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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
A nica maneira de ganhar no poker apostar, e a nica maneira de ganhar muito apostar muito. O poker um jogo de agressividade, oportunidade e foco. Alm disso, conforme voc dominar o bsico do jogo, aprender quando preciso aumentar a agressividade na mesa. Link The only way to win at poker is to bet, and the only way to win a lot is to bet a lot. Poker is a game of aggression, opportunity and focus. In addition, as you master the basics of the game, you will learn when you need to increase the aggression on the table. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Voc provavelmente j ouviu o ditado conhece de tudo, mas no sabe de nada. uma frase que parece feita sob medida para o Poker. Link You've probably heard the saying know everything, but you know nothing ". It's a phrase that looks custom made for poker. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Espero ver o dia em que no vamos falar sobre jogadores masculinos e femininos. Mas apenas jogadores de pquer. Link I hope to see the day when we won't talk about male and female players. But only poker players. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Quando voc tem uma mo forte, incline-se para uma jogada agressiva, no para uma armadilha. Ao apostar, voc constri um pote e ganha mais dinheiro . Link When you have a strong hand, lean towards an aggressive move, not a trap. By betting, you build a pot and make more money ". Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Quadra a sequncia de quatro cartas do mesmo valor e uma carta kicker A A A A 3 Em caso de empate, vence a carta de maior valor na sequncia.... So 524 combinaes possveis. Link Court of Court It's the sequence of four cards of the same value and a kicker card A A A A 3 In case of a draw, the highest value card wins in the wake.... There are 524 possible combinations. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Fique em casa!!!!!!! Jogue poker comigo. Link Stay at home!!!!!!! Play poker with me Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Ao apostar no river, saiba claramente se uma aposta de valor ou um blefe. Caso contrrio, voc no deve apostar. Link When betting on the river, clearly know if it's a value bet or a bluff. Otherwise you shouldn't bet Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Quando voc est jogando mal, pare de jogar. Levante-se, siga a sua vida e assim voc evitar perder dinheiro. Uma das chaves para se tornar um jogador com bom lucro saber sair quando se est jogando mal. Link When you're playing bad stop playing Stand up, move on and then you will avoid losing money. One of the keys to becoming a player with a good profit is knowing how to get out when you're playing bad. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Quanto mais tempo voc passar pensando nas suas jogadas calls, blefes, folds melhor voc vai ficar e quanto melhor voc ficar, mais voc vai ganhar. Link The more time you spend thinking about your moves - calls, bluffs, folds - the better you'll get... and the better you get, the more you'll win. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Phillip J. "The Poker Brat" Hellmuth Jr. um jogador de pquer profissional. Campeo do Main Event da World Series of Poker em 1989, possui outros dez ttulos em eventos da WSOP, sendo a maioria na modalidade Hold'em. Com o total de 14 braceletes, o maior vencedor da histria da WSOP, superando o recorde de Doyle Brunson e Johnny Chan. Link Phillip J. The Poker Brat Hellmuth Jr is a pro poker player. 1989 World Series of Poker's Main Event Champion, has ten other WSOP events titles, with the majority in Hold 'em modality. With a total of 14 bracelets, he is the biggest winner in WSOP history, beating the record for Doyle Brunson and Johnny Chan. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Para ser bom preciso praticar, e difcil ter com quem jogar todos os dias, a no ser, claro, que voc jogue online, num super site como o Boyaa Texas Poker. Link To be good, you have to practice, and it's hard to have to play with everyday, unless, of course, you play online, on a super site like Boyaa Texas Poker. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Voc precisa de pelo menos 1 horas para se considerar bom. Experincia uma das mais importantes caractersticas de um jogador. Link You need at least 1 hours to consider yourself good. Experience is one of the most important characteristics of a player. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
No poker, a sorte um fator sobre o qual no temos controle, e pode desempenhar um grande papel a curto prazo. Por outro lado, so esses aspectos que tornam o jogo to interessante e atrativo se o melhor jogador sempre vence, o poker seria tedioso no final das contas. Felizmente, o melhor jogador sempre prevalece a longo prazo, e a habilidade de lidar com bad beats, downswings, upswings e a gesto de bankroll so caractersticas que lhe ajudaro por muito tempo. Link In poker, luck is a factor we have no control over, and can play a big role in the short term. On the other hand, it's these aspects that make the game so interesting and attractive if the best player always wins, poker would be boring after all. Fortunately, the best player always prevails in the long run, and the ability to deal with bad beats, downswings, upswings and bankroll management are characteristics that will help you for a long time. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Simplesmente jogue. No existe melhor professor que a experincia. Link Simply play. There is no better teacher than experience." Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
"J ouviu um jogador falar que vai pagar mesmo sabendo que est perdendo s para saber o que voc tem? No seja um desses. Se voc acredita que est perdendo a mo, pare de doar fichas para o adversrio. Desista e parta para a prxima." Link Have you ever heard a player say that they're going to pay even though they're losing just to know what you have? Dont be one of those If you believe you are losing your hand, stop donating chips to the opponent. Give up and leave next time." Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Fold Isso significa que voc no quer mais jogar a mo e est jogando suas cartas fora. Voc no tem mais direito ao dinheiro no pote, mesmo que tenha pago um dos blinds. Link Fold That means you no longer want to play your hand and are playing your cards away. You are no longer entitled to money in the pot, even if you paid one of the blinds. Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
Poker uma combinao de sorte e habilidade. As pessoas pensam que dominar a parte habilidade difcil, mas eles esto errados. O truque no poker dominar a sorte. Link Poker is a combination of luck and skill. People think mastering the skill part is hard but they are wrong. The trick in poker is to dominate luck." Link
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Posted - 3 years 8 months ago
No mundo do poker, o jogo que conquistou a Amrica e se tornou o terceiro esporte mais assistido na televiso, o primeiro sempre foi e continua sendo o lendrio Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson. Doyle Brunson Brunson, agora com 78 anos, o Babe Ruth, o Michael Jordan e o Arnold Palmer do poker. Ele praticamente inventou o fenmeno que o Texas Holdem. Ele abriu o caminho para um esporte que antes era praticado apenas por bandidos e criminosos, mas agora praticado pelos ldere...s mundiais e altos executivos de hoje. Ele era a estrela do infame grupo de tubares que viajavam no poker, o Texas Rounders. Ele foi o primeiro dos jogadores de high stakes em Las Vegas a apresentar seu "power poker" ao mundo. Ele venceu dez eventos sem precedentes na World Series of Poker, incluindo os dois campeonatos mundiais consecutivos. Alm disso, ele um autor best-seller e, no mundo do poker profissional, ele o rei. Link In the poker world, the game that conquered America and became the third-most-watched sport on television, the first one has always been and remains the legendary Doyle Texas Dolly Brunson. Doyle Brunson Brunson now 78 is Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan and Arnold Palmer of poker. He practically invented the phenomenon that is Texas Hold 'em. He paved the way for a sport that used to be practiced only by thugs and criminals, but is now practiced by today's world leaders and t...op executives. He was the star of the infamous group of poker-traveling sharks, Texas Rounders. He was the first of Las Vegas high stakes players to introduce his power poker to the world. He won ten unprecedented events in the World Series of Poker, including the two consecutive world championships. Also, he is a best seller author and in the world of professional poker he is the king. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
At os melhores jogadores de poker do mundo tm sesses em que perdem. No cometa o erro de esperar ganhar sempre que joga. O seu objetivo deve ser jogar o melhor que pode em todas as sesses. Se o fizer, as cartas e as vitrias faro o resto, medida que voc for aprendendo. Link Even the best poker players in the world have sessions where they lose. Don't make the mistake of expecting to win whenever you play. Your goal should be to play the best you can in every session. If you do, cards and victories will do the rest, as you learn. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
"Os verdadeiros sentimentos de um homem vm tona num jogo de poker" Link A man's true feelings come out in a poker game Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
" melhor correr com uma mo boa, do que perder com uma mo excelente" Link It's better to run with a good hand than to lose with an excellent hand Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
"No tenha medo de blefar. Isso extremante necessrio para voc conseguir vencer. Mas tome cuidado para no blefar demais. Perceba que o blefe tem que contar uma histria. Sempre que for blefar pense se, caso tivesse a mo que est tentando representar, se jogaria daquele jeito. Evite blefar contra dois ou mais jogadores." Link Don't be afraid to bluff. This is extremist necessary for you to win. But be careful not to bluff too much. Realize bluff has to tell a story. Whenever you go bluffing, think if you had the hand you're trying to represent, you'd play like that. Avoid bluffing against two or more players." Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Quanto mais tempo voc passar pensando nas suas jogadas calls, blefes, folds melhor voc vai ficar e quanto melhor voc ficar, mais voc vai ganhar. Link The more time you spend thinking about your moves - calls, bluffs, folds - the better you'll get... and the better you stay, the more you'll win. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Bom fim de semana! Link Have a nice weekend! Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Quando voc estiver experiente, o blefe se torna uma boa opo, mas deve ser usado com moderao. Caso contrrio todos iro reconhec-lo como aquele apostador que blefa todo o tempo. O semi-blefe mais eficaz que o blefe. Link When you're experienced, bluffing becomes a good option, but should be used in moderation. Otherwise everyone will recognize him as that gambler who bluffs all the time. Semi bluff is more effective than bluff. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Quanto mais voc joga sem ter realmente uma mo decente, mais perde fichas e em pouco tempo estar sem dinheiro para rodadas realmente interessantes. normal que o apostador fique impaciente ao rejeitar as partidas, mas preciso ter cautela e aguardar a oportunidade certa. Link The more you play without actually having a decent hand, the more you lose chips and in no time you'll be out of money for really interesting rounds. It's normal for the gambler to get impatient when rejecting the matches, but you have to be careful and wait for the right opportunity. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Em mos de abertura fortes, como pares altos ou uma mo composta de A-K ou A-Q, voc deve jogar de forma mais agressiva do que pensa. Essas so cartas iniciais excelentes; ento, em um jogo com uma mesa cheia, procure pressionar os jogadores com mos mais fracas a sarem ou for-los a pagar mais para ficar. Link Link In strong opening hands, such as high pairs or a hand composed of A-K or A-Q, you should play more aggressively than you think. These are excellent initial cards; so, in a game with a full table, try to press players with weaker hands to come out or force them to pay more to stay. Link Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
"J ouviu um jogador falar que vai pagar mesmo sabendo que est perdendo s para saber o que voc tem? No seja um desses. Se voc acredita que est perdendo a mo, pare de doar fichas para o adversrio. Desista e parta para a prxima." Link Have you ever heard a player say that they will pay even though they are losing just to know what you have? Dont be one of those. If you believe you are losing your hand, stop donating chips to the opponent. Give up and leave next time." Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
No tenha medo de blefar. Isso extremante necessrio para voc conseguir vencer. Mas tome cuidado para no blefar demais. Perceba que o blefe tem que contar uma histria. Sempre que for blefar pense se, caso tivesse a mo que est tentando representar, se jogaria daquele jeito. Evite blefar contra dois ou mais jogadores. Link Dont be afraid to bluff. This is extremist necessary for you to win. But be careful not to bluff too much. Realize bluff has to tell a story. Whenever you go bluffing, think if you had the hand you're trying to represent, you'd play like that. Avoid bluffing against two or more players. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Uma das mais valiosas dicas de poker use a calma e o foco como aliados. Link One of the most valuable poker tips is use calm and focus as allies. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Existe um velho ditado no poker, inventado pelo inimitvel Kenny Rogers, que voc tem que saber quando ficar e saber quando largar. O velho texano estava frente do seu tempo quando o assunto era estratgia de No Limit Hold'em. Dar bons folds nas mesas de poker uma habilidade to importante quanto qualquer outra que voc tenha aprendido. Link There is an old saying in poker, invented by the inimitable Kenny Rogers, that you have to know when to stay and know when to drop. The old Texan was ahead of his time when it was No Limit Hold 'em strategy. Giving good folk at poker tables is just as important a skill as any other you've learned. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Poker um jogo de risco ou blefe. O esprito do jogo conseguir convencer o adversrio que o seu jogo mais forte que o dele e tentar adivinhar se o jogo dele mais forte que o seu. O convencimento atravs de apostas. Se voc no apostar que seu jogo melhor que o do seu adversrio, o seu adversrio vence sem precisar mostrar o jogo. Link Poker is a game of risk or bluff. The spirit of the game is being able to convince the opponent that his game is stronger than his and try to guess if his game is stronger than yours. Convincing is through betting. If you don't bet that your game is better than your opponent's, your opponent wins without showing the game. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Saiba que voc no o melhor jogador do mundo. Provavelmente voc no sequer o melhor jogador da mesa. Tenha conscincia disso e voc ter um motivo para tentar evoluir. Lembre-se que os piores jogadores acham que so bons e podem ganhar, caso contrrio no jogariam. Link Know that you are not the best player in the world. Probably you're not even the best player on the table. Be aware of this and you will have a reason to try to evolve. Remember worst players think they are good and can win otherwise they wouldn't play. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
A pacincia uma grande virtude na mesa de poker. Espere pelas oportunidades de atacar, levando em considerao aqueles fatores que j mencionamos antes boas cartas, uma posio privilegiada e os adversrios adequados. Link Patience is a great virtue at the poker table. Wait for the opportunities to strike, taking into consideration those factors we've mentioned before good cards, a privileged position and the appropriate opponents. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
O poker, provavelmente o jogo de cartas mais popular do mundo na atualidade. um jogo que requer estratgia, raciocnio, habilidade e concentrao. Por ser um jogo mental, est muito longe dos famosos "jogos de azar" (que nada mais so do que jogos que dependem unicamente do fator "sorte" para serem ganhos). Link Poker is probably the most popular card game in the world today. It's a game that requires strategy, reasoning, skill and concentration. Because it's a mental game, it's a long way from the famous games of luck (which are nothing more than games that depend solely on the luck factor to be won). Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Um jogador inteligente percebe rpido o que precisa mexer nas suas cartas para formar a melhor mo. Essas mudanas so chamadas de levelings. Quanto antes voc formar sua mo, maior vantagem ter. Link A smart player quickly understands what he needs to touch his cards to form the best hand. These changes are called levelings ". The sooner you form your hand, the greater advantage you have. Link
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Seja humilde. Saiba que voc no o melhor jogador do mundo. ... Link Be humble. Know that you are not the best player in the world.... Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Caros jogadores, Devido s atualizaes, as verses do iOS (sob 1.2.1, incluindo iPhone e iPad) no sero mais mantidas, as verses antigas do iOS sero encerradas em 1 de julho. Para evitar a perda de dados devido incapacidade de entrar na conta do jogo, faa a migrao da conta o mais rpido possvel. Devido poltica de privacidade, no poderemos migrar seus amigos junto com a conta. Por favor, adicione seus amigos novamente aps a transferncia. Por favor, perdoe por ...qualquer inconveniente. Mtodo de transferncia Clique em Link Depois de ativar a nova verso, escreva seu novo ID na janela correspondente; Depois de concluir a transferncia, sua conta existente no poder fazer login no jogo. Continue curtindo o Boyaa Texas Poker na nova verso! Dear players, Due to the updates, iOS versions (under 1.2.1 including iPhone and iPad) will no longer be maintained, the old iOS versions will be closed July 1 To avoid data loss due to inability to enter the game account, migrate the account asap. Due to privacy policy, we won't be able to migrate your friends along with the account. Please add your friends again after transfer. Please forgive for any inconvenience. Method of transfer:... Click Link After activating the new version, write your new ID in the corresponding window; Once you've completed the transfer, your existing account won't be able to log into the game. Keep enjoying Boyaa Texas Poker in the new version!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Se um jogador, com muita frequncia, paga aposta, e ento desiste frente a um aumento, aumente mais para roubar o dinheiro dele. Link If a player too often pays bet, then gives up in front of a raise, increase more to steal his money. Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
RESULTADO Queremos muito agradecer a todos pela participao no somente nesta brincadeira para promover o nosso jogo, mas tambm pela companhia em nosso dia a dia, se divertindo em nossas salas de jogos. pela participao de vocs que este site continua crescendo, sempre com o objetivo de levar a todos, as melhores oportunidades de serem grandes jogadores de poker. Outra caracterstica, o ambiente social onde se pode encontrar e fazer amigos. No tem povo mais socivel ...que o brasileiro, no mesmo? Apesar de ser um jogo competitivo, o esporte proporciona essa unio entre as pessoas. Agora, vamos aos nomes dos ganhadores 1. Lugar Onig Oloinot - id game 90340004 2. Lugar Geovana Zafir - id game 12090164 3. Lugar Janeide Carvalho - id game 4812493 Nota Os prmios sero enviados, em breve. Parabns aos ganhadores. RESULT We really want to thank everyone for participating not only in this joke to promote game, but also for the company in daily lives, having fun in games rooms. It is because of your participation that this site continues to grow, always with the aim of taking everyone, the best opportunities to be great poker players. Another feature is the social environment where you can find and make friends. There are no more sociable people than the Brazilian, are they? ...Although it is a competitive game, sport provides this union between people. Now, let's go to the winner s' names 1th. Place Onig Oloinot - id game 90340004 2th. Place Amey Zafir - id game 12090164 3th. Place Janeide Carvalho - id game 4812493 Note Prizes will be sent out soon Congratulations to the winners.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
O jogador do jogo A-Z. Este um jogador geralmente timo, que no apenas tem um plano B, mas tambm um C, D, E, F e G. Voc precisa identificar quando algum est abaixo da mdia e encontrar uma maneira de tirar proveito disso. Link The A-Z player of the game. This is a usually great player, who not only has a plan B but also a C, D, E, F and G. You need to identify when someone is below average and find a way to take advantage of it. Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Sr. ou Sra. Sem Noo. Como diz o ditado "Se eles no sabem o que esto fazendo, como voc pode saber?" Esses caras so imprevisveis demais para arriscar fichas. Deixe eles quietinhos. Link Mr or Mrs. Without Notion. As the saying goes, " If they don't know what they're doing, how can you know?" These guys are too unpredictable to risk chips. Leave them alone. Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Hoje dia dos namorados! Ns do Boyaa, gostaramos de compartilhar com vocs desse lindo dia. Vamos brincar, sorrir e nos divertir.... Os prmios sero pagos aos 3 primeiros jogadores que compartilharem mais vezes o nosso post. 1. lugar 5 2. lugar 35 3. lugar 15 No esqueam de deixar suas id games. Observao Os prmios sero enviados, dentro de 5 dias teis. PC Link fanspage link Caminho download Android Link IOS Link Link Link Today is Valentine's Day! We at Boyaa would like to share this beautiful day with you. Let's play, smile and have fun... Prizes will be paid to the first 3 players who share post most often. 1th. place 5 2th. place 35 3th. place 15 Don't forget to leave your id games Note Prizes will be sent within 5 business days. PC Link fanspage link) Download Android Path Link IOS Link Link Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Fique em casa! Jogue poker comigo. Link Stay home! Play poker with me Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Quem est comeando no mundo do poker pode no entender logo de cara o que um draw. Por definio, ele acontece quando voc est precisando de uma carta para completar um flush ou um straight. Por exemplo, se possui um 1 um J nas mos e temos um Q e um K no flop, voc est em straight draw esperando um 9 ou um A. Muita gente nessas situaes paga apostas altas para se manter no jogo e ver o turn ou o river, mas isso, estatisticamente, no uma boa ideia. Se h um oponente apostando alto na mesma mo, altamente recomendvel voc fugir. Agora, se o montante a ser apostado pequeno, vai fundo. Link Who is starting out in the poker world may not understand what a draw is. By definition, it happens when you are in need of a letter to complete a flush or a straight. For example, if you have a 1 a J on your hands and we have a Q and a K on the flop, you're in straight draw - expecting a 9 or an A. A lot of people in these situations pay high stakes to stay in the game and watch turn or river, but that's statistically not a good idea. If there is an opponent betting high on the same hand, it is highly recommended that you run away. Now, if the amount to be bet is small, go deep. Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Jogue de forma bem slida, mas no arrisque seu stack com mos fracas. Link Play very solid, but don't risk your stack with weak hands. Link
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