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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
SUPER SECRET AGENT. PromoThis collectible car is equipped with a bulletproof screen rising from behind, smoke screen generators, rotating license plates and ejection seats. Super secret agent generates 9 energy units and 600 experience points once in every 26 hours, as well as one of the watches
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
MYSTERIOUS CARRIAGE. ResultsWhat was the real story of Cinderella? We were provided with several versions of the development of events:Claude Mazal Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
CHARMS OF LOVE. PromoSince ancient times, people have come from all kingdoms to throw a coin into an enchanted well and make a cherished wish. Now you also have the opportunity to receive a blessing in a magic source! Fairy's hut generates 8 energy units, 450 experience points and some magic pollen (accelerates crop growth and reduces animals' feeding intervals by 5 hours) once in every 23 hours. Well of love generates 5 energy units and 230 experience points once in every 14 hours, as well as an occasional rainbow extract (makes crops and fruit trees mature and animals go hungry at once).The offer will be available only on 20th and 21st of February.Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
CHARMS OF LOVE. PromoSince ancient times, people have come from all kingdoms to throw a coin into an enchanted well and make a cherished wish. Now you also have the opportunity to receive a blessing in a magic source! Fairy's hut generates 8 energy units, 450 experience points and some magic pollen (accelerates crop growth and reduces animals' feeding intervals by 5 hours) once in every 23 hours.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
SLEEPY SALESometimes you don't want to go anywhere, but to stay at home and bury your nose in a cool pillow. Let's do it! Only from 22nd to 28th of February you can get the bestsellers of the game and amazing sleeping novelties. For every 10 gems spent, we will win badges. Collect a collection of 5 badges and exchange them for gifts! First badge exchange:Breakfast table generates 600 coins, 600 experience points and a breakfast in bed (restores 7 energy units, you can send it to neighbors as a gift). Second badge exchange:3 fat pancake with caviar. Fat pancake with caviar restores 150 energy units, you can send it to neighbors as a gift.Third badge exchange:Dreamy deer generates 6 energy units, 150 experience points and a random element from the sleepyhead collection once in every 15 hours. Fourth and subsequent badge exchanges:1,000 experience points.Novelties Sleeping duck generates 2 energy units, 150 coins and 185 experience points once in every 12 hours. Cradled wolf cub generates 380 coins and 330 experience points a day. PJs pony generates 3 energy units, 250 coins and 345 experience points once in every 16 hours. Snoozing seal generates 5 energy units, 300 coins and 390 experience points once in every 20 hours, as well as an occasional knitty kitty (reduces animals' feeding intervals by 5 hours). Drowsy crescent generates 7 energy units, 445 coins and 430 experience points once in every 18 hours, as well as an occasional sweet dream (makes beds of crops or fruit trees mature and animals become hungry 9 hours faster). Resting giraffe generates 9 energy units and 480 experience points once in every 28 hours, as well as an occasional sunrise feather (generates 250 experience points when used). Napping dragon generates 12 energy units, 750 coins and 570 experience points once in every 22 hours, as well as an occasional stellar essence (makes crops and fruit trees mature or animals become hungry at once).Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
LAKE SALEHurry up to purchase lakes at a discounted price! You can already find them at the 'Bestsellers' tab. The offer is limited!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
LAKE GIFTINGHurry up to make good deeds as long as we have possibility to gift regular lakes from inventory to beloved neighbors!Important notice you cant regift lakes that other players gave you.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUSFriends! Have you already attended the wedding of the stepmother and the foreign king? How many lovely kids have settled on your site?Leave an answer in the comments to the post and hurry to get a portion of wedding sweets:U
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
FORTUNE DISPENSERSpin the roulette wheel in the updated Fortune Dispenser on 19th and 20th of February to hit the jackpot - a sea of gems and an alicorn of love are waiting for you!Fill the progress bar to get unique romantic animals and access to the game levels 2 and 3.
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matches 0: &__cft__
Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BURIED TREASUREFriends! We hid a buried gem treasure on the page recently. The most attentive and fastest players have already found it!First 5 treasure hunters get 10 gems from the treasure Freebie Link Sharon Martel Latture Freebie Link Paola Bombino Freebie Link Renaldo DeFrank Sr. Freebie Link Mayra Puente Freebie Link Congratulations to the winners and see you in new events!Check the page with buried treasure Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
11 FACTS ABOUT WEDDINGS According to Indian tradition, rain on the wedding day brings good luck. Egyptian girls had to pinch the bride for good luck. In Russia, there was a belief that if the younger sister married before the older one, then in order not to remain unmarried, she needed to dance barefoot at the wedding.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
HAPPY EVER AFTER. New questWhose wedding are we going to tomorrow? Manage to complete the quest on time and get an amazing carriage that generates 15 energy units and 1500 experience points a day!Quest guide Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
GEM SALEOnly on 18th and 19th of February purchase gems with 114% bonus!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
SOON IN THE GAMEThe more likes there are the faster a Fortune Dispenser appears in the game!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
ROMANTIC GONDOLA. PromoGondoliers are real messengers of love. The license for this unusual work is inherited from father to son, so it is almost impossible for an outsider to become a real gondolier. Today, specially for you, we invited one of the representatives of this rare profession to Household. The most romantic Venetian boat will arrive to your shores tomorrow! Romantic gondola generates 8 energy units and 310 experience points once in every 20 hours, as well as an occasional "Lovey Dovey" cake (4 energy units).The offer will be available only on the 17th of February.Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
ROMANTIC GONDOLA. PromoGondoliers are real messengers of love. The license for this unusual work is inherited from father to son, so it is almost impossible for an outsider to become a real gondolier. Today, specially for you, we invited one of the representatives of this rare profession to Household. The most romantic Venetian boat will arrive to your shores tomorrow! Romantic gondola generates 8 energy units and 310 experience points once in every 20 hours, as well as
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"ROMANTIC DATE" FAIRPlush fair starting on the 20th of February:1. Harvest your neighbors' lilac treesHelp your neighbors harvest lilacs.2. Chat to Sir Green and Lady BlueChat with Sir Green or Lady Blue on your site in the Lands of Albion. Sir Green may appear while you're harvesting plants and taking care of fruit trees. Lady Blue may appear while you're feeding animals and cutting trees.3. Find strawberries with creamStrawberries with cream are an element from the strawberry collection. Pick strawberries to find elements from this collection.Save the useful information to your page so as not to lose it (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"ROMANTIC DATE" FAIRPlush fair starting on the 20th of February:1. Harvest your neighbors' lilac treesHelp your neighbors harvest lilacs.2. Chat to Sir Green and Lady BlueChat with Sir Green or Lady Blue on your site in the Lands of Albion. Sir Green may appear while you're harvesting plants and taking care of fruit trees. Lady Blue may appear while you're feeding animals and cutting trees.3. Find strawberries with creamStrawberries with cream are an element from the strawberry collection. Pick strawberries to find elements from this collection.Save the useful information to your page so as not to lose it (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"ROMANTIC DATE" FAIRPlush fair starting on the 20th of February:1. Harvest your neighbors' lilac trees
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
ROMANTIC GONDOLA. PromoGondoliers are real messengers of love. The license for this unusual work is inherited from father to son, so it is almost impossible for an outsider to become a real gondolier. Today, specially for you, we invited one of the representatives of this rare profession to Household. The most romantic Venetian boat will arrive to your shores tomorrow! Romantic gondola generates 8 energy units and 310 experience points once in every 20 hours, as well as an occasional "Lovey Dovey" cake (4 energy units).The offer will be available only on the 17th of February.Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
SOON IN THE GAMEToday the court herald brought you a fragrant pink envelope. Inside you find... a wedding invitation! But who is it from? To find out it quicker, we need Help sister Iris in the Faraway Kingdom (3 times) Take care of your blueberry bushes. You can buy blueberry bushes from the greenhouse Feed animals from the Faraway Kingdom on your site Help sister Rose in the Faraway Kingdom (3 times) Feed black-necked swans on your site. You will find these swans in your upgraded poultry house Shoo bears away from your site Appease the meddling stepmother (3 times) Enjoy a ride in the lovers' carriage (2 times)Also will be useful to us Blossoming heart. Pick hearterias in the Faraway Kingdom to find blossoming hearts. Larkspur flower. Pick court larkspurs in the Faraway Kingdom to find larkspur flowers. Gorgeous bud. Take care of court roses in the Faraway Kingdom. Love concentrate. Pet cupid bunnies in the Faraway Kingdom to obtain love concentrate. Bark juice. Fantasy pine trees in the Faraway Kingdom to find bark juice. Romantic bouquet. Help the smitten gardener in the Faraway Kingdom to obtain romantic bouquets. Charmeria bud. Pick charmerias in the Faraway Kingdom to find charmeria buds. Carved comb. Help the talented horsekeeper in the Faraway Kingdom to obtain carved combs. Lovey-dovey cakes. Help the starry-eyed confectioner in the Faraway Kingdom to obtain lovey-dovey cakes. Creamy dessert. You can make some in the stepmother's manor in the Faraway Kingdom. Heraldic ring. Help the lovestruck prince in the Faraway Kingdom confess his love to obtain heraldic rings. Love extract. You can make some in the stepmother's manor. Gorgeous brooch. You can make one in the stepmother's manor in the Faraway Kingdom. Corgi's collar. Play with any of the three corgis in the Faraway Kingdom to obtain corgi's collars. Yummy whipped cream. Feed sweetheart cows in the Faraway Kingdom to find yummy whipped cream. Ink of passion. Take care of trees of hearts in the Faraway Kingdom to find ink of passion. Fairy's magic wand. Help the forest outlaw in the Faraway Kingdom to obtain fairy's magic wands. Crystal slipper. Help beautiful Elsa meet the prince in the Faraway Kingdom to obtain crystal slippers. Wedding dress. You can make one in the stepmother's manor on your site. Care. Collect profit from your cat or its house to get care points.Prepare for the upcoming quest with us and don't forget to share the useful information with your beloved neighbors (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
PLUSH FAIRSFriends! By popular demand, not one, but two of the next fairs will be held with plushies in in love - 20th of February and 1st of March Did your community manage to get its first plushie in love?
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUS MARATHONFriends! 413 likes were successfully collected and a lovers' wreath is already waiting for you:Use the link Freebie Link orThe bonus Code 6571Important notice the limit for wreaths is 10 items.Everyone, thank you for participating in bonus marathon and see you in new events!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
ROMANTIC LOTTERY!Friends, on Valentine's Day the official Household page announces the start of a romantic lottery! Each of you can get three hundred gems just with a couple of clicks.Conditions
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!As the force of attraction brings the planets closer, so love unites people! Love for the fabulous world of Household brought millions of people together to warm us every day with its magic And today this gentle baby wants to share its warmth with you:Pick up a gift using the link Freebie Link orUsing the bonus code 9827
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
GEM SALEOnly on the 14th of February purchase gems with 100% bonus! The offer is limited.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUS MARATHONFriends! There are already 328 likes in piggy bank , so it's time for another bonus - a corgi's collar:Get it using the link Freebie Link o
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUS MARATHONFriends! There are already 328 likes in piggy bank , so it's time for another bonus - a corgi's collar:Get it using the link Freebie Link orUsing the bonus code 9121Important notice the limit for collars is 15 items.When this news gets 400 likes , the final bonus will appear on the page!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
VOLCANO SANCTUARY. Promo The highest volcano in the solar system is located on Mars and it is called Olympus. This volcano rises to a height of 16 miles (26 km) from its base. Sometimes volcanoes grow literally overnight. For example, Paricutin appeared in a Mexican cornfield on the 20th of February, 1943. Within a week it height reached 5 floors and by the end of the year it had grown to 1102 feet (336 meters) in height. It finished growing in 1952, reaching 1391 feet (424 meters). The highest peak in Russia and Europe, Mount Elbrus, is a stratovolcano. There can be many craters in volcanoes, not just one. For example, Etna has about 400 of them! On other planets and their satellites, there are cryovolcanoes that spew ice. On Earth, only one cryovolcano was discovered - the Yamal crater in Siberia.The volcanic slopes are characterized by very fertile soil, as it is saturated with minerals and trace elements. And the lush vegetation attracts a wide variety of wild animals. Purchase a hermit monk, some tufted deer, as well as a foothill house and get a volcano sanctuary for 300 animals as a gift!More details Freebie Link The offer will be available only on 15th and 16th of February.Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
VOLCANO SANCTUARY. Promo The highest volcano in the solar system is located on Mars and it is called Olympus. This volcano rises to a height of 16 miles (26 km) from its base. Sometimes volcanoes grow literally overnight. For example, Paricutin appeared in a Mexican cornfield on the 20th of February, 1943. Within a week it height reached 5 floors and by the end of the year it had grown to 1102 feet (336 meters) in height. It finished growing in 1952, reaching 1391 feet (
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUS MARATHONFriends! 259 likes are already in pocket, which means it's time to hurry up and get a luxurious brooch:Use the link Freebie Link orThe bonus code 2244Important notice the limit for a brooch is 15 items.When this post gets 300 likes , the next bonus will appear on the page!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUS MARATHONFriends! We have successfully collected 104 and the well-deserved love extract is already waiting for you:Use the link Freebie Link orThe bonus code 8625Important notice the limit for the extract is 15 bottles.When this news gets 200 , a third bonus will appear on the page!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUS MARATHONFriends! How is the researching of the Faraway Kingdom going? What part of the quest have you got to? Did you manage to get the lovers' palace in your possession?Leave an answer in the comments to the post and hurry to get these 2 heraldic rings:Use the link Freebie Link orThe bonus code 4190When this news gets 100 , a second bonus will be published on the page!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
CHINESE DRAGON. Promo In China, New Year is called the Spring Festival. In addition, the Chinese New Year is called the "Lunar New Year" as it is celebrated on the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice. It is believed that winter recedes on this very day. 2021 Chinese New Year is celebrated on the night of 11/12 February!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
WHERE TO FIND FANTASY COINS?Help residents of the Faraway Kingdom to get fantasy coins!Each time fantasy coins are given by
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
FAIRYTALE LOVE. New questThe carriage awaits! Hurry to the ball and be sure to take these 2 lovey-dovey cakes with you:Use the link to get cakes Freebie Link orUse the bonus code 2919Quest guide Freebie Link Don't forget to share the upcoming quest guide with your beloved neighbors (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
GEM SALEOnly on 10th and 11th of February purchase gems with 140% bonus!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
SOON IN THE GAMEComplete mini-quests on holiday lands to get additional prizes! Save the full list of tasks to your page so as not to lose it (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
SOON IN THE GAMELike if you are waiting for this set and a gorgeous palace for guests from the Faraway Kingdom!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
SOON IN THE GAMEAfter consulting with your own tame dragon, you decided not to waste time, but to quickly saddle mice! To make the mice move the carriage, turn them into horses! It looks like a pinch of Household magic will come in handy Harvest potato crops on your site
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
PLUSH FAIRS!Hungry for new plushies? Please welcome! Two following fairs (11th and 20th of February) will be held with romantic plush prizes 1st place - bear in love generates 7 energy units and 830 experience points once a day, as well as an occasional random element from the plushies in love collection. 2nd place - lion in love generates 5 energy units and 620 experience points once a day, as well as an occasional random element from the plushies in love collection. 3rd place - bunny in love generates 3 energy units and 410 experience points once a day, as well as an occasional random element from the plushies in love collection. Plushies in love collection can be exchanged for a cloud in love (makes beds of crops or tree fruit mature or an animal become hungry 14 hours faster).You can gift a plush prize to a neighbor.We wish you a plush victory!Hurry up to share the good news with your beloved neighbors (Like and Share ) so that they also know about the plush prizes.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
NEW AVATARFriends! With 26.8% of the votes, Dragon of tender love won in poll for a new avatar for the page. Congratulations to the handsome creature!Everyone, thank you for participating in survey!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
GEMMY PEACOCK. Promo Peacock feather can be up to 7 feet (2 meters) long! Peacocks are close relatives of chickens. The peacock is a national symbol of India and Iran, as in Hinduism this bird is revered as sacred.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
CHOOSE AN AVATARDon't you think that someone is knocking hard on your door? Opening the bolt, you see a stately elderly gentleman. The man cleared his throat, unrolled the scroll, and loudly announced that the prince was personally inviting you to the ball!Balls are serious business! It is not proper to show up there alone. Rather, choose a worthy companion for this event:1. Dragon of tender love2. Rabbit Cupid3. Forest robber4. Your older sister5. Your little sister6. Gorilla Boyfriend7. Fairy of love8. Cupid corgiLeave the number in the comments to the post
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
GEMS FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDOnly on the 7th of February make purchases at a bargain prices and send gems to a neighbor as a gift.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"FLOWERS FOR LOVED ONES" FAIRNew plushies are waiting for you! Prepare for the plush fair starting on the 11th of February:1. Harvest oleanders in Flowerberg
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
"FLOWERS FOR LOVED ONES" FAIRNew plushies are waiting for you! Prepare for the plush fair starting on the 11th of February:1. Harvest oleanders in Flowerberg
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
CHOOSE AN AVATARDon't you think that someone is knocking hard on your door? Opening the bolt, you see a stately elderly gentleman. The man cleared his throat, unrolled the scroll, and loudly announced that the prince was personally inviting you to the ball!Balls are serious business! It is not proper to show up there alone. Rather, choose a worthy companion for this event
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
BONUSFriends! How is the preparation of hop decoctions going? How many merry roosters have already settled on your site?Leave your answer in the comments to the post and hurry up to get a handful of fragrant nuts and honey:Use the link Freebie Link orUse the bonus code 6634Important notice the mix limit is 4 portions.A pleasant bonus for the most active subscribers of the Household official page! Next week, 3 random commentators on this post will get young animals snowball-fighting as a gift. Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
NOISY NEIGHBORS. PromoDo your neighbors also start drilling and rattling on the very day when you want to relax? Purchase a drummer raven for yourself and send handyman beaver as a gift to your friends! Drummer raven generates 8 energy units and 390 experience points once in every 22 hours, as well as an occasional magic sax (accelerates harvest maturity for crops and trees and reduces the interval in between feedings for animals by 10 hours). Handyman beaver generates 4 energy units and 165 experience points once in every 16 hours, as well as an occasional bewitched axe (cuts the tree down with a single hack).The offer will be available only on 5th and 6th of February.Have a nice shopping!
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