Posted - 4 years 11 months ago
''PEYNR GER GTREBLR MSN ? 70 yalarnda bir amca sokaa kma yasa olduu iin polis karakolunu telefonla arayarak 2 ekmek, yarm kilo ay, yarm kilo zeytin, kk bir kutu da peynir istiyor.
Freebie Link Emniyet mensubu polisler listeyi alarak markete gidip alverii yapyorlar. Malzemelerin hepsi 64 lira tutuyor. Polisler aldklar malzemeleri poete koyup yiyecekleri isteyen adrese gittiklerinde kapy yal bir ...amca ile ei ayor. Polisler "Amca eyalarnz aldracak ocuunuz yok muydu?" diye soruyorlar. Adam Bizim hi ocuumuz olmad evladm. Sokaa kma yasa da olunca sizi aradk. Onca iinizin gcnzn arasnda markete gidip istediklerimizi alp buraya kadar zahmet edip getirdiniz Allah sizlerden raz olsun diyor. Alnan yiyeceklerin ka lira tuttuunu sorunca da polis memuru elindeki fii gstererek 64 lira amca diyor. Amca paray getirmek iin ieri giriyor, aresizlik iinde bir o odaya bir dier odaya koturduktan sonra utanla boynu bkk vaziyette tekrar kapya kyor Olum zgnm, bu kadar fazla tutacan hesap edemedim. Bende sadece 40 lira para var. Peyniri geri gtrseniz olmaz m? diyor. Polis memurlar Amca sen aylk almyor musun? diye sorunca emeklilik ayl almadn, 65 ya ayl aldn, elektrik suyu deyince de 40 lira para paralarnn kaldn anlatyor. Duygulanan Polis memurlar Amca o 40 lira da sende kalsn. Sizler de bizim anamz ve babamzsnz. Afiyetle yiyin diyerek oradan ayrlyorlar. Bu olay da Trkiye de grevini en iyi ekilde yapan salk, emniyet ve devlet gleri olduktan sonra bu salgn Trk milletini ykamaz.'' " can you take the cheese back? An uncle at 70 years old calls the police station to ask for 2 Bread, half a kilo of tea and a small box of cheese.
Freebie Link Freebie Link Police police are going to the store and go to the market and shopping. All of the items cost 64 Lira. When the police put the s...tuff they bought in the bag and go to the address that wants food, they open the door with an old uncle. Police police police police police police police police police They ask " Uncle, don't you have kids to take your things?" they ask. The man is the man " we never had a child, my son. We called you when there was a ban on street. Among all your work, you went to the store and bought what we wanted and brought it so far. May God be pleased with you When asked how much the food bought, the police officer shows the chips and says " 64 lira uncle Uncle goes in to bring the money, after running to another room in poverty, he comes back to the door with shame " I'm sorry son, I couldn't count that much. I only have 40 Lira money. Can you take the cheese back?" he says. The police officers of the police " Uncle, aren't you getting monthly? " he says that he does not get a retirement month, he was 65 years old, and he has 65 years old, and he has 40 Lira money left when they pay electricity. Emotional police officers " Uncle, you can keep that 40 Lira. You are also mother and dad. They leave there by saying eat with pleasure In this case, it will not destroy the Turkish nation after the health, safety and government forces that do the best in turkey. " the
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