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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
I think the Ultimate Dinosaur Simulator update is finished, might be able to release it tonight on Google Play, main improvements are on fixing the lag and crashing.
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great week. So all 10 animals are locked in for the new simulator. Some are carnivores, some herbivores, some fly, some swim, I think it will be a great mix and certainly the deepest game yet! Hopefully I'll feel comfortable announcing it next week. In other news, I might start Twitch streaming soon! I think it would be a fun new way to interact with everyone, I could provide some recaps on what I worked on throughout the day and then play video games! I am a huge fan of Rocket League so I'd mostly be streaming that. Probably will start with that in September!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Ok so you all are due for an update on what I am working on! 1) Still working on an update to the Ultimate Dinosaur Simulator. 2) I know many of you are wanting the Ultimate Cat, and I promise it will come soon, but for some reason it intimidates me, and I am continuing to slowly plan it while I work on the next game. 3) THE NEXT GAME Not ready to give it away just yet, but I will say that it has multiple animals in a single game. So in one game you are going to get an updated version of a few of the older animals along with some new animals you've asked for sims of before! So this should be very exciting!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Hey Everyone! I know I have been quiet lately but just know I am working hard! Still working on an update for the Ultimate Dinosaur Simulator and a little something else as well!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Ultimate Shark Simulator v1.1 update is now available on iTunes! Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Update 1.1 will be available for Google Play later today! One of the big additions is a Turn Speed Slider in the settings, you can reduce how quickly your shark turns now. The underwater rain issue should also be solved and of course no more crashing! Along with some small performance enhancements. I am submitting the update to iTunes as well today so we will just have to wait and see when the release it!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
The Ultimate Shark Simulator is now available for iPhone and iPad! I have no idea how it got through inspection so quickly but lets all say "THANKS APPLE!!!' Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
OMG iOS users I just got an email from Apple... I'll still have to verify but I might have an amazing surprise for you all!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
The Ultimate Shark Simulator is now available on Google Play! Thanks for everyones hard work so far with feedback and bug fixes, I really appreciate all of your help! Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Ok everyone the game has been submitted to Google Play! i can't wait to see all the bugs you guys find! I promised my friends I would have dinner with them (sushi funny enough!) so I won't be on the page tonight. I'll post a link as soon as it is available!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
The trailer is finished! And I am exhausted! Enough work for today! Tomorrow I've got a few small bugs to fix up and then it's build and submit! Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
About 60% done with the trailer, Ill have it finished tonight but it will probably take another 2 hours! Sorry it's going to be out so late!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
The Arctic Tundra has some tasty prey swimming in it's icy waters!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Dangerous creatures lurk in the deep dark depths of the ocean....
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Sharks are usually solitary animals but we know everything is better when you have a little backup! Also instead of holding you babies in you mouth, now when you pick them up they ride on your back!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
I said it once and I will say it again, Hammerhead Sharks are my FAVORITE!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Here we go! Your first look at the finished Ultimate Shark Simulator!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
All done! Tomorrow morning I'll start work on the screenshots and trailer!
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
Just a few more days until the big release of the Ultimate Shark Simulator! Planning on doing screenshots and trailer on Thursday!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Things be excited about next week 1) Finishing the Ultimate Shark Simulator next week 2) A new chair! I've spent 3 years on a hard chair I got for free from a office building.. The new one is amazing and ergonomic and reclines. 3) New monitor stands! Fully 3D adjustable arms so I can work in any position... I am gearing up for the future! Multiplayer is going to be a big mountain to climb in 2017 but I am making sure I am well prepared!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Happy 4th of July everyone! The Ultimate Shark Simulator is chumming along swimmingly! Haha but seriously it is really shaping up to be fantastic, I should be able to get another short teaser video at the end of this week and next week I will finish up!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Hey everyone! I know we're all really excited for a release date on the Ultimate Shark Simulator, and I am pretty sure I said I wouldn't announce those anymore because so many people get upset if I go over, but it's difficult for me to learn my lesson haha I think a safe bet it July 15th for Google Play release!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Great news! I played the Ultimate Shark Sim for about an hour last night with no crashing. I had someone more experienced than myself completely rewrite the shaders for the rocks that first appeared in the Ultimate Dino. I believe those were the cause of both lag and crashing in the past two sims. Hopefully the non-crashing streak continues and I can bring updates to those two sims as well!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Good morning everyone! Aren't Sundays the best?! Today I'm going to work on the baby sharks remaining in gestation for a period before being birthed (you all have the best ideas)! And just to answer some of you, your starter shark is the Tiger Shark!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
No more awkward getting stranded on land, you can now control your sharks flopping to get yourself back in the water in a more realistic way!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Another small but very necessary change is the new depth variable lighting/atmosphere. The deeper you swim the darker and creepier the world gets!... There will be something waiting for you in the trench that keeps scaring me during dev!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Those of you that played the Ultimate Fox hopefully noticed the more fluid body movement of your main animals turning. I am going to try and apply the same effect to all animals in the Ultimate Shark giving far more realistic movement to the whole game.
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Hey Everybody! I have been working on environment and bosses today! Lots to do on these two parts so they will probably take most of this week!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Good morning everyone! I am going to try and update daily if possible. We've officially got all 7 sharks in the game, each with 5 unique skins!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Let's do names today! Tell me your best and most wanted shark names!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
I am SOOOOOO happy to be back! Really I am in total bliss sitting back at the "command center" (that's what I call my desk). And I am all revved up to work! I think it's only fair to let you all know where I have been. I have been helping my parents do some work on their home, learning how to work with my hands, lay tile and drywall, painting, sanding, cutting wood, all that kind of stuff. I'm sorry for leaving you all, it took way longer than I expected but I am happy I have a new set of skills and I am a little more well-rounded! I'll be posting regularly again, today I am going to get back into the shark and find my footing and then it's full speed ahead!
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
One more week until I am back from my hiatus. I thought I could work on the Shark at the same time but I couldn't. Stay tuned, next week things will get back to normal.
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Posted - 8 years 4 months ago
As promised here is a quick teaser for the Ultimate Shark Simulator! Still a lot to do but here are some of the sharks (2 missing) you'll be able to play as! Link
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Posted - 8 years 4 months ago
Wow has it really been three weeks?! I wish I had better news about the game but it is still about a month away from being ready. Many of you have noticed I have been way less frequently posting/commenting on Facebook. Unfortunately I recently took on a responsibility (a good one!) that I greatly underestimated the kind of time commitment it would require. Said obligation will be fulfilled in two more weeks and I will be back to full-time uninterrupted work! But you all deserve better, so I am going to at least get you a preview of all the sharks that will be included in the game! Tomorrow night at the latest!
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Posted - 8 years 4 months ago
Hey Everyone! You have been waiting for some info on the Ultimate Shark Simulator so here is what I can divulge at this time. These are all the zones in the world Ship Graveyard Seaweed Forest Island Beaches... Underwater Volcanoes Rock Forest Underwater Caves Arctic Zone The Blue Hole The Abyss So a lot to discover and a lot to work on! Thanks for being so patient and I hope this will hold you over a little while longer!
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Posted - 8 years 4 months ago
Another hilarious Ultimate Dinosaur Simulator video from Link ! Big thanks to everyone who watches and likes this video! Link
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
This was a really great video Abby pointed out to me by the youtube Link playing the Ultimate Dinosaur Simulator! Embarassing glitches and crashes aside, he really appreciates how far we all have come with these simulators! Great job everyone and the shark will be the best of them ALL! Link
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
A bit of a change from the usual, a shark's eyes aren't what counts!
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
It's a celebration! 5,000 followers is amazing!!! Thanks everyone! I'll put up the new banner for the shark tomorrow!
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
Here is your full list of Sharks that will be playable in the Ultimate Shark Simulator! Great White Shark Tiger Shark Hammerhead Shark... Thresher Shark Blue Shark Whale Shark And... There was a mix up where I though Sawfish were sharks but they actually have a really similar appearance to Sawsharks, so I could possibly include them as I have them animated and ready (but would be weird since they aren't sharks) or I could try to work in a Mako Shark to replace it. Thoughts?
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
I was going to announce the playable sharks today but it is late so I will wait for tomorrow! There are 7 sharks in total! SPOILER ALERT There is no Goblin Shark! Have you seen that thing eat?! So scary!
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
I'll be announcing the line-up of Sharks in the Ultimate Shark Simulator soon! I think you will all really like the variety! SPOILER ALERT Hammerhead is my favorite so it will definitely be playable!
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
Hey Everyone! So a bit of bad/good news, after two weeks of work on the Ultimate Cat Simulator, I have decided to take a break from it and switch my focus to the Ultimate Shark Simulator! We haven't had a full on aquatic sim in so long, and with all the new advances I think this could be REALLY cool. The Ultimate Cat Sim will be delayed about 5 weeks while I work on the Shark! Apologies to those of you who are severely disappointed. I love cats too but I have to work on whatever is sparking my passion the most at the moment!
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
I really feel for this developer. I am so lucky we grew slowly as a community and you all try and understand me as much as I try and understand you. I doubt this developer will quit for good though, it may feel that way sometimes but the longer you spend away from your games the more it feels like its your true purpose. It was also nice to see someone in the space of animal simulation doing something other than just copying games =P. Anyways I just wanted to THANK YOU ALL for being so amazing and giving me the strength to continue making the games we all love! Link
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
Many of you already guessed it, the next sim will be the Ultimate Cat Simulator!
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
I'll be announcing the new game tomorrow! I know there are going to be a LOT of suggestions for this one!
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
The Ultimate Fox Simulator is available on the iTunes App Store! Link Surprise! Your collective will power must have made it so, this is by far the fastest a game has ever been released for us! And if you haven't gotten the game on Android check it out soon, its getting the best review yet! Google Play Link ... Amazon Link
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
I have a surprise for everyone today! I'll reveal the big news in 45 minutes!
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
This was so cool to see! Google Play's "Top Picks" for Simulation Games section has a pretty great selection today! =) I am submitting the UDS update to Amazon and iOS today and then I'll get started on an update for the Ultimate Fox Simulator! Link
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