Doktorun biri yeni bir muayenehane am....
Link Kapya yazm... " Vizite creti 1 tl... yiletiremediimiz hastaya be mislini geri veriyoruz... " Vizite pahal ama, doktor gerekten iyi doktor... Her gelen hasta iyileip gidiyor... Doktorun n her geen gn artyormu... Uyann biri doktora gidecek, iyilemeyecek ve be misli paray geri alacak ya, kapy alm... "Doktor! Azmn tad hi yok... yle ktym ki, hibir eyin tadn alamyorum... " Doktor... Adama yle bir bakm, hemireye seslenmi "Hemire hanm! Sekiz numaral kutuyu getirin" Hemire adama uzatm kutuyu, adam, bir kak iindekinden yemi ve annda tkrm... "Ama Bu b.k!!!!!" Doktor sakin, Evet! yiletiniz. Tad alyorsunuz artk.. " Adam, paray demi sinirleri tepesinde gitmi... Aradan birka ay gemi. Byk bir hrsla yeniden kapsna dayanm doktorun .. "Doktor bey, ben de hafza kayb balad... Hereyi unutuyorum...! " Doktor, adama yle bir bakm yine, hemireye dnm, "Kzm, sekiz numaral kutuyu getirir misin?" demi. Adam, hemen itiraz etmi, "Ama, o kutuda b.k var!"... Doktor, Doru! Bakn, hafzanz da yerine geldi!.... " Adam, alamakl, hrsla demi paray km dar... Kurmu da kurmu intikam planlarn... Birka ay sonra.. "Doktor! Ben de iktidarszlk balad... Durumum kt, hibir ey yapamyorum... " Doktor adam gzyle yle bir inceleyip, "Hemire hanm sekiz Numaral kutuyu getirir misin" diye seslenince, adam, tm hrsyla, "S..cem, seni de sekiz numaral kutunu da..." diye barm.. Doktor gayet sakin, "Gemi olsun! Bakn artk yapabiliyorsunuz!!!!" One of the doctor He has opened a new examination....
Link He wrote to the door " the visa fee is 1 TL... Five times to the patient that we could not heal We give it back... " the visa is expensive But, but, The Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Really good doctor... Every one coming up The patient is getting better... The name of the doctor It's growing every day... Someone wake up going to the doctor, He won't get better and Five times the money He will take it back lol, She knock on the door... " the doctor! My mouth has no taste at all... I'm so bad, I can't enjoy anything... " the doctor... Look at the man like this, To the nurse Called Out " the nurse lady! Bring the box number eight " The nurse handed the box to the man, The man, A Spoon of a spoon She ate what's in it And he spit immediately... " but this is b. K!!!!!" The Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Calm down, " Yes! You have been better. You are getting the taste now.. " the man, He paid the money She went on top of her nerves... It's been a few months. With a great passion The doctor standing at his door again.. " Mr. Doctor, I also started memory loss... I forget everything...! " the doctor, Tell the man Once again, he turned into a nurse, " my daughter, Can you bring the box number eight?" He said it. The man, He immediately protested, " but, B in that box. There is a k!"... The Doctor, " that's right! Look at it, In your memory too He has come to his place!.... " the man, To Cry, He paid the money with anger and went out... He set up too He set up The plans of revenge... After a few months.. " Doctor! I am too The power of power Here we go... I am in a bad situation, I can't do anything... " the doctor With the eye of the man Let's take a look at this, " the nurse lady The number of eight When you call will you bring the box, The man, With all his passion, " s.. Ylmaz, Say you too The number of eight And your box too..." She cried out.. The doctor is very calm, " get well soon! See you can do it now!!!!"