Posted - 4 years 8 months ago
Link ncirler teknik olarak meyve deil, tersyz edilmi ieklerdir..... iekleri armut ekilli bir kozann iinde aar ve daha sonra olgunlap yediimiz meyvelere dnr. Daha sonra her bir iek, bir adet bir tohumlu, aken ad verilen sert kabuklu bir meyve oluturur. Her incir birka adet akenden oluur. Yani incir yediimizde aslnda birden ok meyve yemis oluruz Ama inciri srad yapan ey sadece bu deil. ncir iekleri ieride byd iin zel bir polenleme srecine ihtiya duyarlar. Polenleri yaymas iin rzgara veya arlara bel balayamazlar. Ite bu noktada incir ars devreye girer. ncirler, genetik malzemesini yayacak incir ars olmadan trlerini devam ettiremezler. ncir ars da incir olmadan yaayamaz nk larvalarn buraya brakr. Bu ilikiye mutualizm ad verilir. Dii incir ars yumurtalarn brakmak iin erkek incire girer (bu arada erkek incirleri yemiyoruz). Erkek incir, ar yumurtalarn ikame edecek bir ekle sahiptir. Dii arnn kanatlar ve anteni, incirin kk aralndan ieri girerken kopar, bu yzden ar ieri girdiinde dar kamaz. Buradan sonra yaam dngsn srdrme grevi yavru arlardadr. Erkek yavru arlar kanatsz doarlar, nk yegne grevleri diilerle, yani teknik olarak kz kardeleriyle iftlemek ve incirin dna doru bir tnel kazmaktr. Dii yavru bu tnelden dar karak poleni de beraberinde gtrr. Eer incir ars yanllkla erkek incir yerine, yediimiz dii incirlerin iine girerse, ieride remesi iin gerekli koullar bulunmaz. Ve geri dar da kamaz nk kanatlar ve anteni kopmutur. Bu yzden ne yazk ki ar ieride lr, ama bu gereklidir nk ok sevdiimiz bu meyvenin polenleri bu ekilde datlr. Endielenmeyin, bu demek deil ki incirin iindeki tr trlk ar kadavras. ncir, ary proteine paralamak iin fisin (incir enzimi) ad verilen bir enzim kullanr, ancak yine de bu enzim hayvann d iskeletini tmyle paralamaz. Yani evet, teknik olarak inciri srdnzda aslnda incir arlarn veya dier bir deyile zamannda incir ars olan bir eyi de yiyorsunuz'' " interesting When all the fruit trees bloom, why doesn't the tree bloom...!?
Link Pearl are not fruit, but flowers..... Flowers open in a Apple-like cocoon and then turn into the fruits we eat. Then each flower creates a fruit with one seed, a hard-made fruit called 'Aken'. Each tree is made up of a couple of aken. So, when we eat trees we actually eat more than one fruit... But it's not the only thing that makes the cow extraordinary. They need a special polenlesme process as they grow inside. They can't depend on the wind or bees to spread the police. This is where the tree bee comes in. Cows can't continue their kind without a cow that will spread their physical material. And the tree bee can't live without a cow because it leaves its larvae here. This relationship is called mutualizm.... Female cow goes into a male cow to leave her eggs (by the way we don't eat male cows). Male cow has a form that can protect bee eggs. The Female Bee's wings and its dish break as they walk in the small range of the cow, so when the bee comes in, she can't go outside. Baby Bees are the duty to continue the circle of life after this. Male Bees are born without wings, because their only duty is to farm with females, that is, especially their sisters, and building a tunnel outside the cow. The female puppy goes out of this tunnel and takes the police with her. If the cow bee accidentally gets into the female cow that we eat instead of male cow, there will be no conditions for it to grow. And he can't go back out because his wings and its been broken. So unfortunately the bee is inside, but it is necessary because this is how the fruits of this fruit we love so much. Don't worry, it doesn't mean that it's a crispy same in the cow. The cow uses an article called the chips called receipt (Tree Enzyme) to break the bee into protein, but yet it does not completely destroy the animal's tooth. So yes, when you bite the cow, you actually eat the cow bees or in other words...
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