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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
ltima prueba activa del EQUIPO ROJO! Descubre en qu consiste! Link Y para darte la bienvenida.. El capitn Markus te ha preparado este REGALO Link ... Anmate! El equipo rojo te espera...! Last active test of the RED TEAM! Find out what it consists of! Link And to welcome you.. Captain Markus has prepared this GIFT for you Link ... Cheer up! The Red Team awaits you...!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
SIGUE la tercera prueba clasificatoria! Cuantas ms partidas GANES, MS probabilidades de ganar la prueba! El equipo verde te necesita PARA GANAR la LocoFinal ... Disfruta de esta monedas y sigue jugando AHORA! Link FOLLOW the third qualifying test! The more games you win, the more chances to win the test! Green team needs you TO WIN the CrazyFinal ... Enjoy this coins and keep playing NOW! I love you Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
VERANO LOCO! Cada da una configuracin de partida diferente! Qu avatar te gusta ms? Ayer y hoy se hacen las VOTACIONES y la semana que viene activaremos en el juego lo ms votados... VOTA y nete a la locura AHORA! Link 2 votacin Reddy o Blu? CRAZY SUMMER! Every day a different game setup! Which avatar do you like best? Yesterday and today the VOTES are made and next week we will activate the most voted in the game... VOTE and join the madness NOW! Link 2th Voting Reddy or Blu?
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
SIGUE LA SELECCIN DE EQUIPOS 3 prueba clasificatoria LocoHroes! Clasficate en la 3 prueba y el 21/ podrs jugar la LOCOFINAL con el equipo verde Que cul ser tu LOCOPREMIO si ganas? 6. de monedas + 1 crditos ... Entrate de todo en el botn LocoHroes! Link ME GUSTA si crees que puedes ganar LocoHroes FOLLOW TEAM SELECTION 3st Qualifying Trials LocoHeroes! Classify yourself in the 3th test and 21/th you can play LOCOFINAL with the green team. What will be your LOCOPREMIO if you win? 6. coins monedas 1 credits ... Find out everything in the CrazyHeroes button! Link LIKE if you think you can win LocoHroes
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
VERANO LOCO! Cada da una configuracin de partida diferente! Qu avatar te gusta ms? Hoy y maana se harn las VOTACIONES y la semana que viene activaremos en el juego lo ms votados... VOTA y nete a la locura AHORA! Link 1 votacin Yey o Greeny? CRAZY SUMMER! Every day a different game setup! Which avatar do you like best? Today and tomorrow the VOTES will be made and next week we will activate the most voted in the game... VOTE and join the madness NOW! Link 1th Voting Yey or Greeny?
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
NUEVO Evento Especial Cada da una configuracin diferente! Divirtete en LOCO VERANO! Link Quin acompaa a Blu en esta locura playera?... A) La sirenita, un socorrista y un cangrejo B) La reina parchisera y el guardia real C) Sus amigas Greeny, Reddy y Yey NEW Special Event Evento Every day a different setup! Have fun at CRAZY SUMMER! Link Who's with Blu in this crazy beach?... A) The little mermaid, a lifeguard and a crab B) The parchester queen and the royal guard C) Her friends Greeny, Reddy and Yey
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
REGALO EXTRA!* Todos compartiremos botn con el capitn Pirata! AQU Link tenis vuestra parte del tesoro ... * Este regalo NO es la recompensa por ganar la misin pirata. Es un regalo EXTRA! El regalo de la ficha pirata te aparecer en forma de pop up al entrar al juego EXTRA GIFT!* We will all share booty with Captain Pirate! HERE AQU Link you have your share of the treasure... * This gift is NOT the reward for winning the pirate mission. It's an EXTRA gift! The gift of pirate tab will appear in the form of a pop up when you enter the game
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
La misin colaborativa pirata HA TERMINADO Link Habis conseguido reunir 67.243 mapas!! ENHORABUENA grumetes! Los que habis jugado al Evento Especial de los piratas, maana al entrar al juego recibiris la ficha capitn pirata de premio! ... Pero queris un REGALO EXTRA? El capitn Pirata es muy feliz porque podr encontrar el tesoro as que... COMENTA Yo compartir botn con el capitn Pirata! para que te mande moneditas de ese gran tesoro para disfrutar este finde The pirate collaborative mission is over Link Did you guys get 67.243 maps together!! CONGRATULATIONS Cabinets! Those of you who have played the Pirates Special Event, tomorrow when you enter the game you will receive the Pirate Capt Pirate Tab! ... But you want an EXTRA GIFT? Captain Pirate is very happy because he will be able to find the treasure so... COMMENT I'll share loot with Captain Pirate! to send you coins of that great treasure to enjoy this weekend
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Despus de la lluvia, sale el arcoris Y estamos seguros de que muy pronto todos podremos disfrutar de l Mientras tanto, solo nos queda BAILAR BAJO LA LLUVIA... Cul es el mejor consejo que os hayan dado en una situacin DIFCIL? LLENEMOS los comentarios con MENSAJES POSITIVOS para alegrar este da Gracias por vuestra paciencia, nuestro equipo est trabajando para que Parchs vuelva a brillar Y como queremos alegrarte el da RECOGE AHORA tu REGALO Link After the rainbow comes out... And we are sure that very soon we will all be able to enjoy it Meanwhile, we only have to DANCE UNDER THE RAIN ... What's the best advice you've been given in a DIFFICULT situation? LET'S FILL THE COMMENTS WITH POSITIVE MESSAGES TO BRING THIS DAY Thank you for your patience, team is working to make Parchis shine again And how we want to make your day... PICK UP YOUR GIFT NOW Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 Credits ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Slo los mejores llegarn a la GRAN FINAL 2 PRUEBA Participa en el sorteo especial y encuentra el Ticket dorado con el que conseguirs formar parte del EQUIPO AZUL! Haz clic para enterarte de todo ... Link Haz clic si adems quieres un regalo Link Only the best will reach the GREAT END 2th TEST Enter the special giveaway and find the Golden Ticket with which you will be part of the BLUE TEAM! Click to find out everything... Link Click if you also want a gift Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Contra viento y marea NUEVA AVENTURA! Te gusta el mar? Las aventuras emocionantes? Los tesoros escondidos? Entonces te va a encantar! Este majestuoso barco necesita un capitn. Un gran duelo de espadas decidir quin se queda con el mando. Pero... Quines pelean por esa gran responsabilidad? ... A) Dos piratas B) Dos conquistadores C) Dos sirenas Descbrelo AQU Link Against wind and tide NEW ADVENTURE! Do you like the sea? Exciting adventures? The hidden treasures? Then you'll love it! This majestic ship needs a captain. A big sword duel will decide who gets the command. But... who fight for that big responsibility?... A) Two pirates B) Two conquerors C) Two mermaids Find out HERE AQU Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
VOTA POR TU REGALO! Hola parchiser@, qu te apetece ms? * ME GUSTA 5 CRDITOS ME ENCANTA 3. MONEDAS ... VOTA y despus... tus amigos te esperan! Link *El jueves 2 de julio publicaremos el ms votado VOTE FOR YOUR GIFT! Hello parchiser @, what do you fancy more? * LIKE 5 Credits I LOVE IT 3. COINS ... VOTE and then... your friends are waiting for you! Link * On Thursday, July 2, we will post the most voted
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
FELIZ DOMINGO A TOD@S! Hemos recopilado todas las incidencias de conexin que nos habis mandado estas semanas y se las hemos pasado al equipo tcnico. Durante esta semana prxima iremos respondiendo a todos vuestros comentarios El equipo tcnico est 1 volcado en resolver las incidencias que nos habis reportado estos ltimos das as que muy pronto el juego volver a ser tan gil como antes. Lamentamos la situacin y os agradecemos mucho la paciencia y comprens...in, sois lo ms! Aqu tenis un regalo MUY ESPECIAL para que disfrutis de este Link HAPPY SUNDAY TO TOD@S! We've compiled all the connection incidences you sent us these weeks and passed them on to the technical team. Over this next week we will be answering all your comments The tech team is 1 % overturned to solve the incidences you reported to us these past few days so very soon the game will be as agile again as before. We regret the situation and thank you very much for the patience and understanding, you are the most! ... Here's a VERY SPECIAL gift for you to enjoy this Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Participa slo indicando el emoji que corresponde a las fichas diferentes ME GUSTA ME ENCANTA ME DIVIERTE... ME SORPRENDE Y si este reto te ha parecido fcil.. tus partidas de hoy sern pan comido! Link Participate only by indicating the emoji that corresponds to different chips LIKE I LOVE IT I FUN ... I AM AMAZED What if this challenge was easy for you.. your games today will be a piece of cake! Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Imagnate que te encuentras esta botella en una playa y dentro hay un mensaje. CUNTANOS de qu te gustara que se tratara? A) Una flamante historia de amor B) Un plan para dominar el mundo C) La agenda de telfonos de un famoso ... D) La lista de la compra de la reina parchisera ME GUSTA y COMENTA que luego... nos vemos en la playa de los deseos! Link Imagine you find this bottle on a beach and there's a message inside. TELL US what would you like it to be? A) A brand new love story B) A plan to dominate the world C) A celebrity phone book ... D) The shopping list of the queen parchisera LIKE and COMMENT then... see you at wish beach! Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 Credits ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Se despiden de vosotros con un regalo! Link Evento Especial Hoy ltimo da! ME GUSTA si te ha gustado el Evento Especial de los 4 ELEMENTOS Say goodbye to you with a gift! Link Special Event Today last day! LIKE if you liked the Special Event of the 4 ELEMENTS
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Elige elemento Link Y A JUGAR! Cul es tu elemento? ME GUSTA Aire ME ENCANTA Tierra ... ME DIVIERTE Agua ME SORPRENDE Fuego Pon la reaccin relacionada con tu elemento y el lunes 15 de junio haremos un sorteo de 1 ficha de cada elemento entre TODAS las reacciones! Choose item Link AND PLAY! What is your element? I LIKE AIR I LOVE Earth ... I HAD FUN Water I AM SURPRISED Put the reaction related to your element and on Monday June 15th we will do a draw of 1 card of each item between ALL reactions!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 CREDITS ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
CUNTAS DIFERENCIAS VES?* RESUELVE y sigue jugando aqu Link ... *La lupa no cuenta como diferencia HOW MANY DIFFERENCES DO YOU SEE?* RESOLVE and keep playing here Link ... * The magnifying glass does not count as a difference
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
VOTA POR TU REGALO! Feliz sbado parchiser@! qu te apetece ms?* ME GUSTA 5 CRDITOS ... ME ENCANTA 3. MONEDAS VOTA y despus... tus amigos te esperan! Link *El domingo 14 de junio publicaremos el ms votado VOTE FOR YOUR GIFT! Happy Saturday parchiser @! what do you want more?* LIKE 5 CREDITS ... I LOVE IT 3. COINS VOTE and then... your friends are waiting for you! Link * On Sunday June 14th we will post the most voted
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Si an no has jugado... Cooorrrreee! porque para resolver este reto debers echarle un vistazo Qu personajes aparecen en el Evento Especial? A) Greeny y Reddy, huyendo del gran volcn B) Blu y Yey, preparando una barbacoa... C) Greeny y Reddy, jugando a volley playa COMENTA tu respuesta y sigue parchiseando Link If you haven't played yet... Cooorrreee! because to solve this challenge you must check it out Events Which characters appear in the Special Event? A) Greeny and Reddy , fleeing the great volcano B) Blu and Yey getting a BBQ... C) Greeny and Reddy playing beach volleyball COMMENT your answer and keep patching Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
FELIZ VIERNES! Sorpresa para vosotros de parte de los adorables elementos! Link ... COMENTA si pudieras llevarte uno a casa con cul te quedaras? ME GUSTA si has jugado al Evento Especial de la semana HAPPY FRIDAY! Surprise to you from the adorable elements! Link ... COMMENT if you could take one home which one would you prefer? LIKE if you played Special Event of the Week
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
RETO PARCHISERO Sabemos que os gustan los retos y que suele haber mucho debate, pero... sabris resolverlo? COMENTA la respuesta y luego reljate jugando unas partidas ... Link PATCHISER CHALLENGE We know you like challenges and there's usually a lot of debate, but... will you know how to solve it? COMMENT the answer then relax playing some games ... Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Parchiser@s, esta semana tenemos visita! Reto de los 4 elementos PREMIO las 4 fichas-elemento GRATIS Evento Especial Conseguirs los 4 elementos? Regalos que son puro FUEGO Link Parchiser@s, this week we have a visitor! 4 Elements Challenge PRIZE the 4 chips-FREE item Special Event Will you get all 4 items? Gifts that are pure FIRE Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
RETO DE LOS 4 ELEMENTOS Consigue las 4 fichas de los 4 elementos GRATIS! Qu debes hacer? Jugar partidas del Evento Especial ... DESCUBRE EL RETO ESPECIAL AQU Link Si superas los 4 retos, ganars las 4 fichas el lunes 15! 4 Elements Challenge Get all 4 FREE 4 Elements Chips! What should you do? Play special event games ... DISCOVER THE SPECIAL CHALLENGE HERE Link If you get through 4 challenges, you'll win all 4 chips on Monday 15!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
NUEVO EVENTO Link En Parchs Playspace los 4 elementos convergen en una misma partida. COMENTA con cul te sientes ms identificado?... FUEGO si eres enrgico e espontneo. AIRE si eres emocional y creativo. TIERRA si eres positivo y protector. AGUA si eres sensible y abierto. NEW EVENT Link In Parchi Playspace the 4 elements converge in the same game. COMMENT which one do you feel most identified with?... FIRE if you are energetic and spontaneous. AIR if you're emotional and creative. LAND if you are positive and protective. WATER if you're sensitive and open.
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
MONEDAS PARA TODOS! Disfrutad de este regalo que os ha preparado Yey, vuestra ficha preferida Link COINS FOR EVERYONE! Enjoy this gift that Yey has prepared for you, your favorite tile Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Porque en esta vida no se puede tener todo... COMENTA T qu prefieres? A) Encontrar el amor verdadero y tener poco dinero B) Ser multimillonario pero nunca encontrar tu alma gemela C) Recibir una caja misteriosa... La opcin D) sera hacer clic aqu y echar unas partiditas Link Because in this life you can't have everything... COMMENT which do you prefer? A) Find true love and have little money B) Be a billionaire but never find your soulmate C) Receive a mystery box... Option D) would be to click here and play some games Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 CREDITS ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
El duelo ms intenso de tu vida Por qu crees que el bandido est de mal humor? A) Porque est concentrado en el duelo para vencer al sheriff B) Porque se ha enterado que su amada est con el sheriff... C) Porque su caballo se ha escapado y ha tenido que llegar andando Atrvete a jugar al evento especial ms rpido! Link The most intense duel of your life Why do you think the bandit is in a bad mood? A) Because he's focused on grieving to beat the sheriff B) Because he has learned that his beloved is with the sheriff... C) Because his horse has escaped and had to walk Dare to play the special event faster! Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
VOTA POR LO QUE MS TE GUSTA*! Hola parchiser@, qu regalo espacial prefieres? ME GUSTA 5 CRDITOS ME ENCANTA 3. MONEDAS ... VOTA y despus... tus amigos te esperan! Link *El domingo de junio publicaremos el ms votado VOTE FOR WHAT YOU LIKE THE MOST *! Hello parchiser @, which space gift do you prefer? LIKE 5 CREDITS I LOVE IT 3. COINS ... VOTE and then... your friends are waiting for you! Link * On Sunday June th we will post the most voted
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Jugamos online! Link Jugamos sostenible! En el Da del Medio Ambiente queremos recordar lo importante que es cuidar el planeta y lo fcil que es ayudar a mantenerlo limpio Y ms ahora que consumimos mascarillas y guantes ms a menudo! COMENTA cmo cuidas t el medio ambiente? ... Hacer la compra con bolsas reutilizables Elegir productos con pocos envases Reciclar TODOS los productos de usar y tirar Nosotros adems, tenemos toda la documentacin online! We play online! Link We play sustainable! On Environment Day we want to remember how important it is to take care of the planet and how easy it is to help keep it clean And more now that we consume masks and gloves more often! COMMENT how do you take care of the environment? ... Shopping with reusable bags Choose products with few packaging Recycle ALL products to use and throw away We also have all the documentation online!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
EMPIEZA EL DA CON ALEGRA! Con un nuevo regalo de monedas y unas partidas con tus amigos! Link START THE DAY WITH JOY! With a new coin gift and some games with your friends! Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
SEMANA WESTERN Link En todos los grupos de amigos, hay un sheriff que lo controla todo y ayuda a los dems siempre que lo necesita... ME GUSTA Si el sheriff de tu grupo de amig@s eres t Si es un amigo, COMPARTE esta publicacin con l/ella WESTERN WEEK Link In all groups of friends, there is a sheriff who controls everything and helps others whenever he needs it... LIKE If the sheriff of your amig@s group is you If it's a friend, SHARE this post with him / her
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Duelo de 1s Link Quin te representa mejor? ME GUSTA un bandido seductor y atrevido... ME ENCANTA un sheriff valiente y honesto El lunes da haremos un SORTEO y se regalarn 5 AVATARES del PERSONAJE MS VOTADO entre tod@s l@s participantes Duel of 1 s Link Who represents you best? LIKE a seductive and daring bandit... I LOVE a brave and honest sheriff On Monday the th we will do a GIVEAWAY and 5 AVATARS will be given away from the MOST VOTED CHARACTER among tod@s l@s participants
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
EMPIEZA EL DA CON ALEGRA! Con un nuevo regalo de monedas y unas partidas con tus amigos! Link START THE DAY WITH JOY! I love you so much With a new coin gift and some games with your friends! Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
El duelo ms intenso de tu vida Cules son los protagonistas del nuevo Evento Especial? A) Un sheriff y un bandido B) Un coyote y un correcaminos... C) Un sheriff y un indio Descbrelo AQU Link The most intense duel of your life What are the protagonists of the new Special Event? A) A sheriff and a bandit B) A coyote and a roadrunner... C) A sheriff and an Indian Find out HERE Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Coincide tu COLOR con tu PERSONALIDAD? Sea cul sea tu color favorito, tenemos el juego ideal para ti Link Does your COLOR match your PERSONALITY? I love you so much Whatever your favorite color is, we have the ideal game for you Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Un buen reto para terminar esta semana con la mente a tope Link COMENTA y GANA una sorpresa EXTRA* *El regalo publicar maana A good challenge to end this week with mind to the fullest Link COMMENT AND WIN AN EXTRA SURPRISE * * The gift will post tomorrow
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Parchiser@s, esta semana tenemos visita! Reto de los avatares PREMIO ficha beb alien Hoy se activa el 2 avatar que te ayudar a conseguirla! Evento Especial Abdceme si puedes! Regalos de otro planeta Link Parchiser@s, we have a visitor this week! Avatar Challenge PRIZE baby alien Today the 2th avatar is activated that will help you get it! Special Event Abduct me if you can! Gifts from another planet Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
NUEVA OPORTUNIDAD! 1. Entra en el juego Link 2. Lee la info del reto espacial de este fin de semana 3. Si lo superas, te llevars de REGALO la ficha beb alien el lunes!**... **SLO si adquieres los 3 avatares recibirs el regalo. Cada da se activar uno diferente. Hoy toca chica alien! NEW CHANCE! I love you so much 1. Enter the game Link 2. Read this weekend's space challenge info 3. If you get over it, you'll take the alien baby tab on Monday!**... ** ONLY if you acquire the 3 avatars you will receive the gift. Every day a different one will be activated. Today it's time alien girl!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
1 COMENTARIO , 1 ME GUSTA = 1 VOTO El regalo ms votado ha sido A) 5 CRDITOS ... Haz clic aqu para disfrutar de tu regalo de crditos de hoy Link 1 COMMENT, 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE The most voted gift has been A) 5 CREDITS ... Click here to enjoy your gift of credits today Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Eres EVENTO ESPACIAL o PARTIDA CLSICA? ME GUSTA y COMENTA Cul es tu preferida? Sea cual sea tu preferencia, ests a un clic de jugarla! Link Are you SPACIAL EVENT or CLASSIC GAME ? LIKE and COMMENT Which one is your favorite? Whatever your preference is, you're just one click away from playing it! Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
VOTA POR LO QUE MS TE GUSTA*! Hola parchiser@, qu regalo espacial prefieres? ME GUSTA 5 CRDITOS ME ENCANTA 3. MONEDAS ... VOTA y despus... tus amigos te esperan! Link *El viernes 29 de mayo publicaremos el ms votado VOTE FOR WHAT YOU LIKE THE MOST *! Hello parchiser @, which space gift do you prefer? LIKE 5 CREDITS I LOVE IT 3. COINS ... VOTE and then... your friends are waiting for you! I love you so much Link * On Friday May 29th we will post the most voted
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Parchiser@s, esta semana tenemos visita! Reto de los avatares PREMIO ficha beb alien Hoy se activa el 3 avatar que te ayudar a conseguirla! Evento Especial Abdceme si puedes! Regalos de otro planeta Link Parchiser@s, we have a visitor this week! Avatar Challenge PRIZE baby alien Today the 3th avatar is activated that will help you get it! Special Event Abduct me if you can! Gifts from another planet Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Cada familia es un mundo y en nuestro juego tenemos familias EXTRAORDINARIAS y extraterrestres COMENTA quin te representa - Leela se define como protectora y cariosa - El pequeo Verdy simplemente es un terremoto muy alegre - Marvin se define como divertido y motivador... Concelos un poco ms y consigue los AVATARES en el RETO ESPACIAL Link Every family is a world and in game we have EXTRAORDINARY and alien families COMMENT who represents you - Leela is defined as protective and caring - Little Verdy is just a very cheerful earthquake - Marvin is defined as funny and motivating... Get to know them a little more and get the Avatars in the SPACIAL CHALLENGE Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
EN PARCHS APARECEN OVNIS Y tambin en NUEVOS RETOS! 1. Entra en el juego Link 2. Lee la info del reto espacial de los avatares 3. Adquiere 1 avatar cada da (reto de hoy chica alien)... 4. Si lo superas, te llevars de REGALO la ficha beb alien el jueves!** **SLO si adquieres los 3 avatares recibirs el regalo. Cada da se activar uno diferente. Hoy toda chica alien! IN PATCHIS APPEAR UFO And also in NEW CHALLENGES! 1. Enter the game Link 2. Read the info of the avatar space challenge 3. Get 1 avatar every day (today's challenge alien girl)... 4. If you get over it, you'll take the alien baby tab on Thursday!** ** ONLY if you acquire the 3 avatars you will receive the gift. Every day a different one will be activated. Today all alien girl!
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