrico y hace sus manos firmes y duras, combinado con una perforacin asesina de alta velocidad. Kakashi ha vencido a innumerables enemigos con su Cortador de Relmpago, que al principio se llamaba Chidori. Pero Kakashi cort un relmpago con l y lo cambi de nombre.Kakashi can perform many techniques that's why they call him the ninja he copying. His best technique uses electric chakra and makes his hands firm and hard, combined with high-speed killer drilling. Kakashi has defeated countless enemies with his Lightning Cutter, which was initially called Chidori. But Kakashi cut lightning with him and changed his name.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Sasori es un personaje verdaderamente trgico. Sus padres murieron en una misin y lo dejaron hurfano en la infancia, desde entonces se cri con Chiyo, su abuela. Aprendi el arte de las marionetas y construy a sus propios padres marionetas. Lo ms cnico es que estas marionetas padres que l mismo haba construido, acabaron con su propia vida, al atravesar su chakra por ambos lados.Sasori is a truly tragic character. His parents died on a mission and left him orphaned in childhood, since then he grew up with Chiyo, his grandmother. He learned the art of puppets and built his own puppet parents. The most cynical thing is that these parent puppets that he had built himself ended their own life, by crossing his chakra on both sides.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Itachi y Kakashi son genios ninja de Konoha, pero como Itachi tiene Sharingan, crece mucho ms rpido que Kakashi, y tiene un talent mayor. Cuando Itachi captura al Nueve Colas, se encuentra a Kakashi en Konoha y hay un enfrentamiento entre los dos. Kakashi es derrotado rpidamente, pero su poder no debe ser menospreciado. Kakashi cae en el Tsukuyomi y no solo lo resiste completamente, sino que no es destruido. Esta es una prueba del verdadero poder de Kakashi.Itachi and Kakashi are Konoha ninja geniuses, but since Itachi has Sharingan, she grows much faster than Kakashi, and has a higher talent. When Itachi captures Nine Tails, Kakashi is found in Konoha and there is a confrontation between the two. Kakashi is quickly defeated, but his power should not be belittled. Kakashi falls into the Tsukuyomi and not only completely resists it, but is not destroyed. This is a test of Kakashi's true power.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Ginkaku Kinkaku y Ginkaku son Jonins lite de la Aldea de la Nube, expertos en la persecucin. Tienen el linaje del Sabio de Seis Sendas, y pueden usar las Cinco Herramientas del Sabio, que les da un poder superior al de los Cinco Kages. Birthday, Ginkaku Kinkaku and Ginkaku are Jonins Elite from Cloud Village, experts in pursuit. They have the lineage of the Six Paths, and they can use the Five Tools of the Wise, which gives them a power higher than the Five Kages.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Tazuna! Maestro constructor de puentes del Pas de las Olas, busca enriquecer al pas mediante la construccin de puentes. Pero sufre la persecucin del malvado Gato, y llega a Konoha, donde pide la escolta de Kakashi. Con la ayuda de Kakashi y Naruto, el Pas de las Olas se libera de las fuerzas malficas y Tazuna construye un puente que llamar Puente Naruto y que aporta riqueza. Birthday, Tazuna! Master Bridges Builder of the Country of Waves, seeks to enrich the country by building bridges. But he suffers the pursuit of the evil cat, and arrives in Konoha, where he calls for Kakashi's escort. With the help of Kakashi and Naruto, the Country of Waves is released from evil forces and Tazuna builds a bridge that will call Naruto Bridge and brings wealth.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Hidan! Oroginario de la Aldea de las Aguas Termales, es audaz, verboso y arrogante. Es un firme creyente de la religin Jashin. Forma la pareja inmortal junto a Kakuzu. Hidan es muy gil y posee un cuerpo inmortal. Puede maldecir al enemigo para que sufra los mismos daos que l mismo, pero se mata a s mismo fcilmente. Birthday, Hidan! Oroginary of the Thermal Waters Village is bold, verbous and arrogant. He's a firm believer of Jashin religion. Form the immortal couple next to Kakuzu. Hidan is very agile and possesses an immortal body. He can curse the enemy to suffer the same damage as himself, but he kills himself easily.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Gamakichi! Es la espritu animal que hizo el contrato con Naruto, contiene un poderoso chakra sabio en su cuerpo. Ha heredado el linaje del pap sapo Gamabunta. Tiene sentido de la justicia y lucha a los fuertes para proteger a los dbiles. Para acompaar el crecimiento de Naruto, l mismo se hace gigante. A pesar de su mal temperamento, siente una profunda lealtad y amistad por Naruto. Birthday, Gamakichi! It's the spirit animal that made the contract with Naruto, contains a powerful wise chakra in his body. He inherited the lineage of dad toad Gamabunta. Makes sense of justice and fights the strong to protect the weak. To accompany Naruto's growth, he himself becomes giant. Despite his bad temper, he feels deep loyalty and friendship for Naruto.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Cuarto Kazekage Rasa! Padre de Temari, Kankuro y Gaara. Tiene un poder capaz de suprimir a Biju de Una Cola, Shukaku. Durante el tiempo que fue Cuarto Kazekage, mantuvo la paz en la aldea y fortific las defensas hasta prevenir la intrusin de enemigos. Birthday, Fourth Kazekage Rasa! Father of Temari, Kankuro and Gaara. He has a power capable of suppressing Biju from A Cola, Shukaku. During the time he was Fourth Kazekage, he kept peace in the village and fortified defenses until preventing the intrusion of enemies.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Sakura Haruno! Forma el Equipo 7 junto a Naruto y Sasuke, en un principio tena un caracter frgil. Cuando Sasuke abandona Konoha, empieza a estudiar con Tsunade, y se convierte en una ninja experta en ninjutsu mdico y adquiere una fuerza sobrenatural. Gracias a sus grandes esfuerzos, se convierte en una ninja excelente con su propio lema, Coraje. Birthday Sakura Haruno! Form Team 7 alongside Naruto and Sasuke, initially it had a fragile character. When Sasuke leaves Konoha, she begins studying with Tsunade, and becomes an expert ninja in ninja doctor and acquire supernatural force. Thanks to her great efforts, she becomes an excellent ninja with her own motto, Courage.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Hanabi Hyuga! Es la hermana menor de Hinata, con una diferencia de cinco aos. Es la segunda hija de la rama central del clan Hyuga de Konoha. Tiene una apariencia dbil pero tiene una voluntad muy fuerte y no admite la derrota. Siempre ha deseado ser tan dulce y fuerte como su hermana, y se esfuerza al mximo por ello. Fue capaz de derrotar a su hermana Hinata en un combate, y su padre, Hiashi Hyuga, no escatima esfuerzos para mejorar las habilidades de Hanabi. Birthday, Hanabi Hyuga! She's Hinata's younger sister, with a five-year difference. She is the second daughter of the central branch of Konoha Hyuga clan. He looks weak but he has a strong will and doesn't admit defeat. He's always longed to be as sweet and strong as his sister, and he strives to the best for it. He was able to defeat his sister Hinata in a match, and his father, Hiashi Hyuga spares no effort to improve Hanabi's skills.
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Gaara tiene dos tipos de arena. Uno es el polvo de su difunta madre, que guarda en una calabaza, esta arena no tiene nada que ver con su consciencia, y protege automticamente a Gaara. El otro tipo de arena es la que Gaara controla con su chakra y que le sirve como arma y escudo. Como se ha visto en mltiples batallas, Gaara puede usar diferentes trucos para manipular la arena a su alrededor, incluso la usa para su propio transporte.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Basndonos en la clsica batalla entre Deidara y Kakashi, quin te parece ms poderoso? Danos tu opinin.Based on the classic battle between Deidara and Kakashi, who do you think is most powerful? Give us your opinion.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Ibiki Morino! Jonin especial de Konoha, tiene la cara repleta de cicatrices. Es el capitn del departamento de tortura de Anbu en Konoha, y fue el principal examinador del examen de chunin cuando particip Naruto y los otros. Ha hecho grandes contribuciones a la consecucin y proteccin de informacin para Konoha.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kisame Hoshigaki! Miembro de Akatsuki, tiene cara de tiburn y dientes afilados. Es experto en ninjutsu acutico y es portador de la espada Samehada. Debido a la gran cantidad de chakra en su cuerpo, le llaman la Bestia de Colas sin Cola.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
El maestro Asuma es el lder el Equipo 10, la combinacin secreta de Konoha, Ino-Shika-Cho, un equipo con una gran personalidad. Finalmente Asuma muri al enfrentarse a Kakuzu. En la Cuarta Guerra Ninja, Shikamaru tuvo una gran importancia gracias a su gran inteligencia.
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