Posted - 4 years 4 months ago
Gemi vakitlerin birinde alimin biri, boazn br yakasna gemek iin bir sandalcnn yanna gelerek ona sorar
Link Karya geirmek iin ne kadar para alyorsun?... Garuya bir liraya germ efend. Alim, sandalcnn bu bozuk Trke ile verdii cevab beenmez. Bu ne biim konuma byle? Yoksa sen dilbilgisi bilmiyor musun? Yok aam, gkken haytalk ettk, okuyamaduk! Th, yazk sana! Desene gitti hayatn drtte biri! Bir mddet gittikten sonra dil alimi tekrar sorar Allah bilir imdi sen, matematik de bilmezsin! Yok bem! Onu da bilmem! Dedik ya, gkken haylazluktan okula gidemedk! Th yazk, yazk! Hayatnn drtte biri daha boa gitti! Bir mddet daha yol aldktan sonra alim, tekrar sorar Sakn fizik ve kimya okumadum deme! Belki hayatmn drtte bir daha boa getti; ama o dediklerini de bilmem efend, vaktinde renemedk ite! yi de sandalc! Dilbilgisi bilmezsin; matematik, fizik ve kimya da bilmezsin; sen ne diye yaarsn? Bu arada hava bozulmaktadr. Sandalc byk bir frtnann geleceini anlar. Alime sorar Efend, yzme bilsnz deel mi? Dil alimi, sandalcnn bu sorusundan endieye der, bir korkudur balar. Sandalcya yalvaran gzlerle cevap verir Sandalc aa! Ben yzme bilmiyorum! ocukluktan beri o ilmi ren, bu ilmi ren derken yzme renmeye frsat bulamadm. Aha! Napcan imdi! gitt hayatunun drtte drd! Bildikleriyle vnen insan, bilmediklerinden dolay dvnmeyi de hak eder... In one of the past times, one of the scientist came to a chairman to cross the throat and to the other side of the throat by
Link - How much for crossing money money money are you getting it?... - I'll pass to the garch for a lira, sir. Scientist does not like the answer of the sandals with this broken Turkish. - What kind of speech is this? Or you don't know grammar? - No, my master, we were strong, we couldn't read! - Damn, shame on you! So it's gone one quarter of life! After a while, the language scientist asks again - God knows now you don't know math! - Oh no baby! I don't know that either! We told you, we couldn't make it to school because of being strong! - What a shame, what a shame! Another quarter of your life wasted! After a while, the scientist asks again - Don't say you haven't studied physics and chemistry - Maybe another quarter of my life was wasted; but I don't know what he said, sir, we didn't learn in time! - Well, the sandaler! You don't know language; you don't know math, physics and chemistry; why do you live? Meanwhile, the weather is getting worse. The sandals know the future of a big storm. The scientist asks - Lord, is your swimming knowledge deel? Language scientist is worried about this question of the sandalist, it is a fear. Answers with eyes begging to the sandals - The sandal man! I can't swim! Since childhood, I haven't had a chance to swim when I said learn that knowledge, learn this year. - Aha! Wtf now! Gone four in four of his life! A person who brags about what he knows, He deserves to be beaten because of what he doesn't know...
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