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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
GEM SALE Holiday sale in Household! Only on 1st and 2nd of July purchase gems with 120% bonus.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
"IT'S DUCK O'CLOCK!" FAIR Fair that starts on 22nd of June 1. Lure in a shelduck ... You can lure in shelducks in the duck cabin. It's available to buy from the market! 2. Feed runner ducks in India Feed runner ducks on your site in India. You can buy them from the market. 3. Find a drake A drake is an element from the goose collection. Feed geese to find one! Save the useful information to your page so that no to lose it (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SOON IN THE GAME Kids are joyfully jabbering and crowding near the bus. As soon as all bags and backpacks are loaded, they will go to the summer camp! What adventures await the little ones there? To find out everything sooner, you will need Get some fire (5 times). You get fire and energy bonus for visiting first 20 neighbors a day... Eat some fried eggs (2 times). You can make fried eggs in the hen house or buy from the market Harvest potatoes on your site Remove your neighbors' thicket Shoo bears away from your site Pick blueberries on your site. You can buy blueberry bushes from the greenhouse Feed guinea fowls on your site. You can buy guinea fowls from the poultry house Harvest pea crops on your site Feed your neighbors' roosters. You can buy roosters from the poultry house Shoo wolves away from your site Feed speckled cows on your site. You can buy speckled cows from the animal farm Feed donkeys on your site Take pictures of wild birds on your site Feed Vietnamese pigs on your site Take care of cherry trees on your site Shoo moles away from your site Pick your neighbors' strawberries Pick regular tomatoes on your site Feed regular sheep on your site Take care of apricot trees on your site Feed regular bulls on your site Feed Householdian hens and ducks on your site. You can lure in these birds in the cowshed Collect profits from your beehives Don't forget to share the useful information with beloved neighbors (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 7th answer Gemini (Zwillinge, Jumeaux, Bliniaki, ) is the sixth sign of the zodiac and the correct answer to the last riddle of the shadow marathon. Many of you sent the correct answer, and following players were the first to complete this task Linda Gibson Freebie Link ... Susan Holloway Freebie Link Catherine Cocquet Freebie Link Dee Sheppard Freebie Link Jeanette Andersson Freebie Link Encarni Snchez Freebie Link Freebie Link Noe Jimenez Freebie Link Freebie Link Jolanta Kuca Freebie Link winners get 5 gems today. Congratulations! Everyone, thank you for participating in shadow marathon and see you in new events!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. Riddle 7 And here is the final task of little marathon! Your task is simple - share the picture to your page and guess what is hidden behind the silhouette. Send your answers to Vlada via personal message Freebie Link ... First 10 players who guess the right answer will get 5 gems and their names will be published tomorrow in the page's news with the right answer. Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 6th answer Plush animals are unique holiday fair awards. Plush Easter giraffe (Oster-Plschgiraffe, Giraffe de Pques en peluche, Pluszowa yrafa wielkanocna, ) is the correct answer to Saturday riddle! The first ones to successfully cope with this task were Linda Gibson Freebie Link ... Magda Mroczkowska-Cancelosi Freebie Link Jolanta Kuca Freebie Link Franca Colombaro Freebie Link Dee Sheppard Freebie Link Lili Anghel Freebie Link Clo Dominou Freebie Link Georgeta Nita Freebie Link Cordlia Leite Freebie Link Bianca Zota Freebie Link winners get 5 gems today. Congratulations! Keep an eye on news of the page so that not to miss the last riddle!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
TORNADO HUNTER. Promo An agile and brave wind hunter and her valiant furry companion will tame any storm! Tornado hunter generates 8 energy units, 360 experience points and one of the winds (Eurus, Notus, Boreas or Zephyr) once in every 28 hours.... Zephyr helps shoo a beast at once! Notus accelerates crop growth by 3 hours Eurus accelerates fruit tree growth by 3 hours. Boreas makes an animal become hungry 3 hours sooner. The offer will be available only on 15th and 16th of June. Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 6th riddle Who is hiding from us this time? Your task is simple - share the picture to your page and guess what is hidden behind the silhouette. Send your answers to Vlada via personal message Freebie Link ... First 10 players who guess the right answer will get 5 gems and their names will be published tomorrow in the page's news with the right answer. Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK.5th answer It was proven by scientists that even a ten-minute meditation practice reduces fatigue and anxiety, teaches positive thinking, sharpens feelings by 1525%, improves brain function and significantly slows down its aging. And a Meditating raccoon (Meditierender Waschbr, Raton laveur mditant, Medytujcy szop, ) is the answer to Friday shadow riddle! The first ones to cope with the task were Linda Gibson Freebie Link Magda Mroczkowska-Cancelosi Freebie Link Claude Mazal Freebie Link Encarni Snchez Freebie Link Clo Dominou Freebie Link Josie Moulin Freebie Link Noe Jimenez Freebie Link Kathi Woodburn Egan Freebie Link Heba Hussien Freebie Link Silvia Berenz Freebie Link winners get 5 gems today. Congratulations! Keep an eye on the page's news so as not to miss the next riddle!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
GEMS FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIEND Only on 14th of June make purchases at a bargain price and send gems to a neighbor as a gift!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
BONUS Friends! How are the searches for the Polaris going? What part of the quest have you already reached? Share a screenshot of your star animals in the comments to the post ... A pleasant bonus for the most active participants of the Household official page. 3 random commentators of this post will get a Fairy of full moon as a gift. Good luck! Share the news with your neighbors (Like and Share ) and use the link to get 4 Star coordinates Freebie Link Important notice coordinates' limit is 8 items.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 5th riddle What is a skilled zoologist carefully looking at? Your task is simple - share the picture to your page and guess what is hidden behind the silhouette. Send your answers to Vlada via personal message Freebie Link ... First 10 players who guess the right answer will get 5 gems and their names will be published tomorrow in the page's news with the right answer. Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
DRAW RESULTS Friends! Today, three lucky players who left comments under the post get a baby lynx as a gift Maria Stokosa Freebie Link ... Depetro Santina Freebie Link Susie McTeir Freebie Link Congratulations to the winners! Everyone, thank you for your active participation in the life of the Household official page and see you in new events!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 4th answer No one can hide from keen eyes of Household inhabitants! And following players were the first to declassify a Bear with an Easter basket (Br mit Osterkorb, Ourson avec panier de Pques, Mi z koszykiem wielkanocnym, ) Clo Dominou Freebie Link ... Claude Mazal Freebie Link Lisa Woodring Buck Freebie Link Josie Moulin Freebie Link Irene Bandeira Freebie Link Dee Sheppard Freebie Link Eden Walz Freebie Link Angelica Radu Freebie Link Bianca Zota Freebie Link Antonia Bianca Freebie Link winners get 5 gems today. Congratulations! Keep an eye on the page's news so as not to miss the next riddle!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
WE'VE FIXED IT Friends! Game's stable work has been restored. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Return to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
MAINTENANCE Friends! We were forced to temporarily suspend the game for emergency maintenance. Accept apologies for the inconveniences!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
BONUS A dreamy astronomer wishes you a good mood and gives 3 navigation lights Freebie Link Important notice the lights' limit is 8 items.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 4th riddle Who is hiding from us this time? Your task is simple - share the picture to your page and guess what is hidden behind the silhouette. Send your answers to Vlada via personal message Freebie Link ... First 10 players who guess the right answer will get 5 gems and their names will be published tomorrow in the page's news with the right answer. Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
HAPPY HOUSEWARMING! Friends! By numerous requests, other residents of the Partytown can also be settled in the birthday hotel. The full list of characters that can be placed in the hotel is presented below:
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
ASTRONOMER'S ASSISTANT. Promo The astronomer is always so absent-minded! One day he loses valuable notes, other day he mixes up coordinates of stars. Its good that he has such a talented and clever small sister! Purchase the little helper and get 10 star bunnies, as well as 50 star flowers as a gift. Astronomer's assistant generates 5 energy units and 215 experience points once in every 16 hours, as well as an occasional jar of rays of sunshine (accelerates crop and fruit ...tree growth by 1 hour). Will also generate 5 cosmic chisels while the "Starbound" task is on. The offer will be available only on 12th and 13rd of June. Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 3rd answer Moth Meowh (Miau-Schmetterling, Miaoupillon, Miau-motylek, -) - a magical creation of little wizards! Many of you have successfully completed this task. And the first ones who sent the correct answer were Zafeiria Natsaridou Freebie Link ... Renata Sztemborska Freebie Link Linda Gibson Freebie Link Trina Workman Freebie Link Encarni Snchez Freebie Link Susan Holloway Freebie Link Magda Mroczkowska-Cancelosi Freebie Link Dee Sheppard Freebie Link Veronica Car Freebie Link Bianca Zota Freebie Link winners get 5 gems today. Congratulations! Keep an eye on the page's news so as not to miss the next riddle!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 3rd riddle Who is hiding from apprentice Wizzo? Your task is simple - share the picture to your page and guess what is hidden behind the silhouette. Send your answers to Vlada via personal message Freebie Link ... First 10 players who guess the right answer will get 5 gems and their names will be published tomorrow in the page's news with the right answer. Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
FORTUNE DISPENSER Spin the reel in Fortune Dispenser on 11th and 12th of June to win amazing prizes and get access to the bonus game! Star chests await us in the bonus game. Open them to get special prizes! You can find unusual new characters there:... Stellar cassowary generates 4 energy units and 100 experience points with each feeding. Cosmic boar generates 6 energy units, 380 coins and 210 experience points with each feeding. Heavenly owl generates 8 energy units and 320 experience points with each feeding, as well as an occasional pinch of stardust. Star unicorn generates 10 energy units, 430 experience points and a random element from the unicorn collection with each feeding. Unicorn collection can be exchanged for stardust. Stardust accelerates crop and fruit tree growth and makes animals get hungry at once. Chests can be opened for free by clicking on them. But beware of the dazzling sun! After meeting it, the bonus game ends. You take away only those gifts that you had opened before it appeared. Bonus game FAQ Dont forget to share with us screenshots of your prizes in the comments to the post Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SOON IN THE GAME Like if you are waiting for Fortune Dispenser with a bonus game!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
FLOWERS OF LIFE. Results Friends! Lets take a look at the bright photos of little helpers and welcome the winners of the "Flowers of Life" contest Marioara Zota Freebie Link ... Magda Mroczkowska-Cancelosi Freebie Link Today they both get 300 gems . Congratulations! Everyone, thank you for participating and see you in new events!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 2nd answer Maasdam is a popular Dutch cheese named after the small town of Maasdam in the Netherlands. And a Maasdam turtle ( , Maasdam-Schildkrte, Tortue de maasdam, wik mazdamerowy) is the answer to second riddle! Players who successfully coped with this difficult task are Linda Gibson Freebie Link ... Olya Luzhetska Freebie Link Heba Hussien Freebie Link Susan Holloway Freebie Link Bianca Zota Freebie Link Eden Walz Freebie Link Antonia Bianca Freebie Link Angelica Radu Freebie Link Marioara Zota Freebie Link winners get 5 gems today. Congratulations! Keep an eye on the page's news so as not to miss the next riddle!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
GEM SALE Only on 10th and 11th of June purchase gems with 100% bonus!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SOON IN THE GAME Celestial bodies and their contents. Like if you are waiting for a new quest!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 2nd Riddle What is cheese cow looking at so attentively? Your task is simple - share the picture to your page and guess what is hidden behind the silhouette. Send your answers to Vlada via personal message Freebie Link ... First 10 players who guess the right answer will get 5 gems and their names will be published tomorrow in the page's news with the right answer. Good luck!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 1st answer The Merry crocodile ( , Lustiges Krokodil, Joyeux crocodile, Wesoy krokodyl) from Partytown became first guest! And the first ones who answered correctly were Dee Sheppard Freebie Link ... Linda Gibson Freebie Link Trina Workman Freebie Link Olya Luzhetska Freebie Link Sabine Uhlenbrock Freebie Link Magda Mroczkowska-Cancelosi Freebie Link Sharon Huber Snell Freebie Link Robin O'Connell Slick Freebie Link Jolanta Kuca Freebie Link Delores Cherico Freebie Link winners get 5 gems today. Congratulations! Keep an eye on the page's news so as not to miss the second riddle!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SOON IN THE GAME One starry summer night, an anxious astronomer woke up in a cold sweat. He began feverishly looking through his notes in search of something incredibly important. What made star observer so excited? To find out it as soon as possible, you will need Eat some fried eggs (3 times). You can make fried eggs in the hen house or buy some from the market.... Take pictures of your fireflies Cut oak trees on your site Take care of cherry trees on your site Pick blue cow wheat on your site Shoo your neighbors' foxes away Feed regular bulls on your site Harvest potatoes on your site Take pictures of wild birds on your site Fish in any lakes on your site Feed gray geese on your site Take care of your neighbors' raspberry bushes. You can buy raspberry bushes from the greenhouse. Shoo bears away from your site Feed your neighbors' chameleon lambs Collect profits from the grills on your site Prepare for the upcoming quest with us and do not forget to share useful information with your neighbors (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SHADOW WEEK. 1st riddle Shadow adventures begin! Every day during the week at random time a picture with silhouette of one of the heroes of favorite game will appear on the page. Your task is simple - share the picture to your page and guess what is drawn on it. Send your answers to Vlada via personal message Freebie Link ... First 10 players who guess the right answer will get 5 gems and their names will be published tomorrow in the page's news with the right answer. Let's go!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
FIND ALL BERRY MUNCHERS. Results Travelers were successfully saved! 8 berry munchers that you'd discovered led the poor fellows from the dense forests to their native settlements. All berry munchers were successfully discovered by 111 people. Congratulations! Hurry up to get a well-deserved reward from travelers - a magic flute Freebie Link ... Everyone, thank you for participation and see you in new events!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
WE'VE FIXED IT! Friends! We're happy to announce that materials for sugar tower expansion and wooden sticks for festival cotton candy craft in cart of sweets are dropped again. Accept gratitude for patience and understanding Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
"VERY BERRY" FAIR The fair will start on 13th of June 1. Pick your neighbors' strawberries... Help them with their rich harvest! 2. Pick blueberries on your site Harvest blueberry bushes on your site. You can buy them from the greenhouse. 3. Make the "Tropical" salad You can make some at the "Three Palm Trees" cafe in the Oasis. Save information to your page so that not to lose it (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
GEM SALE Only on 8th of June purchase gems with 75% bonus! The offer is limited.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
FIND ALL BERRY MUNCHERS Forest dryad is a mysterious and incredibly beautiful creature. On a quiet warm night, she went to her secluded pavilion to listen to the ringing murmur of the waterfall and play the magic flute. The enchanting sounds of this flute attract and fascinate, which is why several travelers lost their paths and got lost in the dense forests ... To help the misguided unfortunate, we need the power of a magical creature - berry muncher! Find all animals and th...ey will lead travelers out of the forest. Saved travelers will generously thank you! How many berry munchers have you found? Leave your answer in the comments to the post 50 correct answers - 1 magic flute 150 correct answers - 3 magic flutes 300 and more correct answers - 5 magic flutes Only one answer is accepted from each player. The search will continue during all weekend! Tell your friends about the task (Like and Share ) so that they also help us with the searches!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
ZOOLOGIST AND HER HOUSE. Promo When Valerie was still a very young girl, her mother forbade her to climb trees and take home animals from the street. However, these prohibitions did not prevent the baby from diligently studying zoology and secretly dreaming of her own secluded tree house. Zoologist Valerie generates 5 energy units and 210 experience points once in every 20 hours, as well as an occasional zoology textbook.... Zoologist's house generates 7 energy units, 480 experience points and some berry feed once a day. Will also generate birthday coins while the Household's 2020 birthday celebrations are still on. Zoology textbook makes the animals hungry 10 hours sooner. Berry feed makes an animal become hungry 8 hours sooner. The offer will be available only on 6th and 7th of June. Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
WE'LL FIX IT Friends! We are aware that materials needed for expanding the Sugar Tower aren't currently dropped. As soon as the problem is fixed, we will additionally notify you about this in the page's news. Accept deepest apologizes for any inconvenience caused and thank you for understanding!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
BONUS Friends! How is communication with party guests going? What part of the quest have you already reached? Did you manage to get a birthday hotel yet? Share a screenshot of your respected guests in the comments to the post ... A pleasant bonus for the most active participants of the Household official page. 3 random commentators of this post will receive a baby lynx as a gift next week. Good luck! Share the news with your neighbors (Like and Share ) and use the link to get 2 "International Congratulations" Freebie Link Important notice "International Congratulations" limit is 9 books.
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
GEM SALE Purchase gems on 4th and 5th of June and get a 100% bonus. Make a one-time payment higher than the amount specified in the game and get a unique Party phoenix as a gift! Party phoenix generates 16 energy units, 590 experience points and either one of the feathers of maturity, progress or growth with each feeding.... Feather of maturity accelerates crop and fruit tree maturity by 7 hours, or make an animal grow hungry 7 hours sooner! Feather of progress gives a 1 level up in the game upon usage! Feather of growth accelerates plant and crop growth rates by 8 hours. Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SOON IN THE GAME Like if you are waiting for new guests!
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
FLOWERS OF LIFE. Contest Children are flowers of life, support, pride and joy. Let's decorate Household with the happy faces of smallest helpers! Conditions:... - Call to a computer your smallest family members siblings, children, cousins or even grandchildren! - Take a picture of your little helper (or helpers) next to the launched game. - Post the photo in the comments on the post Next week we will hand over a bag of gems to the author of the photo which gets the most likes !
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
SOON IN THE GAME Panda has invited to the party friends from different corners of the world! But they all speak different languages and won't understand each other. What to do? To quickly find a solution, you will need Take care of golden linden trees and party chestnut trees on your site... Shoo foxes away from your site Take care of pear trees on your site Hand the card in to the party panda (3 times). You can exchange cards with warm greetings in Partytown at the Party Panda. To make the panda appear in Partytown, launch the "Panda" fountain. Exchange Prezzie Piggie's collection (2 times). Feed red and blue present pigs in Party town to find elements of this collection. Pick Persian buttercups on your site Feed regular sheep on your site Feed dressy badgers, pelicans with balloons, party bats and dressy lynxes on your site Help the flag vendor in Partytown (4 times) Feed carefree bears and merry crocodiles, birthday griffins, party eagles and dressy horses on your site Help the tired trumpeter in Partytown (2 times) Decorate the cake in Partytown (5 times). Click on cake base to whip up some cream. Then click again to decorate cake! Help the tired acrobat in Partytown (3 times) You'll also need Multicolor strings. Help the balloon lady in Partytown to find multicolor strings. Smooth sticks. Help the flag vendor in Partytown to find smooth sticks. Dough for pies. Help Mrs. Pastrypuff in Partytown to obtain dough for pies. Pretty sparklers. You can make one at the "Lights And Fireworks" factory in Partytown. Huge balloons. You can make one in the balloon shop in Partytown. Dancer's whistles. Help zoologist Valerie in Partytown to find dancer's whistles. Sweetest fruits ever. Help gardener Floretti in Partytown to find the sweetest fruit ever. Don't forget to share the useful information with neighbors (Like and Share ).
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
JUNE CALENDAR Turn the desktop of your computer into a real lair of dragons! Use the links to download high resolution image:... English Freebie Link German Freebie Link Polish Freebie Link Russian Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
BEST QUEST Friends! What May event did you like more than others? Doing Away With Boredom, New Horizons, Festival of Sweets or It's Birthday O'Clock?
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
GEMMY MACHINE. Promo The luckiest Bunny will get from candy machine not only sweets for you but also 150 gems! Gemmy machine generates 15 gems a day over the course of 10 days; from day 11, it will generate 6 energy units and 330 experience points a day, as well as one of the following a whole bucket of lollies, some specialty mints or 3 strawberry lollies.... Bucket of lollies makes fruit trees mature 4 hours faster. Specialty mints restores 6 energy. Strawberry lolly accelerates crop maturity and fruit tree growth by 30 minutes, as well as makes animals become hungry 30 minutes faster. The offer will be available only on 2nd and 3rd of June. Have a nice shopping!
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
MEDIC WITH GIFTS! Friends! Medics sincerely thank you for spending these difficult months with us After the doctors give the gifts, they will generates 7 energy units, 220 experience points and a vaccine shot (an animal will grow hungry 6 hours faster) once a day. Resting medics add 1 extra action per daily visit for your friends to perform on your site.... Visit the game on 1st of June to get unique medics to your site. Take care and be healthy
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY! dear, beloved friends! On this important day for all of us we want to congratulate you on the most important holiday for us all! Its incredible how we all have grown up over the past 9 years. And Household would be completely different without wonderful players. Thank you for your friendliness, positive and boundless love throughout all these years! We are proud to be with you a part of a large friendly family, named Household ... Tell all your friends about holiday (Like and Share ), leave your congratulations for the neighbors in the comments to the post and use the link to get a little tasty treat Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 10 months ago
BIRTHDAY LOTTERY. Results Friends! Today 5 winners of the birthday lottery get 300 as a gift Carol Megeary Freebie Link ... Oma Jonas Freebie Link Lina Chevarie Freebie Link Lynn Richardson Freebie Link Pam Guillory Freebie Link Congratulations to the winners! Like if you want more lotteries!
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