''Erenlerden biri, mrmce 3 eyden ders aldm diyor Biri bir kadnd. Karma geldi, sa ba darmadan, sevdii adam onu terk etmi, bana onu bul diye yalvaryor. Hanm, nce kendine gel, edebe gel, san ban topla, kyafetini dzelt, yle gel deyince, ben bir adamn akyla bu haldeyim, sana Allah sevgilisi diyorlar. Nasl sam, bam grdn? Bundan ders aldm.
Link kincisi bir ocuktu. Bir mum yakt...m, nereden geldi bu k? dedim. fleyip sndrd. Nereden geldiyse, oraya gitti dedi. Anladm ki, o ocuk benden stnd. Bundan ders aldm. ncs bir sarhotu. Yapma, ime, bak kendini rezil ediyorsun, iip yerlere dyorsun dedim. Bover, beni bir kova su temizler ama sen kusur grdn, beni yargladn. Seni hi bir ey temizleyemez Bundan da dersimi aldm Yani Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi'nin dedii gibi nasibinde varsa alrsn karncadan bile ders, nasibinde yoksa btn dnya nne serilse sana ters One of the Erens says he has learned a lesson from 3 things in his lifetime One was a woman. He came across, his hair is ruined, his beloved man left him, begging me to find him. Lady, first come to your self, come to the fair, pack your hair, fix your clothes, come like that I'm in this situation with a man's love, they call you God's lover. How did you see my hair, my head?" I learned a lesson from this.
Link The second one was a child. I lighted a candle and said where did this light come from?" He blowed it out and turned it off. He said He went where he came from I realized that boy was over me. I learned a lesson from this. The third one was a drunk. I said, Don't drink, don't drink, look you're disgracing yourself, you drink and fall Forget it, a bucket of water cleans me, but you saw flaws, you judged me. Nothing can clean you up I've learned my lesson from this So, as Mevlana Jalaleddin Rumi said, If you have any advice, you will learn even from an ant, if you don't have any advice, the whole world is against you