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Posted - 9 Hours 3 Minutes ago
Bonjour tout le monde,En 2009, vous avez dcouvert le muse de Sir Adam et tes partis la chasse aux trsors pendant de palpitantes annes ! Au cours de votre aventure, vous avez fait des rencontres et nou de solides liens travers le monde. En 2018, nos amis du muse vous annonaient une triste nouvelle : la fin de laventure Treasure Madness Pourtant, en 2024 vous tes toujours l, sur cette page. Et si et si nous nous retrouvions pour fter les 15 ans de Treasure Madness ?Restez connects, Jess vous dira tout trs bientt !Hello everybody,In 2009, you discovered Sir Adam's museum and went on a treasure hunt for many exciting years! During your adventure, you met people and made strong connections across the world. In 2018, friends at the museum announced sad news to you: the end of the Treasure Madness adventure... However, in 2024 you are still here, on this page. What if... what if we got together to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Treasure Madness?Stay tuned, Jess will tell you everything very soon!:
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Posted - 1 Week 3 Days ago
Remplissez ce formulaire afin de postuler en tant que bta-testeur d'Ooblada, et plus particulirement de tester nos futurs jeux gratuitement. Cela nous aidera identifier et se dbarrasser de tous les bugs avant de sortir nos jeux publiquement. Veuillez complter le formulaire ci-dessous a...:
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Posted - 1 Week 3 Days ago
Link updated their cover photo.
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Posted - 3 Weeks 3 Days ago
En tant que fondateur du muse, j'ai l'honneur de te dire le dernier au revoir et mes remerciements de la part de toute l'quipe pour ton travail, ta fidlit, et ta patience. Nous esprons que tu as apprci tous ces moments en notre compagnie, malgr les bas, et te souhaitons une excellente continuation. Continue d'avoir la folie des trsors et cette soif de dcouverte et de connaissances ! Adieu, chasseur de trsors et explorateur d'exception. Tout l'honneur a t pour nous. :
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Posted - 3 Weeks 3 Days ago
Bonjour tout le monde,Vous tes tellement formidable que nous vous donnons un lien contenant dnormes surprises Link :
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Posted - 3 Weeks 3 Days ago
Bonjour tout le monde.Encore un beau mercredi et un beau cadeau de la part de Arnold.Il est rcuprer ici Link:
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Posted - 3 Weeks 3 Days ago
Bonjour tout le monde.Encore un dfi russi et une avalanche de rcompenses !Pour tout rcuprer, c'est par ici Link:
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Posted - 3 Weeks 3 Days ago
Bonjour tout le monde.Voici notre cadeau toute notre communaut.Le livre Treasure Madness.Vous y trouverez le scnario final, des cartes emblmatiques ainsi qu'une section qui vous est ddie.Car nous ne serions rien sans vous. Vous tes la meilleure communaut. Encore merci.Nous nous retrouverons une dernire fois le 24 Dcembre. Link:
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Posted - 3 Weeks 3 Days ago
Bonjour tout le monde,Pour ces derniers cadeaux de l'histoire de Treasure Madness, voici un lien contenant de quoi jouer jusqu' la toute fin.Creusez bien, jusqu' la fin Link:
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Posted - 1 month 4 Days ago
Bonjour tout le monde,Voici le dernier dfi de Treasure Madness.Que prferez-vous ? Allez au thatre ou au cinma ?Votez pour le thtre avec et partir de 500 points, remportez un Cupcake de 200 HP.Votez pour le cinma avec et partir de 500 points, remportez un Cannoli de 200 HP.Avec 500 commentaires, remportez un Jambon Cru de 300 HP.Si toutes les conditions sont runies, remportez une Salade de fruits de 400 HP.Et avec 50 partages de cette publication, remportez un Gteau Floral de 400 HP.Rsultats dimanche.:
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Posted - 1 month 4 Days ago
Bonjour tout le monde.Nous sommes la fin dune aventure de 9 ans.Personne ne pouvait imaginer que cette aventure durerait aussi longtemps et elle naurait pas pu durer aussi longtemps sans VOUS.Treasure Madness a rempli nos vie et nos curs. Des rencontres se sont faites, des amitis se sont cres et des amours sont nes.Cela a t plus quun jeu sur Facebook.Nous avons cr plus de 6000 cartes creuser, plus de 10 000 trsors diffrents et autant de tuiles diffrentes, ces petites cases fouiller.Nous avons toujours eu cur de vous proposer des nouveauts, chaque semaine.Vous nous avez inspirs. Vous nous avez motivs. Vous nous avez soutenus.Ce jeu est votre jeu. Treasure Madness existe pour vous, grce vous.Notre quipe a encore de beaux projets venir.De nouvelles histoires raconter.Et nous voulons le faire avec vous.Notre mot final vous est adress : Merci.-------Lquipe Ooblada------:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Bonjour tout le monde,Voici le dernier dfi de Treasure Madness.Que prferez-vous ? Allez au thatre ou au cinma ?Votez pour le thtre avec et partir de 500 points, remportez un Cupcake de 200 HP.Votez pour le cinma avec et partir de 500 points, remportez un Cannoli de 200 HP.Avec 500 commentaires, remportez un Jambon Cru de 300 HP.Si toutes les conditions sont runies, remportez une Salade de fruits de 400 HP.Et avec 50 partages de cette publication, remportez un Gteau Floral de 400 HP.Rsultats dimanche.:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Bonjour tout le monde.Voici notre cadeau toute notre communaut.Le livre Treasure Madness.Vous y trouverez le scnario final, des cartes emblmatiques ainsi qu'une section qui vous est ddie.Car nous ne serions rien sans vous. Vous tes la meilleure communaut. Encore merci.Nous nous retrouverons une dernire fois le 24 Dcembre. Link:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Remplissez ce formulaire afin de postuler en tant que bta-testeur d'Ooblada, et plus particulirement de tester nos futurs jeux gratuitement. Cela nous aidera identifier et se dbarrasser de tous les bugs avant de sortir nos jeux publiquement. Veuillez complter le formulaire ci-dessous a...:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Bonjour tout le monde,Pour ces derniers cadeaux de l'histoire de Treasure Madness, voici un lien contenant de quoi jouer jusqu' la toute fin.Creusez bien, jusqu' la fin Link:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Bonjour tout le monde.Nous sommes la fin dune aventure de 9 ans.Personne ne pouvait imaginer que cette aventure durerait aussi longtemps et elle naurait pas pu durer aussi longtemps sans VOUS.Treasure Madness a rempli nos vie et nos curs. Des rencontres se sont faites, des amitis se sont cres et des amours sont nes.Cela a t plus quun jeu sur Facebook.Nous avons cr plus de 6000 cartes creuser, plus de 10 000 trsors diffrents et autant de tuiles diffrentes, ces petites cases fouiller.Nous avons toujours eu cur de vous proposer des nouveauts, chaque semaine.Vous nous avez inspirs. Vous nous avez motivs. Vous nous avez soutenus.Ce jeu est votre jeu. Treasure Madness existe pour vous, grce vous.Notre quipe a encore de beaux projets venir.De nouvelles histoires raconter.Et nous voulons le faire avec vous.Notre mot final vous est adress : Merci.-------Lquipe Ooblada------:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Bonjour tout le monde,En 2009, vous avez dcouvert le muse de Sir Adam et tes partis la chasse aux trsors pendant de palpitantes annes ! Au cours de votre aventure, vous avez fait des rencontres et nou de solides liens travers le monde. En 2018, nos amis du muse vous annonaient une triste nouvelle : la fin de laventure Treasure Madness Pourtant, en 2024 vous tes toujours l, sur cette page. Et si et si nous nous retrouvions pour fter les 15 ans de Treasure Madness ?Restez connects, Jess vous dira tout trs bientt !Hello everybody,In 2009, you discovered Sir Adam's museum and went on a treasure hunt for many exciting years! During your adventure, you met people and made strong connections across the world. In 2018, friends at the museum announced sad news to you: the end of the Treasure Madness adventure... However, in 2024 you are still here, on this page. What if... what if we got together to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Treasure Madness?Stay tuned, Jess will tell you everything very soon!:
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Posted - 1 month 2 Weeks ago
Bonjour tout le monde,:
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
But what does JJ's trunk contain? A first clue is engraved on the side of the trunk.Here's a second clue: Red January 8, 1935 ! :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello, everyone.The weekend is near, so we want to send you come cuteness.Who's the cutest? Baby koala or baby otter? :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Treasure hunter, it's amazing! My ban on entering casinos has been lifted, at long last! Right, if you haven't followed that story, the managers don't like card counting... It's part of the game though! Having said that, it's true that I was losing much money after all. On that subject, I realised it's much better to be on the croupiers' side instead of the players'... So I've decided to open a casino! Guess the theme... Treasure hunting, of course! I think that I'll be able :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hey you. The museum's closing event was so moving... To see all the treasure hunters one last time, what a joy and what sadness at the same time. By the way, I still don't know what to do after. You too? Until I find something to do, I think I'll help Ross managing his orphanage. And help Carmen in her researches. Oh, and test Arnold's crazy inventions. Well, and what about giving some helping hands to Mr and Mrs Adams? I could even beat Burt hollow in blackjack, if his casi :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hi. Right, I guess it will come out quickly, but I think that I, in turn, have felt in love with Gina... So we are a couple. I never thought I'd say that one day. I hope that GinArn will last as long as Gina and Arnold! It seems like a good bet for the moment anyway. Right, now I expect that the others tease me. But I don't care. Oh, and I guess it's time for me to tell you to keep it up, treasure hunter! Goodbye, and thank you for everything!:
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,Arnold truly loves you and send you this gift.Here it is Link
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
But what does JJ's trunk contain? A first clue is engraved on the side of the trunk.Here's a second clue: Comfey ! :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
As the founder of the museum, I have the honour of bidding farewell and thanking you on behalf of the whole team for your work, loyalty, and patience. We do hope that you liked all those moments with us, despite the downs, and we wish you a great continuation. Keep on having treasure madness and that thirst of discovery and knowledge. Farewell, great treasure hunter and explorer. It has been such an honour for us.:
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,This is a dilemma and we are going to make a choiceVanilla or chocolate? :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello, everyone.Another beautiful Wednesday and a beautiful gift from Arnold.You can take it here Link
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,You are so great that we give you a link with huge surprises in it Link
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
But what does JJ's trunk contain? A first clue is engraved on the side of the trunk.Here's a second clue: September 14, 1978 ! :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello, everyone.Another successful challenge, so, this is a full basket of rewards!Everything is here Link
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,This is Arnold's last present.Every Wednesday, Arnold gave us a gift for you, to allow you to dig, again and again, to complete your collections, to go to the end of the maps and prepare the following. :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello, everyone.This is gift to community.The Treasure Madness book. :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,This is the last challenge of Treasure Madness.What do you prefer? The theater or going to the movies? :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,We're working on beta testing program.We're looking for people to test in advance games, on Ios and android. :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,These are the last gifts in the Treasure Madness history.Here is a link containing what to play until the end. :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Hello everyone.This is the end of a 9 years old journey.No one ever thought this adventure could be so long and it could not have been possible without YOU. :
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Posted - 3 months 4 Weeks ago
Bonjour tout le monde,En 2009, vous avez dcouvert le muse de Sir Adam et tes partis la chasse aux trsors pendant de palpitantes annes ! Au cours de votre aventure, vous avez fait des rencontres et nou de solides liens travers le monde. En 2018, nos amis du muse vous annonaient une triste nouvelle : la fin de laventure Treasure Madness Pourtant, en 2024 vous tes toujours l, sur cette page. Et si et si nous nous retrouvions pour fter les 15 ans de Treasure M :
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Posted - 1 year 7 months ago
Hello, everyone.A big news was hiding another one!- To thank you for your loyalty, we created, especially for you, a tribute book to Treasure Madness. :
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Posted - 1 year 8 months ago
Hello, everyone.A big news was hiding another one!:
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Hello everyone.This is the end of a 9 years old journey.No one ever thought this adventure could be so long and it could not have been possible without YOU. See More
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Hello everyone.This is the end of a 9 years old journey.No one ever thought this adventure could be so long and it could not have been possible without YOU.Treasure Madness filed life and hearts. Events have been made, friendships have been created and relationships have been born.It was more than a simple Facebook game.We have created more than 6 000 maps to dig, more than 10 000 treasures and tiles.We always wanted to add new content every week. You inspired us. You drove us. You motivated us. You supported us.This game is YOUR game.Treasure Madness exists for you.Our team had some new projects to come.New stories to tell.And we want to do it with you.Our final words are for you Thank You.------The Ooblada team------
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Hello everyone,These are the last gifts in the Treasure Madness history.Here is a link containing what to play until the end.
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Hello everyone.This is the end of a 9 years old journey.No one ever thought this adventure could be so long and it could not have been possible without YOU.
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Hello everyone, These are the last gifts in the Treasure Madness history. Here is a link containing what to play until the end.... Dig well, until the end Link
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Posted - 6 years 12 Hours ago
Hello everyone,These are the last gifts in the Treasure Madness history.Here is a link containing what to play until the end.Dig well, until the end Link
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Posted - 6 years 12 Hours ago
Hello everyone,These are the last gifts in the Treasure Madness history.Here is a link containing what to play until the end. See More
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Posted - 6 years 1 Day ago
Hello everyone, We're working on beta testing program. We're looking for people to test in advance games, on Ios and android.... goal is to improve games with the returns of players and players. Your only obligation will be to have fun at home, in transport or in mother-in-law, in campaign, without network. To do this, just need to fill out the form Link Thank you for your time and devotion.
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Posted - 6 years 1 Day ago
Hello everyone, We're working on beta testing program. We're looking for people to test in advance games, on Ios and android.... goal is to improve games with the returns of players and players. Your only obligation will be to have fun at home, in transport or in mother-in-law, in campaign, without network. To do this, just need to fill out the form Link Thank you for your time and devotion.
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Posted - 6 years 1 Day ago
Hello everyone,We're working on beta testing program.We're looking for people to test in advance games, on Ios and android.Our goal is to improve games with the returns of players and players.Your only obligation will be to have fun at home, in transport or in mother-in-law, in campaign, without network.To do this, just need to fill out the form Link Thank you for your time and devotion.
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