''Osman Efendi bir sabah mthi bir ba arsyla uyanr. la alr, gemez. Bir iki gn bekler, ar devam eder. Doktor arlr. Doktor muayene eder,ar kesiciler verir, gider. Lakin Osman Efendinin baars artarak srer. stne stlk ba ars yan sra gzleri de yaarmaya balar. Baka doktorlar arlrOsman Efendi Uakn ileri gelenlerindendir, ary kesene servet vaat eder....
Link Doktorlarn hibiri ary durduramad gibi sebebini de bulamaz. Ev halk birbirine karr,ba arsndan geceleri uyuyamayan Osman Efendiyi stanbula gtrmeye karar verirler. stanbulda en iyi doktorlar seferber olur. Rntgenler, beyin tomografileri ekilir, testler yaplr Grne baklrsa Osman Efendi turp gibidir. Oysa dayanmas gittike zorlaan ba ars ve gzyalar hayat ekilmez hale getirmitir. Ar kesici inelerle zor ayakta duran Osman Efendi bu defa da apar topar yurtdna gtrlr. O devirde Amerika deil svire moda, Zrihe gidilir. Haftalarca hastanede kalnr, onlarca profesr konsltasyon yapar, testler tekrarlanr. Sonu olarak Osman Efendiye tehis konulamaz. Artk yerinden kalkamayan Osman Efendiye ar kesici ineler verilir, lkesine dnp dinlenmesi, daha dorusu son gnlerini evinde geirmesi tavsiye edilir. Osman Efendi bitkin, aile perian. Kaderdenilir, Uaka dnlr. Osman Efendi yayla evinde bir odaya yatrlr ve ar kesici inelerle lm beklemeye balar. Bir gn, hastann keyfi gelsin diye, Osman Efendinin eski berberi Berber Mehmet arlr. Berber yataktan kalkamayan Osman Efendiyi tra ederken, adamcaz derdini anlatr ve lm beklediini syler. Berber Mehmet bir an dnr. Beyim? der, Sakn sizin burnunuzda kl dnm olmasn Bir bakar, Hah ite der.Kl dnm. Osman Efendinin akn baklarna aldrmakszn antasndan cmbz kapt gibi kl eker. Ev halk Osman Efendinin ky ayaa kaldran lyla odaya koar. Berber Mehmet, Osman Efendinin elinden zor alnr ve cmbzn ucunda tuttuu yirmi santimlik klla kap dar edilir. Osman Efendinin kanayan burnuna pansumanlar yaplr, kolonyalar koklatlr ve yal adam tekrar yatana yatrlr. Ertesi sabah Osman Efendi aylardr ilk defa rahat bir uykudan uyanr. Gzlerinin yaarmas gemitir. Ba arsndan ise eser kalmamtr. Dnen kln sinire yryp gittike uzayarak dayanlmaz straplara yol atn doktorlar ancak o zaman kefeder. zmn bu kadar basit olabilecei kimsenin aklna gelmemitir. Sapasalam ayaa kalkan Osman Efendi, Berber Mehmeti artr ve ona bir servet balar.'' BURNUNDAN KIL ALDIRTMAYANLARIN BAI OK ARIYABLR .. Saygyla Mr. Osman wakes up one morning with a great headache. He takes medicine, does not pass. Waiting a couple of days, the pain goes on. The doctor is called. Doctor examines, gives pain killers, goes away. But Mr. Osman's headache continues to increase. Plus the headache and the eyes start to cry as well. Other doctors are called... Osman Efendi is one of the leaders of Uak, he promises wealth to those who prevent pain....
Link None of the doctors can stop the pain and find the reason. The people of the house are mixed together, they decide to take Mr. Osman who can't sleep at night because of headache to Istanbul. The best doctors in Istanbul become mobilized. X-rays, brain ct scans, tests done... Looks like Mr. Osman is like a turtle. The headache which is getting harder to stop though and Tears have made life impossible. Hard to stand up with painkiller needles This time, Mr. Osman will be taken abroad. At that time, not America, but Switzerland fashion, it is going to Zurich. Staying in hospital for weeks, dozens of professors consult, tests are repeated. As a result Mr. Osman cannot be diagnosed. Who can't get up anymore Mr. Osman is given painkiller shots, return to his country and rest It is recommended to spend the last days at home. Mr. Osman is tired, family is miserable. It is called destiny turns into Uak. Osman Efendi is laid in a room in the house of the bow and begins to wait for death with painkillers. One day, for the patient to enjoy, Osman Efendi's former barber Barber Mehmet is called. When the barber shaves Mr. Osman who can't get out of bed, The man explains his troubles and says that he is waiting for death. The barber Mehmet thinks for a moment. He says my lord?" Don't let your nose have a haircut One look, he says, Lol." The hair is frozen." Ignore the confused looks of Mr. Osman She pulls hair like she grabbed the grass from her bag. The people of the house raised the village of Osman Efendin he runs to the room with his scream. The barber Mehmet is hardly taken away from Mr. Osman and The twenty-inch hair that the grass holds at the end of the grass is expelled. Pansumans are made for the bleeding nose of Mr. Osman. cologne is smelled and the old man is back in bed. The next morning Mr. Osman is a comfortable one for the first time in months wake up from sleep. Your eyes have passed tears. There is no sign of headache left. Your turning hair is unstoppable walking to the nerves and getting longer Only then doctors will discover that he caused suffering. No one ever thought the solution could be that simple. Osman Efendi, who stands up safely, calls the Barber Mehmet and gives him a fortune. the one For those who don't get hair taken out of their nose HEAD CAN HURT SO MUCH.. With respect