Posted - 7 years 4 Days ago
Dynasty Rush Cease Operation Notice Dear Players, We are sorry to inform you that Dynasty Rush will cease operations on April 27, 2018, because contract with the game developer is about to expire. Thank you for your consistent support and love to Dynasty Rush. ... This game is successful because of you. You have given us so much support, encouragement and valuable suggestions since the beginning. We believe that you have made friends and had fun playing Dynasty Rush. However, nothing can last forever, so does Dynasty Rush. Thank you again for the love and support! Since Dynasty Rush will be closed soon, please pay attention to the following 1.On March 27, 2018, The account registration and top-up mechanisms will be closed. 2.On April 27, 2018, The Dynasty Rush servers will be shut down. 3.On May 4, 2018, The official Dynasty Rush website will be shut down. The Fan Page, relative websites and the customer service will be closed. We will officially end the Dynasty Rush operation on April 27 and we are thankful for your support. There are other hot games available on website. We hope that we can continue to provide you with premium services. We will pay you back by operating games professionally and offering good services. Thank you for your consistent support! Dynasty Rush Operation Team
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