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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Kulaklarna ve kuyruklarna dikkat Freebie Link Watch out for your ears and tail Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hay Maallah Freebie Link Oh my god Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
ok gzeller Freebie Link They are so beautiful Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hayat dediin.. Freebie Link What you call life.. Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Dil,din,rk ayrmadan mutluluun resmi Freebie Link Picture of happiness without separating language, religion, race Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Sonunda aradm koltuu buldum Freebie Link Finally found the seat I was looking for Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Barnaa haber yapmaya giden gazetecinin ayana sarlan kpek.Bu sarlmann ardnda gazeteci onu sahiplenmi Freebie Link The dog hugging the journalist's feet who went to the shelter to make news. Behind this hug the journalist adopted him Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Korna ile bina ykmay bizden bakas yapsa biz niye dnemedik diye zlrdm Freebie Link I would be sad if anyone else did to destroy a building with a horn, but why we couldn't think of it Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Videoyu eken gnlerce beklemi bunu ekmek iin Freebie Link He waited for days to take the video to shoot this Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Yolda buldum bu ekeri Freebie Link Found this candy on the road Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Freebie Link Have plenty of luck Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
''Erenlerden biri, mrmce 3 eyden ders aldm diyor Biri bir kadnd. Karma geldi, sa ba darmadan, sevdii adam onu terk etmi, bana onu bul diye yalvaryor. Hanm, nce kendine gel, edebe gel, san ban topla, kyafetini dzelt, yle gel deyince, ben bir adamn akyla bu haldeyim, sana Allah sevgilisi diyorlar. Nasl sam, bam grdn? Bundan ders aldm. Freebie Link kincisi bir ocuktu. Bir mum yakt...m, nereden geldi bu k? dedim. fleyip sndrd. Nereden geldiyse, oraya gitti dedi. Anladm ki, o ocuk benden stnd. Bundan ders aldm. ncs bir sarhotu. Yapma, ime, bak kendini rezil ediyorsun, iip yerlere dyorsun dedim. Bover, beni bir kova su temizler ama sen kusur grdn, beni yargladn. Seni hi bir ey temizleyemez Bundan da dersimi aldm Yani Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi'nin dedii gibi nasibinde varsa alrsn karncadan bile ders, nasibinde yoksa btn dnya nne serilse sana ters One of the Erens says he has learned a lesson from 3 things in his lifetime One was a woman. He came across, his hair is ruined, his beloved man left him, begging me to find him. Lady, first come to your self, come to the fair, pack your hair, fix your clothes, come like that I'm in this situation with a man's love, they call you God's lover. How did you see my hair, my head?" I learned a lesson from this. Freebie Link The second one was a child. I lighted a candle and said where did this light come from?" He blowed it out and turned it off. He said He went where he came from I realized that boy was over me. I learned a lesson from this. The third one was a drunk. I said, Don't drink, don't drink, look you're disgracing yourself, you drink and fall Forget it, a bucket of water cleans me, but you saw flaws, you judged me. Nothing can clean you up I've learned my lesson from this So, as Mevlana Jalaleddin Rumi said, If you have any advice, you will learn even from an ant, if you don't have any advice, the whole world is against you
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
''Erenlerden biri, mrmce 3 eyden ders aldm diyor Biri bir kadnd. Karma geldi, sa ba darmadan, sevdii adam onu terk etmi, bana onu bul diye yalvaryor. Hanm, nce kendine gel, edebe gel, san ban topla, kyafetini dzelt, yle gel deyince, ben bir adamn akyla bu haldeyim, sana Allah sevgilisi diyorlar. Nasl sam, bam grdn? Bundan ders aldm. Freebie Link kincisi bir ocuktu. Bir mum yakt...m, nereden geldi bu k? dedim. fleyip sndrd. Nereden geldiyse, oraya gitti dedi. Anladm ki, o ocuk benden stnd. Bundan ders aldm. ncs bir sarhotu. Yapma, ime, bak kendini rezil ediyorsun, iip yerlere dyorsun dedim. Bover, beni bir kova su temizler ama sen kusur grdn, beni yargladn. Seni hi bir ey temizleyemez Bundan da dersimi aldm Yani Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi'nin dedii gibi nasibinde varsa alrsn karncadan bile ders, nasibinde yoksa btn dnya nne serilse sana ters One of the Erens says he has learned a lesson from 3 things in his lifetime One was a woman. He came across, his hair is ruined, his beloved man left him, begging me to find him. Lady, first come to your self, come to the fair, pack your hair, fix your clothes, come like that I'm in this situation with a man's love, they call you God's lover. How did you see my hair, my head?" I learned a lesson from this. Freebie Link The second one was a child. I lighted a candle and said where did this light come from?" He blowed it out and turned it off. He said He went where he came from I realized that boy was over me. I learned a lesson from this. The third one was a drunk. I said, Don't drink, don't drink, look you're disgracing yourself, you drink and fall Forget it, a bucket of water cleans me, but you saw flaws, you judged me. Nothing can clean you up I've learned my lesson from this So, as Mevlana Jalaleddin Rumi said, If you have any advice, you will learn even from an ant, if you don't have any advice, the whole world is against you
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
P DLL SORU Hangi araba ya da arabalar doru ekilde park etmitir Yantnz ve ID numaranz yazn-paylan-dl ip KAZANIN Not Facebook sayfanzda bu aktiviteyi paylarsanz dle sahip olabilirsiniz BEEN-PAYLA-KAZAN... ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Oyun Linkimiz; Freebie Link Dnyann En Mkemmel Oyununda Elenceye,Adrenaline DEVAM CHIP AWARD WINNING QUESTION!! Which cars or cars parked properly!? Drop your response and ID number-share-win prize Chip!! Note If you share this activity on your Facebook page, you can get a prize!! LIKE-SHARE-WIN!! ... Have plenty of luck Game Link; Freebie Link Continue to have fun and adrenaline in the World's Most Perfect Game !!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
P DLL SORU Hangi araba ya da arabalar doru ekilde park etmitir Yantnz ve ID numaranz yazn-paylan-dl ip KAZANIN Not Facebook sayfanzda bu aktiviteyi paylarsanz dle sahip olabilirsiniz BEEN-PAYLA-KAZAN... ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Oyun Linkimiz; Freebie Link Dnyann En Mkemmel Oyununda Elenceye,Adrenaline DEVAM CHIP AWARD WINNING QUESTION!! Which cars or cars parked properly!? Drop your response and ID number-share-win prize Chip!! Note If you share this activity on your Facebook page, you can get a prize!! LIKE-SHARE-WIN!! ... Have plenty of luck Game Link; Freebie Link Continue to have fun and adrenaline in the World's Most Perfect Game !!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
P DLL SORU Hangi araba ya da arabalar doru ekilde park etmitir Yantnz ve ID numaranz yazn-paylan-dl ip KAZANIN Not Facebook sayfanzda bu aktiviteyi paylarsanz dle sahip olabilirsiniz BEEN-PAYLA-KAZAN... ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Oyun Linkimiz; Freebie Link Dnyann En Mkemmel Oyununda Elenceye,Adrenaline DEVAM CHIP AWARD WINNING QUESTION!! Which cars or cars parked properly!? Drop your response and ID number-share-win prize Chip!! Note If you share this activity on your Facebook page, you can get a prize!! LIKE-SHARE-WIN!! ... Have plenty of luck Game Link; Freebie Link Continue to have fun and adrenaline in the World's Most Perfect Game !!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
P DLL SORU Hangi araba ya da arabalar doru ekilde park etmitir Yantnz ve ID numaranz yazn-paylan-dl ip KAZANIN Not Facebook sayfanzda bu aktiviteyi paylarsanz dle sahip olabilirsiniz BEEN-PAYLA-KAZAN... ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Oyun Linkimiz; Freebie Link Dnyann En Mkemmel Oyununda Elenceye,Adrenaline DEVAM CHIP AWARD WINNING QUESTION!! Which cars or cars parked properly!? Drop your response and ID number-share-win prize Chip!! Note If you share this activity on your Facebook page, you can get a prize!! LIKE-SHARE-WIN!! ... Have plenty of luck Game Link; Freebie Link Continue to have fun and adrenaline in the World's Most Perfect Game !!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
P DLL SORU Hangi araba ya da arabalar doru ekilde park etmitir Yantnz ve ID numaranz yazn-paylan-dl ip KAZANIN Not Facebook sayfanzda bu aktiviteyi paylarsanz dle sahip olabilirsiniz BEEN-PAYLA-KAZAN... ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Oyun Linkimiz; Freebie Link Dnyann En Mkemmel Oyununda Elenceye,Adrenaline DEVAM CHIP AWARD WINNING QUESTION!! Which cars or cars parked properly!? Drop your response and ID number-share-win prize Chip!! Note If you share this activity on your Facebook page, you can get a prize!! LIKE-SHARE-WIN!! ... Have plenty of luck Game Link; Freebie Link Continue to have fun and adrenaline in the World's Most Perfect Game !!
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Helal olsun size Freebie Link Well done Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
ok gzeller Freebie Link They are so beautiful Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Yok byle ev boyama Freebie Link There is no such house painting Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Hamileler gzele baknca ocuklar gzel olurmu,sizde bu gzellie bakn ki gnnz gzel gesin Freebie Link Pregnant people have beautiful children when they look at the beauty, look at this beauty so that you have a good day Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Freebie Link Have plenty of luck Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Covid-19'u NE ZAMAN YENERZ Nasreddin Hoca bir gn tarlasnda alrken oradan geen bir gen kendisine yle seslenmi Kolay gelsin baba! Falan kye ne kadar zamanda gidebilirim? Freebie Link Hoca, hi oral olmam, sanki soruyu duymam gibi iine devam etmi.... Gen adam ayn soruyu daha yksek sesle bir daha sormu. Hoca yine oral olmaynca adam iinden "sar mdr nedir bu adam?" diye dnerek bir daha var gcyle seslenmi Heeey hemerim! Sana sylyorum duymuyor musun! u kye ne kadar zamanda varabilirim diye soruyorum, bir cevap versene!... Hoca yine cevap vermeyince adam "bu adam ya sar, ya bunak, ya da baka bir derdi var" diye dnerek Hoca'dan mdini kesmi ve yrmye balam. Biraz yrdkten sonra arkasndan Hoca'nn yle seslendiini iitmi Oraya tam iki saatte varrsn. kere sorduu halde sorusuna cevap alamad iin can zten skkn olan adam iyice sinirlenmi ve demi ki Yhu sen ne biim adamsn, mdem biliyordun, unu batan syleseydin ya! Hoca'nn cevb pek mridne olmu Evldm! Ben kyn hangi mesfede olduunu gyet iyi biliyorum ama senin yryn grmeden, ne kadar zamanda oraya varabileceini nasl syleyebilirdim ki?... "" Evet corona ile verdiimiz mcadelede kazanma zamann bizim atacamz admlar belirleyecek. Kurallara ne kadar uyarsak , kendimizi ne kadar dinler, ne kadar motive edersek... WHEN WE BEAT COVID-19!? Nasreddin Hoca one day while working in his field, a young man passing through called himself Good luck, dad! How long can I go to the village or something? Freebie Link The teacher continued his work as if he never had heard the question.... The young man asked the same question again louder. When the teacher wasn't from there again, he thought, is he deaf or what?" he once again shouted with his power Hey my fellow man! I'm telling you don't you hear! I'm asking how long can I get to this village, answer me!... When the teacher didn't answer again, the man thought that this man is either deaf, old man or any other problem he gave up his hopes and started walking. After a little walk, he heard the Hoca call behind him Get there in two hours." The man who was bored because he couldn't get an answer to his question even though he asked three times, was very angry and said What kind of a man are you, you knew it, you should have said it from the beginning! The teacher's answer is very interesting My son! I know exactly what shift the village is at, but how could I tell you how long you can get there without seeing your walk?... "" Yes, in fight against corona, the steps we will take will determine the time to win. The more we obey the rules, the more we listen to ourselves, the more we motivate...
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Covid-19'u NE ZAMAN YENERZ Nasreddin Hoca bir gn tarlasnda alrken oradan geen bir gen kendisine yle seslenmi Kolay gelsin baba! Falan kye ne kadar zamanda gidebilirim? Freebie Link Hoca, hi oral olmam, sanki soruyu duymam gibi iine devam etmi.... Gen adam ayn soruyu daha yksek sesle bir daha sormu. Hoca yine oral olmaynca adam iinden "sar mdr nedir bu adam?" diye dnerek bir daha var gcyle seslenmi Heeey hemerim! Sana sylyorum duymuyor musun! u kye ne kadar zamanda varabilirim diye soruyorum, bir cevap versene!... Hoca yine cevap vermeyince adam "bu adam ya sar, ya bunak, ya da baka bir derdi var" diye dnerek Hoca'dan mdini kesmi ve yrmye balam. Biraz yrdkten sonra arkasndan Hoca'nn yle seslendiini iitmi Oraya tam iki saatte varrsn. kere sorduu halde sorusuna cevap alamad iin can zten skkn olan adam iyice sinirlenmi ve demi ki Yhu sen ne biim adamsn, mdem biliyordun, unu batan syleseydin ya! Hoca'nn cevb pek mridne olmu Evldm! Ben kyn hangi mesfede olduunu gyet iyi biliyorum ama senin yryn grmeden, ne kadar zamanda oraya varabileceini nasl syleyebilirdim ki?... "" Evet corona ile verdiimiz mcadelede kazanma zamann bizim atacamz admlar belirleyecek. Kurallara ne kadar uyarsak , kendimizi ne kadar dinler, ne kadar motive edersek... WHEN WE BEAT COVID-19!? Nasreddin Hoca one day while working in his field, a young man passing through called himself Good luck, dad! How long can I go to the village or something? Freebie Link The teacher continued his work as if he never had heard the question.... The young man asked the same question again louder. When the teacher wasn't from there again, he thought, is he deaf or what?" he once again shouted with his power Hey my fellow man! I'm telling you don't you hear! I'm asking how long can I get to this village, answer me!... When the teacher didn't answer again, the man thought that this man is either deaf, old man or any other problem he gave up his hopes and started walking. After a little walk, he heard the Hoca call behind him Get there in two hours." The man who was bored because he couldn't get an answer to his question even though he asked three times, was very angry and said What kind of a man are you, you knew it, you should have said it from the beginning! The teacher's answer is very interesting My son! I know exactly what shift the village is at, but how could I tell you how long you can get there without seeing your walk?... "" Yes, in fight against corona, the steps we will take will determine the time to win. The more we obey the rules, the more we listen to ourselves, the more we motivate...
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Muhteem bir sre Freebie Link An amazing process Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Ne gzel bir meslei var Freebie Link What a great profession he has Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
lkemizden bir gzellik,neresi olduunu biken var m Freebie Link A beauty from country, is there anyone who knows where it is Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
hah yle Freebie Link Lol say it Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Kola tr iecek ierken bir daha dnn Freebie Link Think again while drinking coke type drinks Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
''Benimle Adapazarna gelir misin?' Kediyi o kadar ok sevmi ki Adapazarna aryorSaf ve gerek bir sevgi rnei Freebie Link Will you come to Adapazar with me He loved the cat so much that he calls to Adapazar A pure and true example of love Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Eski Fotoraflar Tekrar Canlandrmak - Sonuna kadar izleyin Freebie Link Restock Old Photos - Watch till the End... Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
ranl sanat Ali Akbar Beigi'nin bakldnda kendine hayran brakan, gerekten ayrmas zor muhteem eseri... ranl sanat Ali Akbar Beigi'nin bakldnda kendine hayran brakan, gerekten ayrmas zor muhteem eseri... Freebie Link Iranian artist Ali Akbar Beigi's amazing work that admires himself and really doesn't separate... Iranian artist Ali Akbar Beigi's amazing work that admires himself and truly distinguishes himself from the view... Freebie Link Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
''nemli olan yaamak deildir, baarmak hi deildir. nemli olan insan kalmay bilmektir..'' Freebie Link It's not about living that matters, it's not about achieving. The important thing is to know how to stay human.. Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Freebie Link Have plenty of luck Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Nesli tkenmekte olan baba timsah 100 yavrusunu srtnda tarken grntlendi Freebie Link An extinct father was seen carrying his 100 babies on his back Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Kullanl yardmc ara gereler Freebie Link Useful helpful tools Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Sulu sulu Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
Bir baterisi olsa neler yapmaz ki.. Freebie Link What would he do if he had a drummer.. Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
''Adriyatik kysnda yer alan Karadan gneyindeki Dinoa adl bir kyde her yamur yadnda esiz bir doa olay yaanmakta. ayrdaki bir dut aac, bir fskiye gibi etrafna su sayor. AmusingPlanette yer alan habere gre, yamurlar yeralt sularn artryor ve oluan ilave basn sayesinde sular aa gvdesindeki atlaklar boyunca yukarya kp aacn ortasndaki oyuktan fkryor. ayrdaki bulunan dier deliklerden sular fkryor. Bu sayede tm alan kk bir dere gibi akyor. '' Freebie Link Every time it rains in a village named Dinoa, south of Montenegro, located on the Adriatic coast, a unique nature event happens. A berry tree in the meadow, like a sprinkle water around it. According to AmusingPlanet, rain rains increase underground waters and due to additional pressure, waters go up and flow from the middle tree hole through the cracks in the tree body. Water sprinkles from other holes found in the meadow. So the whole area flows like a small creek. '' Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 5 months ago
''nsanlarn rnek almas gereken dostluk,sevgi..'' Freebie Link Friendship, love that people should take as an example.. '' Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Azmeden insann baaramyaca bir i yoktur Freebie Link There is nothing a person can't do without being less Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Adamlar yerden tasarruf iin neler yapmlar Freebie Link What have people done to save the ground Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
''Birebir trn minyatrn yapmlar'' Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hay Maallah knal kuzulara Freebie Link Oh my God, the henna sheep Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
''Engellilerin sabrna ve azmine hayran olmamak elde deildir.Asl Engelliler Onlar Grmeyenlerdir ve hibir engel Allaha kul olmaya engel deildir..'' Freebie Link It is impossible not to admire the patience and determination of disabled people. The real disabled people are those who don't see them, and no obstacle prevents them from being slaves of Allah.. '' Freebie Link
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hogeldin Eyll Aktivitesi BYK DL 1B P Sonbaharn gelii erefine,dokucuncu ay etkinliimiz KAZANDIRIYOR Eyll ay yln dokuzuncu ay olduu iin,oyun ID numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlara dl yamuruByk dl 999.999.999 Milyon ip Oyun ID Numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlar ID numaranz eksiksiz olarak yazn;dlleri kapn dl tablosu;... ID Numarasnnda 1 tane 9 olanlar 99.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 2 tane 9 olanlar 199.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 3 tane 9 olanlar 999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 4 tane 9 olanlar 1.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 5 tane 9 olanlar 2.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 6 tane 9 olanlar 9.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 7 tane 9 olanlar 999.999.999 ip dl Aktivite biti tarihi 14 Eyll 2020,15.Eyll'den sonra dller datlacaktr. ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Welcome September Activity Grand Prize 1 B Jeep!! In honor of autumn's arrival, dozen month event WINS!! As September is the ninth month of the year, the reward rain for those who have numbers 9 in the game ID number!! Big Prize 999.999.999 million chip!! Who has 9 numbers in the game ID number, write your ID number in full; get prizes!! The award painting;... 1 in ID number 9 99.999 jeep prize 2 in ID number 9 199.999 jeep prize 3 in ID number 9 999.999 jeep prize 4 in ID number 9 1.999.999 jeep prize 5 in ID number 9 2.999.999 jeep prize 6 in ID number 9 9.999.999 jeep prize 7 in ID number 9 999.999.999 jeep prize Activity end date after September 14, 2020,15., prizes will be distributed. Have plenty of luck
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hogeldin Eyll Aktivitesi BYK DL 1B P Sonbaharn gelii erefine,dokucuncu ay etkinliimiz KAZANDIRIYOR Eyll ay yln dokuzuncu ay olduu iin,oyun ID numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlara dl yamuruByk dl 999.999.999 Milyon ip Oyun ID Numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlar ID numaranz eksiksiz olarak yazn;dlleri kapn dl tablosu;... ID Numarasnnda 1 tane 9 olanlar 99.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 2 tane 9 olanlar 199.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 3 tane 9 olanlar 999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 4 tane 9 olanlar 1.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 5 tane 9 olanlar 2.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 6 tane 9 olanlar 9.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 7 tane 9 olanlar 999.999.999 ip dl Aktivite biti tarihi 17 Eyll 2020,18.Eyll'de,dller datlacaktr. ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Welcome September Activity Grand Prize 1 B Jeep!! In honor of autumn's arrival, dozen month event WINS!! As September is the ninth month of the year, the reward rain for those who have numbers 9 in the game ID number!! Big Prize 999.999.999 million chip!! Who has 9 numbers in the game ID number, write your ID number in full; get prizes!! The award painting;... 1 in ID number 9 99.999 jeep prize 2 in ID number 9 199.999 jeep prize 3 in ID number 9 999.999 jeep prize 4 in ID number 9 1.999.999 jeep prize 5 in ID number 9 2.999.999 jeep prize 6 in ID number 9 9.999.999 jeep prize 7 in ID number 9 999.999.999 jeep prize Activity expiration date On September 17, 2020,18., prizes will be distributed. Have plenty of luck
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hogeldin Eyll Aktivitesi BYK DL 1B P Sonbaharn gelii erefine,dokucuncu ay etkinliimiz KAZANDIRIYOR Eyll ay yln dokuzuncu ay olduu iin,oyun ID numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlara dl yamuruByk dl 999.999.999 Milyon ip Oyun ID Numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlar ID numaranz eksiksiz olarak yazn;dlleri kapn dl tablosu;... ID Numarasnnda 1 tane 9 olanlar 99.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 2 tane 9 olanlar 199.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 3 tane 9 olanlar 999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 4 tane 9 olanlar 1.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 5 tane 9 olanlar 2.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 6 tane 9 olanlar 9.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 7 tane 9 olanlar 999.999.999 ip dl Aktivite biti tarihi 14 Eyll 2020,15.Eyll'den sonra dller datlacaktr. ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Welcome September Activity Grand Prize 1 B Jeep!! In honor of autumn's arrival, dozen month event WINS!! As September is the ninth month of the year, the reward rain for those who have numbers 9 in the game ID number!! Big Prize 999.999.999 million chip!! Who has 9 numbers in the game ID number, write your ID number in full; get prizes!! The award painting;... 1 in ID number 9 99.999 jeep prize 2 in ID number 9 199.999 jeep prize 3 in ID number 9 999.999 jeep prize 4 in ID number 9 1.999.999 jeep prize 5 in ID number 9 2.999.999 jeep prize 6 in ID number 9 9.999.999 jeep prize 7 in ID number 9 999.999.999 jeep prize Activity end date after September 14, 2020,15., prizes will be distributed. Have plenty of luck
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hogeldin Eyll Aktivitesi BYK DL 1B P Sonbaharn gelii erefine,dokucuncu ay etkinliimiz KAZANDIRIYOR Eyll ay yln dokuzuncu ay olduu iin,oyun ID numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlara dl yamuruByk dl 999.999.999 Milyon ip Oyun ID Numarasnn ierisinde 9 rakam olanlar ID numaranz eksiksiz olarak yazn;dlleri kapn dl tablosu;... ID Numarasnnda 1 tane 9 olanlar 99.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 2 tane 9 olanlar 199.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 3 tane 9 olanlar 999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 4 tane 9 olanlar 1.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 5 tane 9 olanlar 2.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 6 tane 9 olanlar 9.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 7 tane 9 olanlar 99.999.999 ip dl ID Numarasnnda 8 tane 9 olanlar 999.999.999 ip dl Aktivite biti tarihi 14 Eyll 2020 ANSINIZ BOL OLSUN Welcome September Activity Grand Prize 1 B Jeep!! In honor of autumn's arrival, dozen month event WINS!! As September is the ninth month of the year, the reward rain for those who have numbers 9 in the game ID number!! Big Prize 999.999.999 million chip!! Who has 9 numbers in the game ID number, write your ID number in full; get prizes!! The award painting;... 1 in ID number 9 99.999 jeep prize 2 in ID number 9 199.999 jeep prize 3 in ID number 9 999.999 jeep prize 4 in ID number 9 1.999.999 jeep prize 5 in ID number 9 2.999.999 jeep prize 6 in ID number 9 9.999.999 jeep prize 7 in ID number 9 99.999.999 jeep prize 8 in ID number 9 999.999.999 jeep prize Activity expiration date September 14, 2020 Have plenty of luck
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