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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
This week we start a NEW ADVENTURE of the Parcheesi Queen. What do you think it is?A) Penguin with fringeB) Farming henC) Chubby Parrot
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
La reina quiere despedirse de este Evento MAGIC con una sorpresa de monedas. ltimo da para sentir la magia! Haz clic aqu para disfrutarlas Link The Queen wants to say goodbye to this MAGIC Event with a surprise of coins. Last day to feel the magic! Click here to enjoy Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Y el ms votado ha sido... EL BHO!Y nuestra ganadora del sorteo de esta ficha es... Sara Minguella! Enhorabuena! Muchas gracias a todos por participar, estad atentos a prximas sorpresas y directos, habr ms sorteos! And the most voted has been... THE BABY! Y And winner of the raffle for this card is... Sara Minguella! Enhorabuena Congrats! Thank you all so much for participating, stay tuned for upcoming surprises and direct, there will be more giveaways!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
DALE o A TU FAVORITO Y sortearemos la ficha que ms reacciones tenga!!! NO TE OLVIDES DE COMPARTIR!GIVE or YOUR FAVORITE... And we'll draw the record with the most reactions!!! DON ' T FORGET TO SHARE!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Parece que desde medianoche tuvimos algunos problemas en el juego. YEY y el resto del equipo han estado trabajando duro para que todo volviera la normalidad Y buenas noticias... LO HAN CONSEGUIDO! Ya puedes empezar el lunes jugando con tus amigos sin problemas! Os dejamos un regalito, por las molestias! Gracias por vuestra paciencia y comprensin Sois lo ms! Link ... Deja tu comentario de agradecimiento y se lo pasaremos al equipo Que tengas un feliz da! Looks like we had some issues in the game since midnight. YEY and the rest of the team have been working hard to get everything back to normal And good news... THEY GOT IT... Now you can start Monday by playing with your friends without a problem! We leave you a gift, for the inconvenience! Thank you for your patience and understanding You are the most! Link Leave your thank you comment and we'll pass it on to the team Have a happy day!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Te gusta la magia? Cuntanos la historia ms mgica de tu vida! El comentario con ms ME GUSTA recibir una sorpresa Para participar, sigue estos pasos 1. Dale a ME GUSTA a esta publicacin 2. Cuntanos la historia ms mgica de tu vida ... 3. Vota tu historia, o la que ms te guste de todos los comentarios! Muchas historias te esperan en el sueo Magic... Link Do you like magic? Tell us the most magical story of your life! The most LIKE comment will get a surprise To participate, follow these steps 1. LIKE this post 2. Tell us the most magical story of your life ... 3. Vote for your story, or the one you like most of the comments! Many stories await you in the dream Magic... Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Dicen que el que no cree en la magia nunca la encontrar. Te gustara encontrarla? Visita nuestra TIENDA DE TEMS y escoge el que te haga brillar Link COMENTA cul es tu favorito y por qu? They say he who doesn't believe in magic will never find it. Would you like to find her? Visit TEMS STORE and choose the one that makes you shine Link COMMENT which is your favorite and why?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
MAGIC DREAMS COMENTA si has encontrado el bho mgico diferente Nuevo reto! Llegar a los 3 comentarios Siente la magia Link MAGIC DREAMS COMMENT if you found the different magical owl New challenge! Reach 3 comments Feel the magic Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Crees en el destino? Nosotros creemos que nada est escrito y que la vida puede sorprenderte siempre y si hablamos de la vida de la reina parchisera, an ms sorpresas! Qu tipo de hechizo le lanzar el bho mgico? Vota y elige su destino! ... Link Do you believe in destiny? We believe that nothing is written and that life can surprise you always and if we talk about the life of the queen parchisera, even more surprises! What kind of spell will the magic owl cast on him? Vote and choose your destiny! ... Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
El caramelo rojo ha conseguido ms reacciones Disfrutad del regalo sorpresa! Link Red Caramel has gotten more reactions Enjoy the surprise gift! I love you Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
El caramelo rojo ha conseguido ms reacciones Disfrutad del regalo sorpresa! Link Red candy has gotten more reactions Enjoy the surprise gift! Good morning Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
MAGIC WEEK Despus de comerse el muffin hechizado, la reina se ha despertado en un sueo mgico con un compaero muy peculiar... COMENTA Qu crees que har el bho? A) Ser su mejor amigo B) Le lanzar un hechizo... C) La empujar dentro de la olla Todas las respuestas tendrn sorpresa! Siente la magia AQU Link MAGIC WEEK After eating the spell muffin, the queen has awoken in a magical sleep with a very peculiar companion... COMMENT What do you think the owl will do? A) Will be your best friend B) Will cast a spell on him... C) Will push her into the pot All the answers will get surprise! Feel the magic HERE Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
MAGIC WEEK Despus de comerse el muffin hechizado, la reina se ha despertado en un sueo mgico con un compaero muy peculiar... COMENTA Qu crees que har el bho? A) Ser su mejor amigo B) Le lanzar un hechizo... C) La empujar dentro de la olla Todas las respuestas tendrn sorpresa! Siente la magia AQU Link MAGIC WEEK After eating the spellbound muffin, the queen woke up in a magical sleep with a very peculiar companion... COMMENT What do you think the owl will do? A) Will be your best friend B) cast a spell on him... C) Will push her into the pot All the answers will have surprise! Feel the magic HERE Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
The Candy dream has sweetened week... but we think the Queen has got herself into another mess. Do you want to know where it has gone this time? Click here Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Elige un caramelo Cada caramelo tendr una sorpresa 1. COMPARTE este post 2. Dale a ME GUSTA si escoges el amarillo 3. Dale a ME ENCANTA si escoges el rojo ... VIERNES 18 publicaremos el regalo que consiga ms reacciones! Y no te olvides de recaudar tu bonus diaro Link Pick a candy Every candy will have a surprise 1. SHARE this post 2. Like if you choose yellow 3. Hit me up if you pick red ... FRIDAY the 18th we will post the gift that gets the most reactions! And don't forget to raise your daily bonuses Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Elige un caramelo Cada caramelo tendr una sorpresa 1. COMPARTE este post 2. Dale a ME GUSTA si escoges el amarillo 3. Dale a ME ENCANTA si escoges el rojo ... VIERNES 18 publicaremos el regalo que consiga ms reacciones! Y no te olvides de recaudar tu bonus diaro Link Choose a candy Every candy will have a surprise 1. SHARE this post 2. Like if you choose yellow 3. Hit me up if you choose red ... FRIDAY 18th we will post the gift that gets the most reactions! And don't forget to raise your daily bonus Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
The Queen is very beloved by all parcheesi Playspace players She rules every little corner of Parcheesi all the way from her palace Did you know her golden scepter is what gives color to Parcheesi's world? Comment with many if you also love Parcheesi Queen!... And follow her candy dreams HERE Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
La Reina es muy querida por todos los parchiseros Gobierna cada rinconcito de Parchs Playspace desde su palacio Sabais que su cetro de oro es quien da color a todo el mundo de parchs? Comenta con muchos si a ti tambin te encanta nuestra Reina Parchisera!... Y persigue sus dulces sueos AQU Link The Queen is very loved by all the parchiseros He rules every corner of Parchis Playspace from his palace Did you know that his golden scepter is the one who gives color to everyone in parchi? Comment with many if you also love Queen Parchisera!... And chase your sweet dreams HERE Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Habis superado el reto! Disfrutad de vuestro regalo! Link You've overcome the challenge! Enjoy your gift! Link Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Compartid esta publicacin y ms tarde recibiris un enlace con regalo aqu mismo! Share this post and later you will receive a gift link right here!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Sabis ese momento en el que tienes un antojo y no puedes resistirte? Pues en ese momento est la Reina parchisera con este dilema Entra en el juego y vota cul quieres que se coma*! Link *Podrs votar al entrar al juego y en el botn de NOVEDADES Do you know that moment when you have a craving and can't resist? Well at that time there is the Queen parchisera with this dilemma Enter the game and vote which one you want to eat *! Link * You can vote when you enter the game and on the NEWS button
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
PARASO CANDY COMENTA "Parchs Playspace endulza mi da" si has completado el laberinto Nuevo reto! Llegar a los 3 comentarios Endulza tu da Link CANDY PARADISE COMMENT Parchis Playspace Sweeten My Day if you've completed the maze New challenge! Reach 3 comments Sweeten your day Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
PARASO CANDY COMENTA "Parchs Playspace endulza mi da" si has completado el laberinto Nuevo reto! Llegar a los 3 comentarios Endulza tu da Link CANDY PARADISE COMMENT Parchis Playspace Sweeten My Day if you've completed the maze New challenge! Reach 3 comments Sweeten your day Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
COMPARTE ESTE CARAMELO para entrar en el SORTEO de un GRAN PREMIO Cuantas ms personas compartan, ms aumentar el PREMIO que sortearemos entre todos los participantes Quieres el premio? Participa! 1 compartidos = sortearemos 1 premio 60 MONEDAS 2 compartidos = sortearemos 1 premio de 1 MONEDAS 4 compartidos = sortearemos 1 premio de 150 MONEDAS... 8 compartidos = sortearemos 1 premio de 250 MONEDAS y sigue disfrutando en el mundo candy Link SHARE THIS CARAMEL to enter the GIVEAWAY of a GREAT PRIZE The more people share, the more the PRIZE we will draw among all participants Want the prize? Participate! 1 shares compartidos we will draw 1 prize 60 COINS 2 shares compartidos we will draw 1 prize of 1 COINS 4 shares compartidos we will draw 1 prize of 150 COINS... 8 shares compartidos we will draw 1 prize of 250 COINS and continue to enjoy in the candy world Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Este fin de semana tiene muy buena pinta... Porque empieza con un regalo de crditos para tu juego favorito! Link Recuerda que en el juego tienes ms regalos!... - Bonus diario - Extra bonus - Hourly Bonus (tienda de monedas y crditos) This weekend looks pretty good... Because it starts with a credit gift for your favorite game! Link Remember that in the game you have more gifts!... - Daily Bonus - Extra bonus - Hourly Bonus (Coin & Credit Shop)
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
The Queen has fallen asleep! After a big BINGE... she takes a good NAP Well guess... What is dreaming about? Discover it in the new Event Link Don't forget to collect the daily bonus gift!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
ME GUSTA ha sido la reaccin ms votada! As que lo prometido es deuda Regalo de monedas para tod@s! Haz clic aqu para disfrutarlas Link LIKE was the most voted reaction! So promised is debt Coin gift for tod@s! Click here to enjoy them Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Sherlock has got a bit confused and lost his way and even his magnifying glass And it is all for love! Guess who he fell in love with? Find out at NEWS button Link ... One adventure is over, but we're starting another! Are you ready?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Meet craziest family! Do you like weekly events? Well, we want you to meet all the main special characters so you can tell us which ones you like best! LIKE if you have ever played a special event COMMENT what has been your favorite story and give us your love!... The best games await for you Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Today you participate and on Thursday 1 you will enjoy it! 1. SHARE this post 2. LIKE if you want coins 3. LOVE if you prefer credits ... THURSDAY 1 will publish the gift that gets the most reactions! And don't forget to collect your daily bonus Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Y t, qu prefieres? Eres ms de salir de fiesta y divertirte o quedarte en casa tranquilo? Comenta tu respuesta y no olvides recoger este REGALO! ... Link And you, what do you prefer? Are you more of partying and having fun or staying at home quiet? Comment your answer and don't forget to pick up this GIFT! ... Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
No puede ser un buen fin de semana sin un ... BUEN REGALO Cul es el mejor regalo que os han hecho? Comparte tu respuesta en comentarios! ... Link Can't be a good weekend without a... GOOD GIFT What's the best gift you've ever been given? Share your answer in comments!... Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
We love reading your reviews They brighten day and they help us improve Parcheesi for you!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Nos encantan vuestras reviews Nos alegran el da y nos ayuda a mejorar el juego para que disfrutis de l.We love your reviews They brighten day and help us improve the game so you can enjoy it.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
El sueo de Bonnie hecho realidad! Una montaa de monedas Aqu tienes tu parte del botn ... Link Bonnie's dream come true! A mountain of coins Here's your share of the spoils... Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
El sueo de Bonnie hecho realidad! Una montaa de monedas Aqu tienes tu parte del botn ... Link Bonnie's dream come true! A mountain of coins Here's your share of the loot... Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Sambaaaaa! Bonnie est en Rio! Sherlock le ha seguido la pista pero... lograr Bonnie salirse con la suya?... No te pierdas su aventura! Sambaaaaa! Bonnie is in Rio! Good morning Sherlock has kept up with him but... Will Bonnie get away with this?... Don't miss her adventure!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Sambaaaaa! Bonnie est en Rio! Sherlock le ha seguido la pista pero... lograr Bonnie salirse con la suya?... No te pierdas su aventura! Sambaaaaaaa! Bonnie is in Rio! Good morning Sherlock has tracked him down but... Will Bonnie get away with it?... Don't miss his adventure!
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Feliz mircoles! Quin se anima con un reto? Bonnie os lo ha puesto fcil... ... Sabris adivinarlo? Happy Wednesday! Who's up with a challenge? Bonnie made it easy for you...... Can you guess it?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Feliz mircoles! Quin se anima con un reto? Bonnie os lo ha puesto fcil... ... Sabris adivinarlo? Happy Wednesday! Who's up for a challenge? Bonnie made it easy for you...... Can you guess?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Kon'nichiwa! Bonnie est disfrutando tanto de sus vacaciones en Japn que... Os trae un regalo que vale su peso en oro! Link Who is the one who is the one! Bonnie is enjoying her vacation in Japan so much that... She brings you a gift worth her weight in gold! Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Con qu personaje te identificas ms? BONNIE extrovertida, inteligente y reina de los disfraces que siempre tiene ganas de vivir cosas nuevas SUMO fuerte, valiente y defensor de la tradicin que valora muchsimo sus races y conocimientos... Comenta tu respuesta y despus de votar, no te olvides tu bonus diario! Link Which character do you relate to the most? OUTgoing, smart and queen of costumes who always feels like living new things SUMO strong, brave and defender of tradition that greatly values its roots and knowledge... Comment your answer and after voting, don't forget your daily bonus! Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Como nos cambia el amor! Si no que se lo digan a Sumo, que antes de conocer a Bonnie estaba todo el da de mal humor y el amor le ha convertido en el luchador de sumo ms tierno del mundo Juega con la pareja del verano en el Evento Especial! Link A ti tambin te ocurre? Cuntanos quin te alegra el da a ti! Tu pareja? un amigo? la familia?How love changes us! If not tell Sumo, that before meeting Bonnie was in a bad mood all day and love has made him the cutest sumo fighter in the world Play with the summer couple at the Special Event! Link Does it happen to you too? Tell us who makes your day! Your partner? A friend? The family?
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Bonnie ha tenido un flechazo en Japn Y no es con un delicioso restaurante de sushi (Aunque eso tambin le encanta!). Ya sabamos que le gustan las fichas con carcter, pero quin le iba a decir que viajando encontrara el amor? Juega con ambos personajes en el Evento Link ME GUSTA si t tambin crees en el amor a primera vista COMENTA si t has vivido alguna vez un romance de vacaciones Bonnie has had a crush in Japan And it's not with a delicious sushi restaurant (she loves that too! . We already knew he likes chips with character, but who would tell him that traveling would find love? Play with both characters in the Event Link LIKE if you also believe in love at first sight COMMENT if you've ever lived a holiday romance
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Nuevo EVENTO! Bonnie sigue su viaje y esta semana nos vamos al pas del sol naciente. Te gustara jugar una partida en unos jardines llenos de flores de cerezo? Pues pulsa en el botn de NEWS, visita la tienda de tems y vers cuntas sorpresas te hemos preparado para que disfrutas en Japn al 1 Link New EVENT! Bonnie follows her journey and this week we are going to the country of the rising sun. Would you like to play a game in gardens full of cherry blossoms? So click the NEWS button, visit the item shop and see how many surprises we have prepared for you to enjoy in Japan 1 % Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
Nuevo EVENT! Bonnie continues her journey and this week we are going to the land of the rising sun. Would you like to play a game in a garden full of cherry blossoms? Then click on the NEWS button, visit the item store and you will see how many surprises we have prepared for you to enjoy in Japan at 1 Link
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
VIAJANDO CON BONNIE COMENTA si has encontrado el abanico diferente Nuevo reto! Llegar a los 3 comentarios Conoce Japn Link TRAVELING WITH BONNIE COMMENT if you found the different fan New challenge! Reach 3 comments Meet Japan Link
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
ME GUSTA ha sido la reaccin ms votada! As que lo prometido es deuda Regalo de monedas para tod@s! Haz clic aqu para disfrutarlas Link LIKE was the most voted reaction! So promised is debt Coin gift for tod@s! Click here to enjoy them Link
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