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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Regalos de otro planeta Link Vive un Domingo Paranormal en tu juego favorito con esta sorpresa! Gifts from another planet Link Live a Paranormal Sunday in your favorite game with this surprise!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Ya conocis a la perfeccin el nuevo Evento! Todos habis respondido correctamente D) ovni Ahora s, la recompensa... Link Os gusta que las partidas tengan fondos temticos?You know the new event perfectly! You all answered correctly D) UFO Now yes, the reward... Link Do you like the items to have themed backgrounds?
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
EVENTO DE OTRO PLANETA COMENTA si has encontrado el OVNI diferente Nuevo reto! Llegar a los 3 comentarios Domina la galaxia Link ANOTHER PLANET EVENT COMMENT if you found the UFO different New challenge! Reach 3 comments Domain the galaxy Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Regalos de otro planeta Link ME GUSTA si te encantara viajar al espacio COMENTA con quin viajaras? ... Experimenta cmo sera jugando a una partida del Evento Especial de la semana! Gifts from another planet Link LIKE if you'd love to travel to space COMMENT who would you travel with? I love you so much... Experience what it would be like playing a special event of the week!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Conoce el Evento ESPACIAL Link ME GUSTA & COMENTA Qu objeto volador es protagonista del fondo? A) pjaro ... B) avin C) Superman D) ovni TODAS Las respuestas correctas tendrn SORPRESA el sbado 23 de mayo Meet the SPACIAL Event Link LIKE & COMMENT Which flying object is the protagonist of the background? A) bird ... B) plane C) Superman D) UFO ALL THE RIGHT ANSWERS WILL HAVE SURPRISE on Saturday May 23th
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
YO CREO EN OVNIS Es simple! O abduces t o sers abducido... As que piensa bien cada movimiento porque una mala decisin te puede llevar de vuelta a la tierra NUEVO EVENTO! Link I BELIEVE IN UFO It's simple! Either you abduct or you will be abducted... So think right every move because a bad decision can take you back to earth NEW EVENT! Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 CREDITS ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Jugando en familia ltima oportunidad de jugar al evento especial de la semana! COMENTA A quin le envas ms amor durante la semana? A) A tu hermano/a... B) A tu amado/a C) A tu hijo/a D) A todos los anteriores! Etiqutalo para que muera de amor y... invtale a jugar! Link Playing with family Last chance to play special event of the week! COMMENT Who do you send more love to during the week? A) To your brother... B) To your beloved C) Your Child D) To all the above! Tag him to die of love and... invite him to play! This is a great deal.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
VOTA POR LO QUE MS TE GUSTA*! Hola parchiser@, qu regalo prefieres? ME GUSTA 5 CRDITOS ME ENCANTA 3. MONEDAS ... VOTA y despus... tus amigos te esperan! Link *El mircoles 2 mayo publicaremos el ms votado VOTE FOR WHAT YOU LIKE THE MOST *! Hello parchiser @, which gift do you prefer? LIKE 5 CREDITS I LOVE IT 3. COINS ... VOTE and then... your friends are waiting for you! I love you so much Link * On Wednesday, May 2 we will post the most voted
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Nuevo reto! Llegar a los 3 comentarios COMENTA si has encontrado a la ardilla Slo hay 1 diferente! Si te ha enamorado tanto como a nosotros, te espera en la tienda Link ... Si conseguimos el reto, maana publicaremos un regalo EXTRA! New challenge! Reach 3 comments COMMENT if you found the squirrel There are only 1 different! If you have fallen in love as much as we do, wait for you at the store Link ... If we get the challenge, we will post an EXTRA gift tomorrow!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Disfruta de este REGALO ESPECIAL nuestros nuevos amigos te han preparado Link ME GUSTA si tambin crees que son muuuy cariOSOS Enjoy this SPECIAL GIFT new friends have prepared you Link LIKE if you also think they are very loving
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
GREENY Partida Turbo YEY Evento Especial REDDY Partida parejas REINA Partida Queen ... Coinciden tus gustos con los de nuestros amigos? Cuntanos por qu te gusta tanto esa partida y luego.. a jugar! Link GREENY Turbo Game YEY Special Event REDDY Couples Game QUEEN Queen Game ... Do your tastes match with those of friends? Tell us why you love that game so much and then.. let's play! I love you so much Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
FELIZ DA DE LA FAMILIA! Cada familia es un mundo y en nuestros juegos tenemos familias EXTRAORDINARIAS Y lo son por muchas cosas, pero principalmente porque te han preparado un EXTRAREGALO COMENTA qu es lo que ms te gusta de tu familia Y.. Link HAPPY FAMILY DAY! I love you so much Every family is a world and in games we have EXTRAORDINARY families And they are for many things, but mainly because they have prepared an EXTRAREGALO COMMENT what you love most about your family Y.. Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
NuevOSOS tems!! Eh! Que no ha venido solo Link Conoce a su familia y juega con los nuevos tems de la tienda! ME GUSTA si quieres que activemos ms fichas y avatares ... ME ENCANTA si te gusta la nueva coleccin de tems COMENTA cul es tu favorit@! New items!! Hey! He hasn't come alone Link Meet his family and play with the new items in the store! I love you so much LIKE if you want us to activate more chips and avatars... LOVE it if you like the new collection of items COMMENT which is your favorite @!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
EMPIEZA EL DA CON ALEGRA! Disfruta de este regalo para que termines este feliz jueves parchisero con una gran sonrisa Link START THE DAY WITH JOY! I love you so much Enjoy this gift to finish this happy Thursday parchisero with a big smile Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Tu familia te espera Link En el NUEVO Evento Especial! En Parchs Playspace somos como una gran familia, por eso nos emociona poder celebrar el da internacional de las familias juntos! COMENTA Qu tipo de familia es la protaginista del Evento Especial?... ME GUSTA si para ti lo ms importante tambin es la familia Your family is waiting for you Link In the NEW Special Event! At Parchis Playspace we are like a big family, that's why we are excited to celebrate international family day together! I love you so much COMMENT What kind of family is the protaginist of the Special Event?... LIKE if for you the most important thing is also family
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Atencin La reina parchisera al habla Querid@s parchiser@s, Este Viernes 15 de Mayo se celebra el da de las familias y qu mejor que celebrarlo enviando mucho amor a nuestros familiares... ME ENCANTA si quieres acompaar a la reina durante la semana de las familias. COMENTA Tu idea para la celebracin ideal con tu familia.... Porque todava podemos encontrarnos Online! Recoge el regalo ms votado y a seguir jugando! Link Attention The Queen Parchisera speaking Querid@s parchiser@s, This Friday May 15th is celebrated the day of families and what better than celebrating it by sending lots of love to relatives... LOVE if you want to accompany the queen during families week. COMMENT Your idea for the ideal celebration with your family.... Because we can still meet online! Pick up the most voted gift and keep playing! Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Sabemos que despus de descansar todo el fin de semana.. uno se relaaaaaja y vive el de otra manera Sin prisa... pero tambin sin pausa! Arranca la semana con un buen reto! COMENTA la respuesta correcta y empieza el da con tus mejores amigos y tu juego favorito Link We know that after resting all weekend.. one relaxes and lives otherwise No hurry... but also without pause! Start the week with a good challenge! I love you COMMENT the correct answer and start the day with your best friends and your favorite game Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Es la ficha ms avispada de Parchs Una gran negociadora a la que le encantan las gangas! Por eso su principal objetivo es que vosotr@s, sus amig@s parchiser@s, tengis lo mejor de lo mejor Para jugar a su Evento Especial Link COMENTA cul ha sido tu experiencia que ms te ha gustado de estos das en confinamiento? Las 5 historias ms divertidas tendrn PREMIO!It's the most sharpest chip in Parcheesi A great negotiator who loves bargains! That's why his main goal is for vosotr@s, his amig@s parchiser@s, to have the best of the best To play your Special Event Link COMMENT what was your experience you liked most about these days in confinement? The 5 funniest stories will get PRIZE!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Arrancamos el fin de semana con una nueva oportunidad para que VOTES lo que ms te gusta**! ME ENCANTA Regalo de 3. monedas ME GUSTA Regalo de 5 crditos ... VOTA y... juega AQU las mejores partidas! Link ** El martes 12 de mayo publicaremos el regalo ms votado We start the weekend with a new opportunity for you to VOTE what you love most **! I LOVE 3. coins gift LIKE 5 Credits Gift ... VOTE and... play here the best games! I love you so much Link ** On Tuesday, May 12th we will post the most voted gift
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Sea con tu amor o con tu mejor amig@, jugar una partida en pareja siempre es un buen plan! Disfruta del da con esta sorpresa! Link ... ME GUSTA si las partidas por parejas son tus favoritas Whether with your love or your best friend @, playing a couple game is always a good plan! Enjoy the day with this surprise! Link ... LIKE if couples games are your favorite
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
3 MONEDAS PARA TODOS! Link ME ENCANTA Si quieres recibir ms visitas de YEY, la ficha de los regalos! 3 COINS FOR EVERYONE! I love you so much Link I LOVE If you want to receive more visits from YEY, the gift card! I love you so much
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
NO se puede comentar la respuesta! Participa slo indicando el emoji que corresponde a los cofres diferentes ME GUSTA ME ENCANTA ... ME DIVIERTE ME SORPRENDE Y si este reto te ha parecido fcil.. tus partidas de hoy sern pan comido! Link Can't comment on the answer! I love you so much Participate only by indicating the emoji that corresponds to different coffers LIKE I LOVE IT ... HAVING FUN I AM AMAZED And if you found this challenge easy.. your games today will be a piece of cake! This is a great deal.
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
NUEVO EVENTO! Link Quin se ha montado un super mercadillo? SELECCIONA TU EMOJI en funcin de tu respuesta ME GUSTA la reina parchisera... ME DIVIERTE el malo maligno, con todo lo que ha robado ME ENCANTA Greeny, la ficha de las ofertas NEW EVENT! Link Who's set up a super market? SELECT YOUR EMOJI based on your answer I LIKE Queen Parchisera... I HAVE FUN the evil evil one, with everything he has stolen I LOVE Greeny, the deal tab
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 CREDITS ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
ACEPTA OTRO RETO Link Has encontrado el icono diferente? Una supermam nunca falla! COMENTA si has encontrado la respuesta ME GUSTA si la tuya es tambin tambin es toda una herona ACCEPT ANOTHER CHALLENGE Link Have you found the different icon? A supermom never fails! COMMENT if you found the answer LIKE if yours is also a hero
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
El mejor da del ao... es ESPECIAL con maysculas Feliz da de la madre! Aplica todo lo que te ha enseado ... Link Best day of the year... is SPECIAL with capital letters Happy Mother's Day! Apply everything he has taught you ... Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Madre no hay ms que una... y todas tienen sus hits! Cul es la frase ms tpica en tu casa? Sigue disfrutando del Finde de las SUPERMAMS en tu juego favorito Link Mother there is only one... and they all have their hits! What's the most typical phrase in your house? Keep enjoying the weekend of the SUPERMOMS in your favorite game Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Seguro que conoces madres de todo tipo pero... Y t, de qu tipo eres? ME GUSTA y COMENTA para empezar fin de semana de las madres 1. La jefa supervisora y controladora 2. la amiga compaera de camino... 3. la defensora escudo protector 4. la sentimental tierna y cariosa 5. la exigente perfeccionista y estricta Seas como seas, seguro que te gustar este regalo de YEY Link I'm sure you know moms of all kinds but... And you, what kind are you? LIKE and COMMENT to start mothers weekend 1. The boss supervisor and controller 2. the friend roommate on the way... 3. the defender protective shield 4. the sentimental tender and loving 5. the demanding perfectionist and strict Whatever you are, I'm sure you'll like this gift from YEY Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Arrancamos el fin de semana con una nueva oportunidad para que votes lo que ms te gusta*! ME GUSTA Regalo de 5 CRDITOS ME ENCANTA Regalo de 3. MONEDAS ... VOTA y despus... tus amigos te esperan! Link *El lunes de mayo publicaremos el ms votado We start the weekend with a new opportunity for you to vote what you love most *! LIKE 5 CREDIT GIFT I LOVE IT 3. COINS GIFT ... VOTE and then... your friends are waiting for you! I love you so much Link * On Monday, May th we will post the most voted
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Quieres jugar con la corona de la reina? una estrella mgica? O prefieres un emoji amoroso? Lo tenemos todo en la nueva coleccin de la tienda! 1. Entra ahora Link 2. Visita la tienda de tems de parchs 3 . Convirtete en el jugador ms exclusivo!Want to play with the queen's crown? A magic star? Or do you prefer a loving emoji? We have it all in the new store collection! 1. Enter Now Link 2. Visit Parchei Items Shop 3 3 Become the most exclusive player!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Cada uno elige una estrategia diferente para ganar la partida Lo importante es que, uses la que uses, nunca faltes al respeto a tu oponente Haz clic Link y disfruta del fin de semana jugando con tus amigos! Everyone chooses a different strategy to win the game The important thing is that, use the one you use, never disrespect your opponent Click Link and enjoy the weekend playing with your friends!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Evento Especial de los regalos Link ME DIVIERTE si te encanta la nueva faceta de BLU policia ME GUSTA si has jugado al Evento Especial de los hroes... Recuerda En este Evento Especial, por cada ficha que llegue a la meta, os llevaris un regalo de monedas Special Gift Event Link HAVE FUN if you love the new facet of BLU police LIKE if you've played the Heroes Special Event... Remember In this Special Event, for every tab that reaches the goal, you will take a gift of coins
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
MONEDAS PARA TODOS! Disfrutad de este regalo que os ha preparado Yey, vuestra ficha preferida Link COINS FOR EVERYONE! I love you so much Enjoy this gift that Yey has prepared for you, your favorite tab Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
RETO AVATARES 1. Visita la tienda para ver los avatares Link 2. Participa estn los 3 canguros en la tienda? 3. La respuesta correcta + el avatar que quieres... 4. Maana sorteo de 5 avatares especiales da de la madre AVATARS CHALLENGE 1. Visit the store to see the avatars Link 2. Participate Are the 3 kangaroos in store? 3. The correct answer + the avatar you want... 4. Tomorrow Giveaway for 5 special Mother's Day
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Evento Especial de los Hroes YEY repartidor se pasea con regalo muy urgente Para quin creis que es? ... ME GUSTA es para su mam El domingo es el da de la madre! ME ENCANTA es para todos los parchiser@s Llegar maana! ME DIVIERTE es para BLU polica y REDDY doctor Se lo merecen! Recuerda! Por cada ficha que llegue a la meta, os llevaris un regalo de monedas NO TE LO PIERDAS! Heroes Special Event YEY delivery man walks with a very urgent gift Who do you think it is for?... LIKE it's for her mom Sunday is Mother's Day! I LOVE IT it's for all the parchiser@s will arrive tomorrow! HAVING FUN It's for BLU police and REDDY doctor They deserve it! Remember! For every chip that hits the goal, you'll take a gift of coins DON ' T MISS IT!
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Aprovecha el da A TOPE! Divirtete con todos tus amigos con esta sorpresa! Link ... ME GUSTA si las partidas turbo son tus favoritas Take advantage of the day TO FULL! Have fun with all your friends with this surprise! Link ... LIKE if turbo games are your favorite
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 CREDITS ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
El mejor plan de domingo es hacer clic Link y jugar con amigos Pero espera! Antes... Quieres elegir por tu prximo regalo? ME GUSTA Regalo de 5 CRDITOS ME ENCANTA Regalo de 3. MONEDAS ... VOTA y despus... tus amigos te esperan! Link *El lunes 27 de abril publicaremos el ms votado The best Sunday plan is to click Link and play with friends But wait! Before... Want to choose for your next gift? LIKE 5 CREDIT GIFT I LOVE IT 3. COINS GIFT ... VOTE and then... your friends are waiting for you! I love you so much Link * On Monday, April 27th we will post the most voted
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
REGALMETRO de Parchs Enhorabuena parchiser@s! Habis superado el reto ms de 5 COMPARTIDOS equivalentes a 6.0 monedas Link GIFT from Parcheesi Congratulations parchiser@s! You have overcome the challenge more than 5 SHARE equivalent to 6.0 coins Link
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Posted - 4 years 7 months ago
Te gustan los retos? Encuentra la ficha diferente! ME GUSTA Y COMENTA "He encontrado a YEY" si lo has logrado Nos vemos en el Evento Especial REGALOS de Parchs Link Do you like challenges? Find the different tab! LIKE AND COMMENT "I FOUND YEY" if you have made it See you at the Special Event GIFTS of Parcheesi Link
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Evento de los Hroes! Link personal sanitario supermercados farmacias... transportistas fuerzas de seguridad voluntarios Dale a ME GUSTA y COMENTA un mensaje bonito a todos estos Hroes de hoy Heroes Event! Link health personnel supermarkets pharmacies... carriers Security forces Volunteers LIKE and COMMENT a nice message to all these Heroes today
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
EMPIEZA EL DA CON ALEGRA! Disfruta de este regalo que te ha preparado YEY para que empieces este con una gran sonrisa DJALE UN ME GUSTA a YEY y recauda el regalo aqu ... Link START THE DAY WITH JOY! I love you so much Enjoy this gift that YEY has prepared for you to start this with a big smile LEAVE YEY A LIKE and raise the gift here ... Link
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
NUEVO! Link Este Evento Especial de los regalos va por todos aquellos que siguen dndolo todo cada da para protegernos y cuidarnos ME ENCANTA si te gusta ver que apoyamos cosas reales en el juego ... COMENTA Juntos, en Parchs y en cualquier parte, lograremos que esto acabe! Nuevo Evento Especial Por cada ficha que llegue a la meta, os llevaris un regalo de monedas NO TE LO PIERDAS! NEW! Link This special gift event goes for all those who keep giving everything every day to protect and take care of us I LOVE if you like to see we support real things in the game ... COMMENT Together, in Parcheesi and anywhere, we will make this over! New Special Event For every chip that reaches the goal, you will take a gift of coins DON ' T MISS IT!
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Eres buen@ adivinando? Vamos a verlo... "Por fuera soy colorido y por dentro tengo sorpresa, llevo un lazo muy muy grande y todo el que me recibe, su mejor sonrisa expresa" Qu repartir la ficha amarilla en nuestro prximo evento? COMENTA y sigue disfrutando aqu Link Are you good @ guessing? Let's see it... "On the outside I am colorful and inside I have surprise, I carry a very big bow and everyone who receives me, his best smile expresses" What will the yellow tab be distributed at next event? I love you so much COMMENT and keep enjoying it here Link
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Ests de suerte, porque hoy llega.. REGALMETRO Cuanto ms compartas este post, MS MONEDAS regalaremos* ... 300 COMPARTIDOS = 6.000 monedas 600 COMPARTIDOS = 8.000 monedas 900 COMPARTIDOS = 10.000 monedas *Tienes hasta el sbado 25 de abril para conseguir el premio Invita a tus amigos de Facebook a participar y llvate el GRAN PREMIO! You're in luck, because today comes.. GIFT The more you share this post, THE MORE COINS we will give away *:... 300 SHARE = 6.000 coins 600 SHARE = 8.000 coins 900 SHARE = 10.000 coins * You have until Saturday April 25th to get the prize Invite your Facebook friends to participate and take the GRAND PRIZE!
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
MONEDAS PARA TODOS! Disfrutad de este regalo que os ha preparado Yey, vuestra ficha preferida Link COINS FOR EVERYONE! I love you so much Enjoy this gift that Yey has prepared for you, your favorite tab Link
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Qu hacer este ? Las 4 fantsticas lo tienen claro Partida de PARCHS Buen desayuno Partida de PARCHS ... Comida casera Partida de PARCHS Cena con estilo Partida de PARCHS El bucle perfecto! Y t? Adems de parchiser@, eres buen chef? A. No me gusta nada cocinar y en casa cocina otro B. Me encanta! He rescatado el libro de recetas C. Yo no paro de jugar a parchs ni para comer! Me Gusta si hemos acertado con tu plan de hoy Y recuerda! Para relajarte despus de comer... Link What to do this ? The fantastic 4 are clear PARCHIS Game Good breakfast PARCHIS Game... Home cooked food PARCHIS Game Dinner in style PARCHIS Game The perfect loop! What about you? Besides parchiser @, are you a good chef? A.. I like nothing to cook and at home kitchen another B. B. I love it! I rescued the recipe book C. C. I don't stop playing parchei or eat! I like if we have right with your plan today And remember! To relax after eating... Link
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
CUNTAS DIFERENCIAS VES?* RESUELVE y sigue jugando Link * Pista La lupa no cuenta como diferencia HOW MANY DIFFERENCES DO YOU SEE?* RESOLVE and keep playing Link * Hint The magnifying glass doesn't count as a difference
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Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 CREDITS ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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