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Posted - 1 year 4 months ago
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Posted - 6 years 11 months ago
Hi folks! I'm back with a little surprise :D Android - Link iOS - Link
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Posted - 6 years 11 months ago
Hi folks! I'm back with a little surprise Android - Link iOS - Link
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Posted - 7 years 2 months ago
Mis creadores han trabajado muy duro en un proyecto que acaba de salir en la plataforma Kickstarter :) Les sera de gran ayuda si pudierais compartir y/o participar en el proyecto ^^ Link
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Posted - 7 years 2 months ago
Mis creadores han trabajado muy duro en un proyecto que acaba de salir en la plataforma Kickstarter :) Les sera de gran ayuda si pudierais compartir y/o participar en el proyecto ^^ Link Good morning! My creators have worked so hard on a project just out on the Kickstarter platform :) It would help them if you could share and / or participate in the project Thank you ^^ Link
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Posted - 7 years 2 months ago
Mis creadores han trabajado muy duro en un proyecto que acaba de salir en la plataforma Kickstarter Les sera de gran ayuda si pudierais compartir y/o participar en el proyecto^^ Link
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Posted - 7 years 3 months ago
Do you want to learn Japanese? We're on a 75% off SALE right now! Get it on Android Link Link
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Posted - 7 years 3 months ago
Do you want to learn Japanese? We're on a 75% off SALE right now!Get it on Android Link Link
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Posted - 7 years 9 months ago
Volvemos a surcar los mares! :D iOS Link Andrd Link
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Posted - 7 years 9 months ago
Volvemos a surcar los mares! :D iOS Link Andrd Link We sail the seas again! :D iOS Link Andrd Link
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Posted - 7 years 9 months ago
Volvemos a surcar los mares! iOS Link Andrd Link
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Posted - 7 years 11 months ago
"Swimming is like flying, but with water" - Tako Sensei iOS Link Andrd Link
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Posted - 7 years 11 months ago
"Swimming is like flying, but with water" - Tako SenseiiOS Link Andrd Link
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Posted - 7 years 11 months ago
"Swimming is like flying, but with water" - Tako SenseiiOS Link Andrd Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android Link iOS Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
I don't know why but I always chose the water one! Android iOS
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
Even though I look like a Pokmon, I'm not, so stop throwing pokeballs at me...please!
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
Even though I look like a Pokmon, I'm not, so stop throwing pokeballs at me...please!
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Posted - 8 years 1 Week ago
Even though I look like a Pokmon, I'm not, so stop throwing pokeballs at me...please!
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Posted - 8 years 4 Weeks ago
Have you ever wonder What's the meaining of the Kanji that Jiraiya-sensei wears in his forehead? Android - iOS -
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Posted - 8 years 4 Weeks ago
Have you ever wonder What's the meaining of the Kanji that Jiraiya-sensei wears in his forehead? Android - Link iOS - Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
As Zoro with his Katanas, it takes a lot of practice and hard work to learn how to write and read Japanese. Let's practice! Android - iOS -
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
As Zoro with his Katanas, it takes a lot of practice and hard work to learn how to write and read Japanese. Let's practice! :D Android - Link iOS - Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
An recuerdo cuando trabaj como Samurai! Entrenando todos los das con mi katana. Mmm... espera, quizs fue un sueo Aprende ms japons conmigo:Android - Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
An recuerdo cuando trabaj como Samurai! Entrenando todos los das con mi katana. Mmm... espera, quizs fue un sueo :O Aprende ms japons conmigo Android - Link ... iOS - Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
You need to learn Japanese in order to find the One piece! Join me in this adventure! Android Link iOS Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
You need to learn Japanese in order to find the One piece! Join me in this adventure! :P Android Link iOS Link
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Posted - 8 years 1 month ago
If you want to be a Japanese ninja, training is the key to success! Android - Link iOS - Link
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Cats know how to spend weekends! Have a nice weekend everyone! :) Learn more Japanese with Tako Android - Link iOS - Link
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Japanese people are dog lovers! There are shops with every kind of accessories for them. I wish there were shops for Takos too :_( Learn more Japanese with Tako Android - Link iOS - Link
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
Japanese cities are full of lights! Have you ever visited one? Download Takos Japanese now to learn more! iOS - Link Android - Link
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Posted - 8 years 2 months ago
"Tako...I am your Sensei" - Sensei Vader.
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
! (Fuyu is coming!) Learn with Tako-chan iOS - Link Android - Link
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
! (Fuyu is coming!) Aprende con Tako-chan en iOS - Link Android - Link
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
When I need to meditate about how many Kanjis I've learned I got to the Otera... ommmmmmm
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
This week theme is Places :) iOS Link Android Link
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
Me encantara poder relajarme en un Onsen! :) iOS Link Android Link
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
This week theme is - Places - :) iOS Link Android Link
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Posted - 8 years 3 months ago
El tema de esta semana es Lugares :) iOS Link Android Link
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
Cual es la mejor forma de llegar al acuario Sunshine Aquarium en Tokyo? Pues siguiendo a un gracioso grupo de pinginos que te guiarn por las calles de la capital nipona desde la pantalla de tu smartphone. Una genialidad diseada por el propio acuario que, observando la dificultad de la gente para llegar hasta sus instalaciones, decidi crear este simptico sistema de navegacin.
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
Japn inaugura el primer paso ferroviario para tortugas. Una ingeniosa idea que ofrece un salvoconducto para estos pequeos reptiles a la hora de cruzar las vas del tren. As se evitan accidentes y se asegura que los trenes lleguen a su destino a tiempo. Cowabunga!
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