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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Ino Yamanaka! Es uno de los miembros de Ino-Shika-Cho, ha heredado las tcnicas de transferencia de mente del Clan Yamanaka y puede ocupar el cuepro de sus rivales y controlarlos. Su padre muri durant el ataque al Diez Colas durante la Cuarta Guerra Ninja, y heredando la volutnad de su padre, se uni al ejrcito de la alianza ninja. Birthday, Ino Yamanaka! He is one of the Ino-Shika-Cho members, he has inherited the Yamanaka Clan's mind transfer techniques and can occupy the cuepro of his rivals and control them. His father died during the Ten-Cola attack during the Fourth Ninja War, and inherited his father's volutnad, he joined the ninja alliance army.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Ino Yamanaka! Es uno de los miembros de Ino-Shika-Cho, ha heredado las tcnicas de transferencia de mente del Clan Yamanaka y puede ocupar el cuepro de sus rivales y controlarlos. Su padre muri durant el ataque al Diez Colas durante la Cuarta Guerra Ninja, y heredando la volutnad de su padre, se uni al ejrcito de la alianza ninja. Birthday, Ino Yamanaka! He's one of the members of Ino-Shika-Cho, he's inherited the mind transfer techniques of the Yamanaka Clan and can occupy the cuepro of his rivals and control them. His father died durant the attack on Ten Tails during the Fourth Ninja War, and inheriting his father's volutnad, joined the army of the ninja alliance.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Shikamaru Nara! Al pensar en Shikamaru, lo primero que nos viene a la cabeza es su inteligencia. Shikamaru es capaz de idear todo tipo de estrategias. Lo mismo est a cargo las tropas que es un asesor y un amigo, l comprende la importancia de apoyar a los amigos. Recuerdas la actuacin de Shikamaru en las tareas de rescate? Escribe tus recuerdos. Birthday Shikamaru Nara! When thinking of Shikamaru, the first thing that comes to mind is his intelligence. Shikamaru is able to devise all kinds of strategies. The same is in charge of troops who are a consultant and a friend, he understands the importance of supporting friends. Do you remember Shikamaru's performance in rescue tasks? Write your memories.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Shikamaru Nara! Al pensar en Shikamaru, lo primero que nos viene a la cabeza es su inteligencia. Shikamaru es capaz de idear todo tipo de estrategias. Lo mismo est a cargo las tropas que es un asesor y un amigo, l comprende la importancia de apoyar a los amigos. Recuerdas la actuacin de Shikamaru en las tareas de rescate? Escribe tus recuerdos. Birthday Shikamaru Nara! When thinking of Shikamaru, the first thing that comes to mind is his intelligence. Shikamaru is able to devise all sorts of strategies. The same is in charge of the troops who are a consultant and a friend, he understands the importance of supporting friends. Remember Shikamaru's performance in rescue tasks? Write your memories.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Nagato! Tiene el Sharingan de Madara Uchiha y controla a las seis sendas de Pain. Nagato perdi a su familia en la guerra, y quiere rescatar al mundo a la fuerza. Pero al perder a su compaero Yahiko, perdi toda esperanza. Quiere destruir todo lo que existe, crear un nuevo mundo desde cero y convertirse en el dios de la destruccin. Birthday, Nagato! He has Madara Uchiha's Sharingan and controls the six Pain Trails. Nagato lost his family in war, and he wants to rescue the world by force. But by losing his fellow Yahiko, he lost all hope. He wants to destroy everything that exists, create a new world from scratch and become the god of destruction.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hay muchas similitudes entre Gaara y Naruto, ninguno de los dos tuvo el amor de sus padres, y fueron aislados en sus aldeas siendo pequeos. La diferencia es que Naruto tuvo a alguien que lo animara, su maestro y su amigo y Gaara no tuvo a nadie, y se volvi despiadado y cruel. Pero despus de su enfrentamiento en el examen de Chunin, Gaara se vi influenciado por Naruto y cambi su modo de pensar poco a poco, adems de aprobar a Naruto. Encontrar a alguien con una experiencia similar no es fcil, su influencia es mutua, y se convierten en verdaderos amigos.There are many similarities between Gaara and Naruto, neither of them had the love of their parents, and they were isolated in their villages being small. The difference is that Naruto had someone to cheer him up, his teacher and his friend and Gaara had no one, and he became ruthless and cruel. But after his confrontation in the Chunin exam, Gaara was influenced by Naruto and changed his thinking little by little, as well as passing Naruto. Finding someone with a similar experience is not easy, their influence is mutual, and they become true friends.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hay muchas similitudes entre Gaara y Naruto, ninguno de los dos tuvo el amor de sus padres, y fueron aislados en sus aldeas siendo pequeos. La diferencia es que Naruto tuvo a alguien que lo animara, su maestro y su amigo y Gaara no tuvo a nadie, y se volvi despiadado y cruel. Pero despus de su enfrentamiento en el examen de Chunin, Gaara se vi influenciado por Naruto y cambi su modo de pensar poco a poco, adems de aprobar a Naruto. Encontrar a alguien con una experiencia similar no es fcil, su influencia es mutua, y se convierten en verdaderos amigos.There are many similarities between Gaara and Naruto, neither of them had the love of their fathers, and were isolated in their villages being small. The difference is that Naruto had someone to cheer him up, his teacher and his friend and Gaara had no one, and he became ruthless and cruel. But after his showdown on Chunin's exam, Gaara was influenced by Naruto and changed his thinking slowly, as well as passing Naruto. Finding someone with a similar experience is not easy, their influence is mutual, and they become true friends.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kakashi! Es un jonin lite de Konoha y es discpulo de Minato Namikaze. Al terminar la guerra se convirti en el Sexto Hokage. Gracuas al Sharingan de su ojo izquierdo puede copiar todo tipo de ninjutsus, lo que lo hace famoso en todas partes. Pero pocos saben la amarga carga que carga a sus espaldas. Siempre avanza sin temor, llevando muchas dudas y misiones sobre los hombros, dej la oscuridad en busca de la luz. Birthday, Kakashi! He's an elite Jonin of Konoha and he's disciple of Minato Namikaze. At the end of the war became the Sixth Hokage. Sharingan graces from his left eye can copy all kinds of ninjutsus, making him famous everywhere. But few know the bitter burden behind their back. Always move forward without fear, carrying many doubts and missions on your shoulders, left darkness in search of light.
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kakashi! Es un jonin lite de Konoha y es discpulo de Minato Namikaze. Al terminar la guerra se convirti en el Sexto Hokage. Gracuas al Sharingan de su ojo izquierdo puede copiar todo tipo de ninjutsus, lo que lo hace famoso en todas partes. Pero pocos saben la amarga carga que carga a sus espaldas. Siempre avanza sin temor, llevando muchas dudas y misiones sobre los hombros, dej la oscuridad en busca de la luz. Birthday, Kakashi! He's an elite Jonin of Konoha and he's a disciple of Minato Namikaze. At the end of the war he became Sixth Hokage. Thanks to the Sharingan from his left eye he can copy all kinds of ninjutsus, making him famous everywhere. But few know the bitter burden behind their back. Always move forward without fear, carrying many doubts and missions on his shoulders, left darkness in search of light.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Aunque Lee no tiene ninguna capacidad innata, se esfuerza mucho ms que el resto y es un genio del esfuerzo de carcter puro y sangre caliente. Neji es el genio del clan Hyuga, pero a causa de su padre, siempre ha estado obsesionado con el destino. Parece indiferente, pero en realidad se preocupa por sus compaeros. Tenten es el punto intermedio entre Lee y Neji, ella es magnfica con los utensilios ninjas y su poder no se puede subestimar. Cul te gusta ms de los tres?Although Lee has no innate capacity, he strives much harder than the rest and is a genius of the effort of pure character and warm blood. Neji is the genius of the Hyuga Clan, but because of his father, he has always been obsessed with fate. He seems indifferent, but he actually cares about his peers. Tenten is the middle point between Lee and Neji, she is magnificent with ninja utensils and her power cannot be underestimated. Which one do you like best of the three?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Aunque Lee no tiene ninguna capacidad innata, se esfuerza mucho ms que el resto y es un genio del esfuerzo de carcter puro y sangre caliente. Neji es el genio del clan Hyuga, pero a causa de su padre, siempre ha estado obsesionado con el destino. Parece indiferente, pero en realidad se preocupa por sus compaeros. Tenten es el punto intermedio entre Lee y Neji, ella es magnfica con los utensilios ninjas y su poder no se puede subestimar. Cul te gusta ms de los tres?Although Lee has no innate capacity, he strives much harder than the rest and is a genius of pure character effort and warm blood. Neji is the Hyuga clan genius, but because of his father, he's always been obsessed with fate. He seems indifferent, but he actually cares about his teammates. Tenten is the halfway point between Lee and Neji, she is magnificent with ninja utensils and her power cannot be underestimated. Which one do you like best of the three?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Ino-Shika-Cho es un equipo que goza una gran popularidad en Naruto. Shikamaru es el cerebro del equipo, Choji pone la fuerza bruta, e Ino, que controla la percepcin y el espritu, es responsable de la asistencia en la defensa. En la Cuarta Guerra Ninja, Asuma fue transmigrado por Obito, y luch contra sus discpulos. Este combate hizo derramar las lgrimas a muchos. Finalmente Ino-Shika-Cho juntaron sus fuerzas, vencieron y liberaron el sello.Ino-Shika-Cho is a team that enjoys great popularity in Naruto. Shikamaru is the brains of the team, Choji puts the brute force, and Ino, who controls perception and spirit, is responsible for the assistance in defense. In the Fourth Ninja War, Assuma was transmigrated by Obito, and fought against his disciples. This match made many tears shed. Finally Ino-Shika-Cho joined forces, beat and released the seal.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Ino-Shika-Cho es un equipo que goza una gran popularidad en Naruto. Shikamaru es el cerebro del equipo, Choji pone la fuerza bruta, e Ino, que controla la percepcin y el espritu, es responsable de la asistencia en la defensa. En la Cuarta Guerra Ninja, Asuma fue transmigrado por Obito, y luch contra sus discpulos. Este combate hizo derramar las lgrimas a muchos. Finalmente Ino-Shika-Cho juntaron sus fuerzas, vencieron y liberaron el sello.Ino-Shika-Cho is a team that enjoys great popularity in Naruto. Shikamaru is the team's brain, Choji puts brute force, and Ino, who controls perception and spirit, is responsible for assistance in defense. In the Fourth Ninja War, Asuma was transmigrated by Obito, and fought against his disciples. This fight made many tears shed. Finally Ino-Shika-Cho joined forces, defeated and released the seal.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Ino-Shika-Cho es un equipo que goza una gran popularidad en Naruto. Shikamaru es el cerebro del equipo, Choji pone la fuerza bruta, e Ino, que controla la percepcin y el espritu, es responsable de la asistencia en la defensa. En la Cuarta Guerra Ninja, Asuma fue transmigrado por Obito, y luch contra sus discpulos. Este combate hizo derramar las lgrimas a muchos. Finalmente Ino-Shika-Cho juntaron sus fuerzas, vencieron y liberaron el sello.Ino-Shika-Cho is a team that enjoys great popularity in Naruto. Shikamaru is the team's brain, Choji puts brute force, and Ino, who controls perception and spirit, is responsible for assistance in defense. In the Fourth Ninja War, Asuma was transmigrated by Obito, and fought against his disciples. This fight made many tears shed. Finally Ino-Shika-Cho joined forces, defeated and released the seal.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kurotsuchi! Es la Cuarta Tsuchikage de la Aldea de la Roca y mantiene relaciones de cordialidad con el resto de las aldeas. En la Reunin de los Cinco Kages protegi al Tercer Tsuchikage, y se gan su confianza. Es una experta en la tcnica de lava y tiene un gran temperamento y cualidades. Birthday, Kurotsuchi! It's the Fourth Tsuchikage of the Rock Village and maintains cordial relations with the rest of the villages. At the Five Kages Meeting sheltered the Third Tsuchikage, and earned her trust. She is an expert in lava technique and has a great temperament and qualities.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kurotsuchi! Es la Cuarta Tsuchikage de la Aldea de la Roca y mantiene relaciones de cordialidad con el resto de las aldeas. En la Reunin de los Cinco Kages protegi al Tercer Tsuchikage, y se gan su confianza. Es una experta en la tcnica de lava y tiene un gran temperamento y cualidades. Birthday, Kurotsuchi! It's the Fourth Tsuchikage of Rock Village and maintains cordial relations with the rest of the villages. At the Five Kages Meeting he protected the Third Tsuchikage, and earned his trust. She is an expert in lava technique and has a great temperament and qualities.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kurotsuchi! Es la Cuarta Tsuchikage de la Aldea de la Roca y mantiene relaciones de cordialidad con el resto de las aldeas. En la Reunin de los Cinco Kages protegi al Tercer Tsuchikage, y se gan su confianza. Es una experta en la tcnica de lava y tiene un gran temperamento y cualidades. Birthday, Kurotsuchi! It's the Fourth Tsuchikage of Rock Village and maintains cordial relations with the rest of the villages. At the Five Kages Meeting he protected the Third Tsuchikage, and earned his trust. She is an expert in lava technique and has a great temperament and qualities.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
An recuerdas a Kimimaro? Qu tipo de persona es segn t?Do you still remember Kimimaro? What kind of person is according to you?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
An recuerdas a Kimimaro? Qu tipo de persona es segn t?Do you still remember Kimimaro? What kind of person is he according to you?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
An recuerdas a Kimimaro? Qu tipo de persona es segn t?Do you still remember Kimimaro? What kind of person is according to you?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Tsunade, Jiraiya y Orochimaru son amigos desde la infancia, pero finalmente tomaron diferentes caminos y comenzaron vidas diferentes. Cul de los tres te gusta?Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru are childhood friends, but they finally took different paths and started different lives. Which of the three do you like?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Tsunade, Jiraiya y Orochimaru son amigos desde la infancia, pero finalmente tomaron diferentes caminos y comenzaron vidas diferentes. Cul de los tres te gusta?Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru are childhood friends, but they finally took different paths and started different lives. Which of the three do you like?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Tsunade, Jiraiya y Orochimaru son amigos desde la infancia, pero finalmente tomaron diferentes caminos y comenzaron vidas diferentes. Cul de los tres te gusta?Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru are friends from childhood, but eventually took different paths and started different lives. Which of the three do you like?
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
La gente de la aldea tema a Gaara cuando era un nio, porque llevaba al Shukaku 1 Cola sellado en su interior. Fue traicionado por sus parientes y se volvi despiadado. Pero despus de conocer a Naruto, cambi gradualmente. Mientras Naruto era an genin, Gaara ya era un joven kazekage, esto hace que Naruto, que ansiaba ser Hokage desde nio, sienta celos de l.Village people feared Gaara when he was a child, because he carried the Shukaku 1 Cola sealed inside. He was betrayed by his relatives and became ruthless. But after meeting naruto, he changed gradually. While Naruto was still genin, Gaara was already a young kazekage, this makes Naruto, who wanted to be Hokage as a child, feel jealous of him.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
La gente de la aldea tema a Gaara cuando era un nio, porque llevaba al Shukaku 1 Cola sellado en su interior. Fue traicionado por sus parientes y se volvi despiadado. Pero despus de conocer a Naruto, cambi gradualmente. Mientras Naruto era an genin, Gaara ya era un joven kazekage, esto hace que Naruto, que ansiaba ser Hokage desde nio, sienta celos de l.Village people feared Gaara when he was a child, because he wore the Shukaku 1 Cola sealed inside. He was betrayed by his relatives and became ruthless. But after meeting Naruto, he gradually changed. While Naruto was still genin, Gaara was already a young kazekage, this makes Naruto, who craved to be Hokage as a child, feel jealous of him.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
La gente de la aldea tema a Gaara cuando era un nio, porque llevaba al Shukaku 1 Cola sellado en su interior. Fue traicionado por sus parientes y se volvi despiadado. Pero despus de conocer a Naruto, cambi gradualmente. Mientras Naruto era an genin, Gaara ya era un joven kazekage, esto hace que Naruto, que ansiaba ser Hokage desde nio, sienta celos de l.Village people feared Gaara when he was a child, because he carried the Shukaku 1 Cola sealed inside. He was betrayed by his relatives and became ruthless. But after meeting naruto, he changed gradually. While Naruto was still genin, Gaara was already a young kazekage, this makes Naruto, who wanted to be Hokage as a child, feel jealous of him.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Raido Namiashi! Raido es un Jonin especial de Jonoha, es muy poderoso y digno de confianza del Hokage. Es uno de los expertos en el asesinato en Konoha y usa una espada negra con un filo venenoso. Especialmente cuando trabaja junto a Aoba Yamashiro, hay pocos rivales que pueden escapar a sus ataques. Birthday, Raido Namiashi! Raido is a Jonoha special Jonin, he is very powerful and trustworthy of Hokage. He's one of the experts in Konoha's murder and he uses a black sword with a poisonous edge. Especially when working alongside Aoba Yamashiro, there are few rivals who can escape their attacks.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Raido Namiashi! Raido es un Jonin especial de Jonoha, es muy poderoso y digno de confianza del Hokage. Es uno de los expertos en el asesinato en Konoha y usa una espada negra con un filo venenoso. Especialmente cuando trabaja junto a Aoba Yamashiro, hay pocos rivales que pueden escapar a sus ataques. Birthday, Raido Namiashi! Raido is a Jonoha special Jonin, he is very powerful and trustworthy of Hokage. He's one of the experts in Konoha's murder and he uses a black sword with a poisonous edge. Especially when working alongside Aoba Yamashiro, there are few rivals who can escape their attacks.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Raido Namiashi! Raido es un Jonin especial de Jonoha, es muy poderoso y digno de confianza del Hokage. Es uno de los expertos en el asesinato en Konoha y usa una espada negra con un filo venenoso. Especialmente cuando trabaja junto a Aoba Yamashiro, hay pocos rivales que pueden escapar a sus ataques. Birthday, Raido Namiashi! Raido is a Jonoha special Jonin, he is very powerful and trustworthy of the Hokage. He's one of the experts in the murder in Konoha and uses a black sword with a poisonous edge. Especially when working alongside Aoba Yamashiro, there are few rivals who can escape their attacks.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Temari! Es una ninja de la Aldea de la Arena del Pas del Viento, y es la hermana de Gaara y Kankuro. Su abanico puede levantar verdaderos huracanes que hacen imposible que el enemigo se acerque. En su combate con Shikamaru, ste us su inteligencia y dej estupefacta a Temari, que le admira profundamente desde entonces. Fianlmente se casaron y tuvieron un hijo. Birthday, Temari! It's a ninja from the Wind Country Sand Village, and it's the sister of Gaara and Kankuro. Your fan can lift real hurricanes that make the enemy impossible to get close. In his fight with Shikamaru, he used his intelligence and stunned Temari, who has admired him deeply since then. They fianly married and had a son.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Temari! Es una ninja de la Aldea de la Arena del Pas del Viento, y es la hermana de Gaara y Kankuro. Su abanico puede levantar verdaderos huracanes que hacen imposible que el enemigo se acerque. En su combate con Shikamaru, ste us su inteligencia y dej estupefacta a Temari, que le admira profundamente desde entonces. Fianlmente se casaron y tuvieron un hijo. Birthday, Temari! She's a ninja from the Sand Village of the Wind Country, and she's the sister of Gaara and Kankuro. Their fan can lift real hurricanes that make it impossible for the enemy to come close. In his fight with Shikamaru, he used his intelligence and left Temari astonished, who admires him deeply since then. They fianlly got married and had a child.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Temari! Es una ninja de la Aldea de la Arena del Pas del Viento, y es la hermana de Gaara y Kankuro. Su abanico puede levantar verdaderos huracanes que hacen imposible que el enemigo se acerque. En su combate con Shikamaru, ste us su inteligencia y dej estupefacta a Temari, que le admira profundamente desde entonces. Fianlmente se casaron y tuvieron un hijo. Birthday, Temari! It's a ninja from the Wind Country Sand Village, and it's the sister of Gaara and Kankuro. Your fan can lift real hurricanes that make the enemy impossible to get close. In his fight with Shikamaru, he used his intelligence and stunned Temari, who has admired him deeply since then. They fianly married and had a son.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
El rap de Killer B cala hondo en el corazn de las personas, e incluso Naruto comenz a rapear inconscientemente al llevarse bien con l. l le enseo a Naruto como controlar la fuerza del 9 Colas y muchas cosas interesantes pasaron mientras se relacionaban.Killer B's rap deep in people's hearts, and even Naruto started rapping unconsciously by getting along with him. He taught Naruto how to control the strength of 9 Tails and many interesting things happened while they relate.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
El rap de Killer B cala hondo en el corazn de las personas, e incluso Naruto comenz a rapear inconscientemente al llevarse bien con l. l le enseo a Naruto como controlar la fuerza del 9 Colas y muchas cosas interesantes pasaron mientras se relacionaban.Killer B's rap deep into people's hearts, and even Naruto began to rap unconsciously by getting along with him. He taught Naruto how to control the strength of 9 Tails and many interesting things happened while they were related.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Recuerdas el combate entre Naruto y Orochimaru en el Puente Tenchi? Orochimaru hace enfurecer a Naruto y ste se transforma en Cuatro Colas, comienzan a luchar y su combate es feroz, no hay un dominador. Finalmente el Capitn Yamato us el ninjutsu de madera para controlar al Nueve Colas y pudo detener a Naruto, en ese momento Orochimaru escap. Naruto perdi la consciencia cuando se transform en Nueve Colas e hiri a Sakura.Do you remember the match between Naruto and Orochimaru on the Tenchi Bridge? Orochimaru makes Naruto angry and he transforms into Four Tails, they start fighting and their fight is fierce, there is no dominator. Finally Captain Yamato used the wooden ninjutsu to control the Nine Tails and could stop Naruto, at that time Orochimaru escaped. Naruto lost consciousness when he turned into Nine Tails and injured Sakura.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Recuerdas el combate entre Naruto y Orochimaru en el Puente Tenchi? Orochimaru hace enfurecer a Naruto y ste se transforma en Cuatro Colas, comienzan a luchar y su combate es feroz, no hay un dominador. Finalmente el Capitn Yamato us el ninjutsu de madera para controlar al Nueve Colas y pudo detener a Naruto, en ese momento Orochimaru escap. Naruto perdi la consciencia cuando se transform en Nueve Colas e hiri a Sakura.Remember the fight between Naruto and Orochimaru on the Tenchi Bridge? Orochimaru makes Naruto angry and he transforms into Four Tails, they begin to fight and their fight is fierce, there is no dominator. Finally Captain Yamato used the wooden ninjutsu to control the Nine Tails and was able to stop Naruto, at that time Orochimaru escaped. Naruto lost consciousness when he transformed into Nine Tails and injured Sakura.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Zabuza Momochi! Es uno de los Siete Ninjas Espadachines de la Niebla y usa el Cuchillo Decapitador. Es experto en el ninjutsu de agua y el asesinato, lo que le ha hecho famos en todo el mundo. Debido a su complot de asesinato fallido del mizukage, escap de la aldea, se convirti en un ninja renegado y se qued con Haku. Pero despus de la aparicin de Naruto, tanto Haku como l cambiaron su carcter profundamente. Birthday, Zabuza Momochi! He's one of the Seven Fog Swords Ninjas and uses the Decapitator Knife. He is an expert in water ninjutsu and murder, which has made him famous all over the world. Due to his failed murder plot of Mizukage, he escaped from the village, became a renegade ninja and stayed with Haku. But after Naruto's appearance, both Haku and him changed his character profoundly.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Zabuza Momochi! Es uno de los Siete Ninjas Espadachines de la Niebla y usa el Cuchillo Decapitador. Es experto en el ninjutsu de agua y el asesinato, lo que le ha hecho famos en todo el mundo. Debido a su complot de asesinato fallido del mizukage, escap de la aldea, se convirti en un ninja renegado y se qued con Haku. Pero despus de la aparicin de Naruto, tanto Haku como l cambiaron su carcter profundamente. Birthday, Zabuza Momochi! He's one of the Seven Swordsman Ninjas of the Fog and uses the Beheader Knife. He's an expert in water ninjutsu and murder, which has made him famous all over the world. Due to his failed murder plot of Mizukage, he escaped from the village, became a renegade ninja and stayed with Haku. But after Naruto's appearance, both Haku and him changed his character deeply.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kakuzu! Puede albergar 5 corazones en su cuerpo, y es conocido por su inmortalidad. Sus cinco corazones fueron destruidos, pero Obito lo resucit con la transmigracin y obtuvo un chakra ilimitado y un cuerpo inmortal. Finalmente Itachi lo liber de la transmigracin y su alma ascendi a los cielos. Birthday, Kakuzu! He can house 5 hearts in his body, and he is known for his immortality. His five hearts were destroyed, but Obito resurrected him with transmigration and obtained an unlimited chakra and an immortal body. Finally Itachi freed him from transmigration and his soul ascended to the heavens.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Kakuzu! Puede albergar 5 corazones en su cuerpo, y es conocido por su inmortalidad. Sus cinco corazones fueron destruidos, pero Obito lo resucit con la transmigracin y obtuvo un chakra ilimitado y un cuerpo inmortal. Finalmente Itachi lo liber de la transmigracin y su alma ascendi a los cielos. Birthday, Kakuzu! He can house 5 hearts in his body, and is known for his immortality. His five hearts were destroyed, but Obito resurrected him with transmigration and obtained an unlimited chakra and an immortal body. Finally Itachi freed him from transmigration and his soul ascended into the heavens.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Yamato! Es un Jonin de Konoha del Pas del Fuego, y es un ninja excelente miembro de Anbu desde los tiempos del Tercer Hokage. En su niez le fueron transplantadas clulas del Primer Hokage, Hashirama Senju, y por eso tiene Kekkei Genkai de Madera. Despus del rescate del Kazekage, tom el nombre de Yamato y sustituy a Kakashi en las tareas del Equipo 7. Birthday, Yamato! He's a Jonin from Konoha of Fire Country, and he's an excellent ninja member of Anbu since the time of Third Hokage. In his childhood he was transplanted cells from First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, and that's why he has Wooden Genkai. After the rescue of Kazekage, he took the name Yamato and replaced Kakashi in Team 7.'s tasks.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
El ninjutsu principal de Kakashi es el Raikiri, lo us para matar a Kakuzu, y tambin lo us en la dimensin de Obito para atravesar su corazn. Esta es su firma. El Chidori de Sasuke tambin le fue transmitido por Kakashi, y Sasuke le hizo todo tipo de mejoras. Qu ninjutsu es mejor, el Raikiri de Kakashi o el Chidori de Sasuke?Kakashi's main ninjutsu is the Raikiri, he used it to kill Kakuzu, and also used it in the Obito dimension to cross his heart. This is her signature. Sasuke's Chidori was also aired by Kakashi, and Sasuke made all sorts of improvements to him. Which ninjutsu is better, Kakashi Raikiri or Sasuke Chidori?
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Algunos dicen que el camino ninja de Naruto es el no rendirse nunca y el de Tsunade es la venganza. Ests de acuerdo? Sasuke presenci la aniquilacin de su clan por parte de su hermano mayor, y desde entonces solo tiene un objetivo, matar a Itachi Uchiha. Cuando al fin mat a su hermano y se enter de que la verdad no era como la haba imaginado, inicia una nueva venganza contra Konoha al completo. l ha crecido en el odio y aumenta su poder constantemente.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Tsunade! Es nieta del Primer Hokage Hashirama Senju y ha desarrollado un ninjutsu mdico excelente y un poder de combate extraordinario. Fue uno de los Tres Ninjas legendarios junto a Jiraiya y Orochimaru, tom el cargo de Hokage por invitacin de Jiraiya. Tunade ha heredado el linaje y la Voluntad del Fuego de su abuelo. Birthday, Tsunade! She is a granddaughter of First Hokage Hashirama Senju and has developed an excellent medical ninjutsu and extraordinary power of combat. He was one of the Three Legendary Ninjas alongside Jiraiya and Orochimaru, taking charge of Hokage at the invitation of Jiraiya. Tunade has inherited his grandfather's bloodline and will of fire.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Raikage! El Tercer Raikage de la Aldea de la Nube es un hombre de edad avanzada con piel oscura, cabello amarillo rubio y barba larga, muy poderoso y duro, conocido como la Lanza y el Escudo ms fuertes. Parece rudo, pero es amable y gentil, lleno de confianza en las futuras generaciones de ninjas. Birthday, Raikage! Cloud Village Third Raikage is an elderly man with dark skin, blonde yellow hair and long beard, very powerful and hard, known as the strongest Spear and Shield. He seems tough, but he's kind and gentle, full of confidence in future generations of ninjas.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Cuando Jiraiya muri, Naruto estaba destrozado, y para vengarlo, Naruto fue a Myoboku a estudiar el modo sabio. Cuando domin el modo sabio derrot a Pain. Comparado con Jiraiya, el modo sabio de Naruto es ms perfecto. El pergamino que lleva Naruto lo hace el ms guapo de todos los sabios.When Jiraiya died, Naruto was broken, and to avenge him, Naruto went to Myoboku to study the wise way. When he dominated wise way he defeated Pain. Compared to Jiraiya, Naruto's wise mode is more perfect. The scroll that Naruto carries makes him the most handsome of all the wise.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
En el combate entre los hermanos Sasuke e Itachi, la ropa Sasuke cambia completamente. El kimono blanco puro se convierte en un chaleco gris, acompaado a veces por una capa. Adems, tiene un smbolo en ambos brazos y puede usar una espada relmpago.In the match between the Sasuke and Itachi brothers, the Sasuke clothes change completely. Pure white kimono turns into a grey vest, sometimes accompanied by a layer. Also, it has a symbol on both arms and can use a lightning sword.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Aunque el modo sabio de Jiraiya es muy fuerte, tambin tiene sus debilidades. Una de ellas es que no puede trasnformarse l solo al modo sabio. Jiraiya debe invocar primero a los dos sapos sabios de Myoboku y que se suban a sus hombros para activar el modo sabio. Esta debilidad hizo que tarde demasiado en preparar el modo sabio, y alguna vez se perdi lo mejor de la batalla.Although Jiraiya's wise mode is very strong, it also has its weaknesses. One of them is that he can't transform himself into wise mode. Jiraiya must first invoke the two wise toads of Myoboku and to climb on their shoulders to activate wise mode. This weakness made it take too long to prepare the wise mode, and once missed the best of the battle.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
#Feliz cumpleaos, Sasuke! Cuando era nio, presenci la aniquilacin del Clan Uchiha por parte de su hermano Itachi, y se embarc rumbo a la venganza. Despus de derrotar a Naruto en el Valle del Fin, desert Konoha y sigui a Orochimaru. Tres aos ms tarde pudo vengarse de Itachi, pero al enterarse de la verdad sobre Itachi y la aniquilacin del clan, quiso destruir Konoha. Finalmente, tras encontrarse con un Itachi trasnmigrado, y hablar con los Hokages histricos, fue cambiando poco a poco su parecer. Birthday, Sasuke! As a child, he witnessed the annihilation of the Uchiha Clan by his brother Itachi, and embarked on his way to revenge. After defeating Naruto in the Valley of the End, he defected Konoha and followed Orochimaru. Three years later he was able to get revenge on Itachi, but upon learning the truth about Itachi and the annihilation of the clan, he wanted to destroy Konoha. Finally, after meeting a Transmigrade Itachi, and talking to the historic Hokages, it gradually changed his mind.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
La batalla entre Sasori y Chiyo es apasionante. Al final de la batalla Chiyo sac las marionetas padres que Sasori haba hecho, y atraves el corazn de Sasori, que finalmente muri. Chiyo dijo que, Sasori podra haber evitado un golpe mortal pero parece que deliberadamente expuso sus puntos dbiles.The battle between Sasori and Chiyo is exciting. At the end of the battle Chiyo pulled out the parent puppets Sasori had made, and it crossed the heart of Sasori, who eventually died. Chiyo said, Sasori could have prevented a deadly blow but it seems he deliberately exposed his weak points.
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