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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
: .. !The story continues as G.I. JOE is here to lend a hand to stop the immoral wrongdoings that COBRA left behind! Admirals, we need YOU to expose the truth, expose COBRA! COMING SOON!YO JOE!REDEEM PROMO CODE: GI JOE RETURNS#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
WINTER IS COMINGTis' the season for snowfall in GBTW! Get in the spirit of holiday cheer and enjoy the winter season both outside AND in-game!While you're at it, check out the new equipment drop 'Pilot Flare Gun' that increases Jet ATK and Jet Accuracy! Get the most out of this week's events but if you've got some spare time, why not Challenge Yourself with Limit Break? :
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Previously on Gunship Battle: Total Warfare X G.I. JOE!With the help of Dr. Mindbender's M.A.S.S. device, COBRA has arrived unannounced with the U.S.S. Flagg. After overtaking one of the Armada's greatest weapons - the Valkyrie - Cobra Commander, Baroness, and Destro seized the moment to convince the Admirals that they were bringing world peace. Little did the Admirals know, COBRA was up to no good and was plotting a diverse plan to shift the balance of powers; all in COBRA's favor. With impeccable timing, G.I. JOE have arrived to save the day! The question is: Is it too late to make a comeback? Will COBRA successfully carry out their mission for world domination? It's up to YOU (yes, YOU), to change the future!:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
I ain't got time, to hear nobody whine.... Roadblock's here, and everything's gonna be fine like vintage wine.When the grill is chill, COBRA had nothing but time to kill...Now it's time to bring the heat, and we have a ton of snake @$$ ta' beat. Now how about you join the dream team and let's show them creeps how mean, team green can be!#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
.. Map out your plan of attack! Numerous G.I. JOE training exercises will be available for you to train, strategize, and gear up before going head-to-head with COBRA! Which one are you looking forward to the most?#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
! .. !It's dangerous out there...take these! Add the EXCLUSIVE Skystriker and U.S.S. Flagg to your collection of jets and gear up with Snake Eyes' Helmet, Scarlett's Crossbow, Duke's Bandolier, and so much more during the G.I. JOE Collaboration!REDEEM PROMO CODE: GEAR UP WITH GI JOE#GIJoe #Hasbro #YoJoe:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
There's no need to worry, you're in good hands. In the midst of the chaos that COBRA left behind in world, we were able to lock onto the remnants of their energy source, which ultimately led us here. We need to devise a plan to interrupt COBRA's advancement in the world and bring them back to where they belong. Who knows what kind of damage they can do by disrupting the balance across worlds?! We need your help. It's now or never. #GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
!Where there is G.I. JOE, there is HOPE!Arriving from the same paradigm as COBRA, G.I. JOE knows exactly what it takes to counter COBRA's schemes. Commence Operation: "Retake the World!" Get ready for the plan of attack with G.I. JOE!REDEEM PROMO CODE: TWO DAYS TO GO JOE#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
We're not sure why we're here either, but I can see that you've got some good in your eyes. Upon arrival, we caught onto some traces of COBRA, and we're thinking they're not suppose to be here either. At this point, it'd be wise to team up and strengthen numbers. That is...if you're willing to step into the danger zone. #GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
!We can explain...here's the sitch: It's COBRA's fault. #GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
It's almost time to team up with G.I. JOE to bring down COBRA's plans of world domination! What better way is there than to add the globally beloved SKYSTRIKER to your collection?! Get pumped, get excited! G.I. JOE IS ALMOST HERE!#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
: .. !Cobra Commander and his cronies had their fun and games, but now It's turn to settle the score!Rise and gear-up with G.I. JOE to prepare for the ultimate clash against COBRA! Unwind Cobra Commander's schemes and restore the rivalry between the allies and the Armada. Without the Armada, COBRA continues to have the high ground!Participate in this LIMITED TIME collaboration with G.I. JOE and obtain EXCLUSIVE heroic goodies as a part of the cause!YOOOOOO JOE!REDEEM PROMO CODE: YOOOO JOE LETS GO:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
COLLAB EVENTS HAVE NOW ARRIVEDWe've jammed a TON of events into this week like the G.I. JOE Mission Event, the G.I. JOE Equipment Upgrade Event AND the Skystriker Jet Upgrade Event!There's gonna be tons of events kicking off, so keep your eyes peeled and in the game! #GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Get a taste of your own medicine, COBRA!#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
.. ?The keener the eye, the better the ability to see right through COBRA's plans! G.I. JOE have laid out a special training excercise to help sharpen your eyes! Can YOU pass the challenge?:Take a screenshot and circle as many G.I. JOE related icons/decor as you can. Leave your Admiral Name + Admiral Number with your submission. ( ):(x200) Ship XP (All) 100K(x100) 1st Class Adv Ship BlueprintAccepting Submissions until 12/26 at 11:59:59 PTPlease note that your "Admiral Number' and 'Member Number' are not the same. If your Admiral Number was incorrectly submitted in any way, rewards may not be sent to the submitted account.:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
FOR A LIMITED TIME! Jump into the action and collect your favorite hero's gear, the beloved skystriker, and the iconic U.S.S Flagg skin to adorn!The G.I.JOE calvary is here! Don't wait - reclaim the world's peace that COBRA shrewdly destroyed!#GBTWxGIJOE #GIJOE #Hasbro #GIJOEIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
From Gunship Battle: Total Warfare, we want to wish all of Admirals a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays!Have a holly, jolly season!! :
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Seasons greetings! The team at Gunship Battle: Total Warfare would like to wish all of you a wonderful holiday season!Yet another year full of action and adventure, new friendships, allegiances, and achievements galore! Your camaraderie has been the best gift we could EVER ask for!Cheers to all of YOU - Admirals of sea, air and land! Happy Holidays! :
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
A NEW SEASON!Prepare for a week packed with events! Continue on with the G.I. JOE Mission Event and upgrade your G.I. JOE Equipment and Skystriker during these limited-time upgrade events! From the HQ Level-Up Event to the Lucky Login Drawing Event, there will be something for all Admirals to participate in! #Hasbro #GIJoe #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
?Say no more, because we've got a special in-game event for you!Enjoy the G.I. JOE Mission Event in-game and complete missions for a multitude of sweet rewards to aid in your progress!This is a limited-time event, so enjoy the spoils with Duke, Roadblock, and Scarlett while you can!#Hasbro #GIJoe #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
All the more reason to keep fighting for the cause! These three are highly skilled and won't stop until they drop!One step at a time and we'll reclaim what COBRA destroyed. Take that, you snakes!#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
! Happy New Year Admirals! Here's to an amazing 2023! As we transition into a brand new year, we're looking forward to all of the new experiences, new journeys, and nonstop FUN that 2023 has to offer!We can't wait to get started already! Cheers!Get a head start this year and redeem this Promo Code for some goodies!#2023NewYear #2023 #HappyNewYear:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK!Assemble your aircraft carriers with the U.S.S. Flagg skin and make a FORMATION with members of your ALLIANCE!:Equip your U.S.S. Flagg skin from the G.I. JOE Battle Pass or join others who have it!Deploy your Aircraft Carrier into the open sea and create a formation with your Alliance Members!Take a screenshot and share it here!Tell us what Alliance + Server you're representing!REDEEM PROMO CODE: ALLIANCE FLEET MEET:1st Place Alliance:(x70) YF-Agent Blueprints(x500) Ship XP (All Ships) 100k(x60) Module - Legendary Grade2nd Place Alliance:(x50) YF-Agent Blueprints(x300) Ship XP (All Ships) 100k(x50) Module - Legendary Grade3rd Place Alliance:(x25) YF-Agent Blueprints(x150) Ship XP (All Ships) 100k(x40) Module - Legendary Grade :-HQ Lv.23 and above.-At least 50% of all aircraft carriers shown in the screenshot must have the U.S.S. Flagg Aircraft Carrier Skin equipped-Must be in the Alliance for at least 5 days from the end of the event-Must be in the Alliance at the time of reward distributionAccepting Submissions until 1/17 at 11:59:59 PT.All players must meet Eligibility Requirements to receive rewards if chosen as a winning Alliance. Winning Alliances will be voted on and chosen by the GBTW Team.:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Part 1 of "Knowing is Half the Battle" Exchange Event is soon coming to a close! Grab the exclusive Snake Eyes' Uzi equipment while you still can, because Part 2 is about ready to kick-off!#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
In order to turn the tide of battle, we're going to need every bit of G.I. JOE Intel we can get hands on! The rules are simple: Get in and get out (with no casualties, of course). COBRA is a formidable enemy and shouldn't be underestimated by any means. We'll just have to shut them in before they strike. With the knowledge we're able to extract from G.I. JOE Intel, we'll have the upper hand in no time. Say, how about when this is all done and over with, we grab a couple of porkchop sandwiches with the crew and celebrate?#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
NEW YEAR, NEW GEAR!Happy New Year Admirals! We're kicking off 2023 with the G.I. JOE Equipment Upgrade Event! This is the perfect opportunity to upgrade all your newly obtained equipment!The Skystriker Perfect Jet Upgrade Event continues for an additional week! Make some time and tap into the G.I. JOE Mission Event while you're at it. Start the year off with a BANG and make the most out of this week's EXCLUSIVE events! #GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
You might know who it is from PART 1 of collab, but let's step it up a notch and go for WRONG ANSWERS ONLY! Go on, make the silliest possible guess, we dare you. #Hasbro #GIJoe #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Bold of you to assume we were done with events. We're just getting started!! So tell us, how much G.I. JOE goodies have you collected so far? Which is your favorite one?:Share a screenshot of your favorite G.I. JOE collectible that you've gotten from the event so far.Leave your Admiral Name + Admiral Number with your submission.REDEEM PROMO CODE: COLLECT GI JOE JH5F ( ):(x20) Supply Support Repair Boost(x10) 1M Resource Box(x10) Legendary Skill Core BoxAccepting Submissions until 1/13 at 11:59:59 PT.Please note that your 'Admiral Number' and 'Member Number' are not that same. If your Admiral Number was incorrectly submitted in any way, rewards may not be sent to the submitted account.:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
-- .. !It only takes a couple seconds!:How much intel have you collected so far?! Take a screenshot of your G.I. JOE INTEL and share it with us below!Leave your Admiral Name + Admiral Number with your submission. ( ):(x100) Ship XP (All) 100K(x10) 1M Resource Box(x100) Reinforcing AgentAccepting Submissions until 1/10 at 11:59:59 PT.Please note that your 'Admiral Number' and 'Member Number' are not that same. If your Admiral Number was incorrectly submitted in any way, rewards may not be sent to the submitted account.:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
We've made it to the New Year Admirals and we've got a question...What's something that you want to accomplish this year in GBTW? It could be anything big or small, let us know what your wish/goals are, and it just might come true! Leave your answer below!:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Got everything you need, Admiral?There's only 1 WEEK LEFT to obtain exclusive G.I. JOE Skins and Equipment!#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Sup Admirals! Who has the coolest SKYSTRIKER of them all?Drop a screenshot of you using your SKYSTRIKER below!#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
!Don't get FOMO Admirals! Hurry and snag your exclusive G.I. JOE Equipment and more because there's just 1 week left! Once obtained, why not participate in the G.I. JOE Equipment Upgrade Event to show 'em who's boss?Whether it's completing upgrades or gathering M.A.S.S. Profile from the G.I. JOE M.A.S.S. Profile Sweep, there's an abundance of events to partake in! #GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Introducing the menacing..superior...SUPREME Armada Sub Force!Do you have what it takes to win and save the world? Challenge the Armada and share proof that you battled! :Share a screenshot of yourself participating in a battle against any Armada Sub Force tier. Submissions of battles against the will reap higher chances of winning.Leave your Admiral Name + Admiral Number!: (50 Randomly Selected Winners)(x10) 1M Resource Box(x200) Ship XP (All) 100K(x150) Ship Upgrade Core (x100) Reinforcing AgentAccepting submissions until 1/17/23 @11:59:59 PDT Please note that your 'Admiral Number' and 'Member Number' are not the same. If your Admiral Number was incorrectly submitted in any way, rewards may not be able to reach your account:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
!If you missed out on the COBRA collection from last campaign, this is your LAST CALL to sweep them up while you still can! Don't get FOMO, get them now!REDEEM PROMO CODE: LAST CHANCE 4 COBRA#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
If you were to commute to work in one of these G.I. JOE vehicles, which one would your ride be?1. H.I.S.S.2. Armadillo3. Skystriker 4. Rattler 5. MBT6. Other#Hasbro #GIJoe #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Is there a specific G.I. JOE character that you haven't seen yet, but would like to see in the world of GBTW? If so, which one would it be? TELL US! #Hasbro #GIJoe #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Now that you've been a part of G.I. JOE's prep phase, who do you think will win the battle between G.I. JOE and COBRA?: react AND tell us if you're for TEAM COBRA react AND tell us if you're for TEAM G.I. JOELeave your Admiral Name + Admiral Number with your vote. ( ):(x50) D&A Instructions(x100) Boost (5m)Accepting Submissions until 1/18 at 11:59:59 PT.Please note that your 'Admiral Number' and 'Member Number' are not that same. If your Admiral Number was incorrectly submitted in any way, rewards may not be sent to the submitted account:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
.. !Got everything checked off on your list? Got my U.S.S Flagg Aircraft Carrier Skin Got all the G.I. JOE Intel I need Got all of the Exchange Event exclusives Told Scarlett how much I love herREDEEM PROMO CODE: GI JOE 2 DAYS LEFT#GIJoe #Hasbro #GIJoeIsHere:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Hello, Admirals!We will be having weekly maintenance soon. : January 17, 17:00 ~ 22:00 PSTJanuary 18, 01:00 ~ 06:00 UTC The maintenance may start earlier or later than the scheduled time, depending on the speed of distribution. Details: New- [Emoji] will be added. [After the Maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC)]: The [Emoji] feature can be used to communicate more efficiently with other Admirals in real-time: [Emoji] can be accessed by tapping your Base/Aircraft Carrier: You can register 6 types of Emoji to your Ring menu Improvements- [Special Supply System]: The current [Special Supply] will end and a new, revamped [Special Supply] feature will begin: New [Jet Supply Order] items, which can be used for the new Supply Event, will be added: Certain [Jet Supply Order] items can be converted into new [Jet Order] items Improvement for Special Supply System: [Link]- [Jet Normal Supply]: The contents of the [Jet Normal Supply] feature will be changed: The applied changes are made so that you can only obtain [Jet Blueprints] (The [Jet/Blueprints Selection Box] will now be excluded.) The details of the package can be reviewed in-game after the Maintenance on 1/17 (1/18 UTC).- [Jet Supply Order (Normal)]: The number of obtainable [Jet Supply Order (Normal)] items upon completing the Prologue and Chapters, will be adjusted- [Designated Squadron]: The Cooldown time for [Designated Squadron] skills applied to each Jet will be updated. It will now be applied to each skill Jets can be deployed to participate in battles while the [Designated Squadron] skill Cooldown is active, but the respective skill effect will not activate during said Cooldown: A feature where you can allocate the remaining [Designated Squadron] Cooldown time amongst Squadrons, will be added If a [Designated Squadron] skill is used, the Cooldown time will be applied to all skills in the same group: The requirements to activate the [Designated Squadron] button will be added to the [Launch Formation] screen A specified HQ level will be required to activate the [Designated Squadron] button in the [Launch Formation] screen- [Preset]: The order presentation for [Preset] settings feature and the UI will be improved: A new icon, where you can find the location of your Ships/Jets, will be added: A Reset feature for the [Preset] settings, will be added The current [Preset] settings will be reset after the end of the Weekly Maintenance. - [Eve Festival] Points & Rewards: The Final Ranking will now be determined based on the total Points earned up until the close of the event on Friday, at 09:00 PST (17:00 UTC): Improvements will be made so that Admirals can claim Individual/Server Rewards after the Final Ranking is determined. The changes listed above will be applied to the [Eve Festival] scheduled on 1/24 PST (1/25 UTC).- Alliance Rally Chat: Only Admirals available to join the designated Rallies will have access to the respective Rally chat within the new Alliance Chat feature. Rallies that have concluded will have the respective Chats automatically removed.- The [World War] & [Base of Operation Conquest] point accumulation anomaly (bug) fixes : An intermittent anomaly, where [World War] & [Base of Operation Conquest] Point accumulation was not being tabulated or displayed correctly, will be fixed- The display of required [Resources/Medals of Merit] for Research: The required [Resources/Medals of Merit] for each Research Level will be displayed- Research Lab: Improvements will be made so that you are automatically directed to the [Research Lab] upon attempting to produce locked Ships - The ! icon notification: The ! alert/notification icon will only be displayed when you acquire applicable [Supply Order] items: The ! icon will be cleared once you enter the [Special Supply] menu- [Event] icons: An anomaly, where some event icons are displayed outside of the designed or intended screen area when there are lots of ongoing events, will be fixed- The description of the [Blitz Defense]: Improvements will be made to the descriptions associated with the Blitz Defense result screen features so that Admirals can easily identify the reason for a Blitz Defense Detection failure- [Armada Fleet/Royal Armada Fleet] Auto-Battle: Improvements will be made so that the previously selected Auto-Battle settings for each [Armada Fleet/Royal Armada Fleet] level is maintained- [Royal Armada Fleet] Deployment: An anomaly, where multiple attack deployments against a [Royal Armada Fleet] were not functioning as intended, will be fixed- [Interceptor Squadron] Display anomaly : An intermittent anomaly, where an [Interceptor Squadron] would display as in-battle, will be fixed- [Emoji] In-Chat: Some in-chat [Emoji]s will be removed, and new [Emoji]s will be added Others- The Exclusive GBTW x G.I. JOE Collaboration Event will conclude [After the Maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC)]: G.I. JOE Exclusive Battle Pass will end : The [M.A.S.S Profile] item, which enables you to obtain the [World Boss Boost] buffs, will be removed. You can once again purchase [World Boss Boost] buffs with [Food] Resources The remaining [M.A.S.S Profile] items in your [Inventory] will be retrieved: The exclusive, in-game collaboration loading page, [Base/Sea Map] icons, and those used for the [Armada Strike Group/Blitz Defense] feature will be removed and revert to the default units: New Year's Day in-game images will be applied to [Supply Aircraft] and [Olivia]- [Skystriker Perfect Jet Upgrade Event] will end. [After the Maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC)]: [Skystriker Perfect Jet Upgrade Event] will end, and existing Jet Upgrade Plus Chance will be applied to Lv. 11 to Lv.20 upgrades.- Server Merge: Some of the servers will be merged during the Weekly Maintenance. [Prior Notice] Server Merge: [Link]- G.I. JOE Collaboration Exclusive Base/Portrait/Nameplate Skin Conversion System (*added): Conversion System, where you can convert your G.I. JOE Skins for [Cobra Base/ Portrait/Nameplate] into [Gold] will be added.: The remaining [Admiral Portrait] items in your [Inventory], while [Baroness] & [Cobra Commander] were activated, will be retrieved and [250 Gold] will be sent via in-game mail. The reward will be sent after the Maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC). The schedule is subject to change. Event- [The Era of Server Transfer!] Event will begin. [After the Maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC) Until the Maintenance on 1/24 PST (1/25 UTC)]: You can transfer to a different Server regardless of your HQ level during the event: All Admirals will be able to transfer to any Server that had been created more than 200 days ago: However, in order to transfer to a server that is less than 200 days old, the transferring Admiral must have been created after the corresponding server's creation date Server transfers are completed using Gold. The total amount of Gold needed, and the respective discount rate for the Server Transfer will be based on your HQ level. Server Transfer Cost Discount Event will be applied. Admirals in World 1 cannot transfer to World 2. Admirals from World 2 can transfer to World 1, but they will not be able to return to World 2. - [[Alert] Golden Armada Strike Group Sightings!] Event will begin. [After the Maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC) Until the Maintenance on 1/24 PST (1/25 UTC)]: You can obtain [Golden Armada Strike Group Loot Box], [Medal of Merit] and [Ship Upgrade Core].- [Lunar Solstice Rollstice] Event will begin. [After the Maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC) Until the maintenance on 1/31 PST (2/1 UTC) : Roll using the obtained [Dice Fragments] and move around the board based on the number you rolled to obtain rewards.: You can also obtain rewards upon completing a full cycle around the board. The cumulative number of completed cycles will be tallied for additional rewards. The maximum number of cycles you can complete for the event is 200.: You can obtain [Gold], [Jet Production Boost (5m)], [Jet Repair Boost (5m)], [Random Legendary Jet Skill Core Box (Tier 1-3)], [Snowman] Items as a completion reward. You can obtain [Skystriker Layout Kit], [Jet Skill Core], and [[New] Resource Supply Box II] when using the [Snowman] Item. - The [For Stronger Growth! Ship XP UP!!] Event will begin. [After the maintenance on 1/17 PST (1/18 UTC) Until the maintenance on 1/24 PST (1/25 UTC)]: You can receive double Ship XP by successfully defeating the Armada and the Royal Armada Fleet.- Shop: Special Supply [Legendary Veteran Supply], where you can obtain a total of 17 types of [Legendary Jet] from [RF-M] to [KF-21 Boramae], will be added. [Legendary Prime Supply], where you can obtain [Legendary Jet] with special skills, and [5th Generation Jet] including [F-22 Raptor], will be added.: Weekly Special [New Years Premium Exclusive Pack], where you can obtain lots of [100K Ship XP (All)], [1st Class Adv Ship Blueprint], [Reinforcing Agents], and [Radiant Super Gerald R. Ford Supply Box], will be added. [New Years Limited-Time Special Pack], where you can obtain various [Boosts], lots of [100K Ship XP (All)], [Elizabeth Prime Supply Box], and 4 kinds of [Resources], will be added. [Skystriker Layout Kit Urgent Supply Pack] to upgrade G.I. JOEs iconic [Skystriker] will be added. You can upgrade Jets with [Skystriker Layout Kit], but cannot produce a new Jet. [2023 Anything 110 Supply Box], which consists of a host of items loved by Admirals, will be added. [Focus Research Week Special Pack], where you can obtain lots of [Medal of Merit], [Research Boosts], and [Medal of Merit Golden Boxes], will be added. [Daily Upgrade Pack Research/Resources], where you can obtain 5 types of Essential Single Items, will be added.: Mission Shop [CP Focus Upgrade Plan], where you can obtain [Nimitz Blueprint], [100K Ship XP (All)], [FS2020 Blueprint], and [Super Carrier Selection Supply Box] as a reward, will be added.: Subscription Supply [New Years Fortune Pouch Supply (7 days)], where you can obtain [100K Ship XP (All)], [1st Class Adv Ship Blueprint], and [Reinforcing Agents], will be added.: Pop-Up Shop [Speed UP! 1,000 Hours of Research Boosts!], where you can obtain lots of Research Boosts and Resources needed for Research, will be added. The details of newly released Packs will be provided in-game. If the Armada Blitz Defense does not end before the Maintenance begins, the Cooldown time may not reset. If the Cooldown time does not reset during Maintenance, the [Armada Blitz Defense Cooldown Time Reset] item will not be given. If the Cooldown has not been initialized due to the pre-announced Maintenance, the Cooldown initialization Item will not be given. You can access the game sooner once the Maintenance finishes early. The game will not be accessible during Maintenance. The schedule and content of the Maintenance are subject to change. Please visit the Notice Board for any additional updates: [Link] Store Distribution The Play Store and App Store updates will be released in advance on January 17th, 12:00 PST (20:00 UTC) so that all Admirals can access the updated app smoothly after the maintenance. If you download the update before the distribution starts, you will be unable to access the game until the maintenance ends. We recommend not downloading the latest before the maintenance starts, and please deactivate the auto-update feature. An attack limitation will be applied to all Admirals from January 17th, 12:00 PST (20:00 UTC) until maintenance ends. With this limit in place, players cannot attack Bases and Aircraft Carriers of other Admirals.Thank you.:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
!Greetings Admirals, the wait for Server Transfer is over! All Admirals will be able to transfer to a different server regardless of HQ level! (Some restrictions apply. See Notice Board for full details: Freebie Link )Btw, we've also got tons of fun events to participate in like the Golden Armada Strike Group AND the Lunar Solstice Rollstice! Be sure to log-in & get the most out of this weeks events! :
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
That wraps up collaboration with G.I. JOE! With Scarlett, Duke, and Roadblock by side, we experienced so many exciting moments gearing up for the ultimate battle between G.I. JOE and COBRA!Will G.I. JOE manage to undo COBRA's wicked doings in the nick of time?Will the world of Gunship Battle: Total Warfare finally be able to reclaim the peace it once knew?FIND OUT MORE IN THE FINAL SHOWDOWN WE CALL: G.I. JOE VERSUS COBRA!#COMINGSOON[Click to zoom]REDEEM PROMO CODE: TY 4 GBTW X GIJ#GIJoe #Hasbro #HasbroGIJoe:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Thanks for participating in Gunship Battle: Total Warfare event collaboration with G.I. JOE!Which G.I. JOE Event was your favorite?A) Exchange EventB) World BossC) G.I. JOE themed ASG + BlitzD) Daily Attendance EventE) Other:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
What if....:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Happy Friday Admirals! Wanna play a game? Take a chance and try to accurately guess the name of this unit! Rumor has it only 20% of players can answer correctly. Leave your answers below! :
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Happy Lunar New Year Admirals! 2023 is the year of the rabbit. The rabbit is known to be the luckiest out of the twelve zodiac animals. So, feeling lucky? Use this Promo Code for the best luck of 2023! :
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Let's give biggest round of applause to Admiral StrollingArc on their launch formation! Check out the 1 billion+ CP on their army of one (ship)! All enemies will tremble in fear.Want to flex your fleet, too? Drop a screenshot of your strongest launch formation...if you DARE!:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
!Greetings Admirals, this week we've prepared the Construction Speed Up Event! Find the time to get important builds out the way at 150% speed! We've also got the War Research Support, Construction Boost Support, AND Battle Pass Season 32 which comes with convenient buffs! Get the most out of this week's events before the time passes you by!:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Attention AdmiralsWe've still got gifts to give! In celebration of the Lunar New Year, we've got a limited-time 1-Gem Special available for all!The "Have a Great New Year!" 1-Gem Special can be found within the "Supply" menu. This promotion cycles with another promotion. If the icon for "Have a Great New Year!" does not appear at first, please re-visit the Supply menu again until it appears.*Purchasable until HQ Lv. 35.*Only available until the Feb. 1st (PST) maintenance.:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Throwback Thursday! Never forget your roots...1 Like = 1 Appreciation for the very first ship every Admiral began with, the Knox Frigate!Let us know which unit you've had the most memories with. #ThrowbackThursday:
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