Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! The time has come again to please you with a selection of natural and historical mysteries. Nesvizh Castle. Belarus ***********************... The palace and castle complex, located in the north-eastern part of the city of Nesvizh, is famous not only for historical and cultural value, but also for mystical phenomena. The legend of the Black Lady, which dates back to the 16th century, is associated with the castle. The cousin of the castle owner Nicholas the Black, Barbara was very interested in the young Lithuanian prince Gigimont. They often met and did not notice how they fell in love with each other. Rumors began to spread that reached relatives. The royal was given the condition either to marry Barbara, or not to see her again. But the princes mother was against such a marriage. Knowing his precarious position at court, the prince decided to make a difficult decision. He secretly married Barbara, but decided to leave the marriage secret until he became the ruler of the state, because otherwise he could not protect either Barbara or himself. He told his mother that he had put an end to his intrigues. Their secret marriage became known only when the old king died, and the king, as the new monarch, was actively looking for a worthy wife. In protest, the mother left her kingdom with her retinue. But before leaving, she hired killers to poison the hated daughter-in-law. A few days later, Barbara was mixed with poison, which slowly but surely killed her. Six months later she was gone. The new king felt all the bitterness of loss and the kingdom fell into mourning. Gigimont was ready to give everything in order to talk to her again at least once. He asked the alchemist to call his wifes spirit in order to look at her once more. During the seance, the widower, in a fit of emotion, touched Barbara, which absolutely could not be done. Since then, her ghost supposedly lives in the walls of Nesvizh Castle. Legend has it that Barbara's ghost appears to warn people of the approach of war, pestilence, or death. Hurry up to the game
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