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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Villains! You coped with the task, and counted all the owls! Congratulations to the most attentive and giving a well-deserved bonus for activity Freebie Link Hurry up! The link is valid for 2 days.
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Villains! The time has come again to please you with a selection of natural and historical mysteries. Teotihuacan. Mexico ********************* This mysterious place is located 50 km from Mexico City. The name translates as "city of the gods."... Now the city is deserted, but once it was inhabited by more than two hundred thousand people. The layout is striking the right street lines form blocks and are strictly perpendicular to the main avenue. In the center of the city is a huge square with massive pyramids on the platforms. All houses were single-story, without windows and had a flat roof. The only source of air and light was the entrance, which necessarily went into the open-air courtyard. Everyday life was closely connected with several deities and a special place was given to Quetzalcoatl, the god personifying a giant serpent covered with bird feathers. In the depths of one of the pyramids, archaeologists found a room with the remains of 12 human bodies. Everyone had their hands tied behind their backs, and 10 of them were beheaded and laid out in a circle, possibly symbolizing the rays of the sun. The other two victims, most likely, held a high position in society, as they were neatly planted against the wall and were decorated with jade jewelry, including a necklace imitating human jaws. Residents of the city believed in the power of occult rituals and sacrifices. According to one legend, a sacred child was born in the city, which became a symbol of the fact that the city had to be left before the next new moon so as not to incur the wrath of the gods. Teotihuacan was built according to a carefully thought-out plan and flourished. But in the VII century it was abandoned. Why is unknown. Either because of a foreign invasion, or because of a popular uprising. The popular hypothesis of third-party invasion is popular. The city was badly destroyed, all the hiding places and tombs were looted, and the revered statues were desecrated or broken. But some researchers oppose this version, as no traces of violence or rebellion were found. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Villains! Help the cat find all the owls! Count! For hundreds of correct answers - get a well-deserved bonus. Leave your answers in this publication.... Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Magister Ignus has heard voices of the spirits that feel joy about the longest nights of the year to cover the world in darkness. These spirits are about to break loose. Dark sorcerers have nothing to fear anything from them, but just a couple of little filthy trickery. However, Magister, advises his allies to make preparations in a thorough fashion. Did you bite? Yet another mysterious Yule story awaits you to unravel it! Meet here Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
To the attention of the villains - the final decoration of the upcoming event. The demon of Christmas - Krampus, will find all the naughty children, put him in a bag, and carry him to his lair, after which no one will ever see them. Have you been obedient in the past year? We play Freebie Link ...
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Villains! On December 16, technical work will be done on the game servers. The game will be temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the forced downtime of your Citadels.
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Villains! We present to your attention the new scenery from the upcoming update. We will know soon where the magic ball will lead you. Interesting? Then we like and do not forget to share the record with your friends! We play Freebie Link ...
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! We present you the traps and potions from the upcoming update! It is interesting to know what awaits us in the update? Then we like and do not forget to share the record with your friends! More news in the next announcement!... We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
The winter has come to take its dominion! Garlands, snowmen and other wintry delights are all meant for those noble heroes, whereas true villains with great evil within shut themselves in the Citadel to look for more new decorations, eggs of the horrid winterspiders and, perhaps, a new companion with their magic maps. The new series of daily quests are now live! Meet here Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! New Companion - reward for collecting all collections of daily quest cards The polar owl is a large and incredibly graceful bird. She has one interesting feature. This bird is capable of turning its head 270 degrees. At the same time, her eyes are completely motionless, therefore, to look elsewhere, she turns not the eyeballs, but the whole head. We play Freebie Link ...
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! The update is closer than you think! Introducing the new predatory animal in the winter season of daily quests. Did you know that these inhabitants of the earth have no skeleton, and the carapace is so strong that it can withstand a nuclear explosion? We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! The upcoming update will bring us new scenery, as well as the Winter Season of the Daily Competition! But the news does not end there! In the next exclusive, you will find out what awards await us in the final. Interesting? Then we like and do not forget to share the record with your friends! We play Freebie Link ...
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! The last tribute is collected, and Magister Alruna has left domain. We are waiting for your impressions and feedbacks about the Thanksgiving Academy of Evil! Please, rate this event by taking part in the survey. What place did you occupy?... ******************** 1 1 - 7 place. Hooray! 2 8 - 14 place. You fought with dignity! 3 15 - 21 place. Next time, I will win! 4 I didn't participate. Have a great weekend! See you in the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! You coped with the task! Right answer = 14. Catch a well-deserved bonus for activity Freebie Link Hurry up! The link is valid for 2 days.
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
How do you think, what are these charming peculiar creatures? Are these, per chance, some fancy decorations, or animals? Or maybe, these are merely peasant-devouring vermin? Whatever these things are, we are eager to hear about YOUR insights on this. Some time later, well rip the veil of secrecy. We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! Solve the riddle? So warm up for the brain! For hundreds of correct answers - get a well-deserved bonus. We will be glad to your likes Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Oh, my, the Black Friday Event has resulted in quite a gloomy weekend. Alastor roared like thunder as he emerged from the mist. - My pet demons have played some remarkably foul tricks on the prices for some wares. Alastor laughed slightly, clapped his hands and exclaimed Well be doing it this way then! Youll have 3 days Freebie Link here to claim that very special small gift I have left for you; let it recompensate the nuisance the friends of mine have made of themselves. Make haste, for the time is short!
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! Winter time has its charm and its charms. We want the arrival of winter to become a period of miracles, joyful meetings and pleasant emotions. Let your wishes come true, but dreams come true. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Congratulations, villains, you have solved the riddle! Heres a link to claim your bonus as a reward Freebie Link If you like such riddles, this post. Hurry up! The link is valid for 2 days....
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Heeey, guys! Black Friday is in the Forbidden garden! Do not miss the opportunity to get a lot of cool and scary things, the opening of new territories and the altar of souls with a good discount! Be in a hurry to get the best Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Hey, Villains! Try and guess the item by the silhouette you see in the picture. 1 A and sharing this post with friends is highly appreciated. 2 Write your answers in the comments below. 3 For hundreds of correct answers get a bonus.... Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
The very last leaf of autumn has glided down onto the surface of a brook, where Rubric has taken a bucketful of water, needed to bake a pie for the feast. Suddenly, a silhouette appeared in front of him and spoke 'Tell your Master, I am on my way..', which he then recognized to be the voice of Magister Alruna herself, and dispersed that same moment. 'What does she want now?', Rubric whispered and rushed towards the Citadel spilling water here and ther all along the way. Meet here Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
To the attention of the villains - the final decoration of the upcoming event. Thanksgiving will traditionally be celebrated in the masters house. Absolutely everyone is invited !!! And even the one that they are afraid to call out loud) We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Thanksgiving Day in Forbidden Garden! Nationals are preparing for the holiday some are learning new recipes for cooking baked turkey, others are decorating the territory with autumn attributes. We present to your attention new scenery from the upcoming event. We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! You coped with the task! Right answer = 63. Catch a well-deserved bonus for activity Freebie Link Hurry up! The link is valid for 2 days.
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! A limited series of scenery in the Angry Tale is coming soon !! Prepare your territory for a portion of fabulous decor, and magical creatures will forever settle in your game to delight you with cold autumn evenings. We play Freebie Link ...
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! Solve the riddle? So warm up for the brain! For hundreds of correct answers - get a well-deserved bonus. We will be glad to your likes Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! Few of us are not familiar with the mystical image attributed to a cat with black hair. A large number of prejudices, beliefs and signs are associated with it. There was a day in the holiday calendar, and for, surrounded by the mysticism of a black cat. November 17th is considered Black Cat Protection Day. The difficult fate of representatives of the cat family began in ancient times. Among some nations, she personified witchcraft and hell. Unfortunately, little has... changed since then. Someone believes in signs, someone does not, but the cat does not care. She was just born of a black suit and wants to live like any living creature on planet. How do you feel about black cats? Or maybe you have a black cat? We will be glad to see photos of your favorites. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Friends! You have completed the task! All well done! The correct answer puzzle 2! Catch the reference Freebie Link Hurry up! The link is valid for 2 days.
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Villains! Find the missing puzzle piece! For hundreds of correct answers get a bonus. 1Put "Like" this post 2Write your answer in the comments.... Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
A sneak peek on the experiments conducted in the parallel worlds has inspired Magister Ignus to do science by the purely magical means. Complicated is it? - No, absolutely not! Dangerous? - We'll find it out! Curious? - Just you hop in and unravel this mystery in the new questline. Meet here Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! Introducing the main decoration of the upcoming event. What happens if a pinch of magic is added to a scientific experiment? We will find out all this very soon. P.S. Do not forget to make the right choice when choosing the difficulty of tasks! This decoration can be obtained only if you choose the complexity of "Magister".... We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! The time has come again to please you with a selection of natural and historical mysteries. Nesvizh Castle. Belarus ***********************... The palace and castle complex, located in the north-eastern part of the city of Nesvizh, is famous not only for historical and cultural value, but also for mystical phenomena. The legend of the Black Lady, which dates back to the 16th century, is associated with the castle. The cousin of the castle owner Nicholas the Black, Barbara was very interested in the young Lithuanian prince Gigimont. They often met and did not notice how they fell in love with each other. Rumors began to spread that reached relatives. The royal was given the condition either to marry Barbara, or not to see her again. But the princes mother was against such a marriage. Knowing his precarious position at court, the prince decided to make a difficult decision. He secretly married Barbara, but decided to leave the marriage secret until he became the ruler of the state, because otherwise he could not protect either Barbara or himself. He told his mother that he had put an end to his intrigues. Their secret marriage became known only when the old king died, and the king, as the new monarch, was actively looking for a worthy wife. In protest, the mother left her kingdom with her retinue. But before leaving, she hired killers to poison the hated daughter-in-law. A few days later, Barbara was mixed with poison, which slowly but surely killed her. Six months later she was gone. The new king felt all the bitterness of loss and the kingdom fell into mourning. Gigimont was ready to give everything in order to talk to her again at least once. He asked the alchemist to call his wifes spirit in order to look at her once more. During the seance, the widower, in a fit of emotion, touched Barbara, which absolutely could not be done. Since then, her ghost supposedly lives in the walls of Nesvizh Castle. Legend has it that Barbara's ghost appears to warn people of the approach of war, pestilence, or death. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Friends! Event "Vampire Quest" is over. We invite all the Villains to evaluate this event, as well as to tell what you remember about it, and what, in your opinion, would it be worth changing in it? Did you like the event? ******************* 1 Yes! Completely built a vampire estate!... 2 I liked it, but the tasks should be simplified. 3 Not. Did not even participate. Happy Sunday! See you in the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! We present to your attention new scenery from the upcoming event. Ahead of us is an interesting and exciting adventure. We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! Today, we offer you a story about the El Kukuy Story. We hope, that each and everyone of you finds these articles interesting and learn something new from them. **** Duermete nino, duermete ya Que viene el Coco y te comera.... In Mexican folklore, there is a creature called El Kukuy. This disgusting creature with glowing red eyes. He has big ears like a bat and a big mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. The legend of El Kukuya is widely known in Latin America. The legend of El Kukuya has gained particular popularity in Mexico, where over the years, it has been passed from mouth to mouth from mothers to children. Parents in Mexico often scare their children Behave yourself or El Cuqui will come and take you. El Kukuy appears after dark. He watches naughty children sitting on the roof of houses. Then he hides in a closet or under the bed. It can take the form of any shadow, and quietly watch the children from its shelter, so that at the right moment attack the child. Then he takes the child to his lair, high in the mountains, and eats the naughty children there. It is believed that El Kukuy is the opposite of the Guardian Angel, and tries not to save, but to destroy the children. Many consider him a real devil. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
To the attention of villains - Traps and Potions from the upcoming update in the Evil Tale. It is interesting to know what will happen next? Then we like and do not forget to share the record with your friends! We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! You coped with the task! Right answer = 25. Catch a well-deserved bonus for activity Freebie Link Hurry up! The link is valid for 2 days.
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! Solve the riddle? So warm up for the brain! For hundreds of correct answers - get a well-deserved bonus. We will be glad to your likes Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
At times, villains crave for something beyond normal and real! And so, on the All Hallow's eve sorceresses and sorcerers are out in quest to meet the true vampires! Prevent them from being embraced or eaten in the new questline of Forbidden Garden. Meet here Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! On October 29, technical work will be done on the game servers. The game will be temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the forced downtime of your Citadels.
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
To the attention of the villains - the final decoration of the upcoming event. Where else to live the most famous vampire in the world, no matter how in a gloomy old castle, hidden from prying eyes by impenetrable forests? If a person falls into the abode of a vampire, then he is unlikely to be able to get out of it. We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! The time has come again to please you with a selection of natural and historical mysteries. Hotel "Stanley". USA ******************** Built in the early twentieth century, the hotel is located in the US state of Colorado, in Estes Park. This hotel is of great interest to lovers of mysticism.... Despite the fact that not a single murder or accident was recorded at the Stanley Hotel, staff and guests saw ghosts and heard mysterious sounds. The ghosts of the Stanley Hotel are completely harmless and harm no one. Most often, guests see the ghosts of the founders of the hotel. Sometimes a piano in the hall begins to play. Many are sure that this is played by the ghost of the hostess of the hotel, who in life loved to play a musical instrument. The ghost of the innkeeper most often lives in the billiard room. But the favorite place for ghosts is the fourth floor. Most often it was here that they saw the ghost of a little boy. Once, several couples left the hotel ahead of schedule, because at night they were disturbed by a noisy childrens sleep. At the same time, at that time the hotel did not have a single couple with children. And in room 217 you can meet the ghost of a maid. She constantly shifts items from place to place, restores order or parses suitcases. Until now, no one can explain where the ghosts might have come from at the Stanley Hotel. It is believed that they lived in this place even before the construction of the hotel. It was this hotel that inspired Stephen King's to write the book "The Shining", and subsequently, a series was shot based on the novel based on the novel. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! We present to your attention new scenery from the upcoming event. Ahead of us is an interesting and exciting adventure. Interesting? Then we like and do not forget to share the record with your friends! We play Freebie Link ...
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! We present you the traps and potions from the upcoming update! Think the throne of the monarch? Try it, sit down! No, wait! Otherwise, you will find yourself in a trap from which to free yourself, there is no chance. It is interesting to know what will happen next?... Then we like and do not forget to share the record with your friends! We play Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! Today, we offer you a story about the Yama uba Story. We hope, that each and everyone of you finds these articles interesting and learn something new from them. Yama uba *********... Yama Uba is a demon from Japanese folklore who lives in a hut, in the mountains, and eats everyone who gets in her way. The mountain witch was once an ordinary woman who lived in a small village in Japan. But hunger came, and food began to be missed. The children did not want to feed her anymore, took her outside the village, and left them in the forest to starve to death. But Yama Uba is not dead. She went to the mountains, and took refuge in a cave. After living alone for a long time, she lost her mind and turned into a cannibal, surviving by eating the flesh of the people she killed. Deep in the forest, she built a small hut, and to survive, she hunted travelers who were lost in the mountains. How to lure travelers? She appears in the image of a young beautiful woman, and offers them an overnight stay in her hut. When they fall asleep, she kills them. In some stories, Yama Uba invites travelers to show them the right path. But instead, throws them off the edge of a cliff, and the traveler crashes into stones. Then it rushes down and pounces on the remains of the unfortunate. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! Event "Bread Festival" is over. We invite all villains to evaluate this event by participating in a survey. Did you like the event? *********************... 1 Yes! Bread all over the head! 2 Liked, but there were problems with the materials. 3 No. See you in the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Villains! The time has come again to please you with a selection of natural and historical mysteries. Sacred forest. Italy ******************** In the city of Bomarzo there is an ominous but beautiful Sacred Forest.... In the park, there are about thirty sculptures and fantastic buildings covered with moss an elephant eating a man, a three-headed monster, a dragon dog, the gates of the underworld and others. All these are the fruits of the imagination of Pierre Francesco Orsini, who so decided to perpetuate the memory of the deceased spouse. Historians argue about the reasons that gave preference to monsters, rather than the traditional characters of mythology. It is believed that the author scooped up ideas in the novel "Love Struggle in the Dream of Polyphilus," whose protagonist wandered in the thicket in search of a lover, simultaneously fighting various monsters. Unfortunately, the park was waiting for a quick forgetfulness. And only the shepherds grazing cattle in these places occasionally ran into a terrifying grin of stone monsters. There were rumors that evil spirits roam there. But, despite this, the park became a source of inspiration for Salvador Dali, Manuel Muhiki Lines and other creators. And in 1950, Michelangelo Antonioni even shot the film "Villa of the Beasts" here. They also say that any spoken word near the statue of the "Gates of the Underworld" is spread throughout the garden. Hurry up to the game Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
After all those sights down there in the labyrinth, there's hardly a thing that could possibly astonish the sorceress. Can you imagine it - a new minion species! Yet a mysterious voice still lingers in her head, tempting her with unspoken treasures, then inducing fear with threats of endless torments... All this whispering does is instigate her to venture further and deeper. Meet here Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Mrrr meow ... Since ancient times, black cats have been accused of collaborating with the devil, they were credited with supernatural powers and demonism. And the belief in witches that turn into black cats at night became fundamental during the witch hunt in Salem. We play Freebie Link ...
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